HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLUM ISLAND LANE (2)Zn the Matter of the laying out of certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York known as Plum Island Lane, Park View Lane, Three ~aters Lane, Sound View Road and North Sea Drive, in the Hamlet of Orie~lt.Ry~er Landin9 ............ ~y~e~ ~a[_m_L~n~ ORDER OF SL~PERINTENDENT OF Pursuant to Section 171 of the Highway Law, and upon the annexed consent of the Town Board of the Town of Southold~ New York, and the annexed deed of dedication and release from Woodhollow Properties, Inc.~ a domestic corporation~ and being the only owner of and person interested in the lands t~rough which sai~ highways are proposed to be opened, NOW~ THEREFORE, I, H~ROLD D. PRICE, as the Superintende~ of Highways~ of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and! State of New York, do hereby determine and order that town high- ways shall be~ and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as particularly described in the ~nn~xsd deed from l~[oodhollow Properties, Inc.~ dated~;c~m~', 1963. the Town of Southold~ ~ew york, In the Matter of the laying out of : certain Town Highways in the Town : of Southold~ County of Suffolk and : State of New York~ known es Plum : Island Lane, Park View Lane, Three : Waters Lane, Sound View Road, North : Sea Drive, Ryder Landing and Ryder : Farm Lene in the Hamlet of Orient. : CONSEM2 OF TOt'TN BOARD Upon reading and filing the dedication and release of Woodhollow Properties, Inc.~ dated September 3~ 1963, duly ac- knowledged~ dedicating and releasing the necessery lends for the proposed highways known as Plum Island Lane, Park View Lane~ Three Waters Lane, Sound View Road, North Sea Drive, Ryder Landing and Ryder Farm Lane in the Hamlet of Orient,. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more particularly described in said deed of dedication and re- lease~ it is hereby ~SOL¥£D, that consent be, and the same is, given that the Town Superintendent of the Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid Town Highways to consist of the lands described in said deed of dedication and release~ all in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law of the State of New York. 'a ~_~ _Sup~rvQ~ or .J--~U i f he ~: ce ' ~stice of the Peace~ pLUM ISLAND LANE, VIEW LANE, THREE WA~ERS SOUND VIEW ROAD, NORTH SEA DRIVE, RYDER LANDING, RYDER FARM LANE . TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME OR MAy CONCERN: Liber 5477 page 518 GREETING: KNOW YE, THAT WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corp- oration having its office and principal place of business at 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, for and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar, lawful money of the United States of America to it in hand paid by Town of Southold, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the following described lands, to wit: ALL those certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and des- cribed as follows: 1. PLUM ISLAND LANE: Beginning at a monument set on the northerly ~ine of the Main Road 174.95 feet easterly along said line from land of Ray Tabor; running thence four courses as follows: (1) N. 1© 02' 20" E. - 435.76 feet, thence (2) S. 88© 57' 40" E. - 75 feet, thence (3) across the westerly end of Parkview Lane, next herein described and then along land of Woodhollow Properties, Inc. S. 1© 02' 20" W. - 432.00 feet to the northerly line of said Main Road, thence (4) S. 88© 55' 40" W. - 75.05 feet to the point of beginning. II. PARKVIEW LANE: Beginning at the northerly end of the easterly line of Plum Island Lane above ~escribed and running thence six co%lrses as follows: ~1) S. 88 57' 40" E. - 289.79 feet, thence (2) on a curve to' the left, having a radius of $0 feet the distance of 94.25 feet, thence (3) across the southerly end of Three Waters Lane, next herein described S. 88© 57' 40" E. - 50 feet, thence (4) on a curve to the right, havin~ a radius of 110 feet, the distance of 172.79 feet, thence (5)N. 88° 57' 40" W. - 289.79 feet to the easterly line of said Plum Island Lane, thence, (6) along the easterly line of Plum Island Lane, N. 1© 02' 20" E.- 50 feet to the point of beginning. III. THREE WATERS LANE: Beginning at the end o f the second course, in the above described Parkview Lane .~d running'six courses as follows: (1) N. 1© 02' 20" E. - 1324. f6et, thence (2) on a cRrve to the left, having radius of 100 feet the distance of 151.84 feet, thence (3) N. 4© 02' 20" E. - 50 feet, thence (4) on a curve to the right, having the radius of 150 feet a distance of 227.77 feet, thence (5) S. 1© 02' 20" W. - 1324.20 feet to the easterly end of the third course in the above described Parkview Lane, thence (6) along said third course N. 88° 57' ~0" W. - 50 feet to the point of beginning. IV. SOUND VIEW ROAD: Beginning at the westerly end of the second course, in the above described Three Waters Lane and running thence twelve courses as follows: (1) N. 85© 57' 60" W. - 163.26 feet, thence (2) N. 78© 30' 00" W. - 461.74 feet, thence (3) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 498.16 a distance of 208.67 feet, thence ~4) S. 77© 30' 00" W. - 420.93 feet, thence (5) S. 71- 12' 40" W. - 360.41 feet, thence (6) N. 1° 34' 00" W. - 52.35 f~et, thence (7) N. 71© 12' 40" E. - 347.65 feet, thence (8) N. 77° 30' 00" E. - 423.68 feet, thence feet, PLUM ISLANk ~ANE, PARK VIEW LANE, THRt WATERS LANE, SOUND VIEW ROAD, NORTH SEA DRIVE, RYDER LAZDING and RYDER FAP~I IZ>[E (9) on a curve to the right, having a radius ~eet a distance of 229.61 feet, thence (10) S. 78° 30' 00" E. - 458.48 feet, thence (11) S. 85° 57' 40" E. - 160.00 feet, to the nortneri End of the third course of Three Waters Lane, thence (12) along said third course of Three Waters Lane 50 feet to the point of beginning. ¢2' 20" W. ]-6 V. NORTH SEA DRIVE: Beginning at the monument ~t the southerly end of easter- ly line of Ryder Farm Lane; running thence along the easterly line of o Ryder Farm Lane N. 1 34' 00" W. - 50 feet to a monument, thence 88° 26' 00" E. - 75 feet to a monument, thence N. 74° 29' 30" 550.44 feet to a monument, thence due east 356.00 feet to a monument, thence $.83° 52' 40" E. - 370.11 feet to a monument, thence S. 40" E. 279.41 feet to a monument on the westerly line of Three Waters Lane, above described, 155.44 feet southerly along said line fro~o n~rtherly end of the first course of Three Waters Lane, the westerly line of Three Waters Lane S. 1° 02' tD a monument, thence N. 85° 57' 40" W. 282.94 52' 40" W. 368.34 feet, thence due west 346.52 · 2~' 30': W. - 549.76 feet; thence S. 88° 26' 00" pDint of beginning. thence along 20" w. - 50.07 feet feet; thence N. d~.° feet, thence S. '~" W. - 81.10 feet to the VI. RYDER LANDING: Beginning at a monument on the northerly line of S.L)~Bd View Road, above described, N. 71° 12' 40" E. 47.65 feet from the westerly end of the northerly line of said Sound View Road, runn~n.