HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLUM ISLAND LANE WHEREAS, application has been made to the TOWN SUPERINTENDENTI OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, for the laying out of certain town highways to be known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE~ said proposed highways being as shown on two certain maps, one map entitled '"Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on.10/26/61 as Map No. 3444. NOW, THEREFORE, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES~ INC., a New York Corporation with its principal office at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodburyt Nassau County, New York~ the owner of lands to be in- cluded within the said highways~ does hereby dedicate, release and convey to the Town of Southold for highway purposes the land so shown as highways on two certain maps, one map entitled, "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One'~ and filed in the Suffolk County' Clerk's Office as Map No~ 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea~ Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk Countyi Clerk's Office on 10/26/61 as Map No. 3444 and described as follows: ' - BEGINNING at a point on the Southeasterly corner of Lot No. 1 as shown on "Map of Orient By The Sea, and the Westerly lines of Lots No. 146, i47~ 148, 149 and 2 the following eight (8) courses and distances: (1) North 88© 26' East 82.13 feet; (2) North 74© 29' 30" East 621.63 feet; (3) South 87~ 15~ 30" East 531.74 feet; (4) Easterly and Southerly along a curve to the right whose arc is 169.52 feet and radius, of 110.0 feet; (5) South 1° 02~ 20" West 486.93 feet; (6) South 28© 30' West 120~0 feet; (7) South 16~ 22~ West 120.74 feet; (8) South 1© 02' 20" West 125.0 feet to the Northerly side of Park View Lane; running thence along the Northerly side of Park View Lane and the Southerly terminus of Plum Island Lane~ North 88~ 57' 40" West 50.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Telephone 516-765-1937 )71 April 26, 1982 Re: ?i~m Island Lane and northerly 350' o£ Ryder Farm Ls~ne PLUM x ~ LA~: 2200' = 0.~17 mile $16:680 assessment required $22:000 actu$1 assessment RYDER FAB& LAh~ (northerly 350') = 0.066 mile $2~640 assessment required $4~800 actual assessment. sessment ~ss~stant LA. FOR PARCEL NO., $E£ SEC. NO. 020 -03. 011,2 .i.OA 43 ~ 44 t4 0 AND, it is certified that the consideration paid to the undersigned for tkis dedication and conveyance was the sum of ONE and 00/100 ($1.00) DOLLAR. A TNESS WHEREOF, Wed this II ~OF NEW YORK: I have caused these presents 6thday of Dec~ber, 1982. to be exe- WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS.: On the ~th d&~of ~ecemb~, 1982, before me, personally came WALTER UHL, ~ me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did de- pose and say that he resides at NassaulPoint Road, Cutchogue, New York; that he is the President of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the above instru- ment; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that ~e seal affixed to said instrun~nt is such corporate seal; that it was affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary ~ublic ,~ ....... s .... 0~.¢v, RYDER FARM LANE & PLU" ISLAND LANE, ORIENT Park View 6ane: running thence along the Northerly side of Park View Lane and the southerly terminus of Plum~ Island Lane, North 88*57'40" West 50.0 feet no the'point or place of'beginning. WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. Dated: December 6, 1982 /s/Walter Uhl, President Cutchogue, New York In the Matter of the Laying Out of certain Town H~ghways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND : LANE. CONSENT OF TOWK BOARD TO PROPOSED TOWN HIGHWAY Upon reading and filing the Application of 'WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. dated and acknowledged December 6, 1982 ~nd t~e letter of the Board of Assessors of the Town of Southold, setting forth that sufficient assessed valuat~o~ exisns along said proposed town highways for the purposes of dedi- cation, and the Dedication and Release of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., dated December 6, 1982, and duly acknowledged, de,dic, ating and releasing the necessary land for certain town highways known as a portion of Ryder Farm Lane an~ Plum Island Lane as shown on survey propared by Roderick Va~ Tuyl, P.C. Licensed Land Surveyors, dated March 4, 19S2, showing the courses of the said proposed highways. The said highways are the same as the highways set forth on two certain maps, one map entieled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office .as Map No. 2777 and the second map ~ entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 10/26/61 as Map No. 3444. RESOLVED, ~hat in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an Order laying ou~ the aforesaid town highways, the said highways ~o consis~ of th~ land described in the said dedication and release, and to extend as delineated upon the map therto annexed, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and she is hereby directed no forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Counny of Suffolk, and upon its return, ~o attach it hereto. Dated: April 5, 1983 