HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAKWOOD ROAD~TATE OF ~ YORK, C OU~I'Y OF TO~I OF ~ t~ Mat~er of the ~yl~ out of ~erta~n T~ H~ ~ the ~d Stats of TO TH~ TOW~ SU~HHINTENDBNT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TO~ OF ~OUTHOLD. IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STAT~ OF ~ YOlk: The Undersigned, liable to be assessed fo]. highway taxes in the Teen of Sotfch~ld, hereby apply to you to lay out three highways nee~ the Village of Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of ~folk~ and Stats of Hew York, to be known aa 1. OA~OD ROA~, 2. BIRCH a~d 3. ~, respectively, and described aa follows:- 1. OAXWOOD ROA~$ Beginning at a point on the southwesterly 1[ne of Sound View Aver.,e 258.05 feet northeasterly &long said line f~o~ · mon~masnt nt It's intersection with the northeasterly line of Kanneys Road; and re]ming thence S. 42o l0t 20" B. ~01.36 lest to the northwesterly line of Wesland Road, hersinaf~cer described. The northeasterly line of said Omkwood Road is parallel to and ~0 feet fl~om the above described southwesterly line. 2. $IRCE ROAD$ Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue 248.9? feet fl~ the intersection of the above described ~ortheaaterly line of O~kwood ~ond ~nd said southwesterly line of Sound View Avenue; and rtoxning thence S. 42o 10~ 20" E. A07.88 feet to lt~s intersectio~ with the northwesterly line of ]leeland Road, hereinafter described; thence on the same course 50 feet acrou said Wealand Road$ and thence on the same cos'aw 133.~6 feet to other land of Arthur W. Hahn, ~r. The northeasterly line of said Birch Road is parallel to and 80 feet fro~ the ~boYe described southwesterly line. 3. WETLAND ROAD: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of renney8 Road 210.46 feet southeasterly along Said line frOm a monument at lt~a intersection with the southeasterly line of Sound View Avenue; and running thence N. 47~ 49~ 40w E. ~41.50 feet to itta lntersectinn with the southwesterly line of Oakwood ~oad, hersinabove described; thence on the same course 50 feet acrOss said Oaksood Road; thence on the same c~urce 2~3.0 feet to It's Interaeat~on with the southwesterly line of Birch Road, hereinabove described. The southeasterly line of said Wesland Road is parallel to and 50 fast ~ the a~ove dss- cribed m~l'thwestsrly line, which propose~ laying out will pass through lands of -R , ~ and ~f~, has wife, ~ and ~ his wlfe, ~and MARY ~Y~, his wife, ~MRY M~TZ~NDORF; JR., and ~, h~ wife, ~ HPP and ~ hl~ wife, _~ and_~L~~ hie wife, Hereto anneXed and n~de a part hereof, is a certain nap showing the course of the said proposed highways. D~ted, tl~Is ~ day of ~ 1948. Term of Sou~hold, and State of ~fISR~A~, appliOatim ham bOOn duly BoAo to the Town ~por~utendont of i~s o~ t~ ~m of S~t~ld, ~ t~ ~ty of $~folk a~ State o~ Naa ~ork, flor ~e l~ ~t ~$~ RO~, ~sp~lve~, md ~. - ~ and ~) h~s u~fo) ~d ~, h~a wife, ~ ud ~ h~ w~te, ~MY ~Z~: ~R.