HomeMy WebLinkAboutRUTH ROADIn the Matter ~f the ~ying. out of a certain town highway in tha Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. UEDICATION AND ~.~A~E OF IAND~ TOWN HIG~AY ~tEAS application has been made to the Town Superintend- ent of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway at Mattituck, in said Town, to be an extension of an existing town blghway known as Ruth Road, and to be known as "Ruth Road", and to pass th_rough the lands of STANLEY SLEDZr~Eland HELEN SLEDZI~S3~,his wife, the undersigned, NOW, THEREFORE, the said STANLEY SLED~Iand HELEN SLEDZIF2[K~,residing at C~%a~ Reed (no stl no.),~ Mattituek, New York, owners ~of the lands to be included within the said highway, do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, TOwn cf Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: B~NNXN~ at a point en the westerly side of Luthers Road, 105.70 feet aoutherly from the poin~ of inter- section of the southerly line of map of "Captain Kidd Estates", subdivision and the westerly side of Luthers Road; running thence South 19c 489 West along the west- erly side of Luthers Road a distance of 102.~8 feet; thence along the arc of a circle bearing to the left having a radius of 18.50 feet, a distance of 34.54 feet: thence North 870 11~ West a distance of 983.7~--fe~t; ' thence South 7&o 09~ 40" West a ~%stance of 1~0.35 feet to the easterly line of subdivis~on Map of "Captain Kidd Estates;" thence North 10° 55~ 30" West along said last mentioned ~ap a distance of 50.06 feet; thence North ~6o 09~ 40- East a distance of 185.12 feet; thence South ~7o 119 East a distance of 1006.38 feet; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 33.78 feet a distance o£ 43.05 feet to the westerly side of Luthers Road and the point or place of beginning. -1- L E 5452 Said proposed Ruth Road being of e uniform width of 50 feet. And the undersigned do certify thst the consideration paid to them for this dedicstion and conveyance was the sum of One (Ul.oo} Dollars° IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto seals as of this /~ day of ~d affixed their hands October, 1963o .~t anle~'Sled zie~i o) Helen Sledzies$i STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUF?0LK ) On the /~dsy of October, 1963, before me personally came STANLEY SLEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZIESKI, to me known and known to me to be the individuals described in snd who executed the foregoing instrument, snd acknowledged to me that they executed the same° ~ ~Not-ary Publl6~ · IC~L6.RD )'.CRON ~q~o~PublJc in the State of N. Y. ~1~- Surfak C~ .. My ~ksion E~ires Mar. ~, RECORDED 15 I~ORNIAN E. 'KLIPP Clerk of Suffolk Coull'q of the Saying out of a certain town highway in the ~own,of ~Q~d, County of Suffolk and State of New York. CONSEN~ 0F TOWN 'BOARD TO PROPOSED ~0WN HIGHWAY Upon reading and filing the application of STANEEY SLEDZIESKI and P~ SLEDZIESKI, hie wife, dated and acknowledge the /~ day of October, 1963, am~ the dedication and release of mead STANLEY ~LEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZIESKI, his wife, dated the iS& day of October, 1963, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary land for s proposed ~own highway at Mattituck, to be an extension of an existing town highway known as Ruth Road, and to be known as "RUTH ROAD", and to pass through the lands of sai~ S~ANLEY SLEDZIESKI end HELEN ~LEDZIE~KI, his wife, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Luthers Road, 105.70 feet southerly from the point of inter- section of the southerly line of map of "Captain Kidd Estates", subdivision and the~westerly side of Luthers Road; running thence South 19O 48' West along~the west- erly side of Luthers Road a distance of 102.2~ feet; thence along the arc of a circle bearing to the left having a radius~of 18.50 feet, a distance of 34.54 feet; thence North 87~ 11' West a distance of 983.79 feet; thence South 76° 09' 40" West a distance of 180.35 feet to the easterly line of subdivision Map of "Captain Kidd Estates;" thence North 10° 55~ 30" West along said last mentioned map a distance of 50.06 feet; thence North 76° 09~ 40" East a distance of 185.12 feet; thence South ~?