~ thence N. 1° 38' 20" W. - 245.96 feet, to ordinary high water line o.f Long Island Sound, thence along said ordinary high water line N. 70° 38' 10" E. - 100 feet, thence S. 1° 42' 30" E. - 246.91 feet, to a monument on the northerly line of said Sound View Road, thence 'a[Long the northerly line of said Sound View Road S. 71° 12' 40l' .~,~. 100 feet to the point of beginning. Viii. RYDER FARM LANE: Beginning at the westerly end of the southerly line o~ Sound View Road, above described, and running thence along said south- erly line of SoundoView Road N. 71° 12' 40" E. - 52.35 feet to a mon- ument, thence S. 1 34' 00" E. - 308.65 feet to a monument, thence S. 88° 26' 00" W. - 50 feet, thence N. 1° 34' 00" W. 293.15 feet to the point of beginning. .~, further have remised, released and forever discharge the said ~own of Southold, its successors and assigns, of and from all, and ~11 manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of m~ney, accounts reckoning, bonds, bills, special- 'ties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, extents, executions, claims .lnd demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which against the said Tcwn of Southold it ever had, now has or shich it, or its successors ,Dr assigns, hereinafter can, shall or may have for, upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning of the %;ortd to the day of the date of these presents, and particularl~ for any damage that may be occasioned to the undersigned because of the acceptance by said Town of Southold of certain lands at the Hamlet of Orient in said Town of Southold, for the dedication as public h£.]hways or roads called, ::Plum Island Lane", Park View Lane", Three Waters Lane'~ Sound View Road", and North Sea Drive". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. has caused this instrument to be signed and sealed this 3rd day of September, 1963. Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Walter Uhl SEAL Recorded: Jan. 6, 1964 Norman E. Klipp 11:59 A.M. Clerk of Suffolk County L · PLUM ISLAND LANE, PAR~EW LANE, THREE WATERS SOUND VIEW LANE, NORTH SEA DRIVE, RYDER LANDING and RYDER FARM LANE 349 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF NASSAU) ON this 3rd day of September, Ninteen Hundred and Sixty-three before me came Walter Uhl, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Split Rock Rd., Syosset, Nassau County, New York, that he is the President of the corporation describ- ed in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of directors of said corporation; that he signed his name thereto by like order. Grace M. Mott, Notar~ Public '~ RECORDED Jan.6,1964 State of New York ~ 11:59 A.M. Norman E. Klipp, clerk of Suffolk County In the Matter of the laying out of ; certain Town Highways in the Town ; CONSENT OF of Southold, County of Suffolk and ; TOWN BOARD State of New York, known as Plum .; '. Island Lane, Park View Lane, Three ; Waters Lane, Sound View Road, North ; Sea Drive, Ryder Landing and Ryder ~ Farm Lane in the Hamlet of Orient, ; Upon reading and filing the dedication and release of woodhollow Properties, Inc. dated September 3, 1963, duly acknow- ledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for the proposed highways known as Plum Island ~.ane, Park View Lane, Three Waters Lane, Sound View Road, North Sea Drive, Ryder Landing and Ryder Farm Lane in the Hamlet of Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and more particularly described in said deed of dedication and release, it is hereby RESOLVED, that consent be and the same is, given that the Town Superintendent of the Highways of the Town Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid Town Highways to consist of the lands described in said deed of dedication and release, all in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated: December 24, 1963 Lester M. Albertson SEAL Supervisor Louis M. Demarest Councilman Cowrin C. Grathwohl Councilman Ralph W. ~uthill Justice of the Peace Henry A. clark Justice of the Peace . gO PLUM ISLAND L,~NE, PARK VIEW LANE, THREE WATERS LANE, SOU~D '.,[~,W 3.0AD, NORTH SEA DRIVE, RYDER LANDING AND RYDER FARM LANE, in the Hamlet of Orient. In the Matter of the laying out of certain Town Highways in the Town of : $outhold, County of Suffolk and State : ORDER OF of New York known as Plum Island Lane, : SUPERINTENDENT park View Lane, Three Waters Lane, : O_~F Sound View Road and North Sea Drive, : HIGHWAYS Ryder Landing and Ryder Farm Lane, in the : Hamlet of orient, : Pursuant to Section 171 o£ the Highway Law, and upton the annexed consent of the Town Board of the Town of Southo3. d~, New York, and the annexed deed of dedication and release from woodhollow Properties, Inc., a domestic corporation, and bei~n~ the only owner of and person interested in the lands through which said highways are proposed to be opened, NOW, THEREFORE, I, HAROLD D. PRICE, as the Superincendent of Highways, of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, do hereby determine and order that town highways shall be, and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as particularly described in the annexed deed from Woodhollow Properties Inc. dated September 3, 1963. Dated: December 24, 1963. Harold Do Price Superintendent of Highways. o~ the Town of Southold, New York. In'%theMatter~of the ~ · laying out of certa, inLTowz Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffol and State of New York, known as Plum Island Park View Lane, Three Lane~ Sound View Road, North Sea Drive, Ryder Landing and Ryder Farm Lane in the Hamlet of Orient. ~ CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD : MCMANN AND MCMANN In the Matter ef the - laying out of certsin Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York kno~ -as Plum Island Lane, Park View Lane, Three Waters Lane, Sound View Road and North Sea Drive, in the Hamlet of Orient. (also Ryder Landing and - Ryder ~arm Lane) ORDER OF SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS MCMANN AND MCt~ANN ' · ENI .... '?.?' In the Matter of the laying out of : certain Town Highways in the Town : of Southold, County of Suffolk and : State of New York~ known as Plum : Island Lane~ Park View Lane, Three : ~faters Lane, Sound View RoaS~-.~ : North Sea Drivei Ryde~ Land,lng a~d : ~eer~.Farm Lane in the Hamlet of : DEDICATION and RELEASE TO ALL ~IOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL CO~ OR MAY COI~CERN: GREETING: KNOW YE, THAT WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC.~ a domestic corporation having its office and principal place of business ~ 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York~ for and in consideration of the sum of One (~l.O0) Dollar, lawful money of the United States of .America to it in hand paid by Town of Southold, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the.following described lands, to wit: ~ALL those certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Orie~, Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York~ bounded and described as follows: I. Plum Island Lane: Beginning at,.,e~monument set on the northerly line of the Main Road 17~.9~e~terly along said line from land of Ray Tabor; running thence four courses as follows: (1) N. 1° 02' 20" E. - ~3%.76 feet, thence (2) S. 88° %?, ~O" E. - 7~ feet, thence (3) across the westerly end of Parkview Lane, next here- in described and then along land of %~oodhollow Pro oerties, Inc. S. 1° 02~ 20" W. - ~32.00 feet to the northerly li4e of said Main; Road, thence (~) S. 88° %%, ~0" W. - 7~.0~ feet to the point of i beginning. II. Parkview Lane: Beginning at the northerly end of the easterly line of Plum Island Lane above described and running thence six courses ss follows: (1) S. 88° 57, ~0" E. - 289.79 feet, thence (2) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 60 feet the distance of 9~.25 feet, thence (3) across the soBtherly end of Three Waters Lane~ next herein described, S. 88~ 57' ~0" E. - 50 feet, thence (~) on a curve to the right, having a radius of llO feet~ the distance of 172.79 feet, thence (%) N. 88° ~7' $0" W. 289.79 feet to the easterly line of said Plum Island Lane, thence (6) along the easterly line of Plum Island Lane N.%°02, 20" E. - 50 feet to the point of beginning. III. Three Waters Lane: Beginning at the end of the second course, in the above described Parkview Lane and running thence six courses as follows:~ (1) N. 1° 02' 20" E. - 1324.20 feet, thence (2) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 100 feet the distance of 151.84 feet, thence (3) N. 4° 02' 20" E. - 50 feet, thence (4) on a curve to the right, having the radius of 150 feet a distance of 227.77 feet, thence (5) S. 1° 02' 20" W. - 1324.20 feet to the easterly end of the third course in the above described Parkview Lane, thence (6) along said third course N. 88° 57' 40" W. - 50 feet to the point of beginning. IV. Sound View Road: Beginning at the westerly end of the second course, in the above described Three Waters Lane and running thence twelve courses as follows: (1) N. 85~ 57' 40" W. - 163,2~ feet, thence (2) N. 78° 30' 00" W. - 461.74 feet, thence (3) on a curve to the ~eft, having a radius of 498.16 feet, a distance of 208.67 feet, thence (4) S. 77° 30' 00" W. - 420.93 feet, thence (5) S. 71° 12~ 40" ~% - 360.41 feet, thence (6) N. 1° 34' 00" W. - 52.35 feet, thence (7) N. 71° 12~ 40" E. - B47.65 feet, thence (8) N. 77° 30' 00" E. - ~23.68 feet, thence ~'~-~) on s curve to the right, having a radius of 5~+8.16 feet a distance of 229.61 feet, thence (10) $. 78° 30' 00" E. - g~8.48 feet, thence _(ll) S. 85° 5?: 40,' E. - 160.00 feet, to the northerly end of the third course of Three Waters Lane, thence (12) along said third course of Three Waters Lane S. 4° 02' 20" W. - 50 feet to the point of beginning. V. North Sea Drive: Beginning at the monument at the southerly end of easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane~ r~nning thence along the easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane N. l- 34~ 00" W. - 50 feet to a monument, thence N. 88° 26~ O0 "E. - 75 feet to a monument, thence N. 74° 29' 30" E. - 5%0.44 feet to a monument, thence due east 356.00 feet to a monument, thence S. 83° 52' ~0" E. - 370.11 feet to a monument, thence S. 8%° 57: 40" E. - 279.41f eet to a monument on the westerly line of Three Waters Lane, above described~ 155.4q feet southerly along said line from the northerly end of the firsg course of Three Waters Lane, thence along the westerly line of Three Waters Lane S. 1° O2~ 20" i~. - 50.07 feet to a monument~ thence N. 85° 57' 40" W. 282.9g feet; thence N~ 83° 52' 40~' W. 368.3~ feet, thence due west 34'6.52 feet- thence S. 7~° 29' 30" W. - ~g9~76.feet; thence S.88° 26' 00~' W. - 8i.10 feet to the point of eeglnnlng. ~ =2- VI. Ryder LanSing: Beginning at a monument on the northerly line of Sound View Road, above described~ N. 71° 12~ ~0" E. - ~7.65 feet from the westerly end of the northerly line of said Sound View Road, running thence N. 1° 38' 20" W. 2~5.96 feet, to ordinary high w~ er line ~ Long Island Sound, thence along said ordinary high water line N. 70° 38' 10" E. 100 feet, thence S. 1° ~2' 30" E. - 2~6.91 feet~ to a monument on the northerly line of said Sound View Road~othence along the northerly line of said Sound View Road S. 71 12' ~0" W. - 100 feet to the point of beginning. VII. Ryder Farm Lane: Beginning at the we~ erly end of the southerly line of Sound View Road~ above described, and running thence along s~id southerly line of Sound View Road N. 71° 12' ~0" E. - 52.35 feet ~t~ ~ monument, thence S. 1° 3~' 00?' E. - 308.65 feet to a monument, thence S. 88° 26~ 00" W. - 50 feet, thence N. 1° 3~ 00,~ W. - 293.15 feet to the point of beginning. -3- AND~ further have remised~ released and forever discharge the said Town of Southold, its successors and assigns, of and from all~ and all manner of actlen and actions~ cause and causes of action, suits~ debts~ dues~ sums of money~ accounts reckoning~ honds~ bills, specialties, covenants: contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments~ extents~ executions: claims and demands whatsoever~ in law or in equity~ which against the said Town of Southold it ever had~ now has or which it, or its successors or assigns, hereinafter can, shall or may have for, upon or by reason of any matter~ cause or thing whatsoever from the be§inning of the world to the day of the date of these presents, and particularly for any damage that may be occasioned to the undersigned because of the acceptance by said Town of Southold of ~ertain lands at the Hamlet of Orient in said Town of Southold, for the dedication ss public highways or roads called~ "Plum Island Lane", "Park View Lane"~ "Three ~aters Lane", "Sound View Road"~ and "North Sea Drive". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES: INC. has caused this instrument to be signed and sealed this 3rd day of Se~. , ~T~E OF ¢~:f YORK ~ ~ ~,~. ~ ~ )ss.: on aay of before me came W~er ~ WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. Sept. , Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three ~ to me ?mown, wh% JAN 6 1964 l l.. ,,c NORMAN E. KLIPP Clerk of Suffolk Count'~ his name thereto by like order. tion; end that he signed RECORDED b.,eing by me du.ly sworn, did deoose and say that he resides at Split Rock Rd.~ Syemset~ N~ssau Coun%y,N~.Y~hat he is the Preaide~ of the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- FRANK J, McMANN McMANN & HcHANN January 22, 196~. Mr. Albert R. Richmond, Southold Town Clerk, Main Road, Southold, New York. Dear Mr. Richmond: Enclosed herewith please find the following documents: 1. Deed dated November 6, 1963 from Woodhollow Properties to Town of Southold, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 6, 196~ in Liber ~+77 at page 51+6. 2. Deed dated September 3, 1963 from Wo~hollow Properties ~o Town of Southold, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 6, 1965 in Liber 51+77 at page 51+1. 3. Dedication and Release dated September 3, 1963 and. recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 6, 196~ in Llber 51+77 at page 518. ~. Release dated September 19, 1963 from Southold Savings Bank to Woodhollow Properties, Inc., recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on January 6, 196~ in Liber 51+77 st page 530. 5. Release dated September. 