~ ~ ~ ~s wife, ~ and ~, his w~fe~ a~ the on~ of roop~ve ~s of ~d of rm~ot~ve Pl~ts of l~ ovo~ the p~M~ ~. T~. ~, ~ W. ~Hf ~R,, ~1~ 12 ~1 41~ Road, ~tlo 9~ 41st Avonuo~ l~t, ~oo~ C~nty~ How To~k; ~ ~d ~ ~ and ~, his vXfo, bo~h reaXd~ at 104~ ~ll~h Street, Bellairo, ~ue~ Co~2, New ~o~ ~Y ~TZ~ ~. nd ~, h~s w~fe, both r~Xd~ at ~S ~a~ Av~, ~ty, ~7 ~d State Of Beg Z~k; ~ and ~, Ms w~fe, ~h ~ld~ at 180-18 ~th Avu~, M~Xde, ~ yo~; ~~( ~ H~O~, ~s wife, ~th rm~ at S~ld, ~CF, Hew Zor~; ~d ~ ud ~ hb w~o, ~h r~ at ~m ~sl~rmCl~ ~ the s~ or ~g ($1.~) ~, to ~h of ~ ~ ~d p~d) by P~ To~ Superht~dent of Rl~q~ys o~ tho To~ off ~ld, tho ro~t~ whor~f h~e~ t~wlo~ed, and Xn ~rther ~sXd~tlm or CM ~ out or C~oo k~ ~ 1. ~ R~s ~. BI~H ~, ~d ~. W~D R~, ~m~tvely, do dod/omge~ ~olol~e mnd41SfW~q~ to the ettd Town o£ Southold, fei* hi,buoy purposes, tho pARC~I, 8, IJX]F.H ROAD; Bo~ at a point on the sou~houetorl% l~ue of Sou~ VXew 0~w~d R~A u~ s~d ~m~orly line of S~A V~ew ~el u~ ~ ~h~ S. 4~e line, Road ~0,46 a~ve f~ c~ a~vo d~b~ Mr~mt~l~ l~e. and we do her~b7 release said ?oun from all dnmusea by reeaon of ~he layini cut of the said above de~ertbed Beg idshut2u. lle~ ifo~% STAT~ OF BW ¢~ OF Suffo~ ca the 24~ da~ ~f Jnly ~rt~ar W. Ha~n, Jr ~ me ~ aa~ ~e~ to ae te be the ~nd~vl~haal going the l~, ~fo~ Ie ~MI~ eme tM iii, ~a the S4t~ ~ ef Jaiy 1~45, befeee me ~e~aemal~ e! Willi~n LaVeile ana l~nn~z LaVelle, his wife, te me ~ ~ ~ael te me t~ Me t~e ~me~tvl~ls ~eaea~ed Xaaa~ ,~e e~emte~ t~e tIOTAi~¥ Pt.~gI~, ~m~ ~l Pa~,di~ In ~delk ~, IIo. 69I CommiSSion Expires March Henry ~hiae aha Helen ~alte, his wife, ~g ~$~maemt, am~ they dmly mm~ealad~e~ te me that they tho lmUO, ¢~ ~ saffol~ Re.~!,~iflg tfl Suffolk Co. No. Commission Expires Mamh the EArn ~ay of Jnly 1948, before la Oharles Boyoe ~.uC l~ry Boyce, als wife. ~0 Ia ~Om I~ ~OI to me to be tim .~vl.du~ s deoert~d ~ and who exeemtod the g~l~ iait~ume~t, aid ~ey ~~~ M that t~ey ~ e~:~ t~ s~e. .~ ~ W~idlng In Suffetk Co. NO. ~mmi~mn ~pir~ March COONT~ O~ ~uffol~ on cae E~tn day of' July 1048, beFo~o nm po~son~l~y Henry I~etzendorf. Jr. and DorotY~y ~e~zendorf, his wife I;o~, lnstnmeut, mud ~ney to Re Jr. aotu~ lad Julou to Be to be the lnd~vtduLt s demorlbed ~n end who exerted tho fo~o- du~y aolmouledged to me that ~ey oxe=uCod ¢O~Y O~ Suffola tho 24~h day of July 1948, hofor~ me pormontl~y emao Hilton L. £pp and Frances D. EpP, ~is wife. to ne Jmom end lmom to ne to be the ln~Ltv[d~u! s dosePlbod la iud wi~, e~leutod the fo~o- ~o~n~ imeCrmuont, end ~ey dm3y ael~nouled~od to me that~ey executed the lille, ¢Olfl~TY (2f' suffola on tho 2~t~ d~ of J,~ly l#l, befoFo me l~r~onall~ e~ue ~r~r ~'. Gagen ~nd Hele~ ~. G~ge~, ~i$ wife, to me knoua led ~AOU to IlO to be the/ ]~Ltv~n led .ho oxeatttod tho L'Olq- theioin~ l.~umont, smd ~ey .au.. ~~ly ~~o~ that t~ey .~ee~ted STATE OF iti~l TOR[, :~" ......... ~ '-' .......