HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTH ROAD, CARROLL AVETo the Town Superintendent of Highways, of the TOWn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New YOrk: The Undersigned, liable to be assessed for Highway Taxes in s~id Town of ~outhold, hereby apply to you to widen and alter two Highways, in the said Town of Southold, as follows: To widen the North Road at Peconie on the South s'ide thereof from the Easterly side of Peoonio Lane to the Westerly side of Carroll Avenue, so that the Southerly line of such alteration shall run from an iron pipe set down at a point near the present intersection of the Southerly line of the North ROad and the Easterly line of Peoonio Lane from which the Road marker near the SOUtheasterly corner of the property of Alvah M.* Salmon bears N. ~?o 10' W. ?6.6 feet, N. ~$o ~l' ~" E. ~$1.~ feet over land of Franklin F. Overton and Julia O. Bell and 1~.~ feet over land ~f Jesse L. Case to an iron pipe set down on a line between land of eaid Jesse L. Cass and land of Julia D. Moore and thence N. 5V° A4' ST, E. 91 feet over the land of Julia D. Moore and ~25.~ feat over the land of Elizabeth B. Anderson to an' iron pipe set down near the present intersection of the present ~ooutherly line of the North road with the present Westerly line of Carroll Avenue, said line intended to be parallel to and 6 feet Southerly from the center line of the trees standing Souherly of the road bed of the Highway, known as the North Road. TO widen Peconic Lane, at Peconic, on the Easterly side thereof, fr~om the Southerly side o~ the North Road to the Northerly line of land of the Lor4~ Island Railroad ComPany so that the Easterly line of such alteration shall run from a point on the line between the land of Josiah C. by d~di~att~n Case and land of' the Long Island Railroad Company 7 feet Nasterly from a RaiLroad marker set down on the Northerly line of said Railroad Company's land and running thence .'Northerly ~1o sO' West 205.5 feet over the land of Josiah C. Case 120.5 feet over the land of Jesse L. Case 108.2 feet over the land of Nathan H. Sayre, and 105.2 feet ove~ the land of Franklin F. Overton and Julia O. Bell to an iron pipe set up at the intersection of the Easterly line of Peconic Lane as thus proposed to be altered and the !Southerly line of the North Road as thus proposed to be altered, said line intended to be parallel to and 8 feet Easterly from the center line of the trees standing Easterly of the Road Bed of the Highway, known as Peoonic Lane. Such widening and alterations to run through the improved lands of Franklin F. Overton, Julia O. Bell, Nathan H. Eayr$, Jesse L. Case, Josiah C. Case and Hannah A. Case, Julia D. Moore and Elizabeth B. AndersOn. And we hereby agree to sign and execute releases to give and release such parts of our respe?tive properties as shall be taken for the above proposed widening and alterations upon such terms as ehall be agreed upon by and between us and the Town Superintendent of Highways. Dated this ~Oth day of April, 1~1~, Town of Southold, ) ~ounty of Suffolk,) SS: State of New York, ) In the Matter of the Application of ELIEABETH B. ANDERSON & Others, : for the alteration and widening of the North Road and Peconic Lane, at Peconio, from the junction of said roads, to : Carroll Avenue and to the Long Island Railroad. RELEASE . We, Elizabeth B. ~llderson, Julia D. Moore, Jesse L. Case, Franklin F. Overton, Julia O. Bell, Nathan H. Sayre Josiah C. ~ase and Hannah A. Case, all of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New YOrk, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, to us in hand paid, and in consideration of the agre~nnents to be kept and perfoz~nedby George H. Fleet, Esq., Town Superintendent of Highways, of the Town of Southold, in the Coun~ of Suffolk and State of New York, do hereby consent that the North road at PeoOniC be widened on the South side thereof, ik~Om the Easterly side of Peconic Lane to the Westerly side of ~arroll Avenue so that the Southerly line of such alteration shall run from an iron pipe set down at a point near the present intersection of the Southerly line of the North road and the Easterly line of Peconl¢ Lane from which the road marker near the Southeasterly corner of the property of Alvah M. Salmon bsars N. 77e 10' W. ?6.6 feet, N. 56° 21' 40, E. 231.2 feet over land of Franklin F. Overton and Julia O. Bell and 1§5.4 feet over the land of Jesse L. Oase to an iron pipe set down on the line between land of said Jesse L. Case and lsald of Julia D. Moore and thence N. §7° 44' SV, E. 91 feet over the lend of ~Ulia D. Moore and 225.5 feet over the land of Elizabeth B. Anderson to au iron pipe set down nea~ the present intersection of the present Southerly line of the North Road with