21, 1963 from Edwin H. King and Frances C. King to Woodhollow Properties, Inc., recorded in theSuffolk Co~ty Clerk's office on January 6, 196~ in Liber 5477 at page 525. Very truly yours, George A. McMann, Jr. GAM:SD Enclosures Chleego T~tle insurance C°mP~l[ In the Matter of the layin~ out of certain Town High- ways in the Town of Southo: County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as Plum Tsland Lane~ Park View Lane Three Waters Lane~ Sour~ View R~d~ North Sea Drive~ Ryder Landing and Ryder Farm Lane in the Hamlet of Orient. DEDICATION and RELEASE MCMANN AND McMANN /FIlleT NATIONAL BANK BUILDING · ~,:.~. - HOME TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, in consideration of the fees, which are due and payable upon the delivery of this certificate, certifies that the title to the premises described herein, and embraced in the application for insurance numbered as above has been examined by it and that the title thereto, clear of ail encumbrances and defects, except as noted below, is insurable at the date hereof, upon a good and valid conveyance or mortgage by. WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES INC. This certificate is delivered in reliance on the representations made by the applicant and upon the understanding that neither the applicant nor the party to be insured has any information or intimation of any defects, objections, liens, or encumbrances affecting said premises, except those shown on said application and such as are shown below; and that the Company's liability in any event under this certificate is limited to the issuance of a policy of title insurance in its usual form for $__~.0.Q[1~032 , the amount stated in the application. '~ ....... .~.$~... ............. Mortgages. See Schedule witl'tin. Returns on Trax Search. See Schedule within. Leases, None of Record Rights of present tenants. 4. Restrictive Covenants, Easements, Agreements and Consents. Zoning ordinances, restrictions and regulations of the city, village or town in which the premises are situated. - - ' DeclaDation of Covenants and Restrictions in Liber 5083 cp 219 and Liber 44o~ cp 5. Su~ey. None. Policy will except any state of fact~ an accurate survey would show, including violations of covenants and restrictions, 6 .......... NO ............ Judgments amL.......}[O ............ Bankruptcies. See other encumbrances and defects. 7. Other Encumbrances or Defects. See Schedule within. When this title is dosed a policy of title insurance in this Company's usual form, excepting the facts shown on this certificate and on continuations thereof to date of closing and not properly disposed of, will be issued in accordance with said application upon payment of this Company's fees. If title is closed without the presence of this Company's cl6ser the policy will further except all estates, liens and encumbrances not properly disposed of created or recorded between the date of the last continuation of this certificate and the recording of the instruments creating the insured estate. This certificate shall become null and void upon the delivery of the policy, and after the issuance of said policy no liability for loss or damage will be assumed by the Company other than that arising under said policy. Dated NOV. lu, 19 6l Continued and redated' Continued and redated 9:00 a.m. Approved by. R. l~.antca mac Reader Manager of Law Department This report of title is intended for lawyers only. Such exceptions as may be set forth hereb~ may affect marketability e/title. Your lawyer should be consulted before taking any action based upon the contents of this report. The Company's representative at the closing hereunder may not act as legal adzdsor to any of the parties or draw legal instruments/or them. Such represen- tative is permitted to be of assistance only to an attorney. It ir advisable to have your attorney present at the closing. Farcel One DESCRIPTION aLL those certain streets, roads, avenues or drives, situate, lying md being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk snd State of New York, shown and designated as Sound View Road, Three Waters Lane, Park View Lane and Plum Island Lane on a certain map entitled, "Map of Orient-By-The-Sea, Section One, situate at Orient Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk Co., N.Y., owned and developed by Woodhollow Properties Inc., Jericho Turnpike, Jericho, N.M.~ surveyed by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son,.Llcensed Land Surveyors, Greenport~ N.Y.", and filed in the Office of the clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 21, 1957 as Map No. 2777. NOT INSURED. { For Conw~yancing ~ ~l~l:Je:tl~rr ,,~ith ;dl ri?ht, title and interest of the party of the first t,a~:t in and to the Only. t land lying in the streets and roads in front of and adjoining said premises. Parcel Two DE-SCRI PTION ALL those certain streets, roads, avenues or drives, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, shown and designated as Ryder Farm Lane, Sound View Road, North Sea Drive, Plum Island Lane, King Farm Lane, uhl Lane, Andrea Place and Park View Lane on a certain map entitled, "Map of Orient- By-The-Sea, Section Two, situate at Orient Point, Suffolk Co., N.Y., Owned and developed by Noodhollow Properties Inc., 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, N.Y., surveyed by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, Greenport, N.Y.',, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 26, 1961 as Map No. S%44. NOT INSURED. / For Conveyancing1 ~,ogrtllrr x~ith all right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the Only. ( land lying in the streets and roads m front of and adjoining said premises. MORTGAGES Mortgagor Woodhol£ow Properties Inc. Mortgagee Charles E. Ryder Amount $ 25,u00. Dated b/9/58 Recorded b/10/58 L 302bP 383 Prepayment privilege, Tax Pd. if any~ee below Due Interest per cent payable Clauses: I days Int. ; days Inst. ; days Taxes A. &W. ; Mortgagor Woodhollow Properties Inc. Mortgagee Ed~tn H. King and Frances C. King Amount $ 75,000. Recorded 4/22/57 Prepayment privilege, if any--see below Due According to bond Dated 4/15/57 L 2836 P 368 Tax Pd. Interest per cent payable Clauses: I days Int. ; days Inst. ; days TaxesA.&W. ; TAX SEARCH Ass~ss~ VALUATION ASSESSED TO Wood~OllOw Prop. I nc · AS 31 ~ AC~ES Town of Southold SCHOOL DIST. ~ MAP N ~¥ Sound S nv Main Road HOW DISPOSED OF BLOCK LOTS E By Woo&hollow Prop. Inc, W BY Joseph Moisa To be apportion~_d RETURNS (Some of the items returned hereon may have been paid but payment not officially posted. Receipts for such items should be produced on closing.) 