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SOUTHOLD : STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of CASBOR, INC., for the Laying Out of New Highways in Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as: CONSENT SALTAIRE WAY and WAVECREST LANE WE, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of said Town Board, at the office of the Supervisor at Greenport, in said Town, on the ~/ day of ~/~//~T , and having duly ~ASBof INC. dated the~day of considered the application OR, ~~ J~$~ for the laying out of new highways at Mattituck, in said Town, and to be known as Saltaire Way and Wavecrest Lane, and a recharge basin for drainage purposes, do hereby consent that such laying o~t~)be made in accordance // ~ with said petition..~~~ Supervisor ~' ~perintendent of High~ys J~st~ice o~ the Peac TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : STATE 0F NE~ YORK In the Matter of the Application of ORDER LAYING OUT A CASBOR, INC., for the Laying Out of New Highways in Mattituck, Town of HIGHWAY WITH THE CONSENT OF THE Southold, Suffolk County, New York, TOWN BOARD to be known as: SALTAIRE WAY and WAVECREST LANE WRITTEN application having been duly made to me, the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of Town Highways in the said Town of Southold, by CASBOR, INC., liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and a dedication and release from damage having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owner of the lands through which the proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, together with a recharge basin for drainage purposes, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothin having been paid to any claimant for such damages; NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETERMINE AND ORDER that town highways and a recharge basin same are hereby laid out at Mattituck in said shall be and the Town as follows: 1. The highways as shown on "Map are known as SALTAIRE WAY and WAVECRiEST I~_NE, of Subdivision of 'Saltaire Estates', Mattituck. Town of Southold, Suff. Co., N. Y." (by Alden W. Young, Pro- fessional Engineer and Land Surveyor, N.y.S. Lic. No. 12845, Riverhead, N. Y.), filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on August 3, 1966 as File No. 4682. 2. The recharge basin as shown as such on said map, situated between Lots 31 and 32. Dated~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STA~E O~ NElg YOP~K ~X In the Matter of the Application of CASBOR, INC., for the Laying bat of New Highways in Mattituck~ Town of APPLICATION Southold, Suffolk County~ New York~ to be known as: SALTAIRE ~AY and WA~CREST To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned petitioner~ CASBOR~ ~NC.~ a domestic corporation with office and principal place of business at Homestead Road~ Coram~ Town of Brookhaven~ Suffolk County, New York~ liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold~ hereby applies to the Town Superintendent of Highways to !ay out new highways and a recharge basin at Mattituck~ in the Town of Southold~ Co~uty of Suffolk and State of New York~ as follows: 1. The highways are kno~ as SALTAIRE WAY and WAVECREST LANE~ as shovm on "Map of S~odivision of 'Saltaire Estates~? Mattituck To~n of Southold~ Suff~ Co~ No Y.~ (by Alden W~ Yo~ng~ Pro- fessional F~agineer and Land Surveyor~ N.Y.S. Lic. No~ 128~5~ Riverhead~ No Y~)~ filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk Co~nty on August 5~ 1966 as File No~ ~682~ 2~ The recharge basin as shown as such on said map~ situated between Lots 31 and 52. A map of said proposed highways and recharge basin has been made by Alden W. ¥oung~ Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor~ N~Y.S. Lic~ No~ 12845~ Riverhead~ N. ¥o, and is annexed hereto and made a part of this application for a release and dedication to the Towm of Southold by the petitioner herein~ over whose property said highways and recharge basin are to run. CASBOR ~ INC. By: Frankly~ j{}~ r J~~ STATE OF IYEW YOP~: COUNTY OF SUFFOI~K. SS On the 29th day of December~ 1966~ before me personall came FRANKLTN J. BOP~N~ To me known~ who~ being by me duly sworn~ did depose and say that he resides az Maple Lane~ Mattituck~ Suffolk County~ New York~ that he is the Treasurer of CASBOR~ INC.