HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARK WAY wE DO HERESY CERTI,~f to THE TO';,~ OF SOUTHOLD that we have made an examination of the records in the office of Clerk, Treasurer, and S~rrogate of the County of Suffolk, and in our opinion a good and marketable title to the premises dedicated to the Tows of Southold for use as p~bllc highways to be known as pARK WAY, BEACHWOOD LAME, CRIT~EN~S LANE and WOOD END W~Y, at Pine Neck, in the Village and Town of ~outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and more fully described in the Dedication dated June ~6th, 1983, was vested in William H. Kelynack by deed dated June 26, 1RS3, in fee sim~le absolute free end clear of all liens and encumbrances and that there are no adjoining owners. ALL ~hose tracts or parcel of iand~ situate, iyiD~ and beir~ at Pine ~sck. ~n the Village and Town of $~thold~ Co~W of S~lk and ~=*~ York~ bcund~ ~d described aa follows:- DEED OF DEDiCaTiON~ j~ILLI&E Ho KELY~CK, of 528 Fifth avenu% City, County and State of New _Vork~ paruy of the ~rsu ~rt~ and ~0~[ OF $OU~HOLD~ a m~cipal corporation in the C~uvy of S~folk and Stat~ of New York~ par~y of the second Wt T~$~ETH~ ~ha, .~H~.~S~ the par~y of the f~s~ par~ is willing ~o cede and dedi~te ~c · 0~ of So~t~l~, p~s~nt ~o ~aw~ ~er~in roa~, mor~ ~ally id~_tified he reins fret ~ WOW.. ~ T~REF~E. the said party of the first peru, sole o~er of the said roads, in conside~tion of the sum of ONE ~,~.00) ~L~, and o~he_- valuable ~on=iaerat~on, ~o me in h nd paid by the rOTgN OF SOUTHOLD~ receip~ of ~/nich is hereby aci~owledged, do here~- dedicate, .~ant, bargain, se!l, release ~d convey unvo ~he_*aid TO~ OF SOUTh*OLD. , its succe~ors and ~sig~ f~ever¢ for ~.~ay p~poses~ the ~oltowing descmibed premises vo be ~o~m as ~t * '~ .... ~.~N S ~NE~ ~ud.,:~D END ~K i;'AY'~'~ and ~BE&qH~DOD ~. B~GiNNING az a poin~ on ~he southerly line of Pine Neck Road~ said aoint being N. 88~ 8~ 50~ E~ 91~4 feet f~m a concrete monmu~ set at the ~orth- eaater/y ~rner of land of Goub~ud and the northwesterly corner of land of Wm. Ketyr~ck; ~d r~nnlng ~hence ~he followi~ courses~ (1) on a c~ve ~ ~he right saving a ra~ua of $5~0~ feet, a d~.~a.ce'~ ~ of 44.0 feet~ thence (2) S. 8~ 45~ 50~ W.- 61~76 feet~ thence (3) on a cu~¢e zo the le~ lCving a ra~us of 213.34 feet¢ a di~tmnce of 173.72 ~ ~' (4) S. 39¢ 53~ ~ E.- 5~.0 feet; tb_~.ce (5) on a cu~'e ~o the right ~vi~ a ra~us of 182.2~ fe~t~ a diat~ee of i9~ .02 feet ~ ~a~uoe (~)¢ on a c'~ve to the !e~ b~;vi~ ~ rs[us of 380.16 feet¢ a diet,ce of 138~03 feet ~ thence (7) S. Oo ~0~ O0t~' E.- &~l.s~ fee~ thence [8~ on ~ Cu~e ~o the left ~ving a ra~us of 127.E8 feet. a distance of 2~D .7 5 feet~ thence (9) N. 800 17ti ~ E.