· ~O~Y O~ suffol~ On tho E4~ ds~ of July 1948, before me poreo~tl~y eme sylves~er Smith ~n~ ~iiliie Smi~, ~i~ wife, to me lmown e-4_ ~Luoun to me to be tho lndiv~dualS dOsel*lhod Ia ~ who ~e~ted the ~oi~ 2~t~nt, a~ ~ey ~y a~ule~ ~ me t~t ~ey ~eeuC~ tho ~ [ ~ ~8LIC, Sta~ of ~ /~- _ ~idin~ in Suffolk Co. No. J ' - ~i~n ~pires March (L.S.) Doroth~ Hllto~ L, (L.S.) The Mdatack gatlenel Blflt & Trmt Ce;' (L.S.) On l~e , ,~ ...... ,, ~ of Au~st~ ~94a, hero,re ne omme of ~e ~tti~k Nat~o~ B~ ~ ~e~ Oou~, ~he oo~o~lon he ~owl ~e e~ of .~d oo~mt~n; ~t ~he ee~ ~f~ to b7 o~or or the ~a~ of ~oto~ of e~ oo~omtion; ~d N~ ~b~c in the Sram of ~ew Yor} ~ ~ ~folk County ~ ~n tho Jf~ttal' ~1' the L~lng out of certain Town l~l~h~ ~n the To~n o1' Southold, Co~y of St~olk and &tare of' New ~'ork, co~s~r OF TO~ sca~p. UP~ RI~DING A~ FILIJ~. the appltcattc~ et' Ax, thar W. Hahn, Jr., and othere, dated ~ ~ 1948, end the dedication and release of .~RTHUR g. gIHN, j~., ~ his wife, ~ and ~ his wife, ~ dated ~ ~ 1948, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releeain~ the necessary lands for three proposed town h~ht~ye to be kneel as 1. O~W~OD ROAD, ~L ROAD, and 3. NF.~L~D RO~D, respeetXvely, RF~OLvED, that consent be and tho sen~ hereby is given that tho Tout S~zper~nteadant of Hi~h~y~ ~f the ?omi of Southold~ mtke 8~ or,let l&y~n~ out the afe~esadd Teen ~i~hn~ to consist of the lands described :la the se~d application, ded~cation and release anti, to extend as delineated upc~ the map annexed to alid aPpllcetion~ all in accordance with the prOvis~fla of Saetion 171 of the Hl~hu~y Law of the State 0£ New Jerk. lMted, at the office of the Supervlso~ the Teen of Southold, at Greenpo~t, SuperVisor'' _ ;Yuati~ea of tho Pea~e. TO~ O~ ~0~0~. In the Ifa~te~ of the Layln6 out of c®~taln Tom Hl~h~ ~ t~ To~ ~ So~hold~ ~y ~ ~folk and State ~ lee Iork. WIFR ~H~ COU~]O~r oF TH~ I~ltten ~pptloutlon havens ~een duly Bo~e to me tho Town Superintendent of Hl~ys for ~he To~ of S~t~ld, ~e~ Cowry, HOe ~, fo~ the 1~ out off t~o ~u ~, in the s~d ~m of S~thold; by ~t~ H. ~) ~., ~d ot~, ll~le to ~ asked hl~y t~8 ~ s~d To~) ~ the w~ton eo~ent of the To~ Bo~ of s~d To~ hav~g given ~ p:escrl~ by lau, ~d · ~dl~tlon ~ rele~ f~ d~os ~vl~ be~ exerted) a~ule~ed ~d delivered ~ t~ oue~ of ~d other po~ons Interested in tM 1~ th~ w~ the t~oo p~d ~ys ~ p~osod to be l~d out, a ~py of ~1~ 18 hor~o a~ex~, ~d no~h~ ~v~ b~n ~ld to ~y ela~t fo~ ~=h ~~ I~ the Tom ~r~teadent of Hl~y8 of ~ho Tom of Southold; ~olk Cowry, New ~o~ ~ ~.D~ &~ m~n that t~e ton ~w~ s~l be, 8~ the s~e ~ h~ l~d ~t ~ s~dTom as foll~s, ~ a~ to ~ ~om ~ 1. ~D 2. ~, ~d 30 ~~ ~s~ct~ly, each of whl~ s~l ~ ~y fo~ ~n w~dth= 1. ~ ~ at a ~lnt ~ ~ ~tho~torly l~ne of ~d View Avenue 268.0~ foo~ n~t~terly al~ said l~e ~m a n~t at ltts ~nt~s~t~on with northe~torly l~ne of Ko~o~ ~ad; ~d mtmn~ three S. 42olOt~u B. ~1.36 ~t to tho ~rthwst~ly l~e of Weal~d R~, ho~e~ d~lbed. ~e ~rth~t~ly line of ~mod ~ad Is p~llol ~o ~d ~ f~t ~ tho a~e descried so~hw~torly line. $. B~ R~= ~J~ at ~ point ~ the 8o~h~te~ly lhe of ~d View Av~ue 248.9~ feet f~m t~ lnt~8~ off t~ a~vo d~c~d ~r~o~te~ly li~ of ~od Ro8d ~d 8~d s~th~terly l~o of ~d View Avmue; ~d ~ns ~ S. 4Se 10j ~u E. ~.