the present Westerly line of Carroll Avenue, said line intended to be parallel to and 8 fe~t Southerly from the ~enter line of the' trees standing Souherly of the road bed of he Highway known as the North Road. AND we do hereby further consent that Peconic Lane at Peconic, be widened on the Easterly side thereof, from the Southerly side of the North Road to the Northerly line of land of'the LOng Island Railroad Cormpany so that the Easterly line of such alteration shall run from a point on the line between the land of Josiah C. Case and land of the Long Island Railroad Comsar~ ? feet Easterly from a Railroad marker set down on the Northerly line of said Railroad Company' s land and running thence Northerly ~1o SO, West 205.5 feet over the land of Josiah C. Case, 120.5 feet over the land of JesSe L. Case, 108.2 feet over the land of Nathan H. Sayre and 105.2 feet over the lands of i Frarnklin F. Overt~n and Julia O. Bell to an iron pipe set up at the inter~ection of the Easterly line of~Peconic Lane as thus altered and the Southerly lime of the North road as thus altered, said line intended to be parallel to and 8 feet Easterly from the center line of he trees standing Easterly of the Road bed of the Highwa~ known as PecOnlc Lane. AND we do individually and severally release the said Town of Southold, from all dsmages and claim for de,sages ~,y reason of the laying out, widening and altering such highways as aforesaid through the several premises and lands belonging to us or any of us, and do hereby D E D I ~ A T E such portions of our respective p~erties over which said highw~s are laid out, opened, widened and altered as afore- said to Public use as Highways of the said Town of Southold. AND the said GEORGE H. ~LEET, as Town Superintendent of Highways of the said Town of Southold, does hereby agree in consideration of the foregoing ~elea~e and Dedication bM the parties aforesaid, to remove and replace the fencgs en the lands of the said Jesse L. Case, and of the said Frank~ lin P. Overton and Julia O. Bell, and to furnish such new material as is neeessa~ to make such removal and replacement, so far as the same can be done within the expense of $50.00. IN WITNESS WHEREOP, we have hereunto set our hands and ~eals this 20th day of April, 1917. (L. S.) s.) (Lo (L. (L. (L. s.) (L. S.) State of New York, ) SS: CoUnty of Suffolk, ) On this ~ ~) day of April, 1917, before me personally came JESSE L. CASE, of Southold, ,Suffolk County, New York, personally know~ to me and known to me to be the s~e person described in and who executed ithe foregoing Release and he duly acknOwledged to me that lhe executed the same. And at the s~me time the said Jesse L. Case, being d~ly sworn by me sai~he rssided at Southold, ~uffolk County, New York, that he was p~rsonally acquainted with Elizabeth $. Anderson, Julia D. Moore, Nathan H. Sayre, Franklin F. Ov~rton, Josiah C. Case, and Julia Overton Bell, of Peconic, Suffolk County, Ns',v York, and knew them to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing Release and that he was present and saw each of them sign and execute the foregoin Release on the 26th day of April, 1917, and that he thereupon in each case, set his name thereto as a witness in the presence of each of said parties as they se'~erally ~igned and executed said instrument. PRESENT: At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of SOuthold, held at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, ~uffolk ~ounty, New York, on the ~eth day of April, 191?. DAVID W. TUTHILL, Supervisor. WILLIAM W. GRIPPING, CHARLES G. COREY, WILLIAM A. FLEET, HENRY H. TEBRY, Justices of the Peace. JOSEPH N. HALLOCK, Town Olerk. GEORGE H. FLEET, Town Superintendent of Highways. We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, having met and considered the application of ELIZA- BETH B. ANDERSON and others to widen the North Road and Peconio Lane at Peconic, at and near the Junction of said roads and extending Easterly ro Carroll Avenue and Southerly to land of the Lng Island Railroad Company, dated April SOth, 1917, and the RELEASE and DEDICATION and AGREEMENT thereto annexed, and having heard the allegations in favor of such proposed widening. and after due deliberation thereon, hereby OONSENT that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order widening such highways at the place and to the exten set forth in the said Application and the Release annexed thereto and as set forth on a map thereof and filed herewith made by Franklin F. Overton, Surveyor, December 7, 1916, and that said Superintendent of High"~ays be authorized $o remove and replace the fences on the lands of Jesse L. Case and of Franklin F. Overton and Julia O. Bell and to O~rnish such new material as may be necessary to mako such removal and replac merit so far as the same can be done within the expense of ~ift¥ Dollars. SuDervisor. Justices of the Peace. o~n ~lerk. ToWSuperintsndent of Highwaysl The undersigned, Oeorge H. ~leet, Town .