- 186.19 feet~ throe (10~ on a c~'v~ vo the le~ having a ra~us of I83~89 z~et¢ ~ d~s~ce of 208 ~40 ~ '- · ee~. thence (!1) on a c~ve to tlae r~ht ~VL~g a radius of 282.94 feet. a distance of 459 ~31 feet ~ three (12) on a curve to the left h~ving a radius of 196.0 feet, a distance of 197 feet, more or less, to the shore of a dredged b~sin; thence (13) northwesterly and then northeasterly alon~ said ~o~e, 100 feet, more ur leas, to land of ~rist~her Lei~t; th~ce (14) along said l~d of Lei~t~ N. 4~ 07~ 00" W.- ~.0 feet; th~ce (15) S. 4~* ~ O0e W.- 140.04 feet; thence .(16) on a ~e to the rl~t ~vi~ a ~ of 146.0 feet, a dlst~ce of 31.86 feet; thence (1~) on a c~e to the left ~v~g a ~ua of 33~.~4 feet, a dlst~ce of 540.48 feet; th~ (18) on ~ ~rve to the right ~vl~ a re,us of 1~.89 feet~ a dlst~ce of 151.~4 feet; tkence (~9) S. ~ 17t ~ ~,- 166.19 feet; thence (~) on a ~e to the r~ght ~vln~ a ~dius of 7~.88 feet, a distance of 1~.03 feet; th~ce (81) N. Oo ~ 00" ~.- 4~1.~ feet; thence (~) on a ~e to the rlsht ~vl~ a re~ua of ~.16 feet, a diet,ce of 119.8~ feet; t~ce (83) on a c~e to t~ le~ ~v~g a ~ of ~.~ f~t, a distmce of ~44.~0 f~t; thence (~) N. ~* ~ ~e ~.- ~.0 feet; th~ce (25) ~ a ~e ~ the ~l~ht ~vl~ a ra~ of 163.~ feet, a diet,ce of 1~.01 feet; t~nce (~6) N. ~ 45' ~" N.- ~.9~ f~t; thence ([~) on · c~ve to the ri~t ~v~ a ~ua of ~.0 f~t, a diet,ce of ~4.~ feet to e~d ~ut~rly line of Pine Ne~ load; th~ce (~) ~ s~d ~ut~rly line of Plne N~k ~d, S. 85~ 55~ ~" [.- 101.8~ feet to the po~t of be~ln~ng. Begln~ln~ at a point on course (~6) of the eamterly line of P~rcel 1, es herelnebove descrlbed~ acid point belng 263.80 feet southerly along aald course (26) end along course (2?) of said Parcel 1 from the southerly line of Pine Neck Road;, and running thence tha followln~ couraes~ (1) on a curve to the left havin~ a radius of 25.0 feet, a distance of 41.99 feet; thence (~) 1~. 8g~' ~E8! 40" Il.- ~97.4~ fee~;; three (3) on a curve to the right h~vlng a radius of 100o0 feet, a distance of 157.08 feet; thence (4) $. Oo 31t 20" W.- 213.17 feet; thence (5) on a curve to the left hevin~ a radius of 284.81 feet, a distance of ~37.0 feet; . thence (6) 8. 47o O@! BO" N.- 6~..0 feet; thence (?) on a c~rve to the right ~vXn~ a radius of 230.67 feet, a distance of 107.~ feet; ~hence (8) g. 200 ~ 00" ~.- 35~.0 feet; tBence (9) on a curve to the left hevln~ a radius of 146.0 feet, a distance of 130.?1 feet to the westerly termlnua of course (16) of said Parcel 1; thence (10) ~esterly alcn~ said Parcel 1 on a curve to the left having a radius of 3~2o94 feet, a distance of 224.93 feet; thence (11) N. 690 ~0~ 00" ~.- 78.~4 feet; t~ence (1~) on a curve to the left having a radius of 25.0 feet, a distance of 39.