~ 11~ East a distance of 1006.38 feet; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 33.78 feet a distance of 43.05 feet to the westerly side of Luthers Road and the point or place of beginning. ~: Said proposed Ruth Road being of a uniform width of 50 feet, it is RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, -1- oonsent be, and the same hereby is, given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold make an order laying out the aforesaid town highway, the said town highway to consist of the lands above-described and described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map hereto annexed, all in accordance with the provisions of the section and law aforesaid, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be, and he hereby is, directed forthwith to cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, snd, upon its return, to attach it hereto. Dated: TOWN .B~Q~ARD OF THE TOWN OF sOUTHOLD COUNTY OFf. FOLK Justice of the p,~ace Jus t~he Peace Title Number S-123567 ~SCEIPTION OF PROPERTY $ CHEDDJ~E "A" ALL that certain plot~ piece or parcel of land, situate~ lying and being at Mattituck, Towm of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as folio~s: BEGI~INING at a point om the westerly side of Luthers Road, 105.70 feet southerly from the point of intersection of the southerly line of map of "Captain Kidd Estates", subdivision and the westerly side of Luthers Road; running thence South Road a distance of 102.28 thence along the arc of !8.50 feet, a distance line 19° 48' West along the westerly side of Luthers feet; af a circle bearing to the left having a radius of 34.54 feet; thence North 87~ 1i' ~est a distance of 983.79 feet~ thence South 76° 09' 40" West a distance of 180.35 feet to the easterly of subdivision Map of ~'Capt~n Kidd Estates;" thence North I0° 55~' 3~0" West along said last mentioned map a distance of 50.06 feet~ thence North 76~ 09' thence South 87~ 11' ~0" East a distance of 185.12 feet; East a distance of 1006.38 feet; thence along the arc ~ a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 33.78=eet~ a distance of ~3.05 feet to the westerly side of Luthers Road and the point or place of ~eginning. Town Vill, Sch. D. Ass ? d To Peemises TAX AE~ORT Southold Mattituck (not #9 inc. ) Stanley Mledzieski Title No. 123367 Date 7-11-61 Tax Map Capt. Kidd Sub, Luthemm Cox Year Return Total Tax Date Paid Size Ass~d Val. ~%960/6i Md Full $711.65 1-9-61 39.40 ac. 6500,/10100 P~ior paid, WATER RATES~ IF ANYj NOT~ INCLUDED Full amount of Town, CoUntry and Sehool Tax f?r the year becomes due and are a LIEN Dec. lst.~ payable up to and ~n¢luding Jan. 10th, without penalty. If thei!Town gives the privilege of two part paymen~ and if full amount is nos paid& Company will except second half Tax in policy, TITLE No ' $-123567 MORTGAGES I~,TURNED HEREON. Mortgagor~ Mortgagee, STA~LEY j. SLEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZiESKI: his wif( CHARLES B. KI.gINSCHMIDT & AN~A L. KLEINSC~DT, Amom~t, $ 15,000.00 Dated, 1/19/56 t~-, 1/23/56 L. 2589 mP' 13 S~ Bm Special Clause Due Interett % Paymble Clauses, Int. Days Tax Asst. Power of Sale, Insttrance, Warranty, IL~celv~rs, aud Special T~,~ For infomn-aiJon 19 Letter to pay off sent to OTiS G. PIKE, Mortgagor, RICHARD F o MARAN EDGAR C. SCt~NCK Mortgagee, UNITED STATES TRU~ CO GILBERT DARLINGTON~ as Trustee o: the Trust for the benefit of ~ROM~TON DARLINGTON uD{,the L.W.& o~. ELLA L. B. DARLIIqGTON~ dec 15,~00.00 n~ Dated, 4/ 25/ 56 .. . ~/gtl3OBk n. 263~~' 455 ~' ' Special Clause O~e 4/16/66 Interest 5 1st. pay. ~.Y % Payable 7/16/56 - 1/4 Ann. Clauses, Int. Days 15 Tax Asst. 30 Power of Sale, Insurgnce~ W~rr~nty, Rece~vers, and Special Tax. For 5a{ornmtion I9 Letter to pay off sent to Mortgage tax $75.00- PAID GILBERT DARLINGTON, Indiv., ELEANOR D.A~RLI~GTON FISHEL, GUARANTY TRUS' COMPANY OF NEW YORK, PETER DARLINGTON, HEN_RY DARLIN,~ON ~Jk., as Executors of the L.W~ & T%--~'~ t{ENRY DARLIN~ON~ ~D~ - ~ ASSIGNMENT: ........................ - - ASSIG~q~D BY: GUARAI~fi~f TRUST COMPBANY OF NEW YORK~ J. Holmes, Real Estate Trust Officer, PETER DARLINGTON, h~NRY DARLING- TON ~. as Exec. of the L~W~& T. of HENRY DARLINGTON~ lat of N~Y. Co.~ dec'd. ASSIGNED TO PETER DARLINGTON and HENRY DARLINGTON Dated 4/23/58~ rec~d 5/7/58, liber 3007 mp 580. Assigne Liber 2~37 mp .