HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAK STREET (Portion of) Maple St, West St, Madison Ave 1933 ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAYS KNOWN AS PORTIONS OF OAK STREET, MAPLE STREET, WEST STREET AND MADISON AVENUE, NEAR THE VILLAGE OF GREENP 0RT. WHEREAS, Irving L. Price, as executor of the last Will and Testament of Thomas F. Price, deceased, of the Village of Green- port, Suffolk County, New York, having conveyed to the town of Southold for highway purposes, all that portion of certain vate roads on a certain map entitled "Subdivision Map~ part of the Estate of Thomas F. Price, Sr. Situate at 0reenport, Suffolk County, New York," being that portion of Oak Street, Maple Street, West Street and Madison Avenue lying westerly of the present boundary line of the Village of Greenport and easterly of land heretofore conveyed to Union Free School District No. 10, it is hereby 0RDE~D AND ~ETERMINED, that said highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows: a~.v. that portion of Oak Street, Maple Street, West Street and Madison Avenue lying Westerly of the present boundary line of the Village of Greenport and Easterly of the land heretofore conveyed by the party of the first part and others to the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 10, Town of South- old. The Easterly boundary line of land conveyed to the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 10, Town of Southold, being described as follows: Beginning at a po~t on the North side of Front Street and the Southeasterly co~ner of Lot No. 86; running thence North- erly along the Easterly llne of lot No. 86 to No. $4; thence in a general Easterly direction along the Southerly line of Lot4~o.. 94 to the Southeasterly corner of Lot No. 96; thence North 1 %6~ AC" East 1700.~1 feete The streets and avenues above conveyed being shown on a certain Map filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk signed by Otto W. Van Tuyl, dated November 29th, 1~27 entitled "Subdivision Map, part of the Estate of Thomas F. Price~ sre .~ituate at Greenpo~, S~ffolk 0ounty~ New Yo~k." Dated this day Of June, 19~. ~ Supe~int~Yndent of HighWays Town of Southeld T O W N O F S 0 U.T ~,0 L~ In the Matter ~f the Laying Ou~ of Highways known as Portions of Oak Street, Maple Sbreet~ West Street and Madison Avenue, near the Village of Greenport. ORDER.