~ feet; thence (13) N. ~0~ ~0~ 00" Wo- ~74.80 feet; thence (14) on a curve to the left having a radius of 180.67 feet, a distance of 84.58 feet; t~e~ce (15) N. 47e 09! BOa W.. 52.0 feet; thence (16) ena curve to the right having e ~'adius of 334.81 feet, a distance of 278.8~ feet; thence (17) N. Oe 311 ~0" ~.. 213.17 feet; thence (18~ on a cu~;e vo the left havLug a radius of ~0~0 feet~ a distan~e of 78,54 feet~ thenae (t~) N~ 89~ fi8~ ~0~ )%- ~8~35 feet; thence (~) on a e~v~ to the left havi~ a ~a~us of ~5.0 f~et~ a distm.~e of 35.55 feet to a point on ~d ~se (aS) of Parcel 1, ~4.40 feet ~outherly from s~d southerly tin~ of Pine Neck ~d~ thence (2!~ a!o~ said P~rc~l 1~ N. 8~ 45~ ~ ~. ~00.60 feet to the point of girting. P~RCEL 3 o END F~AY~, Beg. nnir~ =t a point on vme northeasterly line of Parcel I~ aa herein above described~ beip~ the northwesterly terminue of coUrSe (23} of said Parcel 1.~ S~Ud being also 857.47 feet southerly ~d southeast~ly alo~ the eazt~ly and ncrth~sterly line of ~aid Parcel t ~om the southerly line of Pine Meck Eoad~ and ru~i~ thence the roi!owing co~es: (I) S. 39o 5~~ ~ E~- 38~85 fest~ thence (2) on ~ c~mve to the right ~v~g a radius of 296.0t feet, a dist~uce of 79.5~ feet~ thence (~) S. 24~ 30~ O0~ E.- E97.12 feet~ t~nce (4) on a c~vs to the left ~V~g a ra~us of ~5.0 feet, a distance of 49.Y~ feet to a point on course ~17) of Said Parcel l~ thence {5) aouDhwesterly alo~ said Parcel I on a curse to the left ~ving a radius of 3~.~4 fe~t ~ a ~st~ce of 151.18 feet~ thence (6] N. 15o 2t~ ~ E~ 12J3 feet; thence (7) on a culwe to the left ~vi~ a ra~us of I1R,~8 fee~, a distance of 78.19 feet~ thence (8) N. 2~o ~ ~ W.- ~8~ feet~ thenc~ (9) on a c~e to the left ~v~g a ~a~us of 248~01 feet, a distance of ~.09 feet; th~ce (10) N. 39o 5~~ ~ W.~ i77~ feet: ~ce (it) on a c~ye to the left hav~ i ra~s of 25,0 feet~ a distance of 5~ZO feet~ tkence (!S} S~ ~0~ ~S~ i0%'~ W~- ~57 feet to the no~ther!y termi~ of course (SS) of said Parcel 1~ thence (13) northerly 21o~ said parc~t 1 ~ a c~ve to the Ie~ ~vi~ a ~dius of 2~ fe~t~ a distance ~of 244.70 fe~t to t~ point of b~g~ni~. above described highw%~$ to be O0 feet or more in widtQ~. ~c~EmTHER with the appurtenances and al! the estate ~nd right of the party of tb~ first part in and to said roads~ it beir~g the intention of the party of the first part to convsF his entire estate and right in the roads above des- cribed. TO Y~jCE AND TO HOLD the above granted premises ~mnto the Town of 2outhold~ its successors s~d assigns forever~ for high~ay purposes, as aforesaid, as fully as if the faa title thei~eto D~d been acquired by cOnde~ation proces~ngs IN h~TN~S ~%~R~F~ the par~z of the first part ~s hsr~n~ set ~s k~d and s~l~ t~ day ~d v~a~ ~irs~ ~o~e ~rmt~en. ~ (William H, On this~ ~ _ day of June~ Nineteen H~dred ~d flf%~-three~ before me per~nally c~e I%~L~[~. KELTIC[, to me ~o~ and k~m~ ~ ~ to be the indivld~l described in and who exeeuted the foregoing i~t~ment~ and he ac~owledged to m~ that ~ exetuted the same. STATE OF tCElf YOP~ _~_~U~TY OF S~FOL~, TO~ OF $OU?f[OLD. In the [[at~er of the laying out Of. certain To~ High¥?ays in the To~n of Southold~ Cothuty Of suffolk ~ud ~tate of New York~ kmo~ as pARK tVAY~ GltITF~S LANE mu'd F~O0~ ~.~D 2&Y~, at pine Neck, in the Village and Town of Southold. REL~E TO ~L ~©M THESE ~E~ENTS ~n.~ · CO~iE~ ~ ~ CONC~N: GREETING: Know Ye, That~ t~ ~ILL!aE E. ~uK~ of 5~2 Fifth A~enue~ City, County and Stat~ of New Tork~ for and in the consideratio~, of the sum of O~ ($1o00) ~LLA~ lawful money of the United States of America to me in r~and paid hy $017N OF gOUTHOLD~ a municipal corporation in tn~ Count~- of Suffolk mud State of New Yc~k~ thc receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged~ do h~reby d~dfcate~ release and convey to the said TO~ OF o.~U.H~, for highway purposes, the fo-~Iowing described l~mds, to .... ~ those tracts or parcels o_~ land, sit~ate, iyio~ a~nd being at Pine Neck, in the Villag,e mud Totem of Southcld, Co~mnty of Suffolk Sn.d State of New York~ bounded and described as follows:- P~?.CEL 1. ~pAPtK WAY~' and {~B~CH~:JCOD BeginninE at a ooint on the southerly line of Pine Neck Road~ said point being N. 850 55~ ~E~~ 91.94 feet fr~m a concrete monum~t se~ at the north- easterly corner of lmnd of Go~-oeaud and the northwesterly corner of land of !~ Kelyr~ack; and running thmnc~ the follo~i~ co~ses: ~l) on a curve to the right ~virg a radius of ES.0 fee~ a distance of 4~0 feet~ throe (~) S~ 8o &8~ ~ %~.- 817.7~ feet; thence ~) on a ~a~ve to the left ~v~g a ra~us of Sl~.5~ feet~ a distance of 17~7~ fest~ thence (4) S, $~o 5~ ~ E,- 5~,0 f~et~ thence ($) on a curve t~ the right ~v~g a radius of 18E~ feet: a ~st~uce of I~E~OB feet~ thence (8) on a ~rve to th~ left F~ving a radius of 580.i8 fe~t~ a distance of 138~03 feet; thence {~) S~ O~ 20~ O0~ E.- 471.~2 feet~ thence {8) on a ~rve to the !eft b~virg a ra~us ~ 12~,28 feet~ a distmuce of 220~75 feets thence (9) N, 80~ 1~~ 59:: E.- 1~.19 feet; thence (lO) on a ~rve ~o the ie~ ~vip~ a ra~ of 183~89 feat~ a ~at~uc~ of 208~40 feet~ three (lt) on a c~ve to th~ rDght havi~ a radius of E82~94 f~et~ a dist~ae of 459~_ feet; thence (l~) on a curve to the left b~ving a radius of 196~0 Feet~ a distance of 197 fe~t~ more or leas~ to th~ shore of a dredged ~sin~ ~ence (13) northwesterly m~d th~n northeasterly alo~ said ahore, lO0 feet~ mor~ or le~, to l~d of ~ristopher Leicht; three (14) ~!ong said land of Lelcht~ N. 47o 07~ 00~ W.