HomeMy WebLinkAboutROBINSON LANE~PLiCATION TO LAY OUT A T0t~ HIGHWAY In the ~atter oF the Laying cut of a certain town highway in the Town of Sonthold, X County of Suffolk aud State of New York. X TO THE TO]~YN SUP~INTENDENT OF HIC-~¥AYS OF T~ T0~ OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY 0F SUFFOLK: The undersigned, inhabitants of the Tow~_ of Southold, liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby apply to you to lay out a highway~ to be known as Robinson Lane, in said Town, commencing at a monument on the southerly line of Indian Neck Road 185.06 feet westerly along said line from l~ud of E. ~. ~¥ood; running thence along land of Henry J. and Stella ~. Smith two courses as follows: (1) S. 16 degree~ 18 minute~ $0 seconds E.- 889.28 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 22 degrees, 02 minutes, t0 seconds E. 356.46 feet to a monument and land of Edward Beauchamp; thence along said land of E~ward Beauchamp on a curve to the right having a radius of 775 feet a distance of 100 feet to a monument and land of Pasel and ~cQueen, the chord of said curve runr~ng S. 1 degree, 08 minutes, 00 seconds E. 99o~4 feet; ~hence across a 80 feet private ~oad N. ~8 degrees, 27 minutes, 00 seconds W. - 89.98 feet to a monument and land of Nelson Robinson$ thence along said land of Nelson Robinson S. 77 degrees, 28 minutes l0 seconds N~ 47.80 feet to a monument; thence along land of said Henry J. and Stella ~. Smith three courses as follows: (1) N. l~ degrees, 3Z minutes, SO seconds W. l0 seconds £. l0 seconds to a monument; thence (5) N. 77 degrees, E8 minutes, to a monument; thence (3) N. ~ degrees, 0~ minutes, to a monument; thence - 100 feet - 50.05 feet - Z04.14 feet partly along land of said Henry J. and Stella ~. Smith and partly along land of Stanley Poliwoda N. 16 degrees, 16 minutes, $0 seconds ~. 896.18 feet to a monument on the southerly line of said Indian ~eck Road 15~ feet easterly along line from land of ~essenger; thence along said line of Indian ~ec~ Road N. 78 degrees, 4~ ~inutes, 00 seconds E. $0.1g feet to the point of beEinning~ which proposed highway will pass throuEh the lands of Henry J. Smith and Stella ~. Smith, who consent to the laying out of the highway. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map showing the course of the said proposed highway. Dated, this l~th day of November, l~S1 Stella ~. Smith State of New York) ss County of Suffolk) On the lSth day of November, came Henry J. ~mith and Stella i~. individuals described in and who executed ~he and acknowledged that they executed the same. lgS1, before me personally ~aith to me known to be the foregoing instr~nent, D~-~DIGATION AND ~LEASE 0P LANDS P0R T0~-~i HIGH~AY in the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Terk. WMRREAS~ application has been duly made to the Tow~ Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in Suffolk County, New Tork, for the laying out of a certain town highway to extend from indiam Neck Lane, a town highway~ through lands of Henr~ J. Smith and Stella ~. Smith, ~o a poi~ therei~, all as shown on a certain m~o attached hereto showing the courses of said proposed highway; NO~, THEP~FOFd~~, the said Henry Jo Smith and Stella ~. Smith, his wife, both residing in the Town afores~.fd and owners cf th~ l~ud to be included within the said highway do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold for highway purposes, the following land, to wit: All ~hat certain plot, piece or parcel of l~ud being at Peconic, Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk, State of New Tork, bounded and described as Follows: BEGINNING at a mon~nent on the southerly line of Indian Neck Road 153.06 feet westerly along said line from land of E. W. ~ood; running thence along land of Henry Jo ~ud Stella .... Smith, two courses as follows: (1) S. 15 degrees, 16 minutes, 30 seconds E. - 889.28 feet to a mon~ent$ thence (2) S. 22 degrees, 02 minutes, i0 seconds E. - 356.48 feet ~o a monument and land of Edward Beauchamp; thence along said land of Edward Beauchamp on a curve to the right having a radius ef 7V5 feet a dist~uce of 100 feet to a monument mud land of Pasel and ~cQueen, degree, 03 minutes, oo acrosm a 50 foot private the chord of said curve running S. seconds E. 99~94 feet; thence road N. 55 degrees, 27 minutes~ 00 seconds W. 59.75 feet to a monument and l~d of Nelson Robinson; thence along said land of Nelson Robinson S. VV degrees, 28 minutes, l0 seconds W. 47°80 feet to a men~ent; thence along land of said Henry J. and Stella ~. Smith three courses as follows: (1) N. 12 degrees, 33 minutes, 50 seconds W. - 100 feet ~o a monument; thence (2) N. 77 degrees, 26 minutes, l0 seconds E.