HomeMy WebLinkAboutOAK PLACE TO T~E TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF ~IGRT, fAUS OF TI~E TOWN OF SOUTHOID~ IN THE COUNwx OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK: The unc!erSigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the To~m of S°uthold~ hereby apply to you to lay out a new highway at Mattituck~ Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New to be known as OAK PLACE as follows:- The Southerly line bhereof begins at a point on the Easterly line of Conklin Road at its intersection ~ith the Northerly line of Lot ~2§ as sho~m on Map of Garden Reights situate at ~Iattituck, To~m of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ surveyed by 0tto ~- Van Tuyl, ~. E. a~r~l Surveyor and filed in the c~fice of the Clerk of the' oCounty ox Suffolk, on June 24, 1929~ ar~ running thence ~e 70 2~0" E. alonc the Northerly line of Lots 25 and ~6 as laid out on said map to the .~esterly side of ~ary' s Roa~. The above described highway is to be of a uniform width of 33 feet and will pass through lands of 6eorge C. Terry and Le Barron ~i11, only. Dated this 24th day of June, 1929, UE~ the undersigned, a majority of the To~n Board of the Town of Southold~ having met at the office of the Supe~viso~, at Greenport, in said Town on the ~ day of June, 1929~ and considered the application of George C. Terry ar~. L. Barren ~ill~ for the laying out of a new highway at Mattituck, To~m of Southol~ Suffolk Oounty~ New Yor~r~ to be kno~m as OAK PLACE, ~o hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the wi~ta~petition. VE, FlEORGEC. TERRY an~ L. BARI~0~ HILL, of Southold, ..Suffolk 0ounty, New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to ms in hand paid by George Re Fleet~ Town Superinter.~ent of Righv~ays of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of a -new Highway at Mattituek~ To~;m of Suffolk County, New York~ to be lmo~m as OAK PLACE AS FOLLOWS~- The Southerly line thereof begins at a point on the Easterly ~ine of Con/~lin Road at i~s intersection, with the NortheEly line of Lot ~-~§ as sho~ on Map_of Ga~klSn N_emghts situate at ~.~.tti~u~ck, 2~ as laid out on ~aid map to the Westerly lido o£ ~ary's Road. The above described highway is to be of a uniform width of 33 Feet and will pass through lan~s of George Barren Rill~ only which proposed laying out passes through land o~ said 6eorge Terry and L~ Barren Rill only~ do hereby dedicate and release to the Tow~ of Southold~ all land heretofore owned by u~s~ and in- eluded within the premises above deser'ibed, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highway as aforesaid. Dated June 24~ 19~9e STATE OF NEU TORK~ $S:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLKe On this 24th day of June, 1929, before me p~rsonall~ came ~EOR~E C. TERRY and L~ BARRON RILL~ of Southo~d~ ~uffolk uounty~ New Xork~ personally known t~rme and known to ~e to be the same persons described in and who executed 'the foregoing instrument~ and t~ey severally acknowledged to me that they executed ~he same. Notary Publie~ Suff~ Co, In the ~fatter 02 the Application of G~ORGE C · TERRT and L · BARRON HILL, i-£?r the laying out of a now highway at MattiSuck, in the !GO~,N~w gg~k, bO be lmo~m O~ PLACE. A_WPLIC AT I ON, CONSENT OF TOV~ BOARD, ~ELEASR OF DAMAGES.