~55'~ithtDnd. (4/15 share) STANLEY SLEDJESKI HELEN SLEDJESK! -to- LONG ISLA~D LIGHTING COMPAk~f LIGHTING AGREFaWi~T , Dated:'4/12/60 Rec'd: 4/21/60 Libor 4798 cp 565 WHEREAS, the property owner herein was the owner in fee simple of certain private roads~ private rights of way and tracts of land and has the right to grant an easement for the purpose herein stated situate at Mattituck~ To~ of Southold~ Suffolk Coanty, New York NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT~TNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the premises and covenants herein contained, and the sum ef One 5ollam ~$1,00) by each party to the other in hand paid, the ~eceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the pa~ties hereto~ for themselves, their respective successors and assigns hereby agree as follows: FIRST: The Property Owner gran~s unt~ the Lighting Company its successors and assigns~ the easement and right of way to construct, reconstruct, rel0cate~ ~perate, repair maintain and at its pleasure remove single lines of p~les including so many poles and such cross arms, guys, stubs~ anchars, cables, wires~ fixtures and other apparatus on said p~les as said Lighting Company may now and from time to time~ deem necessary for the maintenance of electric single pole, distribution lines, and to construct, reconstruct~, relocate~ operate, repair, maintain and at its pleasure remove underground electric conduit systems, together with the necessary manholes, and accessories for the maintenance of underground electric systems~ in, on~ under~ over, through and along the following des~riBe~ ~trips of la~d and easements: BEGINNING at a point on the premises of the Property Owner herein situate at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N~ York, said point of beginning being located at a monument in the westerly side line of Luthers Road distant 182.98 feet southerly as measured along the westerly side of Luthers Road from the point of intersection there- of with the southerly boundary line of lands now or formerly of ~Captain Kidd Estates~, Subdivision, said point being further located at the intersection of the westerly side line of Luthers Road with the pro- longation of the southerly side line of a private road known as Ruth Road~ from said point of beginning running thence along the following courses and distances: 1o !$orth 87° ti~ West along the p~longation of and the southerly side line of Ruth Road 1,008o~9 feet to a point~ 2. South 76° 09" 40~ West and still along the southerly side line of Ruth Road for a distance of 180o35 feet to a point~ 3o in a northerly direction at right angles to the last mentioned course for a dzs~ance of 10o0 feet~ 4o In an easterly direction parallel with and 10~0 f~ northerly along courses 2 and 1 herein to a point in the westerly side line of Luther s Road~ 5o In a southerly direction along the westerly side line of Luthers Road i0o0 feet~ more or less to the point or place of beginning. As said easement is shoran upon a map and survey thereof attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a part thereof~ The grant of ease=merit herein is limited to so much of the above described easement area as is ov~ed by the Property 6W~mer herein. LIGHTING AGREEMENT (Cent inued ) SECOND: The Lighting Company~ its successors and assigns shall have the right to attach to the electric distribution lines erected or to be erected upon said right of way hereinabove described~ other wires for the purpose of giving electrical services to consumers upon property adjacent to said described right of way, THIRD: It. is mnderstcod and agreed that the Lighting Company shall have the right to trim fr~m time te time, any trees along the said lines, so that the lines and wires thereon may be cleared by at lease forty-eight inches on eighter side. FOURTH: It is understood and agreed that the Lighting Company shall have the right t~ attach to the trees on said right of way on said property, such guy~wires, and supports as the said Lighting Company may now and fr~m time to time deem necessary. FIFTH: The property owners hereby grant unto the Lighting CQmpany its successors and assigns the right t~ permit the attach- ment ~f the communications and telephone service wires and facili- ties of other public utility companies and to convey tc such other companies and interest in the rights granted under this agreement. SIXTH: The poles erebted by the Lighting Company, shall be of standard stock and not higher