- 50.05 feet ~o a monument; thence (3) N. ~2 degrees, 02 minutes, l0 seconds W. - 304.14 feet to a monument; thence p~rtly along land of said Henry J. and Stella ~1. Smith and ~rtly along land of Stanley Poliwod~ N. 15 degrees, 15 minutes, 30 seconds ~. -896.18 feet to a monumen~ on the aoutherly line of said Indian Neck Road 152 feet easterly along line from land of ~essenger; thence along said line Of nd~mu Neck Road N. V8 degrees, 44 minutes, 00 seconds E. -50.19 feet to the point of BEGNNNiNG. The lands hereby dedicated, released sm.d conveyed are spe- cific~ly shown and delz.~eated upon the certain map which is here~ anne×e~ and made a pa~ hereof. ~D V~ DO CERTIFY that the considerations paid to the undersigned for this dedication and conveyance, are the following, to w~ T~ Henry J. ~ith, the sum of One Dollar; to Stella ~!~ Smith, the s~m ef One Dollar, receipt of which is ~ereby acknowledged. IN WITNESS ~%~E2~0F, we hate caused these presents to be execmted and sealed this 15th day of November, 1961. Henry J/~ith ~ella ~. 'sm{th S~ate of New York ) Co~aaty of So~ffolk ) O~ the 15th day of November~ came H~nry J. Smith and Stella ~. 1981, before me personally Smith to me known to be the individuals described zn and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ac~owledged that they executed the same. NORMAN E. ~L~PF Clerk 0~ Suffolk ORDER LAYING OUT HiGFf~'AY ON REL[EASE In the Matter of The Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, CoUnty of Suffolk an~ ~tate of New York Application having been duly made for the laying out of a town highway in the To-~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ extending from Indian Neck Ls~e southerly to a point in land of Henry J. ~th and Stella ~. Smith, and a dedication and release from the ovaaers of the lands through which the highway is proposed to De opened, having been given; NOW, T~REFORE, I, ~he Tow~ Superintendent of High- ways~of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New Yo~, do hereby determine amd order that a to%~n highway shall be~ and She s~ae is hereby laid ou~ in said Town as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land being ay Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly line of Indian Neck Road 153.08 feet westerly along said line from land of E. ~. ~;ood; running thence along l~ud of Henry J. and Stella ~. Snuith, t we courses as follows: (1) S. 18 d~grees, 18 minutes, ~0 seconds E. 889.~8 feet ye a monument; thence (2) S. 22 degrees, 02 minutes, l0 seconds E. 358.48 fee~ ~o a mon~muen~ and land of Edward Beauchsmp; thence along said land of Edward Beauchan on a curve to the right having a radius of VV5 feet a distance of 100 feet to a monument and is~d of Pasel Mud McQueen, the chord of said curve running S. i degree, 03 minutes, 00 seconds E. 99.94 feet; thence across a 50 foot private road N. 55 degrees, ~7 minutes, 00 seconds W.-59.75 feet to a monument and land of Nelson Robinson; thence along said l~ud of Nelson Robinson S. 97 degrees, 26 mi~utes~ l0 seconds ~. 47°80 feet to a monument; thence along lsmd of said Henry J. and Stella ~. Smith three courses as follows: (1) N. 12 degrees, 33 minutes, 50 seconds W.-100 feet to a monument; thence (E) N. VV degrees, 26 minutes, l0 seconds E.-50.05 feet to a monument; thence (3) N. 22 degrees, 02 minutes, l0 seconds W.- 304o14 feet to a monument; thence partly along land of said Henry J. and Szella ~. Smith and partly along land of Stanley Poliwoda N. i8 degrees, 18 minutes, 30 seconds Wo-896.18 feet to a monument on the southerly line of said Indian Neck R~ad i52 feet easterly along line from land of Messenger; thence along said line 0'f Indian Neck Road N. V8 degrees, 44 minutes, 00 seconds E.