'TOWN BOARD OF THE ~TO~WN OF SOUTHOLD COUNT~ OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK. /s/William R. Pell, III, Supervisor Raymond W. Edwards, Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr.,Councilman · Francis J. ~urphy, Coucilman ,, John J. Nickles, Councilman · - Lawrence Murdock, Jr., Councilman In the Mavver of the Laying Out of: certain Town Highways in the Town : of Southold. County of Suffolk and: Stane of New York known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND: LANE. : DI~ICATION AND RELEASI OF LANDS LANE & PLUM ~n the M~ttez of :Layihg Out of : certain Town Highways in the Town: df Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York known as a : postion of RYDER FARM LANE and : PLUM ISLAND LANE. ISLAND LANE''' ORIENT APPLICATION TO LAY OUT TO~N HIGHWAYS PURSUANT TO SECTION 171 OF THE HIGHWAY LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 59 TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned, a domestic corporation with its principal office at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, Nassau County, New York liable to be assess ed for highway taxes therein, herein applies to you to lay out certain town highways in said town, which proposed highways will pass through the land of the applicant herein, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a survey of the proposed high wa~s to be known as a postion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE pre- pared by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C., Licensed Land Surveyors dated March 4~ 198~ showing the courses of said proposed highways. The highways are the same as the highways set forth on two certain maps, one map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No~ 2777 and 'the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk~':s Office on 10/26/61 as Map. No. 3444 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly corner of Lot No. 1 as shown [~ on "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk Office as Map No. 2777; and running thence along the Easterly line of Lot No ~ 1 as shown on the aforesaid map and the Easterly lines of Lots No. 174,163 ~. and the Easterly terminus of Uhl Lane,the Easterly lines of Lots No. 162 and 118~ and along the Northerly lines of Lots No. 118,117, 116, 115, 156, 155, 154 and 153 the following nine (9) courses and distances: (1) North 1'02'20" East 131.73 feet; (2) North 16'22' East 132.77 feet; (3) North 28*30' East 113.09 feet; (4) North 1'02~20'' East 474.71 feet; (5) Along a curve to the left whose arc is 92.46 feet and radius of 60.0 feet; (6) North 87'15'30" West 523.70 feet; (7) South 74*29'30" West 1619.72 feet; (8) South 88.26~ West 68.24 feet; (9) Westerly and Southerly along a curve to the left whose arc is 31.42 feet and radius of 20.0 feet to the Easterly side of .Ryder Farm Lane; running thence South 88*26' West and across saud Ryder Farm Lane 50.00 feet to the westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane; thence North 1'34'00" West 350.0 feet along the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane to the corner formed bl the intersection of the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Southerly side of North Sea Drive being the Northeast corner of Lot 54; running thence North 82*26' East across Ryder Farm Lane, 50.00 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Southerly side of North Sea Drive, being the Northwest corner of Lot 81; thence South 1'34' East 280.0 feet along the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane to the corn~ formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Northerly side of Plum Island Lane, Being the southwest coener of Lot 101; running thence along the southerly lines of lots No. 101~100, 99, 98, "Leach ing area", lots 96, 95, 94 and the westerly lines of Lots Nos. 93,92,91, ~ Westerly terminus of King Farm Road and the Westerly lines of Lots No. 146, l 147, 148, 149 and 2 the following eight (s) courses and distances: (1) North ~-- 88*26' East 82.13 feet~ (2) North 74*29'30" East 621~63 feet; (3) South 87* 15'30" East 531.74 feet~ (4) Easterly and Southerly along a curve to the right whose arc is 169.52 feet and radius of 110.0 feet~ (5) South 1.02~20" West 486°93 feet; (6) South 28.30~ West 120.0 feet~ (7) South 16'22' West 120~74 feet~ (8) South 1' 02'20" West 125~0 feet to the Northerly side of RYDER :M LAND & PLUM JLAND'LA~E ORIENT ~HEREA~, application has been made to the TOWN S.UPERINTENDENT.OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, for the laying out of certain town highways to be known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE, said proposed highways being shown on two certain maps on~ map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777 and the second map entled "Map of Orient By The Sea. section Two" and £iled in the Suf£olk Counvy Clerk s Office on 10/26/6~ as Map No. 3444. wit NOW, THEREFORE, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a New York Corporation h its principal office as 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, Nassau County Ne~York, the'owner of lands to be included within the said highways, does hereby dedicate, release and convey to the Town of Southold for