than the Lighting Company may now and from time to time deem necessary to properly operate and maintain its wires, cables, and fi×t~res, to provide space for telephone service wire attachments and t¢ comply with such municipal ordinances as may now and from time to time be enscted. The details of con- strmction shall be in accordance with such standard as may now and herea~Zer be provided for-b~h~ LightinS SEVENTH: The poles, corss-arms~ guys, anchors, cables, con- duits, manholes and other apparatus as from time to time be ccn- st>ucted and reconstructed, and maintained by the Lighting Company shall at all times be and remain the property and subject to the control of the Lighting Company~ O~ its successors and assigns° EIGHTH: The Property Owner, for itself, its ~uccessors and assigns will warrant and defend the grants and easements herein granted no the said Lighting Company~ its successors and assigns forever, agains~ all lawful claims and demands~ NINTH: This grant and easement shall at all times be deemed tc be, and shall be a continuing covenant running with the land, and-shall be binding upon and in favor of the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. ,~ S-123567-Stanley J.~ SledZieski & TITLE ~u ................... ~t~rr- Sledzieski~ his wife 1. Judgments, Encumbr~uces and other defects not above noted. Return, if any, on continuation of searches and tax search from date hereof to date of Closing of Title. The policy to be issued herein will not zuarantee the right to maintain any projections or extensions beyond or under the street Hnes, except those specifically mentioned herein. Title to land in any abuttln~ street or avenue is not insured unless expressly stated in this certi~cate. The comlmay does not g~uarantee the accuracy of Municipal or State Department Searches. Building restrictions and reg~tions contained in any resolution or ordinance (zoninz reso- lutions), if any, adopted by the Municipality in which the pren~ses described in Schedu]e "A" are situated and amendments thereto. Closing deed or mox~gage must comply w~th Section 13 of the Lien Law as amended. omit---$.--Proof required that aH parties to the proposed transaction are ci~zens of the Un,ted States and have resided therein continuously at least since April 8th, 1940. !0o 11. 12. Survey by Alden W. Young, P:E~& LOS., dated 5/17/56~ shows vacant land. Company will except any changes since date of said survey. Mort~ge recorded in Liber 2637 mp 455 as assigned by Liber 3007 mp 5580 and mortgage in Liber 2589 mp 13 to be released or discharged of record. Sub3ect to Lzghuzng Agreement nerezn. NOTE: 1960/61 Town: county and school tax bill must be producedat closing whether paid or not. Water rates if any, not included. R PORT Closed by - at office of Present: OF CLOSING Oil m Title No. The following are the only instruments delivered: DEED (Designate kind) Dated: By: To: Consideration.: $ Premises: (Take off verbatim) MORTGAGE Dated: By: (Designate kind) To: Amount: $ Due on: Payable as follows: $~ 19 , and $ Balance on 19 Interest at % from 19 Payable on 19 , and Privilege to prepay ? Premises: Subject to: on CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT Dated: By: Holders of not less than two-thirds of the outstanding voting stock of: Refers to the above mortgage. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE Dated: By: To: Consideration: $ Assigns mortgage, Libor Mp. DEED Dated: By: To: (Designate kind) Consideration: $ Premises: MORTGAGE Dated: By: (Designate kind) To: Amount: $ Due on: Payable as follows: $ 19 , and $ Balance on 19 Interest at % from 19 Payable on 19 , and Privilege to prepay? Premises: Subject to: on The identity of the persons executing the papers delivered on closing was established by the following evidence: No..S=lZ3567-T/O Southold Certificate of Title and Report for Closing 271 Atlantic Ave. Address...F..r.e..e~..o~ .t .~...N....Y. Diagram for reference only; see description within. ST. DESC%IPTION WITHIN ST. Section ...... T. ~ .n.. 9.~...~.o..u.~..h.o..1.d. ..... Block ...... q.o.u..n.~.y..9.~...~.u..~.~.o..]..k. .... Inter-County Title Cuaranty and Mortgage Company 170 '"' !CHO TURNPIKE, FLORAL PARK, N. Y. ~1 Park 4-8500 -- Fid&tone 7-2010 OFFICES O INTER-COUNTY TITLE GUARANTY AND MORTGAGE COMPANY PARK 7-4140 WORT~H 2-1445 . PIONEER 7-6254 MOHAW~ 1-2702 BOX 478~ RIVERHEAD, L, I., N. Y. THOMAS H. QUINIq PRESIDENT OFFICES: 111 BROADWAY NBW YORK 6, N. Y. BARCLAY 7-2700 371 EAST 149th STREET BRONX 55, N. Y. CYPRESS 2-5200 December 5. 