HomeMy WebLinkAboutOLD HARBOR ROAD 1941 In t~he Matter of Laying Out, Describing amd Definimg a : Highway at Hew Suffolk in the Town of Southold, County : of Suffolk end State of New York knowm as : OLD HARBOR ROAD : ********************************* !i ~H~REAS, a public highway known as 01d Harbor Road has exis- !i%ed, at New Suffolk in ~he Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New k iYor , and has been used and maintained at public expense for more lithan twenty years last past, and Tj~EREAS, said highway is not properly defined nor sufficient- desoribed of record, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Harold D. Price, Superintendent of High- !ways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant i!to subdivision 8 of section l&0 of the Highway Law of the State '.iof New York, and section 189 of the said Highway Law of the State of New York, and upon the consent of the Town Board of said town :of Southold, New York, hereunto annexed end made a part hereof, ido hereby QRDER AND DETERMINE that said highway in said town known as ~i01d Harbor Road be laid out, described and defined as follows: The Southwesterly line begins at a point on the easterly line of New Suffolk Lane, otherwise known as Fifth Street, said point being 108.47 feet northerly along said easterly tine of Hew Suffolk Lane from ~he northwesterly corner of land of Sarah Acker, and runs from said point of beg2nning First Course: So 8E° 46' J0" E. - 87.88 feet; t~hence Second Course: S. 28° 10' 20" E. - 657.66 feet; thence Third Course: S. &6° 18' J0" E. - 780 feet more or less to the present ordinary high water mark of Cu~chogue Harbor. The Nor~heasterly line begins at a granite monument set on the easterly line of New Suffolk Lane, otherwise known as Fifth Street, at a point 107.98 feet northerly along said easterly line of New Suffolk Lane from the northwesterly corner of lnnd of Sarah Acker and runs from said granite monument First Course: S. 82o 46' ~0" E. - 11~.55 fee~ to a granitemonu~ent; thence Second Course: S. 28© 15' 20" E. - 685.28 feet to a point formerly m-~ked by a granite monument, now removed; thence Third Course: S. ~6° 18, 50" E. -(passing through a granite monument about 60 feet from the terminus of this course) a distance of 632.85 feet; thence Fourth Course: S. 89° 00' E. - 58 feet more or less to the present ordinary high water m,rk of Gutchogue Harbor. And the first three courses along said northeasterly line as herein defined are parallel, respectively, to the first three courses of the southwesterly line as herein defined and distant 49.5 feet therefrom, measured at right angles to said lines. ~6wn Superintendent of Highways in and' for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. ~e, the undersigned, constituting ~he Town Board of ~he Town of Soutkold, in the Goun~y of Suffolk, New York, do hereby consent to the l~ing~out, deseribing ~d defin~ of ~he hi~ay i~ said Town ~o~n as 01d Harbor Road as set forth in ~e ~nexed orde=. ~ W'I~ W~OF, we have here~to set o~ h~ds on %his Justices of the Peaoe Matter of Laying Out, Deaeribin~ and Defining a : High~ at New Suffolk in the Tow~ of ~outhold, County : Of ~fo~ ~ State of New WHEREAS, a publie highway known as 01d Harbor Road has axis- te~l&t New Suffolk in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and has been used and mainta~ne~ at publie expense for more than twenty years last past, and ~REA~, said highway is not properly defined nor sufficient- ly described of reeord, N0~, ~HEREF0~, X, Harold D. Prl0e, Superintendent of High- ways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, pursuant to subdivision 8 of e'eotion 140 of the Highway Law of the ~tate of New York, and section 189 of the said Highway Law-of the State of New York, and upon the aonsent Of the. Town Board of said town of ~outhold, New York, hereunto annexed and made a part hereof, do hereby ORDER AND ~ETEPA~XNE that said highway in said ~own known as 01d Harbor Bond be laid out, described and defined aa follows: The Southwesterly line begins at a point on the easterly l~ne of New Suffolk Lane, otherwise ~nown as Fifth Street, said point beins 108.47 feet northerl~along enid easterly line of New Suffolk Lane from the northwesterly corner of land of-Sarah Aoker, and rune ~rom said point of beginnin6 First Course: S. 82° 45' 30' E. - 87.88 feet; thence Second Course: S. ~8° 15' 20" E. - 667.66 feet; thence Third Course: S; 46° '16' ~0- E. - 780 feet ~ore or less to the present ordinary high water mark of Cuto~ue~erbor. The Northeas~'erly Xtne begins at a granite montuned~t set on the easterly l~ne*f Ne~ Su~-folk Lane, otherwise knc~ aa Fifth Street, at a point 157.