highway pur- poses the land so shown as highways on two certain maps, One map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By ~he Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 10/~6/61 as Map No. 3444 and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southeasterly corner of Lot No. 1 as shown on "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" filed in the Suffolk County Cleyk;s Office as Map No. 2777; and running thence along the Easterly line of Lot No. 1 as shown on the aforesaid map and the Easterly lines of Lots No. 174, 163 and Easterly terminus of Uhl Lane, the Easterly lines of Lovs No. 162 and 118, and along the Northerly lines of Lo~s No. 118,117,116,115, 156~ 155, 154, and 153, the following nine (9) courses and distances: (1) North 1'02'20" Easy 131.73 f-et; (2) North 16, 22' Easy 132.77 feet; (3) North 28*30' East 113.09 feet' (4) North 1'02'20" East 474.71 fee~; (5) Alon a c~rve ~o the lely whose arc is 92.46 feet an~ radius of 60.0 feet; (6) North 87'15'30" West 523.70 £eev; (7) South 74*29'30" West 619.72 feet; (8) South 88*26' West 68.24 leer' (9) Westerly and Southerly along a curve t the ' left whose arc is 31.42 feet and radius o£ 20.0 fee~ to the Easterly sid of Ryder Farm Lane; running thence South 88*26' Wes~ and across said Ryder Farm Lane 50.00 feet ~o the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane; thence North 1'34'00" West 350.0 feet along the WesterIy side of Ryder Farm Lane vo the corner formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the southerly s£de of North Sea Drive being the Northeast c~rner of Lov 54; running thence North 88*26' East across Ryder Farm Lane, 50.00 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Southerly side of North Sea Drive, being the Northwest corner o£ Lot 81; thence South 1' 34' East 280.0 feev along the Easterly side of Ryder Earm Lane to the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Northerly side of Plum Island Lane, being the South west corner of Lot 101; running thence along the Southerly lines of Lots No. 101, 100. 99, 98, "leaching area", lots 96,95~94 and the Westerly lines of Lots No. 93, 92, 91, Westerly terminus of King Farm Road and the westerly lines of Lots No. 146, 147, 148, 149 and 2 the following e~ght (8) courses and distances: (2) North 88*26' East 82.13 feet; (2) North 74*29'30" Eas~ 621.63 feet; (3) South 87'15'30" East 531.74 feet (4) Easterly and Southerl along a curve to the right whose arc is 169.52 feet and radius of 110.0 feet; (5) South 1'02'20" West 486.93 feet: (6) South 28*30'West 120.0 feet; (7) South 16,22' West 120.74 £eet; (8) South 1'02'20: West 125.0 feet to the Northerly side of Park View Lane; running thence along the Northerly side of Park View Lane and the Southerly terminus of Plum Island Lane, North 88* 57' 40" West 50.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. AND. it is certified that the consideration paid to the undersigned fo~ this dedication and conveyance was the sum of ONE and 00/100 ($1.00) DOLLAR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have caused these presents to be executed and sealed th~s 6th day of December, 1982. WOODHr~LOW PROPERTIES, INC. by /s/ Wal~ sr Uhl. President FOR COUNTY USE ONLY DATE DEED RECORDED $W15 CODE ' STATE OF NEWYORI~ ' STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND ASSESSMENT 'REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~EFORE CO',4PLET~IG ] HIS ~qRM ~3 COMPLETE CONTROt' NUMBER ALL ENTRIES MUST RE TYPED OR CLEARLY PRINTED 3700059 IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION PROPERTY LOCATION BUYER NAME I p/o Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane. Orient TOW~ of Soutkold , , New Vn~k , 11q~7 SELLER TAX BILLING ADDRESS ^DO"~SS , 53095 ~ain ~oad , $outhold , New York N^M~ , Woodhollow Properties, Inc. , , 11971 UEEU TYPE (CHECK ONE) PROPERTY USE {CHE~K ONE AND DESCRIBE BELOW) AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL VACANT LAND COMMERCIRLI APARTMENT RECREATION I EN EERTAINMEN F COMMUNITY SERVICE INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC SERVICR FOREST CONDITION OF TRANSFER (CHECK ANY THAT ARPLY) B ARM'S LENGTH TRANSFER A TRANSFER BETWEEN RELAT)VES B TRANSFER BETWEEN RELATED COMPAN[E~ OR PARTNERS IN BUSINESS C DEED GIVEN TO COMPLETE LAND CONTRACT SALE (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) D PROPERTY IS PART~ALLY IN TWO MUNICIPALITIES E PROPERTY TRANSFERRED ~S PART OF A PARCEL BBYER~IS A GDVERNMENT AGENCY ~ G I I OTHER tSPECIFV BELOW) TAX MAP AND ASSESSMENT ROLL INFORMATION I 1000-!5-5-24.32 TAX MAP OEGIGNATION ROLL IOENTIFICATIGN IF DIFFERENT 2.75 acres SALE INFORMATION SaE' ONTE, 4 5 '83 ' 1. CASH CONSIDERATION , None 2- ASSUMED MORTGAGE(S) + i --O-- 3 - PERSONAL PROPERTY -- I None 4 FULL SALES PRICE I FOR LOCAL USE ONLY I CERTIFY THAT ALL THE ITEMS OF IN FORM^TION ~N- T£RED ON THIS TRANSFER REPORT FO[~M ARE TRUE EA-5217 REV. 4/81 . Judith T. Terry , ~q~,,thnld Town C]erk MONTH OAY YEAR RICHARD f. LARK ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD - P. O. ~OX 973 CUTCHOGUE. NEW YORK I 1935 TELEPHONe S ~ 6734-6807 April 26, 1983 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 ATT: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk RE: Dedication of a portion of Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane, Orient, N.Y. Dear Mrs. Terry: In accordance with your request of April 20, 1983, I am enclosing a New York State Board of Equalization and Assessment Form together with m_~5~h~ck payable to the Town of Southold in the amount o~4~.0~9~to cover the filing f e e s. ~f~_- ~//oCz~/~ ~ If you have any further questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, RFL:bc Enclosures Richard F. Lark In the Hatter of Laying Out of : ertain Town Highways in the Town: of Southold, County of Suffolk : and State of New York known as a: portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE : ORIF~T ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS Application haveing been duly made for the laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, Suf£olk County, New York, known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ~SLAND LANE as shown on a survey o£ the proposed highways known as "Map of Proposed Highways to be known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE at Orient Point, Town of Southold, N.Y." pre- pared by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. Licensed Lane Surveyors, dated March 4, 1982, annexed hereto and made a part hereof, said proposed highways being as shown on two certain maps, one map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk,s Office as Map ne. 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 10/28/61 as Map No. 3444 and a Dedication and Release from the owner of the land through which the highway would be open having been given. NOW, THEREFORE, ~ THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, d©'hereby determine and order that the town highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town in accordance with the aforesaid map and survey of the proposed highways, annexed and made a part hereof. DATED: Aoril 5, 1983 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY STATE OF NEW YORK ~' by /s/ Raymond C.Dean ~ JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OEVITALSTATIST1CS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 April 20, 1983 Richard F. Lark, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Dick: I have been advised by the Suffolk County Clerk's Office that "Ail deeds dated 11/1/80 or after musv be accompanied by a State Board of Equalization and Assess- ment Form. Fee is $1.00." I am lacking that form in filing the documents for the dedication of a portion of Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane. I shall also require a check, payable to the Town of Southold, in the amounv of $42.00 To cover the filing fees. I shall be awaiting the completed forms and vhe filing fee so I may file with the County Clerk. Very truly yours, Judith ~f. Terry Southold Town Clerk JUDITH T. TERRY To~q CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST&T[STICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 April 11, 1983 Honorable Arthur J. Felice Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Felice: Transmitted herewith for filing in your office is the Dedication and Release of Lands and Bargain and Sale Deed pertaining to the Matter of Laying Out of certain Town Highways known as a portion of Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $29.00 to cover the filing fee. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures COUNCILMEN John J. Nicldes Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Francis J. Murphy Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Raymond W. Edwards, Jr. COUNCILMEN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1891 April 4, 1983 To: From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town Board Highway Committee: Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Joseph L. Townsend~ Jr., Chairman We have inspected the roads offered for dedication: a portion o~ Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane in the subdivision known as, "Orient-By-The Sea", and recommend they be accepted for dedication by the Southold Town Board. Concilman Joseph L. Town§e~, Jr. JUDITH T. TERRY Tox~q CLERK REGISTRAR oF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 April 8, 1983 Richard F. Lark, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Dick: This is to inform you that the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on April 5, 1983 accepted for dedication the following highways offered by Walter Uhl, President of Woodhollow Properties, Inc.: A portion of Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane as shown on "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two". Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk RECE~(ED RAYMOND 0. DEAN COMMISSIONER lubli lorks Bepartmen! ~own of ~outhol~ ~e~oni~. I~.~. 11958 January 10, 1983 Mrs. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, New York 11978 Dedication of a portion of Ryder Farm Lane and P1um` Island Lane at the subfhivision Orient by the Sea Dear Mrs. Terry: I have read the inspection report ~270 of Mr. John Davis and concur with his findings that the portion of roads indicated above are in good condition. I therefore recommend that said portion be dedicahed. RCD/plm ST~TI~ OF NEW YOB~. COUNTY · before ~C) to me known to be the individual described in and who ~ c~ec~ted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the STAI~ OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: On the ..6tl~lay of De_ce.