-50.19 feet to the point of BEGINNING. The above described highway being 50 feet in width at all points and the turn-around area at the southerly end of said highway being at least 100 feet ~quare, all in com- pliance with the regulations of the Town ~f Southold in such matters. Dated~ this 28th day of November, 1961. ~own o~ Sou~hold, Superintendent of Highways CONSENT OF TO~N BOAHD TO ~ROPOSE~ TO~' HIGH~AY In the Matter of the La~ing out of a certain town high- way in the Town ef Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York UPON EEADING A~D FILING the application of Henry J. ~ith and Stella ~. Smith, dated and acknowledged, November 15, 1581, and the dedication and release of Henry J. ~ith and Sti~!la ~. Smith dated November 15, 1961, s_nd duly ack- nowle~ed, dedicating and releasing the necessary l~uds for a ~roP°sed town highway to extend from Indian Neck L~ue~ a town ~ghw~y, at the norvh~rly boundary of the lands of Henry J. smith and Stella ~. Smith to a point therein all as shown on a ~ap attached hereto~ i P~S0~VED that~ in accordance with the provisions of Section 17l of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Super- inten~nt of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order layin~ out the aforesaid town highway, thc said town highway to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto anne~d~ s~d it is further RESOLV~D, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk and, upon its return~ to a~tach it hereto. Dated, November 28, 1981o TOWN BOAED OF TM T0~,~ OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF.,'~Ji~FOLK, NEW YORK ~upe-~visor Town Co~uuciL,~an N.Y,~.T.U. F~rm No. IOOC -- - HO/VIE TITLE GUARANTY COP P PBLI£Y §F TITLE IN.qUB iNEE Ho~ Trrn~ Gum~mr~ Co~,t~asvY, in consideration o{ the payment of its charges for the e~raminatiou of title and its premium for insur- ance, insures the within named insured agnin~t nil loss or damage not exceeding tim amount of insurance stated herein and in addition the costs and expenses of de~eod{ng the title estate or interest insured, which the insured shal! sustain by reason of any defect or defects of title affecting the ~pre,-~es described in Schedule A or affecting the interest of the insured therein as herein set forth, or by reason of ,mmarketahility of the title of the insured to or in the prerni.~es, or by reason of liens or inc~smbrances affecting title at the date hereof, or by reason of any statutory lian for labor or material furnished prior to the date hereof which has now gained or which may hereafter gain priority over the interest insured' hereby excepting all loss and damage by reason of the estates, interests, defects, objections, liens, incum- brances and other matters set forth in Schedule B, or by the conditions Of ~hi~ poliCy hereby .ineorperated into thi.~ contract, the loss and the amount to be ascertained in the manner prey/tied in said conditions and to be payable upon compliance by the insured with the stipula- tions of said conditions, and not otherwise. ' {n {~tIuv~ ~trvnf, Ho.xm Tm Gu~-~ Co~v~a~ has caused this policy to be signed and sealed on its date of issue set forth herein. Name of Insured TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Polio), No. 8-36939 Amount of $2,000. OO The estate or interest ~ by ,hi, p~y b FEE SIMPLE Date of Issue November 15, 1961 vested in the/nsured by means of DEED made by HENRY J. SMITH and STELLA M. SMITH~ dated November 15~ 1961. his wife, to the insured, $cn~.nULE & The pre~ases in which the insured has the estate or/nterest covered by this policy is described on the description sheet SCI~DULI~. B 8. Covenants, Restrictions, Reservation.end Right of Way contained in instrument reco£ded in Liber ~971 of Conveyances Page 236. 9. Survey by Otto W. Van Tu~! and Son dated November 9, 1961 shows Robinson Lane. No encroachments. 10. Any changes'in conditions subsequent to survey by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated November 9, 1961. 11. Policy excepts the rights of others than the insured into and over Robinson Lane as shown on the Map of Peconic Bay Oaks, filed October 18, 1961 as Map No. 393~. SCHEDULE A CONTINUED S-36939 ALL those certain streets, roads or lanes, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as part of Robinson Lane, on a certain map entitled, Map of Peconic Bay Oaks, situate at Indian Neck, Peconic, Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N.Y., owned and developed by Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, Peconic, N.Y." and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 18, 1961 as Map No. 3~3~, more particular- ly bounded and described according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly line of Indian Neck Road 153.06 feet westerly along said line from land of E.W. Wood; running thence along land of Henry J. and Stella M. Smith and being the easterly side of Robinson Lane, two courses as follows: (1) SOuth 16 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East 889.28 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 22 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds East 356.