- ~o0 feet; th~ce (15) S, 42~ 53t O0~ W.~ t4~.04 feet; thmce ~16) on a cu~e to the right hevi~ ~ ra~us of 146.0 feet.~ a diet.ce of 31~86 feet; theno~e ~l~) on ~ c~ve to the left ~v~ a ~u~ of~2.~4 feet~ a dist~ce of 540.48 feet; thrace (18) on a ~e ~o the right having a m~us of I33~89 feet, a ~st~ce of !5t.~4 f~et~ th~ce (19) S. 80= I7~ ~ W.- 168~19 feet; th~c~ (EO) on a cu~e ~o the right i~vi~ a ~dius of 77.~8 feet~ a dist~ae of I34.G~ feet; th~ce (~E~ N. O~ 20~ ~ ~;.. 471.B~ f~'c~ thence (BE) on a c~ve to the right ~ving m radius of 330~16 feet, a distance of 119.8~ feetS thence (~3) on a cu~ no the left i~vi~ a ~adius of ~3S.27 feet, ~ dist~nce of (~4) N. 39~ 53~ ~ W.- 53.0 feet: th~cs (ES) on a cu~s to the right ~vi~ a ra~us of 163.~ feet~ a distance of 1~.01 feet; thence (28) N. 60 45~ 59~ E.- 63d~gB feet~ thence (~T) on a cu~e to the right haviD~ a ra~us of ~5.O feet, a dist~ce cf ~.o4 fe~t to s~d southerly line of Pins Ne~ Road; three (~8) ml~ s~d so~h~ly line of Pine N~k Road~ S. 85~ 55 feet no the point oD begin~. PARCEL Beginning at a point on com-se (26) of the easterly line of Parcel as hereinabove descrlbed~ said point being ~63.80, feet ~outherly along said co~ (26~ ~d a!o~ co.se (~7) of s~id Parcel 1 ~m the ~therly line of Pine Neck Road~ and ramming ~hencs the foltowi~ {1) on a c~ve to the le~ D~vLug a radi~ of E.5.0 feet, a ~stance of 4!~99 feet ~ three (E) ~ 89~ 28~ ~ E.- E97~42 feet~ thence (3) on a ¢urve zo the right b~vhag a ra~us of 100.0 feet ~ a diet.ce of 157.08 fee~; thence (4) S~ Oo 3? 20i~ W.- 2'['3¢~7 feet~ thence (5) ~ a curve ~o the left ~vi~g ~ ra~us of 2'84.81 feet~ 237.0 fset~ thence (6) S~ 4~0 09~ ~:~ E~- 6E.O feet; thence (T) on a curve to Ehe right having a ra~us of 2~67 f~et~ a dist~ce of 107~99 feet~ thence [8) ~. 20o ~D~ ~;~ E.- 359~0 feet~ ~hence (9) ~ a c~ve to the left ~v~g a radiua of 145.0 feet, a diet.ce of fe~t ~o the westerly terminus of co.se (t8~ of said Parcel -- thence (10) westerly alo~ s~d P~rceI 1 on a curve to the left ~vlp~ a radius of 332~94 f~et, a d~t~ce of ~S4~93 feet~ (iB) on a C~ve ~o th~ le~ ~vlPg a ra~us of 25.0 feet~ a dist~ce of feet; ~henc~ {!~) N~ ~Oo ~0~ 00~ W~ ~80 fe~t~ (~) on ~ c~ve ~o the ieft ~vi~ ~ radius of 180~8~ feet~ a di~ae of I B~58 fs~t~ th~oe '(15~ N~ 4T~ O~~ ~0~ ~- ~2~0 fee~; (tSj on~ curv~ to the right havi~ a radius 'of 334.81 feet. a diet.ce of ~8~0 ~eet; th~nc~ (17) N. 0o 31~ 2D~ E.- ~13.1? ~ ~' thence ~t8) on a cu~e ~o th~ left havL~ s r~dlus of ~0:0 feet~ a dlst~nGe ~feet; thence N, 8~ 28~ ~ F.- -~,8~B5 fee:; thenc~e ~20~ on a curve to the left having a radius of 25~0 feet~ e distance of 36°55 feet to a ~oint on said course (28) of Parcel I~ 3~4,~0 feet southerly f~om said southerly line of Pine Neck Road; thence (~t) along said P~rcel I, N~ 6~ 45~ ~0~ E~- 100~80 Feet to the point of he- gi mning ~ ~'~00D END Wgf~ Beginnir~ ay a point or. the aortheaa~eriy line of P~rcet !