~8 feet n6r~herly alon~A aal~ easterly line of New Suffolk Lane from the northwesterly earner of land of sarah Ae~er and runs from said grani~e monument First 0ourse: S. 8~° 4~ ~0" E. - 113.55 feet to a ~anit® monument; ~henoe ~eeond Oouroo~ 6. 28° 15' 20" X. - 685.28 feet to ~ point formerly marked by & sranite monuments now remoYod; %honoo Third Couret~ ~. 46° 18' ~0~ ~. -(paeoin6 throu~h~ a ~anite monument abou~ ~ feet fr~ the ~n~ of th~, gourd) a dimt~oe of 632.8~ foot; t~noo Fo~h Co~: S. 89° 00' E. - ~8 foo~ ~re or loss to the proo~t ~y hl~ ~$~ M~ of Cut~o~ H~b~. ~ tho f~ot thF~ eerie ~o~ oa~d ~r~healtorly l~ne as heroin defined are l~ar~llel, ree~eetlTely, to the fiFot three ooureoo of ~he southwesterly 1Lue aa heretn deflno( t,o a&ld lineS, Town super~nt'oh~on~ or ~'t~hwaye in an~ for the Town of southold, Suffolk Coun%y, New Tork. We, the undersigned, eonstltutin6 She Town Board of the Town of ~outhold, ~n the County oX' Sufffolk, New York, do hereby soneent te the layin~ out~ ~eeoribin~ and ~efining of the h~ghw&y t~ said Town known aa Old HarBor Road as eat forth ia the annexed o~er. IN WITNESS W~IEREO~, we have hereunto set otw hands on th Xs day of~ 1941. Justf~es or ~h~ Pease- In Rs ~ttex- of Laying Out, Describing and Defining a H~hway et New Su~folk'ln · he Towzl of southold, County of ~ffolk and State of New York known as 0LDHARBOR ROAD lfl~P~, a publle highway ~wown as Old Harbor Road has exis- ted,at New Suffolk l~l the Town of Southold, ~fffolk county, New York, and has been used and maintained at publio ~xpense for more than twenty years lest past, and FilEREA~, said highway is not properly defined nor sufficient- ly deserlbed of reeord, NOW, THEREFORe, X, Harold D. Pries, 8uperinteaden$ of HI~- w~m of the To~ ~ 3outhold, S~fo~t~, New Tork, p~u~t to subdivision 8 of oeotion 140 ~ ~e H~way Law of ~he state of New York, a~d section 189 of the said Highway LaW of the State of New York, and upon the consent of the Town Board of said town of 8outhold, New York, hereunto annexed and made a part hereof, do hereby ORDER A~D I~TERMXI~ that said highway in said town ~nown as Harbor Road be laid out, desoribed and defined as follows~ The 5outhwesterly line begins at a point on the easterly line of Hew Suffolk Lane, otherwise knomn as Yifth Street, said point being 108.47 feet northerly alert6 said easterly line of ~ew Suffolk Lane from the northwesterly oorner of land of Sarah Aoker, and runs from said point of beginning Ylrst Course: s. 8~° 4~' 30' E. - 87.8~ feet~ theses Second Course: S. 28° 15' 20" E. - 667.66 feet; thanes Third Course: S. 45° 18' ~0~ E. - 780 feet more or leas to the present ordinary high wat~ m~k of Cutoh~e R~rbor. The t~r~heast~ly l~ne beglm~ at ~ granite men.eh% set on-the easterly L~e of New S~folk L~e, oth~wiae ~own F~f~h ~tree~, ~t a poi.t i57.~8 feet northerly ~o~ ~id eaaterly ll~e cf New ~folk L~e ~ the northwardly c~ner of l~d of Sarah Aoker amd rune from sel~ First Course: S. 82° 46' 50" E. - 115.55 feet to 'a granite monument; thenoe ~eond (]ourse= So ~ao 1~ ~.Ow ~,.. ~85.~a feet to a point formerly marked by a gramite monument, now re~oved; thence Third Couree: S. 48° 18' 50' E. -{passlng ~hr~.ug~.a granite ~oatuaent about 60 feet fro~ the terminu~ of t~le course) a dieta~oe of 632.85 feet; thence Fourth Oourse~ S. 89° 00' E. - 58 feet moro or lees to the present ~rdlnary high water ~ark of Cutaho~e Harbor. And the f~ret three ooureee along said northeaeterl~ line me herein defined are parallel, respectively, to ~he first three e~ureea of the ~outhweeterly line aa hereto defined and dAetant 49.5 feet therefx~, measured at right an~lea to said linee. ~own Superln~e~den~ of ~lghwaye in for the Town of aouthold, Suffolk County. New Tork. l~e, the undersigned, eonstltutia~ the Teen Boe~,d of the ?eon of Southold, ~n the ¢o~m%y of Suffolk, Nee York, do ha~'ebly eonsent to the l&y:ln~ out, dssortbin~; and deflnLu~; of the h:i~way ~n sa:id Teen known as 01d tterbor Road as sot forth :in the annexe~ ordeFo IN ~ITIT~S~ ~l~0Y, we have hereunto set ot~l' hands on th:is COPY In the ~iatter of Laying Cut ~escribing and Defining a Hig~ ray at New-Suffolk in the .~own of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York ~.0 ~. aS OLD HA~RBOR ROAD C'RD~R A:~D CONSEi~ I In the Eatter of Laying Out, Describing and Defining a ~ighway at dew Suffolk in the Town of Sou~hold, County of Suffolk and State of ~ew York known as OLD HARBOR ROAD ORDER AND CONSENT