1962 Re: Title No. S-123567 Town 0f Southold Richard J. Cron, Esq. 271 ~tlautic Avenue Free.t, New Tork Dear Sir: Exception number 9 has been omitted from our captioned report of title. Tours very truly, JJD:rl In the Matter of the .Laying out of a certain town .~ighway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. APPLICATION TO LAY OUT A T0~ HIGHWAY TO TI{E T0~ SUPERINTENDENT 0F HiGH~'~YS OF THE T0%~'I 0F SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF N~ YORK: The undersigned, inhabitants of said Town of Southotd, liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby apply to you to lay out a highway at Mattituck, in said to be an extension of an existing town highway kno~n as Ruth Road, and to be known as "RUTH ROAD", and to run as follows: BEGINNING st a point on the westerly side of Luthers Road, 105.70 feet southerly from the point of inter- section of the southerly line of map of "Captain Kidd Estates", subdivision and the westerly side of Luthers Road; running thence South 19° 48~ West along the west, erly side of Duthers Road a distance of 102.28 feet; thence along the arc of a circle bearing to the left having a radius of 18o50 feet, a distance of 5~.54 feet;l thence North 87°ll' West s distance of 983.79 feet; thence South 76° 09' 40" best a distance of 180.3~ feet to the easterly line of subdivision Map of "Captain Kidd Estates;" thence North 10° 55' 30" West along said last mentioned map a distance of ~0o06 feet; thence No~th 76° 09~ 40'' East a distance of 18~o12 thence South 87°ll' East a distance of 1006.38 feet; thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a redius of 33.78 feet a distance of 43.0~ feet to the westerly side of Luthers Road and the point or place of beginning° Said proposed Ruth Road being of a uniform width of ~0 feet, ~hich proposed highway will pass through the lands of STANLEY SLEDZIESXI and ~LEN SLEDZIESKI, his wifo, who consent to the laying out of said highwayj -1- Hereto snnexex and made a part hereof is a certain map showing the course of said proposed ~ ~'m~oaWayo Dated th. is /~ day of October, 1963. pplic ant (~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) C0~TY OF SUFFOLK ) On the /~7~ day of October, 1963, before me personally came STANLEY SLEDZIESK! and H~?~EN ~S.LEDZIE~KI, to me known an8 known to me to be the individuals described in sn~ ~o executed the foregoing instrument, and aaknowledged to me that they executed the same. ~o~ry ~ ublTc- RIC'IUd~ j. CRON Notary public ~n the State o~ N. ~0. ~-5~1~- Su{{olk County My ~omlsston E~ir~s Mar. ~, -2- ,-~ In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain to~m highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk State of New York. DEDICATION AND RELEASE Record and Return Albert Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold, Southold, New York RICHARD J. CRON ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD ,"t -rrt To CK In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain to~.m highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk end State of New York. Application having been duly made for the laying out of a town highway st Msttituck, in the To~n of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stete of New York, to be an extension of sn existing to~m highway known as Ruth Road, and to be known as "RUTH ROAD", the lands to be included within said highway i[/~ described in said application and hereinafter,]~"| being fully and a dedication and release from the owners of the lands from which the highway is proposed to be opened having been given, NOI{, ±z~i~ewar~, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Count~ of Suffolk and State of Uew York, do ~ '~ = ' ' ;~' ' n~r~by determine and order that a to:.~n n~,hway shall be, and the same is, laid out in said Term_ as follows: BEGI~IING at a point on the westerly side of Luthers Road, 105.70 feet southerly fror,~ the point of inter- section of the southerly line of map of "Captain Kidd Estates", subdivision and the westerly side of Luthers Road; running thence South 19° 48~ h'est along the west- erly side of Luthers Road a distance of 102.28 feet; thence along the arc of a circle bearin6 to the left having a radius of 18.