HomeMy WebLinkAboutRICHMOND ROADSTf~TE OF N~¢ YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK T0bT¢ OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of th~ Layin~ out of : certain Tram High~ys in the To~m of Southold, County of Suffolk and : btate of New York. APPL I CAT I ON TO THE TO!',lf SUPERiNTENDEI~T OF !{IG}ETAYS OF THE TO~,~$I OF S00~!{OLD, COUI[TY OF SUFFOLK ~ID STATE ~F i~,T Y0i~: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Tov~n of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out two (2) highways at Arshamo~oque, in the Tov,m of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and to be knovm as RZCIE..~i0ND ROAD and the other as 'JEST ~ZILL CREEK DRIVE, and, respectively, described as follows: 1. RICH~0ND ROAD. The westerly line of the pro- ~osed hi.~hway to 'be knova~ as "Rich-~ond Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Road, about opposite the westerly line of Clark Road, said point being 192.95 feet easterly along said southerly line of ~.~orth Road from a granite aonmment at a deflection in said southerly line; and runnia~ thence over land of william A. Rich. mend, South 1~ degrees lg minutes 30 seconds East 1032.60 feet to its inter- section with the northwesterly line of ~,est i{ill Creek Drive, hereinafter described; the easterly line of the said prop,s ed highway is parallel to, and 50 feet easterly frown, the foregoing described westerly line thereof. 2. WEST ?,iILL CREEK DRi~-E. The northwes~er!y line of the proposed h].gh¥~ay to be knoYal as "~Jest i.~ill Creek ~3rive" is described as ~ollows: Beginning at a ooint which is the southerly corner of the inter- section of the %'.'esterty line of Grove Road and the southerly line of I'lill Creek Drive; runn~n~ thence, over land of Henry J. Smith, South 27 degrees ~inutss 30 seconds ",';est 116.92 feet to land of ¥{illiam A. Richmond; thence over said land of ~{ill~a.~a A. Richmond, South &3 degrees 5A :uinutes ~0 seconds 'Jest /~97.15 feet to its intersection with the westerly line of "Richmond Road", herein- above described; thence, continuin~ aver t['~e said land of L'illia~ A. Richmond, South l~3 degrees ~inutes 1~0 seconds ~.~est 503.75 feet to the easserly line of ;~Ioffat Brotkers~ the southeasterl? line of the said ~ro~osed ~:i~h~y is '~aral!el to, and 50 feet southerly fro % the ~'oregoin~ described ~.orth- westerly li~e thereof. The said ?reposed layin.T out of the said hi~_hwaMs ;~zill solely ~ass through lands m~ ~.iillia~ X. Ric!n~ond and i[~nYyI J. S~ith. ~mnexcd~reto", and .~de a oaro hereof, J.s a survey, - 2 - made by Otto W. Van Tu¥1, Surveyor, dated July 28th, 194S and Revised Seotember 20t:~, 19~8, showing the course of the said proposed highways. Dated this 6th day of October, 'ST~TE OF ~IEW YORK !COUHTY OF SUFFOLK i'TO¥~ OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of : certain Town Highways in the To~n : of Southold, County of Suffolk and : State of New york. : CONSEi~T OF TO~J~ BOAPJ) Upon reading and. filing the application of Willian~ A. Richnlond and Henry J. Smith, dated October 6th, 19~$, and the dedication and release of William A. RicM~ond an~ his wife, [~argaret W. Richmond, and Henry J. Smith, dated October 6th, 19~$, duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasin~ the necessa~ lands for two proposed to~ highways to be known as (1)RICHli0B ~OAD and (2) WEST MILL CREEK DRIVE, respectively: RESOLVED, that consent be, and the same llel'eby is, given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of ISouthold, make an order laying out the aforesaid To~m High~ays Itc consist of the lands described in the said aoDlication, dedication and release and to extend as delineat®d upon the annexed to said application, all in accordance with ti~e pro- visions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New ~ork. Dated, at the office of the Suoervisor of the Town of Southold, at Gree.2~port, New ~ork, on the ~/~-day of October, 19~8. · TO~I~ BOARD OF THE TOVd~ OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK S~.~erviso~ ' · x '[/'l'o~m Clerk STATE ~F COUI~;TY OF SU~'FOLK '£0~,~ OF SOUTHOLD In tile latter of the Laying out : of certain Term Highways in the : Term of Southold, County of : Suffolk and ~tate of New York. : / ORDER L%YNi~G Ob7 HiC.