~ the corooration described in and which executad the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corpora- tion; that the seal affixed to said instrumenv is such corporate seal~ of said order~ that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors corporation~ and that he signed his name thereto by~ like ~o TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ¢,% DEDICATION OF ROADS WILLIAm[ WICKHAM TO~N OF SOUTHOLD : STATE OF I~EW YORK In the Matter of the Application of CASBOR, INC., for the Laying Out of DEDICATION AND New Highways in Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, RELEASE to be known as: SALTAIRE WAY and WAVECREST LANE CASBOR, INC., a domestic corporation with office and principal place of business at Homestead Road, Coram, Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York, being the owner of certain land at Mattitmck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York and included within which land are proposed highways known as SALTAIRE WAY and WAVECREST LANE and a recharge basin for drainage purposes described in the application in the above entitled matter dated December 29 , 1966; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to it in hand paid by Raymond C. Dean, Superintendent of Highways of said Southold Town, and in further consideration of laying out new highways known as SALTAIRE WAY and WAVECREST LANE and a recharge basin for drainage purposes, does hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold all of the land heretofore owned by it included within said proposed highways and recharge basin, as follows: 1. The highways are known as SALTAIREWAY and WAVECREST LANE, as shown on "Map of Subdivision of 'Saltaire Estates', Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suff. Co., N. Y." (by Alden W. Young, Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor, N.Y.S. Lic. No. 12845, Riverhead, N. Y.), filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on August 3, 1966 as File No. 4682. 2. The recharge basin as shown as such on said map, situated between Lots 31 and 32. And CASBOR, INC. does release the said Town of Southold from.all damages by reason of the laying out of said highways an~: ~echarge basin. ,. - CASBOR, INC. . ,.:2~.~"~-~'~'-~"' ' ~r~klyn ~. ~rn~ Treasurer STATE OF N~ YO~: · SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On the 29th day of December, 1966, before me personall c~e F~ J. BO~, to me ~o~, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Maple Lane, Mattituck, Suffolk Co~ty, New York; that he is the Treasurer of CASBOR, INC., the corporation described in ~d which executed the foregoing instr~ent; that he ~ows the seal of said co~ora- tion; that the seal affixed to said instr~ent is such co,orate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said co~oration, and that he si~ed his name thereto by like order. Notary Public NOTARY I'E~iLIC. STATE 0F SEW N~. 52~42:,9000 QuaJJfieA ir. S~folk R CORDEO MAY 19 R"M~.N F.. KLIPP CASBOR, INC · to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEDICATION AND RET,~aSE tO: ~ond York ,~flCKHAM ~NG ISLAND 119~$2 CONSULT yOU~ LAWYER BE~OIIE SIGNING THIS IflSTIUMINT--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY, ~ ~D~'q'I~JR~nmde Se 2cJth ~yof Deceaber ,mneteenhundr~ ~dSlJt'~y-six ~'t~J~ OAI~BOR, I~C., & domestic corporation with office and' principal place of business at Homestead Road, Cora~, To~m of ~roolrtmven, Suffolk Cou~2~ ~ew York, partyofthefirstpan, and TO~ OF SOUTHOLD, a mmaicipal corporation with office at South Street, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, party of the second part, WlT~I'I-I, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Olle alld 00/'100 .................................................. ($1.00) ~nar~, lawful money of the Lmnited States, and other good a.nd valunble consideratio~paid hy the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ~ose ~ l~ certain plol~ piece~r parcellof land, ,-~=-.~ ~";;';;~'r--~": l'~...._.~__.:_ ;g ......... : situate, lying and t~ing~ll~ at Hattituck, in the To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, ~ew York as follows: 1. The. highways kno~m as 'Saltaire Way" and 'Wavecrest L~ne,' as shown on 'l%p of Subdivision of 'Sal~aire Estates', Hattituck, To~m of Southold, S~ff. 0o., N. Y." (by Alden W. Young, Profeoaional Engineer and Land Surreyor, I~.Y.S. Lic. No. 128~5, Riverhead, I~.Y.), :iled in the Office of the Clerk of 8~ffolk County on August ~, ts File io. ~82. 2. The recharge basi~ as sho~n as smch on said map, situated between Lots 51 and before 1o me Imown aa be the individual described in and who eiCutsd~or~'~nstrument, and acknowledged that r~ ~ ~ ~, w~, ~ by ~ ~ i, t~ ~reas~er ~ Oaabor, ~c., , ~ ~ de~ ~ md w~ ~ut~ the [~i~ instr~ent; ~t ~ws ~ ~ of ~d co~tfon; t~t the ~ aff~ ~ ~ o~r of the ~rd of dir~ of ~d ~- ~, ~d ~ he si~ed h[a~ ?