HomeMy WebLinkAboutPETTY ROADSTATg OF NEW YORK, ~OUNTY OF SUFFOLK. TOWN OF SGbTHOLD. In the ~atter of the LsyinE out of a certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. DEDICATION AND RELEASE. WHERf~AS, application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, For the laying out of a certain to~n highway to be known as PBTr~ ROAD, and WHEreAS, WILBUR PETTY end ~I~CES B. PETTY, his wife, are the owners of the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided and are all of the persons having e~y interest in said rlEhta of ~ay and said proposed highway, NOW, THEREFORE, ~e, WILSUR PETT~ and FRANCE-~ Bo PETTY,his wife, both residing at Southold, in the Town of Southold, in consideration of the s~m of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR, to each of us In hand paid, by HAROLD PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the TOwn of Southold, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, end ~n further con- sideration of the laying out of a new highway at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known aa PETTY ROAD, do hereby dedicate, release end convey to the' said Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the following lands, to wit:- i~. ALL that tract or parcel of land sltuate at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County";' of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly described as follow~:- The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as ')Petty Road" is described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of a Town Highway known ss Mechanic Street South, aa laid out June 12, 1940, said point being the southerly terminus of said easterly line; end running along lend of L. Barren Hill 2 courses, as follows:. (1) No 04j 50" E.- 150.52 feet to a concrete monument; thence (2)N. 19' ~0" E.- 88.@2 feet to a concrete monument; thence over land of the Town of Southold No 39o O1t 40" E.- 101.0~ feet to the westerly line of a Town Highway known as Youngs Avenue. The northerly line of'the proposed highway to be known as "Petty Road" is described as Follows:- BEGINNING at a polnt on the easterly line of sald Town Highway known as Nechanlc Street South, as laid out In June 12,1940, said point being 51.78 feet northerly along said easterly line from said southerly terminus of said easterly line; and running over land of Wllbur Petty 3 courses, em follo~s: (1) No ??o 04~ 80" E.o 131.68 feet; thence (2) N. ilo 19' SO" E.- ~.thence (~) N. 39~ 01' ~ ..... ~ ~. -I~M~..~ feet to a concrete monument; thence continuing on the same course over land of the Town of Southold, N. ~ge O1~ 40" E.- 36.61 feet to said westerly line of said Town Highway known as Youn~s Avenue. Sald northerly line being parallel to and 80.0 feet northerly from the above described southerly llne, and we do hereby release a~ld Town from said above described new highway. all damages by reason of the laying out of the · STATE OF NgW YORK, ¢OUN~ OF ~UFFOLK. On the_ ~'~-- d~, of~1980, before me pePsonmlly appeared WILBUR P~TfY and FRANCSS B. PEITY, b/s wife, to me known end known to me to be the individuals descPlbed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and seveP~lly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. R}~NSSELAER G. TERRY, Jr..: OOL~TY OF S~JFFOLK~ TOWN OF SO~JTEOLD- __. In the ~%tte~ of the L~'~E out"' of ~ c~ain To~ Hi.way ~ ~h~ Tows of Sou~hold~ Co~y of S~fo~k ~nd Stm~e of New York~ UFGN READING A~ FILING CONS~T : OF TO~N BOARD. the dedication end release of WILBUR PETTY and FP~ANCES Bo necessary lands for a certain proposed Town hIg.hway to ba known as ~ETTY ROAD.~ ~P~$OLVED~ that consent be ~ad ~hs same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Sou~hold~ make an order laying ou~c the aforessid Toga Highway $o consist of the lends described in the said dedication and release ~ud ~o extend as delineate upon the map annexed ~o said application~ ell in accordance with the provisions of Section 17i of the Highly ~a~ of the State of New York~ Dated~ mt the office of the Supervisor of ~he Town of Southotd~_at Gr~nport~ ~ ~_ ---- Super~.i~or ~ ,~ %~ To~n ~Clark ~ STATE OF ~W YORK: OOb%rFY OF Sb-fFOLK~ TOWN OF sOUTSO ~LDo In the ~ttwr of the LayinE out of s OED~yING OUT HIGHI~AY ~ITH c~rtsin T~ Hi~Y in the To~ of T~2 CONSENT OF T~ TO~ S~uthold, cowry of Suffo~ ~d State of N~w ~ a~lication hav~g b~n ~ly ~d~ to ~ the Town Su~rin2~ndent of Hig~sys for th~ To~ of $outhold~ S~folk Co~ty, New Yor~ for the l~ying ou~ of $ carton To~ Highway, the s~d To~ of S~thoid~ by Wilbur P~tty ~nd Frmnc~$ B. P~ttY, his ~fe~ liable to b~ ~d for hi~n~ ~ax~ in said To~ $~d the written consent of the TO~R B~rd of said To~ ~wi~ 2~en given az prescribed by law, ~d ~ de.cation ~d r~l~se fr~ ~g~s ~vin been executed, ac~owle~ed ~ud delivered by the o~e~ of the lan~ t~o~h w~ch the propo hi~Y is proposed ~o be laid ouz, ~ c~oy of which ia ~r~to a~exed. ~d noting ~ving bs NOW~ T~E~OF~ t, th~ To~ auparint~ent of High~$ of the Town of Southold, ~. - ...... ~w~TNE ~D ~ that a to~ high~y shall be~ ~ud the here~ l~d ou~ in s~d To~ ms folTo~z~ mhd Im to be ~own ~ ~Petty E~d~ ~hich sh~ll fifty feet in width;- ALL that tract or parcel of land situatw at S~thold~ in the Town of Southold, County of Su~olk ~nd Stat~ of New york, more p~icul~lY dez~i~d ~ ~e southerly line of the proposed h~hw~y to be known a~ ~P~tty Eoad~ i~ d~crib~d ~ follows:- BEGIk~I~G ~t m poin~ on the easterly line of a To~n ~ghw~ ~ ~ec~nic Btr~e~ South~ am l~d ou~ J~e l~, 2940, ~d ~in~ bei~ ~he southerly term~ of s~d east~rty lzn ~ ~d r~ing mlo~ laud of L. B~ron Hill E co~se~. ~ follows:- ~1) N. ~ ~ E.- 1~.52 feet to z concrete ~n~n~; thence ~2) N. ll~ ~ 30~ E~- 58.9~ feet to a concrete monument; then~ over of the To~ of So~ld ~]* 39~ Ol~ 40~: E.~ ~01~03 feet to th~ w~st~rly line of a Town Hlghw~ ~o~n a~ Yeggs av~ue~ The northerly line of the prop~sd hi~ to be ~o~n as ~Petty Road~ is described as folio~s~~ ~6I~NING at a point on the easterly line of $~d To~ Highw~ ~o~n ~$ Eec~ic Stree5 South, as laid out ~ J~e i2~ t940~ said point being 51~78 f~e~ north~ly along $~d easterly line ~ s~d southerly ~r~n~ of s~d easterly line; and r~i~ r l~d of Wilb~ Petzy 3 co~s~a, as fellowes (1) N.7~?~ ov~' - - ~ ~= zo~ ~ ~ 19~ 30~ E~- ~ee~; ~outhold~ N~ ~ 0t~ *D~ E~- ~t feet ~o $~id westerly line S~id nor~heriy line being ~r~lt~t to and ~0 f*e~ northerly from the ~ve d~ibed moutherly !ine~ ~ Dated, this /~'d~ °f~l~ Town Superintendent of Highways~ To~a~ of Southo!d ~ Suffolk Ooun~y~ New York. N