~8 f~t ~o ~t~s lntersoct~ wl~h the no~th~8~e~ly line of Wesl~d R~d) ho~er dos~lbed; thence ~ tho sma e~e ~ fo~ ~ s~d W~l~nd R~; ~d the~o ~ tho s~e ~o 1~.~ fe~ to other l~d ~ A~u~ W. H~, ~. ~e ~th~terly l~e of s~d B~ch R~d p~allel to ~d ~ ~ f~ t~ a~vo des~l~d s~thw~t~ly l~ao. 3. ~ ~; ~S~ at a po~n~ m tho no~t~te~ly l~e of K~e~ Roa~ S10o46 foot s~the~te~ ~ ~d 1~ f~ a ~nt at ~tl8 intorno~ w~h ~ l~e or S~ View Avenue; ~ ~1~ thrace N. 4~o ~J ~. Z. ~1.~ Feet to ltss inter- se~on v~ ~ smch~sto~l~ llne of ~d Rind, ~lnebove descried; then~ m the sam co. se ~ ~ a~o~ ~d ~d R~d; t~n~ on t~ s~ e~Bo 2~.0 ~o~ to ttu8 inter- 8ect~on ~Ch the ~uthumtePl~ line o~ BI~ Road, he~1~vo described. ~ Muthente~ line o~ s~d U~l~ Ro~ ~s p~llel to nd ~ ~ ~m t~ ~ve d~r~d no~hwsterly l~e. ~ted, this ~ d~ of ~ 1948. To~n of Southoldo Suffolk County, New STATE OF ]~[ YOEX, COUNTY 01~ ~FF~, of certa~ Tc~ ~s ~ the and State off New ~o~. ' ' ; and ~ WHITE, his wlfe, CHARLES BOYC~ and MARY BOYCE_. his wife, HEI/R][ I~ET~'~.~eDORF; and T RF his wife, H~,LTON k. EPP and FRANCES D. EFF~ his wife, ARTHUR ~AOEN and ~ H. GA~, his wife, syLVEsT~R r~r~ and'~, his wife, d~ are the owners of raspeotive portions of and of respective rights of way over the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided either as grantee or mortgagee and are all of the pereone having any ln~ereet in said rights of way and said proposed highway~, ~OW, Ti~FORE~ we, ARTHUR W. ~., _JR., residing at ~.~0-41 41st Road, Little I/eek, ~aeens County, New york; WILLIAM I~.VELkR and ]~, his wife, both residing at 9=0-09 41s.t Avenue, Bl~hur~t, ~aeens County, New York; HENRY WHITE and ~ WHITE; hie wife, both residing at 3403 - ?Sth Street, Jackson Heights, Queens county, New York; CHARI~ BOYCE and MARY BOYCE, hie wife, both residing at 104-07 211th Street, Bellaire, queens County, New York; HENR]~ METZENDORF. JR. and DOROTHY METZEMDORF, his wife, both residing at 383 Madison Avenue, City, County and State of New York; ~ and FRANCES D. EPP, hie wife, both residing at 18~-15 35th Avenge, Bay~lde, Queens County, Raw York; A~rHUR F. GAGEN and ~ E. GAGE]i, his wife, both reeiding at Southold, Suffolk County, ]taw York; and S~VESTBR -c~ITH and ~, his wife, both residing at 35-45 ?gt, Street, Jacks= Heights, Queens County, NeW YOrk; ,~ ~'~ ~ ~ in consideration of the sum of O~E ($1.00) DOLLAR, to each of us In ha~d paid, by HAROLD PRICE, To~ Superintendent of Highways of the To~ of Southold, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledged, and in ~urther consideration of the laying out of three new .highways near the village of Southold, in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New york, to be known as 1. OAX~OOD ROAD, E. BIRCH ROAD, and 3. ~,.