19b0/bl - Town and school taxes Paid in full '2~d'A;s;s;m;n% ' To be apportioned Assessed to: Woodhollow Properties Inc. N by Sound Town of Southold E by Orient-By-The-Sea S by main Road 47.5 acres W by Woodnollow Prop. Inc. 19bo/b1 - Town and school taxes Paid in fulz All prior taxes Paid Water charges, if any, not included SUFFOLK COUNTY REAL ESTATE TAXES Babylon Brookhaven East Hampton Huntington Islip Riverhead Shelter Island Smithtown Southampton Southold Dec. and May 10 Dec. and May I0 Dec, and May 10 Dec. and May 10 Dec. and May 10 Dec. and May 10 Dec. to Nov. Dec. to Nov. Dec. to Nov. Dee. 1 to Nov. Dec. to Nov. Dec. to Nov. Dec. to Nov. Dec. tO Nov. Dec. to Nov. Dec. to Nov. 50 40 Days 30 40 & 21 Days 30 40 Days 30 40& 21 Days 30 40&2l Days 30 40&21Days 50 40 & 21 Days 40 & 21 Days 30 40 Days 30 40 Days 1'% per Month--See Note A 1'% per IVlonth--See Notes A and B 1'% per Month--See Note A 1% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Notes A and B I% l>er MontIv--See Notes A and B I% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month---See Note A I% per Month--See Note A VILLAGE REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR INCORPORATED VILLAGES PENALTY:--5% for first month 'after grace period and 1~% for each additional month, Amltyville June I and Dec. I Mar. I to Feb. 28 3.0 Days Both Asharoken June 1 June 1 to May 51 30Days Babylon June I Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days BelleTerre June I June 1 to May 51 50Days Beltport June I June 1 to May 31 30Days Bright Water~ June 1 June I to May 51 50Days Dering Harbor June 1 and Dec. I June I to May 3l 50Dayslstl.~ East Hampton Aug. I Jan. I to Dec. 31 30Days followingyear Head of Harbor Mar. 1 Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days Huntington Bay June 1 June I to May 51 50 Days Lindenhurst Mar. I blat. 1 to Feb, 28 50Days Lloyd Harbor June 1 Sept. 1 to Aug, 31 30 Days Nissequoque June l North Haven June 1 Northport Mar. 1 Ocean Beach June 1 Old Field Mar. I Patchogue June t PoquoR June 1 Quogue June 1 Sag Harbor June 1 Sal~aire Aug. 1 Sboreham Aug. 1 and Feb. 1 Southampton June 1 The Branch June 1 Westhampton Bch. June I June 1 to May 31 30Days June 1 to May 31 30Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days June 1 to May 31 45 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30 Days June I to May 31 30Days June 1 to May 31 30 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 30Days The entire tax is a lien on the first due d~te even though payable in two installments. This information is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Ho~ Disposed Of ?. Other Encumbrances or Defe~ts. A. The Company does not insure that the buildings or other erections upon the premises herein comply with State and Municipal laws, regulations and ordinances. Any departmental searches which may be reported herein are furnished for information only. B. The identity of parties at the dosing of this tide should be established to the satisfaction of the closer and the affidavit in this eertitlcate fined out, signed and sworn to. C. No title to personal property will be insured nor has any search for chattd mortgages been made. D. Deeds and mortgages must contain the covenant required by the Lien Law as amended by laws of 1942 and such covenant must be absolute and not conditional. The covenant is not required in deeds from referees or other persons appointed by a cour~ for the sole purpose of selling prnperty. E. When the transaction is an assignment of a mortgage or other lien, an estoppel certificate executed by the owner of the fee and by the holders of all subsequent encumbrances must be obtained. When the transaction is a mortgage, the amount actually advanced should be reported to the Company. F. Policy will except the rights of others than the insured into, over and along the herein described premises. G. The exact distances, dimensions and locations of the bouneary £ines of the premises herein described cannot be guaranteed without a survey acceptab±e and approved by the Law Department of this Company. DECL~R~TION OF COVENanTS ~ND RESTRICTIONS made this 15th day of November 1961 by WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES INC. a domestic corporation having its office at 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, Nassau County, New York, hereinafter called the "Declarant", WITNESSETH: WHEREzS, the Declarant is now the owner in fee simple of all lots on a certain map entitled, "MAD of Orient-By-The- Sea, Section 2, situate at Orient Point, T~m of Southo%~, Suffolk Co., N.Y., by Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, Greenport, Long Island, New York", and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 26, 1961 as Map No. 3444 A.B.S. No. 3840; and WHEREAS, the Declarant intends to devlope the aforesaid premises as a planned community comprising single family detached dwellings of a general New England Colonial, Cape Cod and Long Island Farmstead architectural character and design; and WHERE~S the Declarant intends to grant and convey said premises and portions thereof to various purchaser; and WHEREAS, the declarant is desirious of subjecting the whole of said premises and every portion thereof to certain conditions covenants and restrictions for the purpose of conserving pFoperty values and promoting the ~eneral welfare of residents of the area; NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the aforesaid premises and every portion thereof be and the same hereby is held and shall be conveyed subject to the conditions, covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth, and each and every prospective purchaser of said premises and /or portion thereof by the acceptance of a deed thereto covenants and a~rees that the premises so purchased shal~ be held subject to the following conditions, covenants and restrictions, to wit: 1. No building and/or strucLure of any nature or description shall be erected or maintained upon any lot having an area of less than 20,000 square feet, with a minimum width of 100 feet at the house line. 2. No part of any building and/or structure except uncovered steps, stoops, terraces, patios and chimney breasts shall be located upon any lot within 40 feet of the front streets.lines of ~e lot nor within 15 feet of any side lines of the lot nor within 30 feet of the rear lines of the lot, except that in the case of a corner lot a building shall be required to comply ~ith the front yard restrictions on one street front onl~ proviCed, however, that the width of the side yard abutting on the street other than that upon which the lot fronts shall be ~ot less than 30 feet. 3. Each lot shall be used for a private residential purposes only ( or as a professional office of a physician or dentist resident whatsoever ~ha~l ~e~erected, altered, plcaed or maintained thereon except on e Ge ~acneG sinHle family dwellin~ not to exceed two and one-half stories in height and an attached garage. A garaEe connected to the dwelling by a overhead trollis, pergola, breeze- way or porch roof shall be deemed attached. All one story d~.ellings shall provide not less than~1000 square feet of usable floor area and all one and one half and two and one half story dwellings shall provide not less than 700 square feet of usable floor area on the first floor or ground level. 4. No separate or detached garage, outhouse, outbuilding, barn, shed, or other structure of whatsoever kind or nature shall be erected, placed or maintained on any lot lb r use as a residence either temporarily or permanently. 2o~'3 5. No trailer, basement, tent, shack or garage shall be erected, placed or maintained on any lot use as a residence either temporarily or permanently. 