HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARKERS LANDINGORDER LAYING OUT A HIGHWAy ~LITH TH2 CON&ENT OF THE TOWN BOARD. Written application having been made to me town superintendent of highways for the Town of Soutnold, Suffolk County, New YorK, by EDWARD A. BELL and JULIA O. ELL, his wife, persons liable to be assessed for hlghw~ taxes In said Town and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and release from damages having been executed by the owner of the land tbmough which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copy of which is ~hereto arunexed, and nothing having been paid to any clai~nt for such damages, :it is hereby ORDERED and DETA~INED that a highway sb~ll be and the same is hereby laid out, in said Town as follows:- Said highway to be known as P~RS LANDING. BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Indian Neck Road and on the division line between land of J. P. Knowles and land of Edward A. Bell, being 110.6 feet easterly ~long said northerly line of Indian Neck Road from a de-~ flection point in said line; running t~rom said point of beginning along meadow~ land of said Edward A. Bell, two courses, as follows:- ,'~ 1. N. 3So 007 E.- 40.0 feet to a concrete monument; thence Z. N. 520 l0T E.- 197 feet, more or less, to the shore of ~lcb~mond Creek; ~ thence southeasterly along said shore of Eicbx~ond CreeK, 50 feet, more or less, to other land of said Edward A. Bell; thence alone said other land of Edward A. Bell on a line at all points dlstan~ 50 feet southeasterly from the second course above described, S. 5Zo 10' W.- 185 feet, more or less, to said northerly ~. 890 ~8' 10" ~.- ~9.41 feet to t~e point of beg~ln~ ...... ~ ...... A~ve~descrlbed highway is to be 50 feet in width and passes through land of said Edward Ao Bell only. ~ted this ~ day of Oetober, 1~46. T~wn' S~perinter~ent of Highways. TO THE TO,,'~N .UPERINT~mDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUrHOLD, IN ~HE COUMPy OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF ~EW YORK:- The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Sou~hold, hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at Indian NecK, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New YorK, ~o be known aa PaRKeRS LANDING. BhGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Indian Neck Road and ~n the division line oetween land of J. P. Knowles and lane of Edward A. Bell, being 110.6 feet eaa[erly along said northerly llne of Indian Neck Road from a de- flection point in said line; runnln~ from said polnt of beginning along meadow land of said ~dward A. Bell, two courses, aa follows:- 1. N. 3~ O0~ E. - 40.0 feet to a concrete monument; thence ~. N. 5Z~ 10~ E.- 197 feet, more or leas, to ~he shore of Richmond Creek; thence southeasterly along said shore of Richmond Creek, 50 feet, more or less, to other land of said Edward A. Bell; thence along said other land of Edward A. Bell on a line at all points distant 50 feet southeasterly from the second course above described, S. ~ 10~ W.- 185 feet, more or less, to said northerly line of Indian Neck Road; thence along said northerly line of Indian Neck Road, S. 8~c 18'1~.-~9.41 feet to the point of begl~lng. Above cescribed highway is to be 50 feet in width and passes through land of said Edward A. Bell only. Dated this ~ day of WE, the undersigned, a majority of The Town hoard of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at Ureenport, in said Town, on the ~ day of ~ ~nd cor~idered the application of Edward A. Bel'l end Julia u. Bell, hls wife, for the laying out of a nev~ highway at Indian Neck, Town of Soutnold, Suffolk County, New York, to be k~own as ~, do hereby con~ent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the withtn petition. Supervlaor. ' Tow~/Clerk. .;":. dz.'z.{ Superintendent 6f Highways. Justices of the Peace. WE, EDgeD a. BEL~ and JULIA O. B~LL, his wife, of Peconic, Suffolk County, New York, in consideration of the sum of OHm DOLLAR, to me in hand paid by ~ROLD D. PRICB, Town Superintendent of Hlgh~ays, of the Town of Southold, end in further conslueratlon of the laying out of a new highway at Indian Neck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, aa follows:- HIGHWAY TO BE ~QWN &~ PARKERS LANDING . BEGINNING at a point on %he northerly llne of Indian Neck Road and on the division llne between land of J. P. Knowles and land of Edward A. Bell, being 110.6 feet easterly along said northerly line of Indian Neck Road from a de- flection point in said line; running from said point of beginning along meadow land of said Edward A. Bell, two courses a~ followe:- 1. N. 3So O0~ E.- 40.0 feet to a concrete monument; thence 2. N. 52o 10' E.- 197 feet, more or less, to the shore of Richmond Creek; thence southeasterly alor~ said shore of Rlc~mond Creek, 80 feet, more or less, tO other land of said Edward A. Bell; thence along said other land of Edward A. Bell on a line at all points distant 50 feet southeasterly from the second course above describes, S. 52o 10' W.- 185 feet, more or lees, to said northerl line of Indl~ Neck Road; thence along said northerly line of Indian Neck Road S. 890 18~ 10" W.- 59.41 feet to the point of beginning. Above demcrlbed highway Is to be 50 feet In width and peases through land of said Edwa~l A. Bell only, do ~re~ dedicate end release to the Town of Southold, all lend heretofore owned by me and included within the premises ..... -~.,~.a~ m~ an hm~ ~ls.mm amid To~n fro~ all dm~ee by reason of the laying out of the n~w highway. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the ~:,~ ~:~'- de2~ of S~~_~,f$~.before me personally came EDWAJ~D A. BE~.L end JULIa O. BE~, his wife, of Peconic, New York,. per- sonally known to me end ~nown to me to be the persons described in end who executed the f~regoing instrument and they executed t~e same. they severally acknowledged to me that OTTO W. VAN TUYL LICENSED ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR i~4arch ~5, 1942 Desoription for Layin~ out HiMhway to be ~nown as P4r~e~m L~q at _*ndian ~eck. J Beginuin~ at a point on tile northerly line o£ Indian · ~eck Road and on the division line between land of J. P. Knowles ar~l land of E(lwa~ A. Bell, bein~ 11~.6 Feet easterly along said northerly line of Indian l~eok Road From a deflection point in said line; running said point of be~nnin~ alon~ meadow land o~ said. ~dward A. Dell~ two Co~Pses~ as follows: 1. ~.~2°00'~.-~.0 feet to a concrete ~onument; thence 2. N.52°l~'~g.-19Y feet~ more or !ess~ to 'the shore o~ Ri~ond Creek; thence sontheasterly along sai~ shore of Riclnnond ' Creek, 50 ~eet~ t,~ore ~v less~ to other !and o~ saiff ~dward t, ~ell; thence along ~ai~ other lan~ E~ward A. Bell on a line at all points distant 50 Ceet southeasterly fro~ the second course above aescribe~ S.52°10'W.-1~5 ~eet~ n~ore or !ess~ to said nnrthevly line oC Indian Neck Road; thence along said northerly line og ~n~ian Neck Road~ 3.S9°1~'10"W.-59.41 Ceet to the point ot beginning. ~kbove described hi,way is to be 50 ~e~ in width and passes throu~ lanff ot said ~klwar~ A. Bell only. ~ A survey and map o~ said proposed highway has been ( ~la~e by Otto ~7. gan Tuyl~Licenseff ~urveyor~ and is to be gile~ herewith and ma~ a part ot this record. ~o '.ar. qeorge C. Terry. 3urveyor. MAP OF PROPO,5'£D HIGHWAY PARKER,5 TOWN OF 3OUTHO£D,-N£~!.YOt~K:..:'}.~i:.' · . .. ,.,,~-.'.~-."~ . . , ~, ;, . 473