~LA~D ROAD, respectively, do hereby ~EREA~, application has been d~ly aade to the Town Superinte~dent of Rlghw~ye of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and Stats of ~ew York, for the 1~ of three certain town highways to be knom ~ 1. oAXWOOD ROAD, 2. ~RCH ROAD, and WEsI, AND ROAD, respectively, and dedicate, release and e~ to the said Town o£ $outhold, for highway purposes, the following lands, to alt:- PARCEL 1. OAL~OOD ROAD: Be~/nnlmg at a point m the eoutheasterly line et' ~ound View Avenue 258.05 feet northen~terly along said line from a monument at It~e intersection with the northeasterly l~ne of £enneys Ib3ad; and running thence -~. 4~ 10' ~0e E. 301.36 feet to the northwesterly line of Wealand Road, hereinafter desaribed. The northeasterly line of sald Oakwood Road ia parallel to and ~0 feet fro~ the above deeerlbed southwesterly line. PARCEL 2. BIRCH ROAD: Be~inD~-~ at a polnt on the southealterly line of Sound ¥1ew Avenue 248.9? l'eet fron the interseetlc~ of the above described northeeeterly line of Oakeood Road and said southeasterly line of .Sovmd View Avenue; and ~unning thence g. 4~e 10' 20" E. 407.88 feet to lt*s lnteraectlo~ with the northeasterly line of Raslasd Emad, hereinaf~cer described; thence on the s~me course ~0 feet across said Wesle~d Road; and thence m the s~e courae 1~3.~6 feet to other land of Artl~Ar W. ~hn~ ~1-. T~e northeasterly line of said Birch Road is parallel to and 50 fleet fro~ the above described southwesterly line. PARCEL 3. IEEQ~MD ROAD: Begtmw!aZ at · point on the northeasterly line of Kenneys Road 210.46 feet southeasterly aieng ~aid line f~om a monument at it's intersection with the southeasterly lille of Sound View Aven~e; and t~-wing thence N. 4~e 49*40# feet to it's inter~ectlon with the southwesterly line of O.akwood 2end, herelnahove des- cribed; thence m the sa~e course 50 feet ae~oea said O~kwood E~ad; thence on the came course 23~.~ feet to lt*s intersect/on wi~h the southwesterly line of Birch Road, herein- above described. The southeasterly 1Xne of sa/d lealand Road la parallel to and 50 feet f~c~ the above described northeasterly line. and we do hereby relso~e said Town fro~ all da~es by reason of the laying out of the said above described I~ ~(L.S. ) Hel~ ~les ~ce STATE OF MEN YOK[, COUNTY OF 9uffol~ On the B4ta de~ of Jmly Arthur W. H~n, Jr. to me knou~ and ~no~ to. me to be the individual &oin~ lnetrument, end the same. STATg 0F M~I{ YOP~, coUNTy OF 3uffol~ 1948, before me personally cema desemibed in and who executed the fore- ///~. daly ackno,l~d~ed to ~e that h e executed / / / / Residing In Suffolk Co. No. ~ ~ ~ Commi~n ~ir~ Mar~ ~ ~ ~ the ~4tn da~ of July 1948, before me personally came ~illi~ La-Telle ~no ~iinn~ L~Velle, ~is wife, to me lmom and knom to me to be the individuals goln~ instrument, and the same. STATE OF NE1{ 10RK, COUNTy OF 9=ffoi~ described in and ~ho executed the fore- they duly a~ewled~ed to me that t~ey executed Commission Exakes