HomeMy WebLinkAboutREYDON DRIVE TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TO~ OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at Reydon, at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as REYDON DRIVE, as follows:- BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the Northerly line of the North Road at Bayview, and on the Easterly line o£ herein proposed highway, being 600 feet, more or less, Westerly along said North Road from the Southeasterly corner of Reydon Shores, running thence Northerly on a line about parallel to the Easterly line of lend of said Reydon Shores 940 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument. The Westerly line of said highway IS to be parallel to and distant ~O feetl Westerly from the above described Easterly line, which propose£1 laying out will pass through the lands of John Beach; J. A. Dated this WE, the undersigned, a majority 6f the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town on the ~ day of August, 1958, and considered the application of $ohn Beach and others for the laying out o£ a new hlg~hway to be known as EEYDON DRIVE, at Reydon, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby consent that such la~lng out be made in accordance with the praye~ of the within petition. Supe fyi so~. of the Superintendent of HiEhw~s. and ~-~:-'-.~ ~-v- -~' ~U'r~'~L~'~' ~ C'~r~T~u-d~IO-~--~ORPO-~T~; a ~oret~on or~lzed ~der the laws of the Stets Sf ~ew York, w~th ~ts pr~nc~l offl~ ~d place of bus,ness et ~ster ~, N~ York, ~n consideration of the sum of O~ ~L~E, to us In ~d ~ld by ~0~ D. ~IC~, To~n Su~rintendent of Hl~ays, of ~e T~n of Southold, and In ~her ~tion of the layl~ out of a new hl~a at Reydon, S~t~ld, To~n of ~thold, Suffolk C~n~, ~ew Yo~, to be known as ~ON ~E, described as follows:- B~I~I~ at a concrete ~n~t set on the Northerly 11~ of ~e ~rth No~ at ~lew, ~d on the ~terly llne of herein ~oposed hl~w~, 6~ feet, more or less, Westerly alon~ said North ~ad f~m the S~theasterly corner of Reydon S~res, runni~ thence No~herly on a line about ~rallel to the ~asterly l~e of l~d of said Re~ Sho~s ~0 feet, mo~ or less, to a concrete mon~ent. ~ ~esterly line of said highway is to be ~rallel to md tst~t ~ feet Westerly from the able described ~sterly line, ~hich p~sed l~:~t ~111 pass t~o~h the lends of Jo~ B~ch; J. B~de~ and ~-~ ~-,~ ~;~_, only, do hereby dedl~te and rele~e to the To~ of S~thold, ~1 land heretofore o~d by ~ ~d ~ncluded ~lthln the premises above descried, ~d do ~reby release said To~ f~m ~1 d~es ~ ~ of the layt~ ou~ of said high,ay. ~ted Aunt ~ lV38. (Lii' ) .) STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the ~ day of August, 1935, before me personally came known to me and known ~ome to be one of the persons described in end who executed the foregoing instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. . ~ ~ Notary Public, Surf. Co. STATE OF NEW YORE, COUNTY OF ~SS:' On the .~ day of August, 19S8, before me personally came J. A. BRUDERMANN, of ~)-~3 //~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ personally known to me end known to me to be one of the persons described In er~ who executed the foregoing Instrument and he ~r~ acknowle~d t° me that he executed tho ~TARY ~ae*as C~. Clk', N*. la~9, B~. Ne. 15~6 N- c~,,~,wl~k, lI{~'~s M~dl 30, lit0 ,..Courity. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- C0UNT~ Or On the 4~ ~ day of August, 1938, before me came ANTNONY OLIVER to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at ; that he is the ~ame~ of , the corporation des- crlbed in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to nald instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the bosrd of directors of said corporation, and that he slgnsd his name thereto by like order. r~ ORD~ LA¥IN~ OUT N~W HI(}HWA][ ~ITH TI{E COnSeNT OF T~NN BOARD. Written application having been .~de to me, Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by John Beach end others, persons liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, end the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having; been given as preecrlbed by law, and releases from damages h~vlng been executed by the owners of the land through1 which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, end nothin6 having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it Is hereby ORD~ED and DETERMII~D that a hig~hws¥ shall be end the same is hereby laid out in said Town ss followe:- BEGINNIN~ at a concrete monument set on the Northerly line of the North Hoad at Bayvlew, and on the ~/asterly l~ne of herein proposed highway, being 800 feet, more or less, Westerly alon~ said North Road from the Southeasterly corner of Keydon Shores, runnln~ thence Northerly on a line about parallel to the ~sterly l~ne of land of said Reydon Shares 940 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument° The Westerly l~ne of said h~hway is to be p~rallel to and distant 50 feet Westert¥ from the above described ~asterl¥ llne. mated Au&~zst 19~8. ' TC~-n Superintendent of Hi'Shwa~a - 'l'oen of $o%tthold. In the Matter of the Application of JOHN BEACH ~nd ors. for the laying out of a new highway at Reydon,aouthold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as REYDON APPLICATION, CONSEIgI', RELEASE and (i~DER.