~sr 19 82 before me personally came W-~TER DHL ' to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York ; that he is the President of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INCo , , the corporation described ~n and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrnment is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the beard of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed hisname thereto by lik¢ order. Notary Public 'VVl rH COVENANT _~GAINST GKANTOR'S ACTS TITt S NO. WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORIC, COUNTY O~ On the day of perso-nlIy cm-e before me to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that exeCUt~ the STATE OE NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No.. that he knows ' to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h na~te as witness thereto. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OK TOWN TAX BILLING ADDRESS Recorded At Request of The Title Guarantee Company RETURN BY MAIL TO: mmTITL~ GUARAN'r~- NGWYORK ATICOR COMPANY ~T -oGErI-IF_~ w/th ~! ~ght, tkle and interest, if any, of the party of th~ first p~art in and to any streets and roads abutting the alx>ve described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said prem/ses, TO I'tJ~.'VE AND Ti> EIO ~LD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns ~>f the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party o£ the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall he construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN ~ WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. Walter Uhl~ President TAX MAP DESIGNATION Dist. Sec. B[k. Lot(s): --' S£andaxd N. Y. B. 1~. U. Form 8007 g-78 -20M - Bargain and S~ e Deed, ,wijh Covenant agains~ Gra toFs Acts = vidual or Corporatim ~ONSUL~ YOUR ~ER BEFO~ SIGNING THIS INSTRUCT--THIS INSTRUME~ SHOU~ BE US~ BY ~WYE~ ONLY. 'rI'I~INDF_~llJRF~ma~ ~e 6th ~yof Dece_mb~.r ,ffinetem hundred ~d eighty-two. B£TWEEN WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation with principal~office at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, New York party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with office at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, _ REC REA/_ / TRaNSFeR 'FAX ! SUFFOLK party of the second part, L COUNT'¢ '~[I'N~ that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN and 00/100 -, .... ............ ($10.00) ............... dollarsi 1awful money of the United States, and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the ,party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, :alSIR~fi!t~:alll~:~l~mmlo~l~lt~i~:xllecl~lrz situate, lyingand ~ing~x~ucx at Orient Point, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as Pluan Island Lane and shown on. two certain maps, one map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk"s Office as Map No. 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 10/26/61 as Map NO. 3444 and a portion of Ryder Farm Lane on said "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and more particularly bounded and described as follows: :/ BEGINNING at a point on the Southeasterly corner of Lot No. 1 as shown on "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777; and running thence along the easterly line of Lot No. 1 as shown on the aforesaid map and. the easterly lines of Lots No. 174, 163 and Easterly terminus of Uhl Lane, the Easterly lines of Lots No. 162 and 118 and along the Northerly lines of Lots No. 118, 117, 116, 115, 156, 155, 154 and 153 the following nine (9) courses and distances: (t) North 1° 02" 20" East 131.73 feet; (2) North 16° 22' East 132.77 feet; (3) North 28~ 30' East 113.09 feet; (4) North 1° 02~ 20" East 474.71 feet; (5) Along a curve to the left whose arc is 92.46 feet and radius of 60~0 feet; (6) North 87° 15' 30" West 523.70 feet; (7) South 74° 29~ 30" West 619.72 feet; (8) South 88° 26' West 68.24 feet; (9) Westerly and Southerly along a curve to the left whose arc is 31.42 feet and radius of 20°0 feet to the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane; running thence South 88° 26' West and across said Ryder Fram Lane 50.00 feet to the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane; thence North 1° 34~ 00" West 350.0 feet along the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane to the cornerl formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Southerly side of North Sea Drive being the Northeast corner of Lot 54; running thence North 88° 26' East across Ryder Farm Lane 50~00 feet to the corner formed by the intersectiDn of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with ithe Southerly side of North Sea Drive, being the Northwest corner of Lot 81; thence South 1° 34~ East 280.0 feet along the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane to the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Northerly side of Plum Island Lane, being the Southwest corner of Lot No. 101; running thence along *hhe Southerly lines of Lots No~ 101~ 100, 99, 98, "leaching area", Lots 96~ 95, 94 and the Westerly lines of Lots No. 93, 92, 91, Westerly terminus of King Farm Road and the Westerly lines of Lots No. 146, 147, 148, 149 and 2 the following eight (8) courses and distances: (1) North 88° 26' East 13 82.1 3 feet; (2) North 74° 29~ 30" East 621.63 feet; (3) South 87° 15' 30" East 531.74 feet; (4) Easterly and Southerly along a curve to the right whose arc is 169.52 feet and radius of 110.0 feet~ (5) South 1° 02' 20" West 486.93 feet; (6) South 28° 30' West 120o0 feet; (7) South 16° 22' West 120.74 feet; (8) South 1° 02' 20" West 125.0 feet to the Northerly side of Park View Lane; running thence along the Northerly side of Park View Lane and the Southerly terminus of Plum Island Lane, North 88° 57' 40~' West 50.