~6 feet to a monument and land of.Edward Beauchamp; thence along said land of Edward Beauchamp on a curve to the right having a radius of 775 feet a distance of 100 feet to a monument and land of Pasel and McQueen, the chord of said curve running South 1 degree 03 minutes OO seconds East 99.95 feet; thence stress a 50 foot road, known as Robinson Lane North 5~ degrees 27 minutes O0 seconds West ~9.75 feet to a monument in the westerly side of Robinson Lane and land of Nelson Robinson; thence along said land of Nelson Robinson South 77 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds West ~7.80 feet to a monument; thence along land of said Henry J. and Stella M. Smith, three courses as follows: (1) North 12 degrees 33 minutes ~O seconds West 100 feet to a monument; thence (2) North 77 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds East 50.05 feet to a monument; thence (3) North 22 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West 305.1~ feet to a monument; thence partly along land of said Henry J. and Stells M. S~ith and partly along land of Stanley ~oliwoda and being the westerly side of Robinson Lane North 16 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West 896.18 feet to a monument on the southerly line of said Indian Neck Road 152 feet easterly along line from land of Messenger; thence along said line of Indian Neck Road North 78 degrees ~ minutes O0 seconds East 50.19 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. $CHEI~ULE B (Continued) CONDYrIONS OF TItI$ POLICY Subrogation Sedlon Nine. Misrepre- sentation Section Ten. 14o Waiver of Conditions Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickhom, Chairman Henry Molse A~fred Grebe Archibald Young William Unkelbach Report to: Southold Town Board $outhold, New York December 6, 1961 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Tuesday, December 5, 1961: In the matter of laying out of highway to be known as Robinson Lane in the subdivision of Peconic Bay Oaks at Indian Neck, Peco~ic, New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument on the southerly line of Indian Neck Road 153.06 feet westerly along said line from land of E. W. Wood; running thence along land of Henry J. and Stella M. Smith, two courses, as follows: (1) S.16 degrees, 16 minutes, 30 seconds, E. 889.28 feet to a monument; thence (2) S. 22 degrees, 02 minutes, 10 seconds E. 356.46 feet to a monument and land of Edward Beauchamp; thence along said land of Edward Beauchamp on a curve to the right having a radius of 775 feet a distance of 100 feet to a monument and land of Pasel and McQueen, the chord of said curve running S. 1 degree, 03 minutes, 00 seconds E. 99.94 feet; thence across a 50 foot private road N. 55 degrees, 27 minutes, 00 seconds W. 59.75 feet to a monument and land of Nelson Robinson; thence along said land of Nelson Robinson $. 77 degrees, 26 minutes, 10 seconds W. 47.80 feet to a monument; thence alcng land of said Henry J. and Stella M. Smith three courses as follows: (1) N. 12 degrees, 33 minutes, 50 seconds W. 100 feet to a monument; thence (2) N. 77 degrees, 26 minutes, 10 seconds E. 50.05 feet to a monument; thence (3) N. 22 degrees, 02 minutes, 10 seconds W. 304.14 feet to a monu- ment; thence partly along land of said Henry J. and Stella M. Smith and partly along land of Stanley Poliwoda N. 16 degrees, 16 minutes,' 30 seconds W. 896.18 feet to a monument on the southerly line of said Indian Neck Road 152 feet easterly along line from land of Messenger; thence along said line of Indian Neck Road N. 78 degrees, 44 minutes, 00 seconds E. 50.19 feet to the point of Beginning. The above described highway being 50 feet in width at all points Page 2 - Report to Southold Town Board and the turn-around area at the southerly end of said highway being at least 100 feet square, all in compliance with the regulations of the Town of Southold in such matters; it ~ hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board the acceptance of Robinson Lane in subdivision known as Peconic Bay Oaks at Indian Neck, Peconic, New York. Map of proposed highway to be known as Robinson Lane at Indian Neck, Peconic by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated November 9, 1961. Reapectfully submitted, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /jb LEFFeRTS PAINE eDSON January 22, 1962 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Southold Town Hall Southold, New York Town Clerk Re: Dedication of Road at Peconic Bay Oaks Dear Al: We e~close herewith deed conveying the fee title of the roadbed at Peconic Bay Oaks. The deed was made by Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, to the Town of Southold, dated November 15th, 1961 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 15th, 1962 in Liber 5111 at page 67. We also enclose the Dedication and Release of Lands for Town Highway which conveys the same roadbed to the Town and made by Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife to the Town of Southold, dated November 15th, 1961 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 15th, 1962 in Liber 5111 at page 84. Thank you very much for your courteous attention in this matter. LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON November 22, 1961 Mr. Albert Ricb_mond Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, ~ew York Dear ~r. Richmond: This is the title report issued by Home Title Guaranty Company insuring the fee title to the bed of the road being ~edicated herein. On the recording of the deed the insurance policy will be issued by the title company and sent to the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Lefferts P. Edson HOME TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, in consideration of the fees, which are due and payable upon the delivery of this certificate, certifies that the title to the premises described herein, and embraced in the application for insurance numbered as above has been examined by it and that the title thereto, clear of all encumbrances and defects, except as noted below, is insurable at the date hereof, upon a good and valid conveyance or mortgage by ~'d. SMIT~ and STW.,.,.A n. SMITH, his wife by deed from Nelson $. Robinson, dated Apri± 8, lgbl and recorded April £1, 19bm in hiber 497- cp 230. This certificate is delivered in reliance on the representations made by the applicant and upon the understanding that neither the applicant nor the party to be insured has any information or intimation of any defects, objections, liens, or encumbrances affecting said premises, except those shown on said application and such as are shown below; and that the Company's liability in any event under this certificate is limited to the issuance of a policy of title insurance in its usual form for $..-...2. OOO~,-0~J. ................. , the amount stated in the api)lication. 1 .......... 150- ............. Mortgages. See Schedule witlfin. 2. Returns on Tax Search. See Schedule within. 3. Leases. None of Record Rights of present tenants. 4. Restrictive Covenants, Easements, Agreements and Consents. Zoning ordinances, restrictions and regulations of the city, village or town in which the premises are situated. Covenants, Restrictions, Reservations and Right of Way in Liber 497± cp 230. 5. Su~ey. by Otto W. Van Tuy£ and Son dated Rovember:.$, 196i shows Robinson Lane. No encroachments. 6.....ti.0 ................. .Judgmenls and ........... ]~a ........... Bankrupteles. See other encumbrances and defects. 7. Other Encumbrances or Defects. See Schedule within. When this title is closed a policy of title insurance in this Company's usual form, excepting the facts shown on this certificate and on continuations thereof to date of dosing and not properly disposed of, will be issued in accordance with said application upon payment of this Company's fees. If title is dosed without the presence of this Company's closer the policy will further except all estates, liens and encumbrances not properly disposed of created or recorded between the date of the last continuation of this certificate and the recording of the instruments creating the insured estate. This certificate shall become null and void upon the delivery of the policy, and after the issuance of said policy no liability for loss or damage will be assumed by the Company other than that arising under said policy. Dated Oct. 1~5, .Lgb& Continued and redated Continued and redated 9:00 a.m. Approved by R. Kar~r~ ~/ mac ~/~ ~eader Manager of Law Department This report of title is intended for lawyers only. Such exceptions as may be set forth herein may affect marketability of title. Your lawyer should be consulted before taking any action based upon the contents of this report. The Company's representative at the closing hereunder may not act ax legal adviser to any of the parties or draw legal instruments for them. Such represen- tative is permitted to be of assistance only to an attorney. It is advisable to have your attorney present at the dosing. DPkqCRI t'TION AI.T. those certain streets, roads or lanes, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as part of Robinson Lane, on