6. No signs of any kind other than the usual small professional signs, shall be erected, maintained'or displayed to the public view on any portion of the land or buildings without written consent of the Declarant ~nd then only upon such conditions as the Declarant and then only upon such conditions as t~he Declarant may specify. This provision however, shall not include signs used by the Declarant ot its successors and assiKns. 7. Fences, whether fabricated or growing shall not eXceed ~ feet in height. $. No title to land in any street opened or laid out by the Declarant is intended to be conveyed to purchasers of any lots and the Declarant reserves to itself the fee or all land lyin~ in the bed of any and all streets, and further reserves to itself the right to convey to any municipal authority all of its right, title and interest in a~y part of all of such streets, should the Declarant at any time deem it ~xpedient to do so. 9. The exterior architectural features of any and all buildings and~or structures shall be that of New England Colonial, Cape Cod or Long Island Farmstead char:~cter and design or of any other desiKn approved by the Declarant .or assigns. 10. No buildin;s and/or structures of any nature or description shall be erected, not shall erection be commenced not shall exterior alterations upon or additions to any ex£sting buildings and~or stru0tures be undertaken unless and until all plans, specifications building elevations site plans, and other information deemed necessary to determine the suitability and appropriateness of the exterior, architectural features and design of the proposed buildings and/or structures have been ~'irst approved in writing l~y the Declarant, his successors or a~si~ns. All exterior construction painting and grading shall be completed within one year after commencement of construction. ll. The Declarant shall have and hereby reserves the right, without the consent of any owner, mortgagee, or other lienor to give consents to enter into agreements and ~rant easements in perpuity to electric light, telephone, gas, water and other public utility companies or any municipal or governmental authority to erect, install and maintai~ telephone and electric light poles, subsidiary pipes, wiresm cables, appurtenant apparatus and equipment in, Over, through, under, upon and along the property lines of any plot or lot now or hereafter laid out upon said premises for a distance not exced~in~ l0 feet in width, and in, over, through, under a~d upon and along any street, right of way or other throughfare now or hereafter laid out upon said premises and as more particularly shown on the aforesaid map of Orient-By-The-Sea, Section 2, 12. The Declarant, his successors and ~ssigns, whether or not owning any part of the aforesaid premises and without the consent of any owner, mortgagee or other lienor, shall have and hereby reserves the right to alter, modify or annul, in whole or in part~ and as to any lot or the holw of the aforesaid premises at ~ny time and from time to time, any or all of the conditions, covenants and restrictions set forth in this Declaration. 13. The Decl~rant, his successors ~nd ~s.,ign~ shall have and hereby reserves the right to assign, ~ith or without a conveyance of title to any part of the aforesaid premises, any or all of the rights and powers of the declarant herein contained, by an instrument in recordable form, and the assignee thereof, whether or not such assignee h~.ve title to any part of the aforesaid premises, shall have the same rights and powers and be subject to the same oPligations and duties as are reserved by and given and assumed by the Declar~;nt hereunder. 15. The Declarant reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the beach and water front located at the northeast corner of the premises designated "Reserved Property Owners Beach" on the map of Orient-By-The-Sea, Section i filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk.for the use and enjoyment of all purchasers of said premises or portions thereof under such rggulations as may from time to time be reasonably established by Declarant, its successors and assigns ~nd every prospect;vd purchaser of said premises and portions thereof by acceptance of a deed thereto, from them- selves, their successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that the premises conveyed by such deed shall be subject to an annual charge in such an amount as shall be fixed by the Declarant, its successors and assigns, not, hoever, exceeding in any year .the sdm of $~.00 per Lot lO0 feet by 125 feet. The assigns of the Declarant may include a properties owners' association that may hereafter be organized for such purposes referred to in this paragrpah, and in the event such associ~.tion is organized, the sums referred to in this paragrpah provided shall be payable to such associations. Every such purchaser, their successors and assigns covenants and agrees that they will pay the aforesaic charge to Declarant~ its successors and assigns on the first day of May in each and every year and further covenants that said charge shall on said date in each year, become a lien on uhe land md shall be such lienf until fully paid, and the Declarant, its successors an~ assigns shall have the right and power to bring all actions for the collection of said charge and to enforce the lien thereof. Such charge shall be devoted by Declarant, its successors and assigns to the payment of taxes and the maintenance of the said beach and waterfront. 15. This declaration shall be binding upon, inure to .the benefit of and be enforceable by the Declarant, his successors and assigns and (subject to the right of the Declarant, his successors and assigns to alt~r, modify or annul this Declaration as set forth in Paragraph li~) any o~ner or owners of any of the aforesaid premises their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assign; and the failure by any of the foregoing to enforce any of such conditions covenants and restrictions shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 16. The foregoing conditions, covenants and restrictions shall be construed as real covenants running with the land and shall cease and terminate on the 26th day of October 1971. However, the Declarant his successors and a~signs may renew ~nd extend the same for successive periods of 5 years each by an inotrument evidencing such intention and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk prior to the expiration date. 17. Invalidation of any of ~he aforesaid conditions, covenants and restrictions by Judgment order of a court having jurisdiction. thereof shall in no wise affect any of the remaining provisions hereof which shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEBEOF, said declarant has set his hand and affixed his seal this day and year first abovewritten. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS ~ND ~EST~ICTIONS made thi~ 21st day of November, 1957 by WOODHOLLOW P~0PERTIES, IN~., a domestic corp- oration having its office at, Jericho Turnpike, Jericho, Nassau County, New York, hereinafter called "Declarant., WITNESSETH: STF~A~ the.Declarant is now the owner in fee simple of all lots on a certain map entitled "M~p of Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 1, situate ~--... at O~ient Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by Otto '~'.J~'¥ M. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors,-Greenport, Long Island, · New.York,, and filed in the 0f~ice of the Clerk of Suffolk County on November 21s$, ].o57 under file number 2777, A. B. S. No. 29q7; and ~., WH~AS the declarant intends to develop the aforesaid premises ss a planned, community comprising single family detached dwelling of a general N~w Enfland Colonial, Cape Cod ~nd Long Island F~rmstead architect- ual character an~ design; and. WME~..EAS the declarant intends to grant ~nd convey said premises ~nd portions thereof to various purchasers; and ~M~Sthe declarant is d~sirous of sub3ecting the whole of said prem- ~.- ~ ~ses and every portion thereof~ to certain conditions, covenants'and re- strictions For the purpose of conserving property values and promoting ~-' C; the general welfare of residents of t~e area; NOW, THEREFORE, the declarant declares that the ~foressid premises and every portion thereof be and the same hereby is held ~nd shall be 'conveye~b~ect' to the conditions, covenants and restrictions herein- '~'-':' after-set eorth, and each ~nd every prospective purchaser of said prem- .. 'lses or portion thereof by the acceptance of a deed thereto covenants · ~nd agr9es that the premises so purchased shall be held subject to the '., <. follpwing done~[tions, covenants end restrictions, to wit: ..... ~.,.No buildln~ and or str~'cture of any nature or description shall be · erected or'maintained upon ~ny lot having an .~rea of less than 1P,500 seuar- feet, with a minimum ~dth of 100 feet at the house line? - -2. No part of any building and or structure, except uncovered steps, stoops~ terraces, patios 8nd chimney breasts shell be located upon any ~ lot within ~forty Feet of the front street line of the lot nor within · fifteen feet of any side line of the lot, nor within thirty feet of the -rear ~lne of the lot, except that in the case of a corner lot a building shall be reoulred to comply with the front yard restrictions on.one street front 0nly provided, however, that the width of the side yard abutting o~ -the street other than that upon which the lot fronts shall be not less the: thirty feet. 3. Each l~t shall be used for private residential purposes only.(or as a professional office oe a physici~n or dentlst -~sldent therein) and no building and or structure of any nature or description whatsoever shall be erected, altered, placed or melntained thereon except one detached single faml!y dwelling, not to exceed two a~d one-half stories in height, ~nd an atts. ehed garege. A garsge connected to the dwelling by an overhead trellis, pergola, ~breeze-wsy or porch rooe shall be d~med attached. All .one story dwellings shall provide not less than 700 souare feet of usable floo~ area and all one ~nd one-half and two and one-half story dwellings shall provlde not less th~n 7CO s~uare feet of usable floor ~rea on the First floor o~ g~ound level. ' Z. No separate or detechod g~r~e, out-house, outbuilding, barn, shed or other structure of whatsoever kind or nature shall be erected, placed or mainta~ned upon any lot~ 5. No trailer, basement, tent, shack or garaCe shall be erected, placed o~ malntainod on any lot fo~ use as a residence either t~mporarlly or perman- ently. 6. NO signs of any kind, other than the usual small professional signs, shall be erected, maintained or displayed to the public view on any portio~ of the land or buildings ~'ithout ~itten consent of the declar~,nt, and then only upon such conditions ss the declarant may specify. This pro- vision, however, shall not include signs used by the declarant or its suoc~sso~s and assi~s. 7. Fences, whether fabricated or growing, shall not exceed four feet in helzht. $. ~.No title to land In a~v street opened or laid out by the declara9t is int6nded to be conveyed to purshasers of any lots and the declarant reserve~ to itself the fee of all ]snd lying in the bed of any and all such streets, and further reserv,s to itself the right to convey to any municipal authority all of its right, title and interest in any part or all of such streets, should the dec!stent ~t any time deed it expedient to do so. 9. The exterior architectural features of any and all buildings and or struc.tures shall be th~ of New England, Colonial, Cape Cod or Long Island Fsrmstead character and design, or of any other design approved by the ~ecl~rant or assigns. 16.' .No buildings and or structures of any n~ture or description shall be erected, nor shall erection be commenced, nor shall any exterior altera- tions upon or additions to any existing buildings and. or structures be un~ dertaken unless and until all plans, specifications, building elevations, site plans and other information deemed necessary to determine the suit- ability end 'appropriateness of the exterior architectural features and design of the proposed' buildings and or structures have been first approved in ~riting by the declarant, his successors or assigns. All exterior con- struction, psintlng and grading shall be completed within one year after commencement of construction. il. The declarant.shall have and hereby reserves the right, without the' consen$ of any owner, mortgagee or other lienor, to give consents, to enter into agreements and grant easements in perpetuity to electric light, telephone, gas, water and other public utility companies or %ny municipal or ~overnmentsl authority to erect, install and maintain tel- ephone and electric light poles, subsidiary pipes, wires, cables, appurt- ensnt apparatus and ecuipment in, over, through, under, upon and along the property Iines of ~ny plot, or lot now or hereafter laid out upon said.premises for a distance nor exceeding ten feet in width, and in, over, 'through, under, upon and along any street, right of way or other thorough- fare now or hereafter laid out upon said premises and as more particularly sho~ on the aforesaid map of Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 1. 12. Th, declarant, his successors aud assigns, ~hether or not o-Jning.any part of the aforesaid premises and without the consent of-any owner, mort- gazee or other lienor, shall have and hereby reserves the right to alter, modify or annul, in Mhold or in part, and ss to any lot or lots or the whol of the aforesaid premises, Rt ~ny time and from time to time, any or all of the conditious, covenants and restrictions set forth in this declaration 1~. The declarant, his successors and assigns shall have and hereby re- serves the right to sssi?n, with or without a conveyance of title to any part of the aforesaid prsmises, any or ~.l]. of the right and powers of the declsrant herein contained, by an Instrument in recordable form, and the assignee thereof, whether or not such assignee have fitle to any psrt of the aforesaid Premises, shall have the same rights and powers and be sub- ~ect to the same obligations and duties ~s are reserved by and given and assumed by the Declarant hereunder. 