HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEQUASH AVETo the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the Oounty of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of $outhold, hereby applies to you £or the defining of part of ~leet's Neck Road, formerly called Pequms~ Avenue, in the ¥illage of Cutohogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk Oounty, Mew Xork~dSecri~e~ as follows:- The westerly line beginning at a granite monument set to mark the first deflection point in said westerly line as described in order laying out said "Psquash Avenue" dated March l~th, 1898, and recorded in the Southold Town Clerk's office in hiber I. at page $15, ~nd running thence N._~°lS'O0" W.-168g~99 feet to concrete monument; thence N. ~0°1~$0· W.-??B.g4 feet to granite monument; thence N. %§°~'00" W.-1100.15 feet to a concrete monument on the southerly line of a new Highway, two rods in width, to be known as Old Pasture Eoad; thence on the s~me course $oa granite monument on the southerly line of the Main Eoad as described in above mentioned record of 18~8. Said road is ~$.§ feet in width, bearings are magnetic, and a showing all of the mbovs together with certain new roads hms been made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed ~urveyor, Greenport, N. Y., and is filed herewith and made a part of this r eoord~ which proposed defining will pass through the lands of Seorge H. Wleet only. Dated this ~~day of August, ~f~ the ~-~dersigned~ ~ majority of the ToWn Board of the Town of Southold~ Paving met ~t the office of the Supervisor~ ~t ~reenport~ in s~id ~z~o~ on the ~ dmy of ~ ~ 19B8~ mhd considered th~ ~ppliomtion of George H. Fleet for t~ def~u-no of part of Fle~t~s Neck Ro~d~ formerly oal!ed Peq~sh Avenue~ in th~ Village off ~toho&~ To~ of S~thold, ~folk ~o~uty~ New York~ do her.by consent t~t such ~ ~ in aooord~oe with the prayer of the within petition. Justice8 of the intem~snt~ of Highways I, GEORGE ~ FLEET~ of 0~%ohog~e, S~felk Go~ty, New York, im oonsideratic~ of the s~ of O~e Dollar, to ms in h~nd paid by teorge ~ Fleet, Town Buperint*ndsnt of Nighwayz of the Town of Southold~ mad in further oonside~'atio~ of the defining ef p~rt o~ ~!eet~s ~eok Roacl, ~ormsrly o~lled Pequash Ave~ue~ the ~il!age of O~to~g~e, T~w~ o~ Southold, S~f~olk Oo~ty~ New York~ desoribed ~s fol!ow~:- The westerly line begiP~i~g at a gr~ite mordent se% to m~rk the first defl~otio~ point in said westerly line as deeoribed in order laying cut said ~Peq~sh Aven~e ~d reoorded i~ the Sout~id To~ Olerk~s off~oe in ~iber I ~t p~ge $1$~ a~ r~ing themes N,$~el~O0 ~te m~ent; t~o~ o~o~ete mordent on the southerly line of a mew Hi~y~ two rods tn width~ to be ~o~ ms 01d P~st~ Ro~s th~oe~ the s~e oo~s$ to a ~a~te mon~ent on the so~%Derly lime 0~ the romd is ~9.5 ~ee% in width~ be~ings whloh proposed ~efiming will pmss through the 1~ of ~eerge N. Fleet o~ly, do hereby dedioate and reiea~e to the Tow~ of all i~d heretofore owned by me a~d inoluded within above de~oribed, au~ do hereby reissue s~Id Tow~ i~ro~ ~it damages by reason of the d~flning of ~mid ~lghway. Da%~i t~i~ ~ day o~ STATE OF NE~ YORE~ SS:= OODNTY OF SL~FOLE. On this ~t~ day of ~ugust, !~28~ before me personally oams GEORGE ~o FLEET, of Ou%~g~e~ S~ffolk New York, perso~lly k~own to me amd known to me to be the same person deeoribed i~ amd who exeouted the foregoing and he duly aok~owledged to me that he ex,outed t~ same° Notary Publio ~ 'TOWN '~ OF':~:$OUTHOLD ~0~ Highways IN THE MATTEI~ O1~ The undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf- folk, hereby consent that the~~m~f Highways of said Town, make an order Dated, this Supervisor. UO~ [ ~ ~ Vo~n C~erk. Justices of the OF TO~N BOARD 2'0 th~~~/a~t~ of th~ 2'ov/~ of $oUtFfol& irt th~ ¢oant~l of The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway labor in the said Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out a highway in said town, commencing I which proposed highway will pass through the lands of Dated, this Town of Southold, ' ~f Highways ~ ;. In the matter of Application of 4 ~y~ f ~ e e' value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold. in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town £or the purposes of a hig'hway, which highway has been surveyed ~-And I also hereby release sai~I town from all damages by reason of the-laying_ out_an~,~ opening such-highway._ for t~e ~aia Count7' ~e same being a Court tuali~tlon aa No~ Public for Count~ of a~ eop~ L_~m~ . ~TOWN OF $OUTHOLD ~' ~of Highways DEDICATION OF IN THE MATTER OF in the Town of ~ , County of Suffolk and State pf I~ew York, for value received, hereby dedicate t~.the Town_.of South_old _in.said C_ofint[~, ~__s~t~ip_._o~ land _acroSs Of~remises in said town. for the purposes of a highway, which high~vay has been surveyed and ,s described as follow~: ~ ~ e~Z~ m~__ "-. _ ..... AudlS"~so hereby release said town from all damages by reason of tile laying out and opening such highxvay IN W~TNESS lVHEl/l~OF,~l/~have.hereunto set{~ handsand seal~llis _ day of ......~ .... In presmme of ......... ~ .... On this_ ~day of ~ .... One Thousnnd Nine Hm~dred a n d ~ , be for e me persona ly came ............... ~~ ~ ~ ~~ , to ne known and known to me to be the salne person~ described in and who executed the foregoing instrllment and e TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF .i~ the Town of. ~ , County of Suffolk and State of New York, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Towu of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town, for the porposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed _and is d~sc_ri~d as fol!o.!v~.:. /~ ~ ~ .~ .... And I also hcrehy release said town frmn all damages by reason of the laying out and- ' opening such highway. - IN WITNESS WttEREOI:', Oa}([~,~i~,i~:'r~:: day of q~z~j,~.~ ........ 7 One- Thousand Nine Hundred and ~~--~- before- me personally came-- --- to me to be the same person.., described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ..... he.---~ _ acknowledged that.~ be. execute4 the same ....................