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. THIS Conveyance is made in the regular course of business actually conducted by the party of the first part. ROBERT W, TASK]ER Town Attorney ,RNEY TELEPHONE (Sm 4177-~400 425MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I.,NEWYORKl1944 December 28, 1982 Hon. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11944 Re: Woodhollow Properties, Inc. - Dedication of portions of Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane at Orient By The Sea Dear Judy: I have received dedication papers from Richard F. Lark, attorney for Woodhollow Properties, Inc. which proposes to dedicate a portion of Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane at Orient By The Sea. I have examined all of the dedication papers as well as the title report and other documents and they are in proper! legal form. I am handing you herewith the dedication papers consisting of the Application; Dedication and Release; Consent of th~ Town Board and Order Laying Out Highways, together with a deed to the highways in question; a map showing the boundsi of the highways and an abstract of the County Tax Map which shows the roads being offered for dedication in yellow and the roads which have previously been dedicated in red. I would presume that this matter sould be referred to the Highway Committee for its report and recommendation. RWT:aa enes. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER In the Matter of Laying Out of certain Town Highways in the Town : of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York known as a : portion of RYDER FAI~ LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE. : .................. X ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK~O~NTY ~o~/Superintendent of Highways hereof. Dated: /~f~ ~ t~~ Application having been duly made for the laying out of cer- tain town highways in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE as shown on a survey of the proposed highways known as "Map of Proposed Highways to be known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE at Orient Point, Town of Southold, N.Y." pre- pared by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. Licensed Land Surveyors, dated March 4, 1982, annexed hereto and made a part hereof~ said pro- posed highways being as shown on two certain maps, one map en- titled "Map of Orient By The Seas Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 10/26/61 as Map No. 3444 and a Dedication and Release from the Owner of the land through which the highway would be open having been given. NOW, THEREFORE~ I THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS 0F THE TO~ OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY~ NEW YORK~ do hereby determine and order that the town highways shall be and the same are here- by laid out in said Town in accordance with the aforesaid m~p and survey of the proposed highways, annexed hereto and made a part In the Matter of the Laying Out of CONSENT OF TOWN BDARD certain Town Highways in the Town : TO PROPOSED TOWN of Southold, County of Suffolk and HIGHWAY State of New York known as a portion : of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE. : Upon reading and filing the Application of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., dated and acknowledged December 6, 1982, and the letter of tha Board of Assessors of the Town of Southold, setting forth that sufficient assessed valuation exists along said pro- posed town highways for the purposes of dedication, and the Dedication and Release of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., dated December 6, 1982, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary land for certain town highways known as a portion of Ryder Farm Lane and Plum Island Lane as shown on survey pre- pared by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. Licensed Land Surveyors, dated March 4, 1982, showing the courses of the said proposed highways. The said highways are the same as the highways set forth on two certain maps, one map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea!, Sectic Two" and filed in the Suffolk county Clerk's Office on 10/26/61 as Map No. 3444. RESOLVED, tkat in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same kereby is given that the Town Superintendent of H~ghways of the Town of Southold make an Order laying out the aforesaid town highways, the said highways to consist of the land