}R~AYS z_~ COt~om[T OF THE T 0¥;1'[ BOA~°d) Yfritten aDplication having been duly :~de to me the Term Suoerinten~ent of Hi~hv~ys for the Term of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of two h~gn~ays in the To~'~ of Southold, by Willia:a A. Richmond and others, liable to be assessed for hi ,hway taxes in the said Term of Soutnold, and t~.e v.ritten consent of the Term Board of said Tovm having been given as prescribed by la,v, and a dedication a._~ release fro~ damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the ovmers of, and other )~ersons interested in, the lands through which the two proposed ' '-'~ ~l~l~y S are proposed to be laid out, a copy ~ v~ich is annexed hereto, and nothinE having been oaid to any claimant for such da'nages, ~:.~P~E~ORE, I, the Term Supermntondent of Highways for the Term of Southold, Suffolk County, iJew York, DO HEREBY D.V. TERi;[I~ ~:d~D OPJ)ER that tv~'o tov,n highways shall be, and the same hereby are, laid out in said Term as follows, and are to be knovm as (1) Richmond Road and (2) West ~,iilt Creek Drive, ...... t : respectively, cach of v.'hr~cn shall be z =~ y feet in width 1. RIC'.E'.[0i,.?D ROAD. The westerly line of the pr~.- posed high¥,~y to be ivno~m as "Ricb_~iond Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Road, about opposite the westerly line of Clark Road, said point being 192,95 feet easterly along said southerly line of North Road from a granite :nonm.~ent at a deflection in said southerly line; and running thence over land of William A. Ric~=ond, South 18 degrees 1G _.~inutes 30 seconds East 1032.60 feet to its inter- section with the northwesterly line of *,;est ~.,lill Creek 'Drive, hereLnafter described; the easterly line of the said proposed highway is parallel to and 50 feet easterly frou the fore~;oing described v:esterl;~ line thereof. 2. :/EST L.[ZLL C,~2~_- D,IIV~, The nort.awesterly line of Zhe prooosed highway to be knoLn as "~.fest L{ill Creek Drive" is described as follows: Beginning at amoint which is the southerly corner of the inter- section of the westerly line ~ Grove Road and the south~rlf~ line of ~.~ill Creek Drive; runnin~ thence over land of ~,, -~ o · , ~. , .... IlI~ J. ooutn .. o~a~til, 27 de~rees lg - 2 minutes 30 seconds West 116.92 feet to land of William A. Richmond; thence over said land of William A.Richmond, South A3 degrees 5~ minutes AO seconds ~,~est A97.15 feet to its intersection with the westerly line of "Richmond Road", herein- abo?e described; thence, continuing over the said land of William_ A. Richmond, South ~3 degrees 5~ minutes kO seconds West 503.72 feet to the easterly line of Moffat Brothers; the southeasterly line of the said pro'Dosed highway is parallel to, and 50 feet southerly from, the foregoing described north- westerl~ line thereof. Dated, this~/~ay of October, 19A8. · Town Superintendent of H~ghway., Town of Southold, Suffolk Count State of New York. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF I~,~s.: ~U~ F0-.K, sa:- H6N~Y J. ~MITH, residing at Peconic, New York, being duly sworn, says: I reside at No. I am the owner of premises described in deem recor(~ec in the office of the CLerk of ~uffolk County in Liber ~'.7~. cp.45~, through which premises ap- plication is made for the dedication of two roads by the Tozm of bouthold. Said premises have been in ~y possession since January ~Oth, 1~45; 19 ; that possession has been peaceable ~d undisturbed, and my title has never been disputed, questioned or rejected, as far as I know. I ~ow of no facts by reason oi which sdd possessi~ or title might be called in questi~, or by reason of which any claim to any part of said premises or any interest ~ein adverse to ~e , might be set up. There are no judgm~ts against ~e unpaid or unsatisfied of record entered in any court of this S~te, or oi tbe United States, and said premises are, so far as I know, free from all mo~gages, leges or other incumbmnc~ e~ In ~ action in the ~upreme Court~ Suffolk County, brought by me against Henry Edgar and others (File No. 13284-1948) to determine title to the said premises, a judgment was duly enterea theve~n, decreeing such title to be vested in me in fee simp~e~w~x on the 3th d~y of August, 1948 and recorded in Judgment Book ~42, Page There are no actions pending affecting said premises. No proceedings in bankruptcy have ever been instituted by or against me in any court or before any officer o[ any State, or of the United States, no~o.