HomeMy WebLinkAboutRACHAEL'S ROADTERMS FOR OFFER OF DEDICATION OF PORT~ON OF RACHEL'S ROAD MARCH 3, 1994 Buovodantona Aliperti, owner of SCTM# 1000-108-4-7.1, will give the Town of Southold an Offer to Dedicate the fee title to that portion of Rachel's Road described in the cross-hatched AA in the attached Exhibit A. Upon the Town's acceptance of the Offer to Dedicate, the Town of Southold, will improve that dedicated portion of Rachel's Road (cross-hatched AA), to a level where it can be plowed clear of snow and used safely by emergency vehicles, by constructing the road base. Buovodantona Aliperti, or his successor in interest, will make final improvements to the cross-hatched AA road portion in a manner consistent with the roads for the subdivision beyond that point (as shown on Exhibit A as BB), at such time as the road improvements for the Elijah's Lane subdivision are installed. All improvements shall meet the minimum requirements established in the Highway Specifications. The cost of completion of this section of the road to the Town's standards will be included in the bond for the subdivision improvements for the initial section developed. 4. The Town of Southold will maintain that portion of Rachel's Road between Elijah's Lane and the cross-hatched AA area (as shown on Exhibit A as CC) at Town expense, leaving Mr. AliPe:.~ti with no liability for that ortion. ~antona ~L~Tt'~l SU or Thomas Wickham State of New York) )SS. : County of Suffolk) On this ~day of ~ , 1994 before me personally came Buovodantona Aliperti to me known to be the same individual described in and who executed the above instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed same. JOYCE M. WILKINS // ~{otary ~ublic Nota~ Public. Stat~ of NewYod[ No. 4952246, Suffolk Term Expires June 12, ~O0'Og 3 ~0£,££oR£ S -- .~ '~ ~ ,0g, 0£.££ N ,~6 ',L9 ~ .44 ,,0~,~£.9£ N 107 ,~ 9'Z 6~ · ,,Og, 9£,Z£ ,Zg'£6 ,O0'OgJ .,~ 3S -T- fx69'Ofx · ~ gJ 107 ,99 DN 1fl8 ,0 ,'99 '96g ,.Z # '£g~ l ,61 Z££ ND V El 35 0 N I 0'] f'l E , 0 3S qr 9gl'O~l 9J 107 ,9Z'6~ 1 N3 9g 107 V3 3DVNIV~O ,gZ'IGI ,£6~191 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A I~e~ed %o t]~ ~ of ~ou~h~Id BEGI::NI~]G AT ~ ~OINT on ~he sou~hmrly =ids of ~ohael's westerly along ~he =ouCherly side of Raohaa/'s Road Sou~h OFFER OF DEDICATION This Offer of Dedication dated ~ I~ , 1994, made by Buovodantona Aliperti, having hi~ principal place of business located at 1138 William Floyd Parkway, Shirley, New York, owner of the property described in Exhibit A attached, hereby irrevocably offers to cede title to the Town of Southold of the land area designated in Exhibit A for street purposes. This Offer of Dedication is intended for present or future acceptance and is irrevocable. The undersigned represents that he is the sole owner of the property described in Exhibit A. uovo antona Atlpertl State of New York) )SS.: County of Suffolk) On this qC~day of~--~ , 1994 before me personally came Buovodantona Aliperti to me known to be the same individual described in and who executed the above instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed same. y Public JOYCE M. WILKINS Notary Public, State of New York No. 4952246, Suffolk Coun.ty Term Expires June 12, 1 .00 '0~ ~ .0£,££.~£ S ~n ,gZ 'Z 61 ,41 ,0~,0£.g£ N ZJ 107 '£6 m ~ NS ~ ~69'0~ ,99 '96g ,6l 'Z££ _CE q~ 991'0~l 9~ 207 · 9Z '6g ~ DNIQ71n8 ,0 ,O0'Ogl ,£6'gl9l EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A 8Outh~riy side of ~a0hael's Road and =bm ~eeceriy side of ELiJah'a Lan~. 10 ~econdJ WU~D 67.47 feet and ~lo~g the ~c of a CU~ bering to having a radi~ of 175.00 fe~c and a longt~ of 135.64 f~ec; across Rachael's Road ~or2h 5 d~gr~e~ 45 minutes 43 ~eoonds %h~ ~or~huriy hide of ~aehaul'~ Road; thanc~ easterly alonq th~ ~orChsrly sid~ ~o~ndm Ea~c 67.47 f~; ch~nc~ sou:herly across Ra~hae~'~ ~ad JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax i516) 765-1823 Telephone ¢516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 8, 1994: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the offer of dedication submitted by Buovodantona Aliperti, of a portion of Rachael's Road, Mattituck, all in accordance with the terms for offer of dedication as executed by Supervisor Thomas Wickham and Buovodantona Aliperti, dated March 3, 1994, as approved by the Town Attorney. Description of the portion of Rachael's Road is as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Rachael's Road, said point being distant 320.00 feet westerly from the end of a curve connecting the southerly side of Rachael's Road and the westerly side of Elijah's Lane; thence westerly along the southerly side of Rachael's Road South 51 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds West 67.47 feet and along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 175.00 feet and a length of 135.64 feet; thence northerly across Rachael's Road North 5 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds East 50.00 feet to the northerly side of Rachael's Road; thence easterly alon9 the northerly side of Rachael's Road along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and a length of 96.89 feet and North 51 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 67.47 feet; thence southerly across Rachael's Road South 38 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds East 50.00 feet to the point or place of beginning. Southold Town Clerk March 9, 1994 BOXES S TilRU 9 MUST BI] TYPED OR pRINTED IN [I .[./~.~, IN.l< O..~[!y. PRIOR TO RECUR. DING O14 FILIN(;. Numhe¢ nf pagc~ Serial # Certificate # · Deed / Mortgage instrument :1 REAL ESTATE APR 5t I~ff';-/ IRANSFER SUFFOL~ COUNTY Cage / ~'inog Vet 're-sa~ (~. ~lJlllJlnl EA-5~ i7 (County) .... ~,.~ EA-Sll7 (State) ~.~ Comm. nf Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Suh Totdl ,__ Sub Total GRAND TOTAL -Z-[RECORDE0· RecurdinR / FilinR Slanlps .Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax ,..__. 2, SON¥'~tA ' Sub Total 3. Spec,/Add, TOl: MTG. TAX Dual Town Ouai County .... Held for Apportionment Transfer Tax lt4 anston Tax ,_ The property Coveted hy Il[ti ntu~'age is or will be improved by a uae nr t~vo family dwelling only. YES or NO page K of thi~ ifl/l~mcnt. Real Pr~q)eny Tax Sccvlcc Age icy Verificati~m ,o00 '] FEE PAll} DY: Cash OR: .~ectien C'h¢ck~ N/Charge._ Payer name a~ I1 & II ..... Commonwealth Titl: Company Jnf, rmati,n Lot Commonwealth l.and Title Insurance C0mpa~y Name Title Number RECOR-D & ILE._ U~N TO ~ADDRES~ CounD' Recordiug &Endorsea, ent Page This page rorms imrt or me anadted ~c ~ ~c~L,c,~ madeby: (Deed, Modg~ge, SUFFOLK COUNt', NEW YOI~C :. ,,,: TOWn la the VLLLAGE or IlAMLET