HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTH SEA DRIVE, 1947 Wrlttan applloatton having been made to me town superintendent of hlghways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by Lidlco Corporation, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town ha~lng been given aa prescribed by law, and release from damages having been executed by the owner of the land through which the proposed highway ia to be laid out, copy of which lm hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, It Is hereby ORDERED and DETERMIM~/D that the highway shall be and the same la hereby laid out in said Town as follow~, and is to be known as NORTH SEA DRIVE:- BEGINMI~ at a point marked by a concrete monument set on the easterly side of £enneys Road and dtata~ /45. 50 feet north of a granite monument set at the intersection of the easterly side of £enneys Rl~l/with the northerly side of land of Aleve~s and Burns, and running thence N. ~9o VA~ 00" E. a distance of approximately 24~,26 feet to a co. crete monument set in the waeterly line or side of Horton's Lane; running thence M. 85o 06~ W. along the easterly side of Horton'a Lane a distance of 50.18 feet to a concrete monument; thence westerly and on a line parallel with the first mentioned course a distance of 24~.26 feet, more or leas, to a concrete monument set in the easterly side of [enneya R~ad, thence southerly along the easterly side of £enneye Road a distance of 50.?3 feet to the point or place of beginning. Being a strip of land connecting £enneye Road on the west with Horton~s Lane on the East, end the northerly and southerly sides being parallel end 50 feet apart ~ which proposed laying out will pass through landS of Lldico Corporation, only. ~ted this day o~ November, 1947. ~Town Superlnte~en~of ~ighwaya. TO TH~ TO~/ SUP~INT~ND]/~T OF HI~i~AY~ OF TH~ TOWI/ ~ $OUTHOLD, IN TH~ COUNTY The undersigned, liable to be assessed for hlBhwey taxes In the Toen of $outhold, ~ereby applies to you to lay out a new high'ay a' Southold, in the To~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New l[ork, to be knoen as NORT~ $~ ~RI¥~/, and described as follows:- BEGID~NL4G at a point marked by a concrete mon,,ment set on the easterly side of Kenneys Road and dlata~c~ 445.[0 feet north of a granite monument set at the intersection of the easterly side of £enneyS Road with the nor*cherly side of land of Alevras and Burns, and runnin~ thence No 89e ~41 00" E. a distance of approximately ~43~.~6 feet to a concrete monunent set In the westerly line or aide of Hortonts Lane; runnl~ thence N. 58o 08t ~. alon~ the easterly side of Horton's Lane a dlstence of ~0.16 feet to a concrete monument; thence easterly and on a line parallel with the first mentioned course a distance of ~435.~6 feet, more or lass, to a concrete monument set in the easterly aide of £enneye Road, thence southerly ~lor~ the easterly side of Kenneys Road a distance of BO.?3 feet to the point or place of beginnlr~. Bein~ a str~p of land connecting Kenneys Road on. the west with ~ertonts Lane on the East, end the northerly end southerly sides being parallel and ~0 feet apart, which proposed laying out will pass through the lands of Ltdlco Corporation, only. Dated this ~ ~ de~ of November, 1947. ~ :he underelsnsd~ a ~a~ority of the ?o~n //oa~d of the Yo~ of havin~ ~ at ~he o~l~e o~ ~h~ ~u~lao~ at ~en~rt~ In said To~n~ on ~y of ~ 194~, ~d cons~de~d the application of I ~t of e ne~ hi~ at S~thold, T~ of LIbidO COE~OEATION, for h 1 y ~ S~thold, ~ffolk C~ty, ~w ~ork, to be ~ aa N~TH ~ D~V~, do hereby ~nsent such ~yh~ out ~ ~de in accord~ce elth the pr~or of the ~th~ petit~on. Town Supervisor. ~~To~Clerk. LIDICO CORFO~ATIOli, a domestic eorporatlon he~vln~ its principal office and place of business at 80 Wall et?eat, City, County and ~tate of gee york, ~n consideration of the sum of OgJi DOLLAR, to it hi hand paid by HAROLD PRICt;, Teal Super]ntandsnt of HIEht~ys of the To~ of Southold~ end In further consideration of the laying out of a new hl&h~y st Southold, Town off Southold~ Suffolk County, gew York, to bs known u gC~TH ZF~ DRI¥~ and described us follous:- B~INNIJ~ at a point aarAod by a ~ncrete ~n~ ust on the easterly side of ~e~ey~ Road ~d ~ ~.~ feet no~th of a ~tte ~nt set at the of the e~ly side ~ l~n~ Road ~i~h the northerly side of ~nd of ilev~ and ~1~ th~ N. ~ ~ ~ ~- a ~s~ of appro~tsly ~43~.~ fs~ to a ~ner~e alo~ tho w~ly aide of Ho~n*s ~e 8 ~st~co of ~.16 f~t ~o a ~te Foe~, ~re or l~a, ~ t cmc~o n~m~ sot ~ t~ e~terl~ side of luno~ R~d, t~n~ s~t~rl~ tloni ~he ~ly s~do of E~eys R~d a ~co of ~.~ feet to the ~n~ or pla~ of ~gi~g. ~g a strip of l~d co~ectl~ X~e~ R~d ~ tM west .~ Horton's La~ ~ t~ B~t, and ~he n~th~ly ~d s~herly sides ~1~ ~lel and ~ which p~ed ~w h~y will be ~ 18 ~ ~ D~E, ~d will ~8 t~ the lan~ L~d&~o ~r~ratlon only,~re~ de.cate a~ relate to ~M To~ of Sout~ld, all ~nd heretofore own~ ~ l~ ~d included w~n the p~es a~ve described, ~ d~8 hereby relate said T~n f~ all ~ by re.on qf the luyl~ out of ~ho nee ~i~. STATE OF NEW YORK, ~BO~, eho~ M~ ~ m ~ly sw~, ~d de~se ~d s~, /~he ~o~t~on ~r~bed/~, ~ uh~ch executed tho for~ol~ ~nt, ~ s~l of an~d eor~ru~m~ ~tho seal ~f~xed seal; ~ was so uff~x~ ~y o~ s~ed h~s mine th~eto b~ like or~. IN TH~ MATTBR OF THK APPLICATION OF C ~ ON for the laying o~t ef · ~ew highway at Southold, To~m of 8outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known ~ NORTH S~ DRI~VS. APPLICAT I0~, RI~EASt~ ~nd ORD..