~as hereinabove described, being the northwesterly ~erminus of cou?se (~3) of said P~cal anti-being also 857,47 Wet s~therly ~nd aoutheaa'cerly a!o~ the east~!y and n~heazter!y line of s~d P~cel I fTom the southerly line of ~Ine Neck E~d~ ~d ruling thence the foliowLng (2) on a ~ve ~o the right hmv~ a radius of ~8.0i Feet~ a dist~c~ of ~9,~ feet~ then'ce (3) S~ ~4~ ~ QO~ E.- ~97.!2 feet~ thei%oe {4) on a curve zo the left ~ving a ra~us of ~5~0 fee~, a distance of 49.~9 fe~t Vd a point on co. se (i7} of s~d P~rcel 1~ thence (5) ~uthweaterly al~g s~id P~rcel 1 on a c~e Vd the left ~v~g a ra~us of 33~.~4 feet~ a distance of 151~!8 feet~ ~o_ence (6) N~ i5~ ~!r 50~ E.- 1~.73 feet~ thence (7) on a a~ve to the left ~ving a radius of I12,~8 feet~ a distance of ~8.19 feet; thence (8) N. 24~ ~ O0~ W~- SES~ feet; thence (93 ~ a curve to the left ~vi~ a radius of 246~01 feet. a diet.ce cf 68.09 feet; thence (t0~ N. ~o 53~ ~:~ W.- 1~7~34 feet~ thence (!1] ~ a ~ve to the left ~ving a ~a~ua of ~5~0 feet: a distance of feet; thence (1~) $. ~o 28~ !0~ ~¥.- ~57 feet to the norther~- te~a of co.se (~) of said Parcel 1; thence (13) northerly along said P~rce! 1 on e ~rve ~o the ie~ having a ca.us of ~3~.~ feeS. a d~tance of ~44~70 feet to the point of b~imning~ All the above, described ~ig~h~ys to be 50 feat or more in width~ AND~ ~ther~ i have remlaed, released e~ud forever discharged the seid S~u~ no~ its successors and assi~-as~ of ~nd fPomall~- ~nd ail ~ner ~ a~tion and 2c~on~ ~uae ~d oauses of acti~n~ suits~ d. ebt~ dues~ au~s of money~ accounted, reoDo~i~ b~ds~ biiis~ specia!ties~ ~v~an~s~t ~ontr~cts, co~trover~ies~ agrasmenta, promises~ variances: trespasses, damagea~ ju~msnts~ extents~ ~ecutions~ alaim~ and ds~ndswn=~soeYe~ ~ in law or in e~i~ which against ~b .... ~ ~_e s~d Town o~ ~outno~d~ ev~ had~ now have~ or which i~ or ~ heirs~ exeoutoms~ a~inist~tors or aSslgns~ hereafter c~ shall or ~y have fo~ upcn or by reason of any matter~ ~use or thi~ whatsoever f~m the heginnlng of the world to the day of the date of these presents, and p~rtiou!arly for any damage that ~y be occasioned to the ~ud~signed because of ~'~ ~n~ accep~nce by said Town of Southold, for the dedication as public high~ys or roads called ~PARK ~AY~ ~BE&CH~DOD LA~E~,~CRITTEN~S L&~Eh'and~W00D END WAY~. iN WIT~ ~-MEREOF, day of Jun% 1953. I have hereunto sev my hand and seal, (~l~i m H~ the CObq~]F¥ OF SUFFC~<~ ~n this~-- ~day of J~e, ~neteen H~ed m~d. f~-t~ee~ before me personally cams ~%LL~E H. EELT}~, of 522 Fifth Ave~e~ City, C~¢ and ~tate of Ne~ ~'ork, to me kno~m and Eno~ zo me ~o be the indivi~al des- crihed in and who executed tke fomegoing Lnstru~nt, ~d he duly a~owle.