HomeMy WebLinkAboutPINE TREE ROAD TO THE TOiYN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGFf;AYS OF THE TO~I OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Sou~hold, hereby apply to you to lay out new hlghwaysn~rNassau Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as PINE TREE ROaD and STERLING R(1AD, as follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of land shown as PINE TREE ROAD on a certain map entitled "Map of Nassau Farms, situate at Peconic, Suffolk Ccunty, New YorE, Otto W. Van Tuyl Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y." and filed in the Suffolk County Clerkts Office as and by the Map #1179 and more particularly described as follows:- THE NORTHERLY LINE IS DESCRIBED:- BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of the thirteenth course of Bay Avenue as described in Commissionerst report dated January 16, 1894 and recorded in the Southold Town Records in Llber I at page 159; said point of beginning being 150 feet southerly along said easterly llne of Bay Avenue f~om the northwesterly corner of land of said applicant; running thence N. 86°58t40'' E.- through land of said applicant, 237.16 feet to land of Billard;.thence along said land of Blllard, three courses, as follows:- First: N. 53~13~50'' E.- 801.79 feet; thence Second: N. 64 31~20'' E.- 401.24 feet; thence Thlrd: N. 63°5At00'' E.- 295.98 feet to a concrete monument; thence along other land of said applicant, twelve courses, as follows:- o FIRST: S. ?o50~10" E.- 158.62 feet; thence Second: S.-21 50tlO'' E.- 60.00 feet; " Third: S. 28°50~10" E.- 53.10 feet; Fourth: S. 34°50t10" E.- 73.97 feet; " Fifth: S. 47°50110" E.- 152.00 feet; " Sixth: S. 41°50t10" E.- 73.00 feet; Seventh: S. 21°50tI0" E.- 140.90 feet; Eighth: S. 13048120" E.- 254.55 feet; Ninth: S. 33°17t50Il E.- 220.57 feet; Tenth: S. 4E°OSt40" E.- 156.65 feet; Eleventh: S. 22°58t40" E.- 127.70 feet; Twelfth: S. 4°07~00" E.- 367.00 feet; to a concrete ~onument on the northerly line of the last course of said Bay Avenue as described in said record, at a point on said course 300 feet westerly from the southwesterly corner of land of John Messenger. Said proposed highway is to be of a uniform width of 50 feet, measured to the:right, or southerly, from above described line, and all of the land in said proposed highway is ovmed by said applicant. ALSO, ALL that certain tract or parcel of land shown as STERLING ROAD on a Certain map entitled "Map of Nassau Farms, situate at Peconic, Suffolk County, New York, Otto W. Van Tuyl: Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y." and flied in the Suffolk County Clerkts Office as and by the Nap #1179 and more particularly described as follows:- THE SOUTHERLY LIN£ IS DESCRIBED:- BEGINNING at a concret~ monumemt on the easterly line of the fifteenth course of said Bay Avenue as described in above mentioned reco~ at a point 284 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said course; running thence through land of~applicant~ two courses, as follows:- First: N. 6U°48t50" E.- 1159.39 feet; thence Second: N. 85°46~00" E.- 1031.13 feet to a concrete monument 46.9E feet northerly from the northerly terminus of the last course of the westerly line of said proposed Pine Tree Road, as above described. Said proposed highway is to be of a uniform width of 50 feet measured to the left, or northerly, from above described llne, and all of the land in said proposed highway is Owned by the applicant. AND the northerly and southerly lines of the first course above described are to be extended westerly in the same direction, across Bay Avenue and through land of said applicant, to the easterly shore of the Creek, known as Nud Creek or Baldwin~s Creek, which proposed laying our will pass through the lands of Ralph N, Sterling and wife, only. Dated this day of December, 1936. NE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southotd, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town on the day of Dece.mber~ 1938, mud considered the application of Ralph ~. Sterling and wife for the laying out of new highways to be known as PIh~ TREE ROAD and STERLING ROAD,~e~r ~assau Point, in the town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New York, mo hereby consent that suca laying out be made in accordmuce with the prayer of the within petition. RALPH ~;. ST~LiNG and GRACE B. STERLING~ his wife, of Cutcnogue, Suffolk County, [~ew Yorl~, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid by Harold E. Price., Toga Superintendent of lghway , of the Town of Southold~ and in further consideration of the laying out of new highways to be known as PI~ TREE ROAD and STERLING ROAD~nea~.