HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAK ROADTO The Town Superintendent of HighwaYs of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yor~r: The und?rsigned, liable to be assessed for.highway taxes in the said Town of Southold, hereby a~ply to you to lay out a new highway at New Suffolk, in the T~wn of S outhold, SUffolk County, New YOrk, to be known as ROAD, described as follows:- The Southerly line of proposed highway begins at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of the 5th course of GRATWWONL NOAD as laid'out August 18, 1928, said point of Beginning being 28,89 feet nertherly along said course from the initial point of said coursel runnin~ thence through land of Oeor~e F. 0rathwohl S. 7~° 21' E. (3~a~netic 1908) 857.01 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument on the westerly line of l~W SUFFOLK LANE at a point ?~.~8 feet northerly from a deflection in said line. Also be~n~ing at a point on the westerly line of said ~AT~WO~L ~0.~ S. 81 ~S'10~ W. frOmo~he first above described point and runnin~ thence S. 81 $~'10# W.-lO0 feet, more or less, through lands o~ said ~eor~e F. ~rathwohl to the Creek' The above described proposed highway is to be of a uniform w~dth of ~0 feet, measured at right angles northerly from the above dewcribed' lines, which proposed laying out will pass through the lands ~eorge F. ~rathwohl ~d wife only. Dated December of WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Soutbold, havin~ met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town, on the ~ day of December, 1931, and considered the application of ~eor~e F. 8rathwohl and Elsie Orathwohl, his wife, for the laying-out of a new highway at New Suffolk, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be ~n~own as OAK ROAD, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Town Clerk. )JusticesI of the ~} Peace. Superintendent of Nigbways. WE, 0E0]~GE Fo ~RATHWO~L and ELSXE ~RATI~WOHL, his wife, of New Suffolk, Suffolk County, Wew York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR to me in hans paid by flarold E. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the layin~ out a new highway at New Suffolk, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as OAK ROAD and of described as follows:- The Southerly line of proposed highway begins at a conrete monument set on the easterly line Of the 5th course of ~RATHW0~L ROAD as laid out August 18, 1~8{ said point of beginnin~ bein~ 26.$3 feet northerly along said course from the initial point of said course; rurAatin~ thence through land of Oeorge F. ~rathwohl S. 73v21' E. (~{agnetic 1905) 557.01 feet, more or less, to a concrete monument on the westerly line of WEW SUFFOLK L~. at a point 76.86 Feet northerly from a deflection in said line. Also beginning at a point on the westerly line of said ~RAT~VO~L ~OAD S. 81°~8~10" W. from the first ~bove described point and runnin~ thence S. 81o58,10 feet, more or less, through lands ce said Seor~e Fo Orathwohl to the Creek- The above described proposed highway is to be of a uniform width of 50 feet, measured at right a~gles northerly from the a~ove described lines, which proposed laying out passes through the land of Oeorge F. Orathwohl and wife only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by us and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of th~ course of said highway as aforesaid. ~ated this ~ day of December, 1931. TOWN OF S~TTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of GEORGE F. GRAT~OHL for the laying out of a highway in New Suffolk i~ the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, known as 'OAK ROAD. I, JOHN WIG~u~AM, residing at Cutchogue, Southold Town, Suffol] County, New York, being the owner of certain land in New Suffolk, T~n of'Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, over which land a highway known as Oak Road passes, Now, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to me in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways of said Southold Town, do hereby release and de~icate to the T~n of Southold all the land heretofore owned by me through which said highway passes and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Grathwnhl Roa~ as laid out in 19Z4 or 19E5, S. 81° 58' 10" W. fr~m a monument met at the intersection of ~he easterly line of said Grathwohl Road with the southerly line of Oak Read as laid out in 1931 or 195E and ru~ning thence S. 81° 58' 10" N. 100 feet, more or less, to the creek; thence northwesterly along the creek to a point 50 feet northerly from the first deeeribe~ course, meas- ured at right angles thereto; thence parallel to said first described course, N. 81© 58' 10" E. 150 feet, more or less, to said westerly line of Grath~hl R~d; themes southerly along said westerly line of Grathwohl Road to the point of beginning. And I do release the said Town of Southold from all damages bi reason of the laying out of said highway. STATE OF NEN YORK: : S~. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: On this & ~day of hn Wi ekham 1950, before me, the sub- scriber, personally appeare~ WICKNAM, to me personally kn~ and known to me to be the same permon described in and wh~exeeuted / / WII.,LJAIVl WICKHAJ~I OTARY PUBUC, STATE OF ~IEW YORK : ~!dl~g I. Suffolk C~unt:y Cle~6~ Ne. STATE 0F NEW SS=- C0~0F On this ~~ day of December, 19~1, before me personally came ~EORGE Fo G~AT~'VOHL an~ ELSIE GRATMWO~L~ his wife, of Ne~ Suffslk~ Suffolk County~ Ne~ York~ personally known to me and Imown to me to the s~e persons described in ~d who executea, the foregoing instr~ent~ an~ they aeverally ac~owle~ged to me that they execute~ the same. Notary Public, Surf- Co. O~l~ ~¥?~8 OUT · ~?~T ~T~ T~ CO~S~T O~ TO~ BOAteD · W~itten application having been ~ade to me, town Superintendent of Righways for the Town o~ Southold, Suffolk County, N~ Yo~k~ by ~eo~ F. ~at~ohl a~ ~ls~e ~athwohl~ h~s w~e~ persons l~aBle to Be assessed ~o~ h~hway taxes ~n said T~ and the written consent of the T~ Board ~ said to~ havin~ been ~ven as by law, ~ ~leasee fr~ d~a~s ha~n~ been exee~ By the o~e~s ~ the l~d theou~ which the h~way ~s to be laid out~ eop~es ~ ~oh a~e hereto a~ex~, ~d noth~n~ ha~n~ bee~ pa~d to ~y ~o~ suoh ~ages~ it is he.by 0~ and D~E~ that ~ highway shall be ~d the s~ is hereby laid out h sail T~ as ~e South~ly line ~ p~oposed hi.way be~s at oonerete m~ent set on the easterly line of the 5th course of ~A~ ~0~ as laid o~t durst 18, 19~, said point ~ be~nnin~ bein~ ~.83 feet northerly al~ said course f~ the initial point ~ sail ~ou~se; ~unnin~ thenoe through 1~ ~ ~eo~e F. 6~ath~hl ~. (Ma~etio 1~6) 657.01 feet, ~ere oe less~ to a m~ent on the westerly line ~ ~ ~LK ~ at a point ~.[~ feet noetheely f~ a lefleotim in said line. Also be~i~ln~ at a point on tbs westerly line of sail ~R/TRWORL RO~ S- 81°58~0= W* f~om the first above des- ~lbet point and ~u~in~ thenoe S. 81°58~1~= feet~ move e~ less~ thpou~ l~ds of said ~eo~e ~athwohl to the O~eek* The able desc~ibed p~s~ hi.way is to be ~ a unif~ ~th ~ 50 feet, ~asu~ at ~i~ht northe~-ly ~om the a~ve dese~ed l~nes. Dated this 29th day o~ December, 1931. · Town ~t' Southold. for the laygn,~, highway at Southol~ Suffolk County~