Mai'ch aO, l~ f~/ the 24~ day of Henry W~ita =no ilelen July 1948, before ma peraonally came waite, his wife, STATE OF MEW YOKK, ¢OgNTY OF Smffol& described lm and oho executed the fore- duly aelmoeled~ed to me that they executed On the E4tn day of July 1948, before me personally came C~arles Boyce ~nd ~ary Boyce, his ~,ife, to me imom and kuom to me to be the 2ndlvidual~ gotu~ instrument, and t~ same. described La and who executed the fore- hidig in ~ ~. ~ ~ ST&TS OF ~W COUNTY OF suffol& On the 24ia day of Jnly 1948, before me personally came Henry t~etzendorf, Jr. ~nc Dorothy ~etzendorf, his wife, to m~ known and known to me to be the individuals demcribed in ~d w~ exerted the fove- ~o1~ l~t~t, ~d they ~ly a~owle~ed to ~ t~t t~ey exerted the s~. ~TATE OF NEW YO~K, COUNTY OF suffol& On the 24th day o£ July 1948, before me per~onmlly eame Hilton L. Epp =ne Fr=nces D. ~pp, als wife, to me k~om and knom to ne to be the Individuals gotn~ instrument, and the same. descrlbed In and who executed the fore- they duly acknoeled~ed to me that taey executed Commissio~ Expires ~amh ~, 19 "/-,~' STATE OF NEW YO~, COUNTY OF s=ffol& On the 24tn de~ of July 1948, before me personally came ~rtnur F. G~gen =n~ Helen H. G~gen, his wife, to me kno~ and known to me ~o be t~dividua~/--~d~-~d lho exeemted the £ore- ~otng l~ent, ~d ~ey / / ~ a~ed ~o m~that t~y exerted ~:- COUNty OF Suffol& On the ~tz~ d~v of July 1948, before me personally cema sylvus~er $mitn =ua Miilte Smite, his tO Je ]~llOwn alld known to me to be the individuals ~oing Instm~ment, and the same. described in and who executed the fore- they duly acknowledged to me that taey executed NOTARY PUBLIC, State of flew ~ Residing in Suffalk Co. No, ~ ~_.,~,,,,,!'~ien Expires March 30, J~ ~ STATE OF NEW YO~, ~ SS: COU~TM OF SUFFOLK, ) On the q ~y of Au~st, 19~, before me c~e H~ L. ~, to me ~o~, who, bei~ by me d~y sworn, depose ~d s~ t~t he ~sidee at Outc~e, In the TOE of Southol~, Suffo~ Count, New York; tba~ he is the President of the ~ttituck Nation~ B~ ~ T~s~ Comply, the co$o~tion describe~ in ~ w~ch ~ecute~ the forego~g inst~ent; he ~ows the se~ of s~d corporation; sai~ inst~ent is such co$o~te se~; that it was so affixe~ by o~er of the Board of Directors of sai~ co.option; that he si~e~ his n~e the~to ~ like order. RECORDE AUC 13 1948 R. FORC' HUGHES O~RK OF SL, FFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF S'I~'~'0LK ~N OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying Out of Certain Town Highways in the Town of ' Southold, County of Suffolk, and. State of New York. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK In the Matter of the Laying Out of Certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Application; Dedication and ~ .... ~ ....... + of Board; order of h~n~rtn~enaen~ of ~wn ~wayS La~ Ou~ ~ghways with consent of ~ ~.rd; _ ~rxex ~E._ ..... ~k/'~ A ~ OF 5 u F FO L-V, C OUN-r'~, ~- ~ L A N C~ D 0 0 0 ~ 0 A D ,~ Lc~ n c~