HomeMy WebLinkAboutROCKY POINT ROADfor and in consideration of the sum of ~ ~L-~ k to ~ . in hand paid by as Commissioner_ of High~vays of the Town of Southold. in the County of Suffolk and State of New York. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that premises, in the said Town of Southold. ~4e~-t~ h~n ~m~'eyz~ and~a-~,~,,~,-' ~-~---"-~ aa And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reasou ot ~ ~ ~r~4nd opening such highway through my premises. I~ Witness~ Whereof ~ have hereunto set,;,~ hand and seal this /, '~--day of · ~9o~. In presence of State of New York ) Suffolk County~ ss. ~9o12 , before me personally ro me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and ackuowledged that he executed the same. TOWN OF Commissioner $OUTHOLD of Highway~ IN THE MATTER OF IRELEASE OF ~ : to L~y out a Highway in the Town of Southold.: : TO Commissioner Terra' of Southold, in and for the Suffolk County, Sir:- New ¥o rk PI~ASE TO TrAie-E NO~IC.-. that application will be ~de ~o the County Court of Suffolk County, on Iv[onday the ventk of October,190~_, at the Court House in the Village of River- head, in said County, a~ ten o'clock in the forenoon of tha~ or ~s soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard~ for the ~ppointment of three Co~issioners to be appointed p~rsuant to Section 8g of the Hig~y L~w~ ~o determine upon the necessity of a proposed highway at Es~st lf~rion in s~.id To~5~n of Southold, and to assess the d~ges by reason of layir~ out and opening such higbP~v~ i~a accordance ~';itk tko ap~ii- cation of the said William F. Purer, dated tho twenty- second d~ of September: 190~ and duly served upon a copy of ~duich apD!ic~tion~ ~ hereto annexed. TO THE COIlL~ISSIO~I~ 0I~ HIGHWAYS 01~ THE TOWN OF SOUTHOT~D, COU~ITY OF SUieFOY~I~, tho undersigned, a resident of tho Town of ~'outhold, and liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Towel, hereby petition and apply to you to lay out and work a hi~h- way in said Town as follows: The ?~sterly line to begin at a point on the North- erly line of the Old King's ~ighway, at East ~arion,(from ~'hich the nearest bound stone on the Southerly side of the said King's Wighw~y be~rs ~out~ 14° ~aet, ~evonty-throe Mud five- tenths (73-5/10) lest) aha run thence ~orth 14045' West, Two hundred and twenty-eight and five-tenth~ (~28-5/10) foot; then on a deflection Right 3° lO',One thousand and eighty- four (108~) feet; then on a deflection Right I~15,, One thousand and eight hundred (1800) feet; th.~n North 15~30' West Five hundred and forty (~40) feet; then ~orth 14~ We~t, Six hundred and ninety (690) feet; then North 140~0' ~est, ~ivo hundred and eighty (580) feet; then on a course North 22~30' West, Si~ h~ndred a~d sixty-five (6~%§) foot; then on a eoueso North 1~ ~0 West, clx hundred and eighty (~80) feet to high- water mark on Long Island Sound. ~hich proposed highway will pass through the un- divided lands of Lucinda ~ackett, E~.~und T.Rackett,Frank A. Rackett, and ~.7infield C. R~ckett; thc several lands of Cath- ~rine Bauer, Hoses Terry, Samuel H. Tuthill, Robert ~ck and ~nton ~rst; the undivided lands of Fannie N.King, ~rtha E. Ming, Elmira ^. Tuthlll, Rho4a S. Young, Betsy T.Young, Daniel Tuthill, V~alter Tuthill, ~lorence Potter, Rufus Tuthil~ and ~ary A. Terry; and the undivided land of Trastue Sherrill and Charles Downs, and for convenience ~ud necessity should in the opinion of your petitioner be a well laid out and pro- perly worked three (S) rod romd. Dated, East l~rion,Sept.22,1904. Zril]_i~ F. ~rst. In the l~tter of the A?plication of WILLI;~( F. ~IRST to Lay out a High%ray, the Town of Southold, NOTICE OF APPLICATION To' the County Court for The A?pointment of Co~uission OrS, FREDERICK H. TASKER, Attorney for Petitioner, Greenport, Suffolk County, New York. To the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southolcl, in the County Suffolk :-- The undersigned, liable ro be assessed for highway labor in your town. hereby ap- .i.. oTOWI~ OF $OUTHOLD i Commissioner of Highways :. IN THE MATTER OF AP:PLICATION / S Art N?~' STATION L l:~ SAYiNg' STATION A.F, F' ~.rs't