~uperintende~t of~ Highways, of the Town of SouShold, having met with the Town Board of She Town of Southold on the 28th day of April, 1917, at Greenlx~r~, Suffolk County, New York, and h~ving heard She allegations both in favor of and in opposition to the widening and alteration of the Highways in said Town known a~ t~xe Ne~M Road and Peeonle Lane, NOW, upon the written application of Elizabeth B. AnderSon, Julia D. Moore, Nathan H. Sayre, Franklin ~. Overton, Josiah O. game, Anna A. Case, Julia 0verton Bell and Jesse L. Case, persons liable to be assessed for Highway taxes in said Town, which application is hereSo annexed, and the written oonaen~ of the Town Board of said To?.~n, having been given, 'as prescribed by law, which is hereto annexed, and the release of damages having been executed by Elizabeth B. Anderson, Julia D. Moore, Nathan H. Say~e, Franklin 1~. 0ve~ton, Josiah C. Case, Hannah A. Gase, Julia 0rotten Bell, and Jesse L. Case, the only owners of the land through which proposed widening and alteration is to pass, which is hereto~ annexed, the consideration paid to any one claimant for such damages being less than $100.00 and to all the claimants being le~ than $~00.00, and due deliberation ha~ing been had thereon, it ia hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED that the Highway at Peconio, in the Town o.f Semibold, Csunty of ~uffolk and ~tate of N~ York, known aa She North Road be widened on the south side therefor from the Easterly side of Peeonic Lane to the Westerly slde of Carroll Avenue, so that the ~q~therly line of such alteration shall run from an iron pipe set down at a point near the present intersection of the Southerly line of the North Road and the Easterly line of Peoonlo Lane, from which the road marker near the ~outheasterly corner of the property of Alvah M. Salmon bears N. 77° 10, west 76.6 feet, N., $6° 21' ~0" E. 231.2 feet over land of Franklin P. 0rotten and Julia 0. Bell N. 1~.~ feat o~,er land of Jesse L. Ca~e to an iron pipe set down on a line between land of said Jesse L. Case and land of o Julia D. Moore, and thence N. 57 ~' 37" E. 91 feet over tI~e-land ~f Julia D. Moore and 225.5 feet over the land of Elizabeth B. Anderson to an iron pipe set down near the present Interseetio'n of the present Southerly line of the North Road with the pr. esent Weste~-ly line of Carroll Avenue said line intended to be p~ral~el to and ~ feet Southerly from the o ~ute~ line of the trees standing Southerly of the road bed of the Highway, known as the North Road. And l~ is hereby further ORDERED AND DETERNINED that the Highway at Deconic, in the Town of Southold, Couhty of ~fol~ and State of New York, known as Peconio Lane be widened on the Easterly side t~ereof from the Southerly Side of ~he North Road to the Northerly line of land ortho Long Island Railroad Company so that the Easterly line of mmeh aIteratio.n shall run from a point on the line between t~e lanc~ ~F Josiah C. Case and land of the Long Island Railroad company 7 feet Easterly from a Railroad marker set ~own on the Northerly line of said Railroad Company's lar~ and running thence Northerly ~1° 30' ~est 205.$ feet over the la~ of Josiah C. Case, 120.5 feet over the land of Jesse L. Case, 10E.2 feet over the land of Nathan H. Sayre and 10~.2 feet over the land of ~ranklin ~. Overton anc~ J~lia 0. Bell to an iron pipe set up at the intersection of the Easterly line of Peconle Lane as thus altered ~d the Southerly line of the North Road as thus altered, sai~ line intended to be parallel to and ~ feet EasterIy from the center line of the trees standing easterl'. of the road bed of the highwa~ known as Peoonie Lane, Which alterations passed ~hrough the improved lands of Elizabeth B. Anderson, Julia D. Moore, Jesse L. Case, Franklin F. Overton, Julia Overton Bell, Nathan H. Sayre, Jesse L. Oas e, Josiah C. Case and Hannah A. Case only · as~escribed on a map ~ade by Franklin ?. Overton, ~urveyor, iDecember 7th, 1916, which is hereunto annexed. Dated this ~'~"day of May, 19~7. Town ~uperln~endent of Highways of the Town of gouthold. nthe Matter of ~he widening of orth Road and Paconie Lane, at ~eonio Elizabeth B. Anderson, Julia D. Moore, Jo~o L. Caso, Franklin F. 0verton, Julia Overton Bell, Nathan H. Sayre, Josiah C. Case, Hannah A. Case, App 1 ic s~nt s. APPLICATION, MAP, CONSENT, RELEASES and ORDER. CARROLL AVE. _ _./ _ 8HDWINC- PROPO-SEO WIDENINg' OF pi:CONIC LANE ont, he NORTH ROAD -- FENCE LINES. ~ID~NIN~ ~ANE [,[' AT ~.P.~ORTE END AND ~O'AT R,R. PROPERT~ SCALE: J"= 5'0' F,F. Ov'ERTI~N ,i'~.E. 5IIRVErOK, 'pEcoNIC mANE. ~.Eo