HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCEANIC AVENUE At a meeting held by the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold. in the County of Suffolk. on the--/~/~ day of ~ , ~9o7. for the purpose of in said Town hereinafter described, on the written application of a person liable to be assessed for highway iabor in said Town. " .... ccn~t of the m~ ~ i~nd fh~,l~rA ........ m Boated cf zcHd Ta:,h. and eleases from the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be opened, having been obtained, ~m~zcldcra ordered and determined that a highway shall be. and the same is hereby laid out in said Town~ of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows: Dated. this day of ttighways TOWN OF SOUTHOLD gommissione~- of Ftiglbways IN TPIE P/lATTER OF ORDER in the Town of ~r~~~ . Co~mty of ~ and State of New York, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold. in said cormry, a strip of land across my premises.~n said town. for the purposes of a highway, ~vhich highway has been surveyed and is described as follows: r~c~.~ ~ ~ '~ ~ And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. Ix Wi'r~ss WH~;R]~O~'. I have hereunto set m~y hand and seal this STATE 01~ HEW YORK Thousand Nine 0n this Hundred an d day of before me personally came to me to be the same person , to me known and known he described in and ~vho executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. TOWN OF 50UTEIOLD Commissioner of Highways DEDICATION OF in the Tcwn~x--~'~'~~-,C-°ma~ of-~t.ff~l,k and State of .tkk:~"-!~. for value received, hereby dedicate to *.he Town of $outl~old. in k~-~ connty~ a strip of land a~oss my premises~n said town for the purposes of a Eighway, whiek highway has been sn~eyed And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. Lx WITNess W~O~. I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ~~ day . In presence of } On this ~c ~ day of ~ ~ - One Thousand Nine Hundred and ~ ~ before me personally came -~L~ ~ ' . ro me known and kno~  - ~ ~~escri~ed in and who executed the foregoing [narument and I. ~RANCIg A. CAMPBELL of Boston, in said County, duly elected, nualified and m~ CouP, for and within said County and Commonwealth a,~,~- -- · ~ - ~ . sworn as Clerk o~ the Superigr .... - ...... , __~g m ¢osron m sa~a County, smd Court being a Court of record with a seal winch ~s hereto a~xed, the records and s~al of whi~ C~rt I nave the c~tody~ doth~ein and he;~ in the perform~ dumas said Clerk, certifvand attest that..~~ ~. ~&~ before whom tile annexed a~davk, proof or acknowledgment was taken and subscribed, isa ~ ~~;L' ior, wk~in~ and includiu~ the whole of said ~ ........... '='"," :'~;~'" ~'"~- am business m said County when said proof or acknowledgments purpo~/to have been ma d r~e and cer[~fy proofs 0[ acknowledgment of d~eds of cenve~'an~ }~a.~h t~ ta? a~fidawts and d~taments, lying and being m said Commonwealth; in any part ~er;;~ ~;~' r;;;~tt~[~, wherever situated and however bounded; that h~ was a~ the time of ~ing the ~davit, proof or ack~owledgmenl, hereto a~nexed, such ......... ~~:... ~~ ................ that due faith and credit are a~d ough~ to be g yen to his offic~ ac.s; that I am well acquainted with his signature and hand~ riting, and I verily beh~v~ha~e signature to the said affidavit, proof or acknowledgment is genuine, and, ~urther, that the a~exed instrument is executed and acknowledged according to the laws of said Commonwealth. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at Bostmn, in said County and Commonwealth, ................... 4 .......... ...... ....... TOWN OF 50UTHOLD DEDIICATION OF in the Town of ~ , Cowry of ~c~]k_ and State of Ne~l~rk, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, m ~connty//a s~rip or land across 2P~'~ff~'J{_i 's~ yn said town, ¥or the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed a~d is described as follows: ~ ~ ,~ ~c? And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. Ix W~'rN~SS W~ER~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this In ~esence of On this ~2~ day of Thousand Nine Hundred and ~.~..... ~ before me personally came ~.~----~ ~;~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ,to me known and known to me to be the s e person~deseribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and o~vledged that ~ae~.executed the ~'~4~T~ il DEDIGATION OF To the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold. in the County of Suffolk: The undersigned liable ro be assessed for highway labor in your town hereby ap- To you To ,a, o= ~ h,ghway~= said ~o=~. ~ ~o~ow~: ~ ~ . I90 ~?. TOWN' OF SOUTNOLD APPLICATION aOZ'OaB I, Henry E. Lyles, of the town of North Canaan, county of Litchfield and state of Connecticut, for value received, hereby dedicate to the town of Southold in the county of Suffolk, in'the state of'New York, a strip of land,~v$ m~; pren~ises on Fieher~ Island in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed amd is described as followS: The southerly side thereof to,,begin at a point on the wesferly side of O~iental Avenue which point of begimling is distant 85 7/10 feet on a course S. 20° 57' W. from the nearest mere stone on the ~asterly side of said Avenue: running thence S. 50o 32' W. 659 feet to the northerly side of Eltrick Street. The northerly side of said proposed high¥~ay is to begin on the westerly side of said Oriental Avenue and run westerly to Halcyon Avenue, so-called. And said highwaM.~ t~ to be of the width of ~io feet and to be known as Oceanic Avenue, which proposed highway will pass through the lands of E. E. and W. Ferguson, Henrietta Joslin, A. E. Howard and Henry E. Lyles. A~d I also hereby release said town ~rom al! damages by reason of the laying out and opening said highway. IN WITNESS SHE~OF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this l~th day of April A. D. 1907. In the presence of State of Comecticut ) Cou:~ty of Litchfield ) Iforth Can".--., April 12, 1907. On t:~is 12th dui? of April, 1907, before "~o, person- al3? c~une L~e'~ry E. Lyles to me knovrn a~ur! knm:n to .~e to b~ th~ ~:~me person described in, ~.nd -? o ~Yectlt-~d t[~e fore~'~i.~g i~l~t~ument~ f. ut be aokiYy.'~lo;i~?J, tLat t~ ~xecuted t'e stone. Notary Public ~TATE OF CONNECTICUT, LIT('IIFIELD COUNTY~ I, Dwight C. Kilb,~urn, Clerk of the County of Litchfield and of the Super[or Court of said State within and f.,r said ('c, unty, ,,hic~'¥ a ('ourt of Record,~qd Keeper of the Seal Esquire, whose name is sui~scribed~fhe certificate ort~l~oof of acknowledgment of the annexed instnnnent, was at the time of taking ,uch proof or acknowledffment, a dwelling in said £'og6ty, duly appointed, commissioned, aud sworn, with authority Ii3' the laws of this atate to admhdster oaths for general purposes, and take the acknow- le.lgment of deeds and other instruments to be recorded in this State; that I am acquainted with his imndwriting and verily believe the signature to the said certificate or proof of acknowledgment to be genuine. C~K. -2- J. HENRY RORABACK CANAAN, CONN,