a certain map entitled, Map of Peconic Bay Oaks, situate at Indian Neck, Peconic, Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., owned andckveloped by Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife, Peconic, N.Y." and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on Octobe~ 18, 1961 as Map No. 3434, more particularly bounded and described according to said map as follows:- BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly line of Indian Neck Road 153.06 feet westerly along said line from land of E. W. Wood; m',nning thence along land of Henry J. and Stella M. Smith and bein~ the easterly side of Robinson Lane, two courses as follows:- (1) South 16 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East 889.28 feet to a monument; thence (2) South 22 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds East 356.46 feet to a monument and land of Edward Beauchamp; thence along said land of Edward Beauchamp on a curve to the right having a radius of 775 feet a distance of 100 feet to a monument and land of Pasel and l{cQueen, the chord of said curve running. South 1 degree 03 minutes O0 seconds East 99.94 feet; thence across a 50 foot road, known as Robinson Lane North 55 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West 59.75 feet to a monument in the westerly side ~f Robinson Lane and land of Nelson Robinson; thence along said land of Nelson Robinson South 77 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds West 47.80 feet to a monument; thence along land of said Henry J. and Stella M. Smith, three courses as follows: (1) North 12 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West 100 feet to a monument; thence (2) North 77 de£rees 26 minutes 10 seconds East 50.05 feet to a monument; thence (3) North 22 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West 304.14 feet to a monument; thence partly along land of said Henry J. and Stella M. Smith and partly along land of Stanley Poliwoda and being the westerly side of Robinson Lane North 16 degrees NOT INSURED. For Conveyancing gagtll]et with all right, title and interest of the p~rty of the lirst part in and to the Only. land lying in the streets and roads in front r,f and adjoining said premises. DES, CRIPTION Page 2 16 minutes 30 seconds West 896.18 feet to a monument on the southerly line of said Indian Neck Road 152 feet easterly along line from land of Messenger; thence along said line of Indian Neck Road North 78 degrees ~ minutes 00 seconds East 50.19 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. NOT INSURED. ( . For Ct,nveyancing t ~'m3eI[lrr. ~, with :.ii right, title and interest ,,t the. ~::."t? of thc first part in and t,) the Only. I land t3 n~, i~ the street:; and ro;tds in /n~nt -f and adj,)m:n;, said premises. Mortgagor Mortgagee MORTGAGES NONE OF RECORD Amount $ Recorded Prel~]nnen~ privilege, if any--see below Due D~tad L P Tax Pd. Interest per cent payable ldays Int. ; days Inst. ; days Taxes A. & W. ; TAX SEARCH 7[SSESSED VALUATION AssEssrm TOHarry J. Smith & N By 5gel±a M. Smith, his wife AS ACRES S BY Scnom. D~s~. q~ MAP ~3Y+34 Bnoc~ LOTS Peconic ~ay Oaks W BY 'fO~ of Southold TO be apportioned HOV~ DISPOSED OF R E T U R N S (Some of ~e items returned her~n may ~ve been p~d but paym~t not officiagy post~. Rec~p~ for such items shoed be produced on clos~g.) l~oOib~ To~ and school taxes Paid All prior gaxes Paid Water charges, if any, not inc±uded SUFFOLK COUNTY REAL ESTATE TAXES Babylon Brookhaven Huntington ±slip Riverhcad Shelter Island Smithtown Southampton Southold *Town Dec. I and May 10 Dec. I Dec. 1 and May I0 Dec. 1 and May 10 Dec. 1 and May 10 Dec. I and May 10 Dec. 1 Dec. ! Dec. to Nov. 30 40 Days Dec. to Nov. 30 40&21Days Dec. to Nov. 30 40Days Dec. to Nov. 30 40&21Days Dec. to Nov. 30 40 Days 1% per Month~See Note A I% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Note A l% per Month-~See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Notes A and B I% t~er Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per l'~fonth--See Note A 193 per Month4ee Note A NOTE A:--After June I the full 5% unpaid penalty and an iuterest charge of 10% per annum, computed from the preceding February 1, is chargeable. The 5% penalty never increases, but the interest rate accrues untit it reaehe~ lO,os to rnalke up tile 10o~ per annum. The intere$t charge of 10% is computed otl the total of the VILLAGE REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR INCORPORATED VILLAGES PENALTY:--5% for first month after grace period and 1~% for