~0 feet, a distance of 3~.~]~ feet; thence North 87° t1' ~est a distance of 983.79 feet; thence South 76° 09' gO" !.~est a distance of 150.3.~ feet to the easterly line of subdivision Map of "Captain t{idd Estates;" thence North 10° 55' 30" ':iest along said last mentioned r,,.ap a distance of ~0.06 feet; thence l~orth 76° 09~ l!_0" East s distance of 185o12 feet; thence South 87° 1!' rsa~t" ~ a distance of 1006.38 feet; thence along the nrc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 33.7~ feet a distance of 43.0~ feet to the westerly side of Luthers Road ~nd the point or place of beginning° -!- Said proposed Ruth Road being of a ~nifo~l ~idth of 50 feet~ SUPERINTENDENT OF I-~GHWAYS -2- Tide No. S-123567-Town of Southold INTER-COUNTY TITLE GUARANTY & MORTGAGE CO, ~iflm to the applicant whose name is endorsed upon this certificate, that the title to the premises described on the page hereto annexed has been examined and approved by it, and that a good and marketable title hereto in fee, clear of all en- cumbrances and defects, except as noted below, .is vested in it and can be conveyed by "SEE WITHIN" It is understood that this certificate is delivered and accepted upon the understanding that neither the applicant nor the party who is to be insured has any information or intimation of any defects, objections, liens or encumbrances affecting said premises except .those shown below; and the applicant agrees, by the acceptance of this certificate, that the Company is entitled to immediate payments of its fees, and that the Company's liability in any event under this certificate is limited to the issuance of a policy of title insurance in its usual form for the amount hereinafter stated, and this certificate shall be- come null and void upon the issuance of such policy. HOW DISPOSED OF LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER OBJECTI'ONS 1. Returns on Tax Search hereto annexed. '2. 'i%~0 Mortgages (See page following). -~- For survey reading see exception page. 4. Leases of Record and facts as to possession. NO leases of record. 5. -Re.ne .on -fm'ec~-8~. - 6. Restrictive Covenants, Conditions and Easements. (Seo separate schedule following). SEE WITHIN 7. Judgments, Encumbrances and other defects not above noted. (Contained on page following). NONE This Certificate consists of ........................ pages. Title read and approved. ~ When the title is properly closed in accordance with the instructions g~i pap~ersr~arOeddY~(y executed by the proper parties, and duly recorded, and notice hereof given to this ~~s Certificate returned to the Company with a complete report of the closing, as called for below, accompanied by the receipts and proofs required below, a policy of title insurance, in this Company's usual form excepting all estates, liens, encumbrances and defects shown above and not properly disposed of, will be issued for $ 2~000. in accordance with said application. This certificate · shall become null and void upon the delivery of said policy. June 2, 1961 ~~~.....~... Dated ............................................................................................ Vice Presxdent ~ ~-'~,' This certificate shall not be binding upon this Company, unless signed by one of its officers. JJD :mi INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLOSING Searches are to be continued to the date of closing. (Continuation of searchers will be made on one day's notice for, New York). The identity of all persons executing papers delivered on closing is to be established to the satisfaction of this Company, and a statement of the fact relied upon by the applicant set forth in the blank provided on last page. The Atti- davit on the page is to be properly filled out and sworn to on closing. When the transaction involves an assignment of an existing mortgage or other lien, an Estoppel Certificate, properly executed by the owners of the fee, and by subsequent en- cumbrances, must be obtained before closing. When the transaction involves a mortgage, the amount actually advanced should be stated below. The wife of the owner should join with her husband in executing and acknowledging all deeds, leases and mortgages (except purchase money mortgages) made by him where the title was acquired by the husband prior