&v e I at any time made an assignment for the benefit of my creditors. I am a citizen of the United States, and am more than twenty-one years old. *My present wife is the only person to whom I have ever been married. She is over the age o[ twenty-one years and is competent to convey or mortgage real estate. I am engaged in thegeneral store business at Peconic, N.Y. Sworn to be[ore me this 5th day oi October', 1948.. ~qot atY Public Residing in ~ Commi~iou ~ires M2rch 39, 1949 ~In ca~e the deponent is a ~ingle man or widower, erase [he aLave and in~ert the proper one oF the following clauses. "I am a single man. never havi~g been married" or "I am a widower~ m~ wife having died and I have not remarried.' residing at So.~thold, N.Y., being d~ly sworn, depose ~ and say s, That he is the owner of premises~r~w~,s- situatea at Arsha- momacue, Town of Southold, N.Y., opposite Clark Eoao, bounded on the North by the North Road and on the ~outh by nrshamomac;ue Pond, ~ndr~ore p~rf~ew~rty desc~bed in the application by your deponent and H~NHY J. SMITH to the Highway Department of the Town of Southole for the taking over by the said Town of the highways therein aescribea and knovm as Richmond Roaa ttnd West Mill CreeX Drive. That said premises have been held by deponent and preceding owners from when* title is derived for the period of TVFEJVTI/' I'~EJRS lazt pazt and ~pwards and that the possession thereof has been peaceable and ~ndist~rbed and that the title thereto has never been dispz*ted or q~estioned to the knowledge of deponent ; that deponent know of nothin~ which might tend to bring said title into q~estion or by rea*o~ of which any claim to any part of said premises or to any ~ndivided interest therein, adverse to deponent , might be set wp or made; that said premises are free and clear of any and all liens, encumbrances or clouds of every name, nature or kind, either recorded or That your deponent acquirem title to the said premises under the Last ~;~ill and Testament of his grandfather, William H. Richmond, who died a resident of,th? County of Suffolk on~ February £~i895; said Will bein~ probated on Aorml i5~ 1595 and recormec in Liber ~0 oi' Wills, P.469. ~eponent ftzrthe/ say s t/mt there is no j~dgment, order or decree against deponent t*npaicl or ~nsatisfied of record; that no proceedings in bankruptcy have ever been instituted by or against deponent nor ha s deponent ever made any assignment for the benefit of creditors; T/mt at this time there are no ~npaid taxes or assessments, ordinary or extrcv- ordinary, now d~e or levied against said premises or any part thereof,*~~ That no payment of any Federal or State Income Tax t~as ever been demanded of deponent and still remains ~npaid; Tlw~t said premises are not chargeable or encumbered by any Federal Estates Tax or Collateral Inheritance or Transfer Tax or any other Tax; That meponent is not at this time a ~Bondeman ~pon any ~BOJVD for any person, ~ or corporation; TI~ deponent i s now in possession of said premises above described; ~at deponent i s a citize~ of the United States of ~me~ca and of the a~e of twen~-one years and ~pwar~; That deponent is married to MAI{GA~ET '4. EIC[%IOND who is over the a~e of twen~.one years and competent to convey real estate; T~t deponent ha s never been mar~ed to anyone else now living; That each and all of the fore.aoin~ statements and representations are in each and all respects tr~e and are made/'or the pt~rpose of iht:tieing the Highv&y ~epartment of the Town of Soutko±a ~o ta.-~e ove~. the high~.,~ys describe~ in the said application. S~bscribed and sworn to before me this llth day of October, .d.D. 19¢d, after the contents thereof had been f~lly xlotary public in the.l~4~er of ;,q,,z in Suffolk Co',~O' ~,~, COUNT5[ OF ~UFFOLIC_ In the Matter of the Laying out of certain To~n Highways in the Tovm of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. APPLICATION THOMAS E. MURRAY. JR. a'r'ro,,~.~ ~o, Applicants Southold, N.Y. STATE OF N~,%~ YORK CO~Y OF S~?OLK T0~'~ 0F S0~HOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of : certain To~ Highways in the To~ : of Southold, Co~ty of Suffolk and : State of New York. : DEDICATION AND RELEASE V?HEREAS, application has been made to the Term Suoerin- tendent of Highways of the Totem of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State ~f ~ , ~,e~ York, for the laying out of two certain highways to be knovm as (1) RICi~IOND ROAD and (2) ~¥EST MILL CRE~,..