each additlonal month. Amityville June I and Dec. I Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days Both Asharoken June 1 June 1 to May 31 30Days Bab~,lon June I Max. I to Feb. 28 30 Days BelleTerre June 1 June 1 to May 31 30Days Bellport June l June 1 to May 31 30Days Bright Waters June t June 1 to May 31 30 Days DeringHathor June I and Dec. I June I to May 31 30Dayslstl/2 East Hampton Aug. I Jan. I to Dec. 31 30 Days following year Greenport June 1 Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30~ays Head of Harbor Mar. 1 Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days Huntington Bay June I June 1 to May 31 30Days IJndenhurst Mar. 1 Mar. 1 to ]Feb. 28 30Days Lloyd Harbor June I Sept. 1 to Aug. 31 30 Days Nissequoque June 1 North Haven June 1 Northpott Mar. 1 Ocean Beach June 1 Old Field Mar. 1 Patchogue June 1 Quogue June 1 Sag Harbor June 1 Saltaire Aug. 1 Shoreham Aug. I and Feb. 1 The Branch June 1 Westhampton Bch. June 1 Period Cav~red Grace June 1 to May 31 30Days June ! to May 31 30Days Mar. l to Feb. 28 30 Days June 1 to May 31 45 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days June I to May 31 30Days June 1 to May 31 30Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days June 1 to May 31 30Days Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 30 Days Both Mar. I to Feb. 28 30 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days Mar. I to Feb. 28 30Days The entire tax is a lien on the f~rst due date even though payable in two installments. Thls information is believed to be accurate but is not ~uaranteed. How Dlspo~d Of 7. Other Encumbrances or Defect~ A. The Company does not insure that the buildings or other erections upon the premises herein comply with State and Municipal laws, regulations and ordinances. Any departmental searches which may be reported herein are furnished for information only. B. The identity of parties at the elosing of this title should be established to the satisfaction of the closer and the affidavi~ in this certificate filled out, signed and sworn to. C. No title to personal property will be insured nor has any search/or chattel mortgages been made. D. Deeds and mortgages must contain the covenant required by the Lien Law as amended by laws of 1942 and such covenant must be absolute and not conditional. The covenant is not required in deeds from referees or other persons appointed by a court for the sole purpose o£ selling property. E. When the transaction is an assignment of a mortgage or other lien, an estoppel certificate executed by the owner o£ the fee and by the holders of all subsequent encumbrances must be obtained. When the transaction is a mortgage, the amount aetnally advanced should be reported to the Company. t. Policy wi±l except the rights of others than the insured ' into and over Robinson Lane as shown on the v~p o~' ~econic ~a¥ 'Oaks, filed October l~, 19o± as i~lap ~o. 3434. COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESEHVATION AND RIGHT OF 2AY IN DEED BETWE~: Nelson S. Robinson and Henry J. Smith and Stella M. Smith, his wife dated April 8, 1961 and recorded April 11, 1961 in Liber 4971 cp 236. Reserving, however, to the party of the first part, his successors, legal representatives and assigns the right to the use of the existing roadway 15 feet in width extedning southerly from the southerly side of Indian Neck Road to other property of the party of the first part consisting of a 1.24 acre parcel and a 1.21 acre parcel for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from said acreage parcels and to and from Indian Neck Road. Also reserving to the party of the first part, his successors legal representatives and assigns the rizht to the use of a certain 50 foot Road as set forth on a certain map entitled "Map of Robinson Estates at Indian Neck, Peconic, New York, dated November 14, 1960 and made by ~tto W. Van Tuyl and Son, which Right of Way shall supersede ~ud replace the first mentioned Right of Way when the last mentioned Right of Way is opened and paasable for traffic. Reserving to the party of the first part, his successors, legal representatives and assigns for the benefit of the aforesaid acreage, parcel adjacent to Messenger, the right to the use of the beach area, in common with ot~ers, said area having a frontage of 210 feet more or less, adjacent to land of Messenger and extendinz North to premises conveyed or intended to be conveyed to Mary R. Van Zyverden. T~e party of the second partm by acceptance of this deed covenant and agree that no structure shall be built on, erected or maintained on the westerly community beach area of 210 feet of beach frontage adjacent to land of Messenger and extending North to premises conveyed or intended to be conveyed to Mary R. Van Zyverden without the written consent of the o%~er of said acreage parcel. Th, party of the second part consents to the dedication to the Town of Southold as a public hiEh~'ay so much of the aforesaid private road as extended southerly from Indian Neck Road to the northerly side of premises conveyed or intended to be conveyed to Mary H. Van Zyverden. CLOSING INFORMATION Closed by .