~to by ~ ord.. / Nota~ PuBi~ Term ~p~'e. ,ll~e~ ~0,, J~67 No, TOWJ OF SOUTHOLD On the day of personally came 19 to me known to be the individual described in ~ who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowled~ that executed the ~ STATI Ms IMW yOM[, O01HIT'V Mt sm On the day of 19 , be~se me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did dep~le and say that he resides at No. ; that ~e is the of , the corporation d~erlbed in and which executed the foregoing instrument; th~ he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal iffixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it ~ so affixed by order of the board of directors oi said cssspora- tion, and ~ he signed h rmm~ thereto by like ~'der. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNI'i OR 1OWN Southold Recorded At Request o[ The Title Guarantee Coa~p~fly RETURN BY MAIL TO' TITLE GUARAdYTEE COMPANY Zcp No. CASBOR, INC. to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEDICATION AND R~.T,~,ASE ,,~rn to: .~ond ;ld York ViCKHAM ~)NG ISLAND Title No. 07-34221 CERTIFICATE FOR DEDICATION OF STREETS GUARANTEED TITLE DIVISION, American Title Insurance Company, hereby certifies to the County of Suffolk and/or the Town of Southold that it has searched the title to the premises herein described, and finds the title thereto is vested in and can be conveyed by: CASBOR, INC. Subject to such mortgages as appear in the annexed schedules, all of which are part of this Certificate. This Certificate is made and accepted with the understanding that the Company's liability hereunder is limited to such interests in fee or easement as may be acquired by the Town of Southold and/or the County of Suffolk or its subdivisions for street purposes and for any unpaid taxes and assessments during the period covered above, and in no event is the liability to exceed the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars. GUARANTEED TITLE DIVISION .j-~ ~. CharlesZ F.'~Loos Vice-Pres ident Dated: November 1, 1966. DESCRIPTION AT.T. those certain streets, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as "Saltaire Way" and'~avecrest Lane" as shown on a certain map entitled, '%4ap of Subdivision of Saltaire Estates" filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 3, 1966 as Map No. 4682. MORTGAGE~ Casbor Inc. to The North Fork Bank and Trust Company Dated 8/30/66 Recorded 9/9/66 Liber 5023 mp 304 Amt. $30,000.00 Affects Saltaire Way and Wavecrest Lane. CASBOR, INC. to TOWN OF SOUTROLD DEDICATION. OF ROADS WILLIAM WiCK:HAM MATFITUGK, LONG ISLAND, .- NEON YORK 11952. WILLIAM WI P. KHAM Mr. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Southold, New York The accompanying papers pertain to this account: ............ Mortgage Bond ............ Mortgage ............ Building Loan Agreement ..~ ...... Deed Liber 6155, P. 12~ ............ Assignment ............ Extension Agreement ............ Our Bill or Receipt ............ Application ............ Letter of Authorization X Date June 14, 1967 Re: Dedication of Roads - Casbor, Inc. ............ Fire Insurance Pollcy ............ Title Insurance Policy ............ Abstract ............ Title Opinion ............ Survey ............ Tax Bill or Receipt ............ Closing Statement ............ Description of Premises ............ Satisfaction Dedication & Release Liber 6155, P. 18g WILLIAM WICKHAM 0 C John Divello R/'ghf of E. Jocobs John 242.97' I00.00' 26 iH.NO.2 IO0.05~ 6 5 29 30 SALTAIRE $/ ro6.oo' SO.00' SO.O0' N. t6° 59' SO"W. 25 ,24 2,5 7 8 9 SOUND VIEW AVENUE Cybulski SEi ~ 100.00' $5 WAY .57 SE 18 ',. 22 2/ -PO /9 /7 240.68' /6 /5 /0 /2 /$ /4 REEVE ROAD Cross section - Typicol 2 Cesspool System Typfcol Lot Loyout CESSPOOL SYSTEM PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER SUPPLY Typicol Well Detoil NO.I 9_O NO 2 NO. 3 TEST HOLES 256,69' Z9 252.95' 4O 4/ E Owner Su b(~ivider: CASBOR, INC. HOMESTEAD ROAD CORALI, N.Y. THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RIVERHEAD, N.Y. ~.~1~,~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED ARRANSEMENTS FOR IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WERE APPROVED ON THE DIRECTOR, DI',~ OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION KEY MAP SCALE : I' = 600' BY RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL DATED ~A~,~-~I BY ~ ~Lx.~-/<-~-~ -, CHAIRMAN MAP OF SUBDIVISION OF "SALTAIRE ESTATES " MATTITUCK TOWN OF SU FF. CO., SCALE: I" SOUTHOLD N.Y. : I00' '°? ........... T 9°