~ed vo me that he execuVed the same~ 5~aT~ OF IZE~ YOl%¥~ COUNTY_ OF SUFFOLks, T{~ OF SOUTNOLD. In the ~tter of the layin~ out of certain To~n ~lgh%~ys in the To~ o£ $outhold~ County of $~ffo~ ~d ~tats of New York~ kno~ a~ P~ ~AY~ ~D ~}~ ~I~S ~ and ~D Ei~ ~I~. at Pine Neck, in th~ ~illa~e and To~ of S~t~ld. C~SENT ~ue undersigned~ LIGHTHOUSE FA~.~, i~gC.~ a cornoration organized and existing u~uder The laws of the State of N~w Jersey~ with its principal place of b~inesa ~t 19 Rector Stree~ New York 8, New To~, as sdjoLni~ along the~above described p~posed high%~ys, and ~s~'nz ~ st ~t~gse havi~ a lien ~er ~ne s~d proposed high.ye ~d la,%ds ~djoini~ s~d h~gn~,,ays kno~ as ~qK ?~Y~, ~CH~OOD ~NE~, ~I~EN~ ~ , and ~OOD END ~¥~ and more fully described in the for~oi~ ~di~tion and Release~ in conzzm~a~zon of ~he s~ of ~ ($1~) ~ tc i~ in b~nd paid ~y the said TO~ O~ SOLTHO~, the receipt whereof is h~reby ac~ledged~ ~ud in f~h~r ~nside~tion of ~he 1~ ou~ of z~id highw~a~ ~ ~REBY rel~se~ convey and dedicate ~o the TO~ ~ SOU~O~ all its right, title and int~v which it ~y have vo the lands over which said propos~ high.ye will ~ud whi~ are more f~!iy described in the forgoing Dedi~tion and Rel~se, ~ud IT ~S ~L~ and forever discharge the said T~ OF $OD~LD, its successors and a~ns~ of ~d f~om all~ ~d all ~ of action ~d actions~ cause and bonds~ bi!is~ ~oeci~itiea~ ~ ~:~b~ses~, ~ variances, trs~aaes__ ~ ~ges. ~u~men~ extents~ execu~ion~, cza~s ~d de~n~ ~atsoewer~ in ~ ' la~ or In 6~2~% which ~ai~t the ~o~ of Southold it aver had~ no~ has~ or ~ich it~ or its su~es~rs oP S~igns~ her~fter ~ s~ll or ~y ~ve for~ upon or by ~n of any cause or thing ~ataoavsr from the beg~nim~ of the ~Pld ~ the day of the date of the~e presents, and p~ticu~rl~- for a~- ~e ~ha~ ~y be oocaslonad vo the ~dersignsd ~eca~e of ~ne accep~nce by s~d T0%%5~ O~ SOUTHOLD of ceftin lan~ at P~e Neck, zn the Viil~e ~d To~ of S~t~td~ C~ty of Su~olk and S~te of New YO~ for ~he d~ica~ion as p~lic high%~ys or roads called ~PAP2{ ?~ ?,~EACHY~00D ~.~MfE~ ~'~CP~iTTEN~S LAi~E~ and~WOOD END ~Y~. IN ~T~S %THEREOF~ vhe sa~d LI=HTHOUS~ FARm~, iNut, has caused its corporaza seal vo be her. euav~a~¢~_txea' - ~ and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer the day and year firs~ above ~itten~ LIGHTHOUSE FAR,iS ~ iNC ~ ~ STATE OF ~ YOF~I~ CO- ~- L~-Y OF SUFF0~ d~y of J~e, Nineteen Eundrsd and fifty-tb~ee, before me c~e h~N~]ff H. A~K~N~ to me ~o~, v~o~ being ~ did d~ose ~.d a~ that he r~ides a= 18~16 ~5th Avenue~ Flu~i~ ~o~ty, New Yo~rk; that he is the Tr~suror of L~GH~0USE~:F~ES~ co.option described in, amd which