HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARK AVETo Harold D. Price, Superintendent of Highways I, Cedric H. Wickham, of Mattltuck, Suffolk County, New York, as successor, trustee and administretor for the Estate of Charles W. Wfckham, deceased, in consider- ation of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), to me in hand paid Harold D. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the maintaining and proper upkeep of this roadway at Marratooka, Mattftuck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known as Park Avenue, located and being described as follows: Beginning at a monument st the intersection of the Westerly line of Marratooka Road and the Southern llne of Park Avenue, this point being the North East corner of D.M. Sarktstan,s property, thence South 85° ~l' West by and along the Northerly line of perperty of D.M. Sarktstan, F.W. Abrams and others. South 8~° 31' West 1310 feet to a point, thence North at 90° 49~ feet to a point as the Northerly llne of this roadway, thence ~orth 85° 31' East 1320 feet more or less to a monument in the Westerly line oC Marratooka Road, thence Southerly 49~ feet more or ~,ss to the point and place of beginning. by Dated: March 4, 1946 _ administrator with the will annexed for the Estate of Charles W. ~ickham. deceased. The above release being given to the Southold Town Board to replace one given by Cedric H. Wfckha~,as successor, trustee and administrator of the will of Charles W. Wfckham. deceased. on March 4, 1946. 5,,3 1 SEE SEC. NO. 134 0~ 1~4¥ ¢ 5/2/97- Park Avenue, Mattituck The area west of Mar. ratooka Road is a town highway. The area east is not a town highway, but Ray Jacobs says that it is maintained by the town.