~iiassa~ Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York, as follows:- ALL that certain tract or parcel of land shown as Pine Tree Road on a certain map entitled "Map of Nassau Farms, ~l~umte at Peconic, Suffolk County~ New -orx~ Otto ,. V~n ~uyl~ Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y? and filed in the Suffolk uounry uterk-s Office as and by the ~ap #1179 and more particularly described as follows:- THE NOETHkRLY LiNE IS DESCRIBED:- BEGINNING at a concrsve monument sez on the easterly line of the thirteenth course of Bay ~venue as described in Commissioners~ report dated January 15, 1894 ~nd recorded in the Southold Town Records in Liber I at page 189; said point of beginning being 180 feet southerly along said easterly line of Bay Avenue from the northwesterly corner of land of said applicant; running thenceN.88°58~40~ E.- through l~nd of said applicant, B~7.18 feet ~o land of Billard; thauce along said land of Bi!Iard, three courses, as fo!lows:~ o Flrs~: N~ 8S i~50~: E.- 801o79 feet; thence Second: No 64°51~0~ E~ 401.24_ feet; ~n~nce Third: N. 8~°54~00~ E.- $95.98 feet ~o a concrete monument; thence along cther land of said applicant, twelve courses, as follows:- 0 First: S. 7 50~t0~~.- ~ 158.82 feet; thence Second: S~ ~I~50~10~l E.- 60.00 f~et; Third: S. ~8 ~O~lOTM E.- 5~.I0 feet; Fourth: S. B4°50~10~ E.- 73.97 feet; Fifth: S. 47~50~I0~ E.- 152.00 feet; Sixth: S. 41o50~10~ E.- 73.00 feet; Se~e,~h. ~. 21 50~10~ E.- 140.90 feet; Eighth: S. 13°48~20~ E.- 2~.55 feet; Ninth~ S. 33°17~50~ E.- EEO.5V feet; Tenth: S. 42°58~40~ E.- 156.85 fest~ 21events. Twelfth: S. 22°58~40~ E.- 127.70 feet; ~ S. 4°07~00~ E.- ~B7~O0 feet; to a concrete monument on ~ne northerly line of the last course of said Bay Avenue as described in said record~ at a point on said course ~00 ~eet westerly ~rom the southwesterly corner of l~ud of Jobm Messenger~ Said proposed highway is ye be of a ~n_ifor~u width of 50 feet, measured to the right, or southerly, from above described line,and all of the land in said proposed highway is owned by said applicant~ ALSO, _iLL that certain tract or parcel of land shown as STERLING ROAD on a certain m~o entitled ~Nap of Nassau Farms, situate at Peconic, Suffolk County, New York, Otto .~. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor~ Greenport~ N.Y~" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as and by the Nap #ll?9 and more particularly described as follows:- TH~ SOUTHERLY LiNE IS DESk_IBRD:- BEGINNING a't a concrete monument on the easterly line of the fifteenth course of maid Bay ~venue as described in above mentioned record, a~ a point ~84 feet northerly from the southerly terminus of said course; rurming thence through l~nd oI appllc~ut~ ~wo eourses~ as Iollows.- FLrst: N. 69°48~50~ E.- 1159.39 feet; thence Second: N. 85°46~00~ E.- 1031.13 feet to a concrete monument 46.92 feet northerly from the northerly terminus of the last course of the westerly line of said proposed Fine Tree Road~ as above described. Said proposed highway is to be of a uniform width of 50 feet measured to the left,it owned°r byn°rtherlY'the spplicant.fr°m above described line~ mud all of the lmud in said proposed highway AND the northerly aud southerly lines of the first course above described are to be extended westerly in the same direction, across Bay Avenue mud through land of said applicant, to the easterly shore of the Creek~ known as I~ud Creek or Baldwin's Creek. which proposed laying out will pass t .... hroagh the lands of ~ialph ~. Sterling and wife only, do hereby dedicate and release co the Town of Southold, all land heretofore o~ned by us and included within the premises aoove described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of said new~ highways. Dated December ~ f~ 1935. Si=~ OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF bUFFOLK~ ~n_s ~ ~ day of December~ 193~ before me personat]y Came RA~PH~ ~ '~',~ Sz~_~- - T~-~ and ~P~&CE ~. oT~xLiNG~ ':~ ~ his wife~ of ~u~chogue~ ~ ~o~folk Coun~y~ New York~ personally ~uown ~o me and ~own to me vo be two of the persons described ~u ~d who executed the foregoing instrument ~d they' sevepal!y acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary In the Matter of the Application -of- RALPH W. oTERLiNG mid GRACE B. STERLING, his wife, for the laying out of new highways at Nassau Point, Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as PINE TRNE ROAD and STERLING ROAD. APPLICATION, CONSENT OF TO'TN BOARD, RELEASE.