sxecuted~ the forego~g in~trmment~ tbmt he know~ the seal of s~d co~o~tion~ that the ~ a m ~alX~ ~O said instrument is such corpo~te aeal~ ti~t it ~$ ac affixed ~by order cf the Board of Director~ of said co~o~ion~ an~ that he signed his name thereto by like order. STAT OF h~W YOi~, ~OU~'~J[ OF SUFFO~, TO,lq OF SOUTHO~- In the ~atter of the l~ing ~t of certain To~ H~h~ys in the ~u of Southold~ C~ty of S~folk and State of N~w York~ CONS~T OF known as P~RK ~Y, ~CH~OD ~RITTEN~S ~NE and WOOD END ~ at TO~3E B~D. Pine Ne~ in th~ Vill~e ~d To~ of ~ outhold. Upon readiD~ and filing the d~i~tion ~d rel~se of da~ed J~e ~ 1~3~ mhd the Co~en~ dated ~'~e ~, ~95~ ~1! duly a~kn~wted~ed, d~1c~ti~ snd re!ea~ the n~es~aPy l~ds for the pPopo~ed b.i~h~ ~ov~ ~I~NsS ~ ~d EO0~ ~ND ~f~, ~t Pine Ne~k~ ~ th~ Village ~nd To~ of ~ ~_ m~d State of New v .~ ~arti~iarly Southold~ Co'~ty of $ e~k ~orx, ~d more _ described in s~d deed of dedi~tion and releame~ it ia ~reby ~h~ same hereby iz~ given that the To~ ~E~OLV[~, that consent b% m~d uperin~enaent of the Hi~/~y~ cf the Town of Southold~ mmke ~ Ord~ layi~ out the aforesaid Town hi~,~s ~ns!st of ~..e i~ds ce~ribed in said Deed of Dedication and P. eleaa% all in accordance wi~n t~ p~vi~ions of the High~ay I~w of the ~a~ of N2w v ~ Dated: ~__~ 1~53~ ~perv ts o.. of the ~~, Ju~tice the Peace Yuatice of t~e Peace. STATE O? ~ _OP~-~ COUNi~Y OF SUFFOLK~ TO~%~ OF SOD~3HOLD. In The Nat~er of the layir~ cu~ of certain Town Hig~h~ays in The Fondu of Southold, Co~unty of Suffolk and State of New k~uowa as PARK WAY_~ ~EACH~DOD LANE~ _.CRITrEN~S ~i~h~E and ~0D END WAY~ Pins Neck, in the Village a~d To~ of Southold ~ 0P~DER 0F_ ~J~ER! h~DENT H iG~&YS ~ Purauanz ~o Seation 171 of the Highway Law, and upon the annexed consent of the Town Board of the To~ of $outlnold, Ne~ York~ and the an~xed deed of dedica~ion ~nd release ~m ~il!iam H. Kelynack, and the consent release of Lighthouse Farms, inc~, being the only o~mers of ~nd persons in- terested in the lands ~h~h w~ch s~d high~ays ar~ proposed va be N0~4 TH~EF~ i, H~0LD D~ PRICE, as the Town Sup~Lntendent of Highways~ of th~ Town of ~ut~old~ in the Co~vy of S~f~lk and State of New Tork, do her~y deter~ne ~d order that Town Eighv~ays ~o~ as PA~ BEACH~0D ~E~ CRiTTEN~S ~ ~ud ~OOD E~ ~AY, a~ Pine Neak~ in ~he Village ~d To~ of S~atbold~ ~unty of Suffolk and ~tate of New Tork, aa parti~larly described in th~ armex~ deed of dedication fr~ ~i!li~ H~ E~lynack, dated June 28th~ D~te ~uperlntende~nt of H~gh~ys of th e ~ ~a'~a of Soutbo!d..New York° MAP OF PROF'OSC'D HIGHWAY5 TO B~' KNOWN AS ~A/OOD ~ND WAY P CRITTEN5 LANE C ~ ..~ouT H C)L- D ToWN OF --,C, ouTHOLD SUFFOLK .Sc~lle-, I00'= I" Survey~a May I-.O~ 1.9.~3 OTTO W- VAN TUY_.~ ~,~;ON