to September lst, 1930, and where the marriage occurred prior to September 1st, 1930. If any Taxes, Assessments, Water Rates or Sales returned on this certificate, are paid or cancelled, the receipts or certificates of cancellation should be shown to this Company, on return of this certificate. Virhere this Company is asked to insure the title for a six per cent mortgage, it must be understood that the validity of such mortgage debt is in no way guarant~d. The applicant should fill out in de- tail the report of closing. Attorneys will facilitate the Early Issue of Policies applied for by making prompt and complete report of the details of each transaction closed by them. The schedule on last page should be filled in to show full particulars o{ every instru- ment delivered on closing; receipts for returns on tax search, and certificates ot satisfaction of mortgages, judgments or other liens should be sent to the Company as soon as obtained, and complia~ace with the requirements and disposition of other matters open on this report should be explained by letter, accompanied by affidavits or other proofs if any be necessary. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF AFFIDAVIT being duly sworn, say: the owner in fee of the premises shown on this certificate, and the same per~n as the grantee in a certain deed recorded in the Office of the Register of in Liber Cp. Sec. ~ County of Said premises hax;e been in possession since possession has been peaceable and undisturbed, and the said title has never been disputed, questioned, or rejected so far as know. know of no facts by reason of which said possessions or title might be questioned, nor do know of any facts by reason of which any claim to any part of said premises, or to any interest therein ad- verse to , might be set up. over the age of twenty-one years. - *My wife's name is ~We were married on . (or) She is over the age of twenty-one years and is competent to convey or mortgage real estate. She joined with me in execut- ing and acknowledging the instrument now about to be delivered. I have never been married to any other woman now living, have never been married or been known by any other name for the past ten years. There are no judgments against in any court of this state or the United States. have never filed petition of bankruptcy or been adjudged a bankrupt, nor have at any time made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, eklzens of the United States and have resided continuously in this country for the last years. Sworn to before me this /} day of 19 *In case the grantor or mortgagor (except in case of purchase money mortgage) is a single man or widower~ omit the above and insert one of the following clauses in full, as the case may be: "I am a single man, never having been married," or "I am a widower, my wife having died and I have not remarried." tlnsert the marriage date, when under the Decedent's Estate Law, the wife is not a necessary part to the closing instrument. Title Nt~aber S-lZ3567 "CERTIFICATION" STANLEY J. SLEDZIESKI and HELEN SLEDZIESKI, his wife (By deed from Leo B. Sledzieski, dated December 3, 1954 and recorded December 3, 1954 in Liber 3802 cp 325.) also (By deed from Otis G. Pike, Richard F. Maran and Edgar C. Schenck to Stanley Sledzieski and Helen Sledzieski, his wife, dated April 20, 1959 and recorded December 1, 1960 in Liber 4914 cp 455.) also (By deed from John Moisa and Appolonia Moisa, his wife, to Stanley Sledzieski and Helen Sledzieski, his wife and John Sledzieski and Frances Sledzieski, his wife, dated October 29, 1959 and recorded December 1, 1960 in Liber 4914 cp 447.) also (By deed from John Sledzieski and Frances Sledzteski, his wife, to Otis G. Pike, Richard F. Maran, Egar C. Schenick, Stanley Sledzieski, Helen Sledzieski, John Moisa and Appolomia Moisa, his wife, dated August 14, 1957 and recorded December 1, 1960 in Ltber 4914 cp 471.) 183 184 lB5 "CAPTA I N ~B6 SUBDIVISION- K I DD E STATES" 189 190 'STAN LEY SLEDZIEWSKI PROPOSED N. 87o11'W. STANLEY SLEDZIEWSKI 191 192 ROAD i. / 193 I 195 983.79' SURVEY OF PROPOSED ROAD THROUGH PROPERTY OF STANLEY SLEDZIEWSK I MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFF. CO., N.Y. SCALE: I"= I00' MAY 17, 1956 ALDEN W. YOUNG PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR, N.~$.LIC. NO. IE845 RIVgRHEAD. N.~