--~ Date Closed ................................................. Title No ................ ~__ Closed at office of .................................. Parties Present: Interest in Transaction: Address: The identity of the parties executing and delivering the dosing instruments was established by HAVE CONTINUATION OF SEARCHES BEEN RECEIVED FROM DATE OF CERTIFICATE TO DATE OF CLOSING? 'If owner is a 'This para- graph to be omitted if *This para- graph to be omitted if STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SS.: Affi auit of i itle TITLE lifO .................... I reside at No. I am the * owner in fee simple of premises and the grantee , being duly sworn, says: described in a certain deed of said premises recorded in the Office of . County in Liber of Conveyances, page Said premises have been in ~tsy possession since 19 ; that ~tsy possession thereof has been peaceable and undisturbed, and the title thereto has never been disputed, questioned or rejected, nor insurance thereof refused, as far as I know. I know of no facts by reason of which said possession or title might be called in question, or by reason of which any claim to any part of said premises or any interest therein adverse to ~te might be set up. There are no judgments against melt unpaid or unsatisfied of record entered in any court of this state, or of the United States, and said premises are, as far as I know, free from all leases, mortgages, taxes, assessments, water charge and other liens and encumbrances, except Said premises are now occupied by No proceedings in bankruptcy have ever been instituted by or against me in any court or before any officer it of any state, or of the United States, nor haVehas itI at any time made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, nor an assignment, now in effect, of the rents of said premises or any part thereof. *I am a citizen of the United States, and am more than 21 years old. I am by occupation · I am married to who is over the age of 21 years and is competent to convey or mortgage real estate. I was married to her on the day of 19 . I have never been married to any other person now living. I have not been known by any other name during the past ten years. *That the charter of said corporation is in full force and effect and no proceeding is pending for its dissolu- tion or annulment. That all license and franchise taxes due and payable by said corporation have been paid in full. There are no actions pending affecting said premises. That no repairs, alterations or improvements have been made to said premises which have not been completed more than four months prior to the date hereof. There are no facts known to me relating to the title to said premises which have not been set forth in this affidavit. This affidavit is made to induce to accept a on°f said premises, and to induce Home Title Guaranty Company to issue its policy of title insurance numbered above covering said premises knowing that they will rely on the statements herein made. Sworn to before me this day of , 19 SETTLEMENT CREDIT AS' OF DEBIT Paid on signing Contract: Purchase Price, Int. from to Ist Mortgage held by Int. from ~ % m. d. Water Rates Address Taxes Rent from to 2nd Mortgage held by Insurance Int. from ~ % m. d. Address P. M. B. & Mtg. to Rent from to Adjustment for Coal or Oil Total Debit, Total Credit brought over, Taxes Balance paid Assessments Water Rates Add't. Charges to Purchaser Total Credit, Examination Fee Add'l. Charges to Seller: Drawing Papers Drawing Papers Recording Fees Recording Fees Mortgage Tax Stamps -- Stamps t~oA ,~oN peo~ ,~t. uno9 PlO Ot£ S~IDItI~IO '-1 · bsH CuosPX 'j s~aosje~ ZOal pToRq-no~ $o ~o$ - U%~mg 6f69f-g'oN a~& H.I.VDIclI.I. I HD S,lt IA?AV'I Robinson Lane Peconic Bay Oaks Map 3434 In The ~latter of The Laying Out of a Certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ~'OAD 5OUTHOLD. N, Y. , ;~v,,-mWh' ! ............... t4~