described in the said dedication and release~ and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto annexed, and it is further RESOLVED~ that the Town Clerk be and she is hereby directed to forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk~ and upon its return, to attach it hereto. Dated: ~f~,Z ~ ? TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK Supervisor Councilman In the Matter of Laying Out of certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE. APPLICATION TO LAY OUT TOWN HIGHWAYS PURSUANT TO SECTION 171 OF THE HIGHWAY LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YOKH TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned, a domestic corporation with its principal office at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury~ Nassau County, New York liable to be assessed for highway taxes threin, herein applies to you to lay out certain town highways in said town, which proposed highways will pass through the land of the applicant herein, WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES~ INC. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a survey of the proposed highways to be known as a portion of RYDER FARM LANE and PLUM ISLAND LANE prepared by Roderick Van Tuyl~ P~C., Licensed Land Surveyors dated March 4, 1982~ showing the courses of said proposed highways. The highways are the same as the highways set forth on two certain maps, one map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777 and the second map entitled "Map of Orient By The Sea, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 10/26/61 as Map No. 3444 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southeasterly corner of Lot No. 1 as shown on '~Map of Orient By The Sea, Section One" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 2777; and running thence along S0UTHOLD IN the Easterly line of Lot No. 1 as shown on the aforesaid map and the Easterly lines of Lots Noo 174, 163 and the Easterly terminus of Uhl Lane, the Easterly lines of Lots No. 162 and 118~ and along the Northerly lines of Lots No. 118, 117, 116~ 115, 156, 155~ 154 and 153 the following nine (9) courses and distances: (1) North 1° 02' 20" East 131o73 feet; (2) North 16° 22' East 132.77 feet; (3) North 28° 30' East 113.09 feet; (4) North 1° 02' 20" East 474.71 feet; (5) Along a curve to the left whose arc is 92.46 feet and radius of 60.0 feet; (6) North 87° 15' 30" West 523.70 feet; (7) South 74° 29' 30" West 619o72 feet; (8) South 88° 26' West 68.24 feet; (9) Westerly and Southerly along a curve to the left whose arc is 31.42 feet and radius of 20.0 feet to the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane; running thence South 88° 26' West and across said Ryder Farm Lane 50.00 feet to the westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane; thence North 1° 34' 00" West 350.0 feet along the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane to the corner formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Southerly side of North Sea Drive being the North- east corner of Lot 54; running thence North 88° 26' East across Ryder Farm Laner 50.00 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Southerly side of North Sea Drives being the Northwest corner of Lot 81; thence South 1° 34' East 280.0 feet along the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane to the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Ryder Farm Lane with the Northerly side of Plum Island Lane, being the southwest corner of Lot 101; running thence along the Southerly lines of Lots No. ~0~ 100, 99, 98~ '~leaching area"~ Lots 96. 95 94 and the Westerly lines of Lots Nos. 93, 92, 91, Westerly terminus of King Farm Road and the Westerly lines of Lots No. 146, 147, 148, 149 and 2 the fol- lowing eight (8) courses and distances: (1) North 88° 26' East 82.13 feet; (2) Nozth 74° 29' 30" East 621.~3 feet; (3) South 87° 15' 30" Emst 531.74 feet; (4) Easterly and Southerly along a curve to the right whose arc is 169~52 feet and radius of t10.0 feet; (5) South 1° 02' 20" West 486.93 feet; (6) South 28° 30' West 120.0 feet; (7) ~S~uth'16° 22' West 120.74 feet; (8) South 1° 02' 2~0" West 125.0 feet to the Northerly side of Park View Lane; running thence along the Northerly side of Park View Lane and the Southerly terminus of Plum Island Lane, North 88° 57' 40" West 50.0 feet to the point or place of beginning. 6, 1982 New York WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES~ INC. Walter Uhl, P~dent C0£ YORK: : SS.: SUFFOLK: On the ~t~d~ypf~ Decsmbar 1982, before me personally came WALTER UHL, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York; that he is the President of WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the above instru- ment; that he'knows the seal of said corporation; that the said seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal: that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corpora- tion and that he smgned his name thereto by like order. ~ Notary Public RAYMOND C. DEAN Superintendent of Town of Southold Suffolk County~ New York Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 RICHARD F. LARK, ESQ. Attorney for Applicant Main Road - P. O. Box 973 Cutchogue, New York 11935 (516) 734-6807