~ DRIVE, respectively, and 7,~EREAS, William R. Riclmaond, his wife, ~rgaret W. Richmond, and Henry J. Smith, are the ovmers of respective portions of, and of resoective rights of way over, the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided either as grantee, or in some other capacity, and are 'all of the persons having any interest in said rights of %~y and said proposed highways, NOW, TtTEREFORE, WE, WILLZM~ A. RICIE~0ND and his wife, i.~RGAi~ET W. RICHI¢OND, and HENRY J. SMITH, all residing at Southold, New York, in consideration of the su~ of One Dollar (~l.00), to each of us in hand uaid, by ![AROLD PRzC~, Superin- tendent of Highways of the Term of Southold, the receipt whereof' is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the laying out of two new hig~ys, at Arshmnomaque, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Hew York, to be knovm as (1) RICPD~.IOND ROAD and (2) ¥~ST HILL CREEK DRIVE, respect- ively, do hereby dedicate, release and convey th the said Term of 5outhold, for highway ourposes, the following lands, to wit: 1. RICiKIOND ROAD. The westerly line of the pro- posed highway to be knovm as "Richmond Road" is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of North Road, about opposite the westerly line of Clark Road, said point being 192.95 feet easterly along said sout~erly line of I~orth Road fro~ a granite ;aon~:~ent at a deflection in said southerly line; and running thence over land of lfilliam A. Ricim~aond, South 18 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds East 1032.60 feet to its intersection with the northvfesterl¥ line of West - 2 - Eill Creek Drive, hereinafter described; the easterly line of the said proposed highway is parallel to, and 50 feet easterly from, the foregoing described westerly line thereof. 2. WEST MILL CREEK DRIVE. The northwesterly line of the proposed highway to be known as "West Mill Creek Drive" is described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the southerly corner of the intersection of the westerly line of Grove Road and the souD,'~erly line of ~Till Creek Drive; run- ning thence, over la~.d of Henry J. S~aith. South 27 degrees lA minutes 30 seconds West 116.92 feet to land of William A.Richmond; thence over said land of Willia~ A. Ricknond, South &3 degrees 5~ minutes ~0 seconds ~est ~97.15 feet to its inter- section with the westerly line of "Richmond Road", hereinabove described; thence, continuing over the said land of William Ao Rich~nond, South ~3 degrees 5% minutes %0 seconds Sfest 503.78 feet to the east- erly line of l~ffat Brothers; the southeasterly line of the said proposed highway is parallel to, and 50 feet southerly fro~:~, the foregoing described norzhwesterly line thereof. AND ~ DO HEREBY release said town fro~ all da~uages by reason of the laying out of the s aid above described new high- STATE OF NEW YORK ) COIJN~K OF SUFFOLK ) ss: On the ~/'-~ day of October, 1948, before me personall ca:ue William A. Richnond and Margaret W. Richmond, to me know and knovm to me, to be two of the persons described ~n ~d whc exscu5ed the foregoing instr~ent, and they, severally, ach~owledged to ae that they executed the same. ~ P~Be~ ~ ~e State o~ ~ w ~,~; STATE OF NA~;; YORK ) COUHTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss: On the o5 day of October, 1948, before me Dersonall came Henr.y J. Smith, to me lcnown, and known to me, to be the oerson described ill and who executed the foregoing instrument and he ackq/owledged to me that he executed tho same. Notary Public in the State of New l~Otl~dS't~b~,~*; ' / / '~ ~ M~' 2 ;remission ~xpke~ Marob Yq~~'q~ .... '~ STATE OF NEW YORK T 0 · In the Matter of the Laying out of certain Town Highways in the To~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. APPLICATION THOMAS E. MURRAY, JR. AY?O~N£Y ~0~ Applicants Southold, N.Y. In the Matter of the Laying out of certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. DEDICATION and RELEASE THOMAS E. MURRAY. JR. a~o~ ~o~ Applicants Southold, N.Y. WM ~V~AP ~ E IkAILL CREEK DR~vE A~- ARSHA M O f',~ O (iU F___ TOWN OF SOlJTHOLD--,.~UFFOLK F~ o k D .% A U E