1Z.. The declarant reserved to itself, its successors and assigns the beach and Mater front located at the northeast corner of the aforesaid premises desiTnated ,Mesewved Property Owners Beach" on the aforesaid. map of Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 1, filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, "or the use ~nd enjoyment of ~ll purchasers of said pre, lees or portions thereof under such regulations as may from time to time be resonably established by declarant, its successors and assigns; and every prospective purchaser of s~id premises or portions thereof by the acceptance of a deed thereto4 for themselves, their successors and. assignsz covenants and agre*s that the premises conveyed by such deed shal~ H~ subject to an annual charge in such ,n azount as shall be fixed by the declarant, its usccessors and assings, not, however, exceeding in any year the sum o~ ~.00 per ~ot 10~ ~eet by 125 feet. The-a~sign~ of the declarant may. include a properties owner,s association that may here- after be organized for such purposes referred to ~n this paragraph, and ~n th, ev~t such ~ssociation ~s organized, the sums referred to in this paragraph provld.ed s~ll be payable to such associations. Every such puwchaser, their successors and &ssigns covera~nts and agrees that they ~tll pay the a~ores~d charge to declarant, its successors and assigns, on the ~Irst day of May in each and every year, and further covenants that said charge shall, on said date in each year, bmeome a lien on the land and shall be such lien until fully paid, and the declarant, its successors and assigns shall~ the ~ight and power to bring all actions for the collection of said charge and to enforce the lien thereof. Such charge shs. ll be devoted by declarant, its successors and assigns, to the payment of taxes and the maintenance of the said beach and waterfront. 15. This declaration shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the declarant, his successors and assigns, and (sub~ect %0 the right of the declarant, his successors and assigns, .to alter; ~mod~fy, or'annul this declaration as set Drth in Paragraph 12) any o~rner ~'o~ ciphers of any of the.aforesaid premises, their heir~, legal represent- ative$, ~l~Ccessor~ and assigns; and the failure by any of the foregoing tc enfore~.anF, of such conditions, covenants and restrictions shall in no event he'deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter..- 16. The'~l~egoing-eonditions, covenants and restrictions shall be constru as res.1 cswen~ants run~ingwith the land and shall cease and terminate on the 20th day of November, 1~67. However, the declarant, his successors and assigns, may renew and extend the sRme for succ~ssive periods Of 5 years each by an instrument evidencing such intention and recSr~ed in' the -Office of the Clerk o~ the County of Suffolk prior to any expiration date. 17. Invalidation of any of the aforesaid condibions, c6venants ~nd~ re- strictions ~by~udEment or order of 8 court having Jurisdiction ~hereof shall in no wise affect ~ny of the remaining provisions hereof which Shall remain in full force and effect. Closed by--____ Date Closed ................................... Title No ............................ Closed at office of ................... Parties Present: Interest in Transaction: Address: The identity of the parties executing and delivering the dosing instrmnents was established by HAVE CONTINUATION OF SEARCHES BEEN RECEIVED FROM DATE OF CERTIFICATE TO DATE OF CLOSING? *This p~ra- graph to he omitted if *This para- graph to be omttted if STATE OF NEW YORK J COUNTY OF SS.: Affi anit of ifie TITLE NO ............ I reside at No. I am the * owner in fee simple of premises and the grantee , being duly sworn, says: described in a certain deed of said premises recorded in the Office of County in Liber of Conveyances, page Said premises have been in my possession since 19 · that ~ possession thereof has been peaceable and its , undisturbed, and the title thereto bas never been disputed, questioned or rejected, nor insurance thereof refused, as far as I know. I know of no facts by reason of which said possession or title might be called in question, or by reason of which any claim to any part of said premises or any interest therein adverse to Re might be set up. There are no judgments against me unpaid or unsatisfied of record entered in any court of this state, or of it the United States, and said premises are, as far as I know, free from all leases, mortgages, taxes, assessments, water charge and other liens and encumbrances, except Said premises are now occupied by No proceedings in bankruptcy have ever been instituted by or against ~te in any court or before any officer of any state, or of the United States, nor ,have. I at any time made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, nas it nor an assignment, now in effect, of the rents of said premises or any part thereof. *I am a citizen of the United States, and am more than 21 years old. I am by occupation · I am married to who is over the age of 21 years and is competent to convey or mortgage real estate. I was married to her on the day of 19 . I have never been married to any other person now living. I have not been known by any other name during the past ten years. *That the charter of said corporation is in full force and effect and no proceeding is pending for its dissolu- tion or annulment. That all license and franchise taxes due and payable by said corporation have been paid in full. There are no actions pending affecting said premises. That no repairs, alterations or improvements have been made to said premises which have not been completed more than four months prior to the date hereof. There are no facts known to me relating to the title to said premises which have not been set forth in this affidavit. This affidavit is made to induce to accept a of said premises, and to induce Home Title Guaranty Company on to issue its policy of title insurance numbered above covering said premises knowing that they will rely on the statements herein made. Sworn to before me this day of , 19 I SETTLEMENT CREDIT AS' OF DEBIT Paid on signing Contract: Purchase Price, Int. from to Ist Mortgage held by Int. from ~ % m. d. Water Rates Address Tax~s Rent from to 2nd Mortgage held by Insurance Int. from ® % Address P. M. B. & Mtg. to Rent from to Adjustment for Coal or Oil Total Debit, Total Credit brought over, Taxes Balance paid Assessments Water Rates Add'l. Charges to Purchaser Total Credit, F. xarn;n~tion Fee Add'l. Charges to Seller: Drawing Papers Drawing Papers Recording Fees Recording Fees Mortgage Tax Stamps Stamps 000S-6 PJ;qqnH tJ°A ~eN 'Z llJoA ~eN ]Jo~./~eN 008~-~ e6u~lO AesJeI' /aeN 'eBu~O 4s~3 'leo:tS u°46u!tls~/~A 8g 000S'g ~oeUOld :~oA ~eN '*loeu!l~l p~o~ ~.~uno~ PlO 0/£ SRDI~I~IO L_ PToqsno9 $o U~O.T, - .oIzI pToq3no8 $o n~tO.T, ao& 3ITO$$n9 t sol:3,zoclo;r d ~olIoqpoo/~ · oN a~Jaj~ H&VDI I& I.qD S, IHXPAV I JJOf O3 'Rlf '1 /j/,t