HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTH ROAD AND RAILROAD AVE MATT 1923 To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of ~uffolk and State of New York: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out, alter and straighten the lines Qf highways in said Town of Southold, known as North Road and Railroad Avenue, at Mattituck, in said Town of Southold, by ~mcluding from said highway known as North Road a strip of land described as follows: ~eginning at a point on the present northerly line of North Road distant 15.0 feet from intersection with the westerly line of Railroad Avenue (said point being the southwesterly corner of land this day released by said George H. Riley to said Town of Southold, and at or near the west- erly edge of the present concrete walk); running thence along or near said edge of said walk, S. 17°57'E.-5.40 feet to or nearly to the northerly edge of a concrete walk running easterly and weste~l' thence near said edge of last mentioned walk, S.74°03'W--87.54 feeti to a point near the northwesterly corner of said walk; thence S.79° 44'W.-100.0 feet to the present northerly line of said North Road; thence along said present northerly line of North Road, N.75°26'E.- 186.71 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 9~5 Square feet, be the same a little more or a little less. All of which is shown on a certain map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, November 22, 19~2, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold, and by ~nelud- lng wit~i~ said highway, known as Railroad Avenue, the following described premises: ~eginning at the intersection of the present northerly line of the North Road with the present westerly line of Railroad Avenue; running thence along said northerly line of North Road, S. 7§026'W.-15.0 feet to a point near the westerly edge of the present concrete walk (said point being the northeasterly corner of land tb~s day released ~y said Town of Southold to said George H. Riley); thence along or near said westerly edge of said walk, N.17°5?'W.-58.97 feet to said present westerly line of Rail- road Avenue; thenoe along said westerly line of Railroad Avenue, o S.$2 00'E.-8I.? feet to the point of beginning. Containing 435 square feet~ be the same a little more or a little lees, all of whioh is shown on a certain map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, November 22, 1922, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold whioh proposed laying out, alteration and straightening will pass through the lands o£ George H. Riley only. Dated this ~F ~ day of ~-~ ~ 1925, We, the undersigned, a m~Jority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, h~ving met at the office of the Supervisor, mt ~reenport, in said Town on the ~~-- day of~ 19~, and considered the Application of George H. Riley for the straightening, alteration and laying out of highways known as North Road and Railroad Avenue, at Nattituck, in said Town, do hereby consent that such straightening, alteration and laying out be made in accordance wi~h the prayer of the within petition. sup ervi s or · ) ) ) of Highways. I, GEORGE H. RIL4~, of Mattituok, in the Tow~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, in consideration of the e~ of One Dollar, to me in hand paid by George H. Fleet, Town Superin- tendent of Highways, of said Town of Souf2~old, and in further con- sideration of the laying out, alteration and straightening of high- ways known, as North Road and Railroad Avenue, at Hattituok, by changing the same so that the following premises shall be excluded ~rom said highway known as North Road, Beginning at a point on the ~resent northerly line of North Road distant l§.0 feet from its in- erseotion with the westerly line of Railroad Avenue (said point being the southwesterly corner of land this day released by said ~eorge H. Riley to said Town of Southold, and at or near the west- erly edge of the present concrete walk); running thence along or near said edge of said walk, S. 17°57'E.-5.~0 feet to or nearly to the northerly edge of a concrete walk running easterly and westerly thence near said edge~f last ~entione~ walk,. S.74°0S'W.-87.34 feet to a point near the northwesterly corner of said walk; thence 8.79° 44'W.-100.0 feet to the present northerly line of said North Road; thence along said present northerly line of North Road, N.75°26'E.- 1~6.71 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 9S5 square feet, be the same a little more or a little less. All of which is shown on a certain map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, November 22, 19~2, filed in the office of the 01erk of the Town of Southold, and by includin within said highway, known as Railroad Avenue, the following des- cribed premises: Beginning at the intersection of the present northerly line of the North Road with the present westerly line of Railroad Avenue; running thence along said northerly line of North Road, S.75°26~W.-15.0 feet to a point near the westerly edge of the present concrete walk (said point being the northeasterly corner of land this day released by said Town of Southold to said George H. Riley); thence along or near said westerly edge of said walk, N.17° 57'W.-58.97 feet to said present westerly line of Railroad Avenue; thence along said westerly line of Railroad Avenue, S.S2°00'E.-61.7 feet to the point of beginning. Contmining 455 square Feet, be the same a little more or a little less. All of which is sho~ on a certain map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, November ~, 19~, Filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Southold, which proposed alteration, straightening and laying out passes through the land of George H. Riley only and takes in a strip of land oontainiug 455 square Feet adjoining the premises of said George H. Riley on the South, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by me lying Southerly of the Northerly line of the first Parcsl above described, and do hereby release maid Town from all damages by reason of the laying out, alteration and straightening of the course of said highway as aforesaid. Dated this s.) STATE OF NAW~ YORK, SS: GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On this 1925, before me personally came GEORGE H. RILEY,' of Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, personally known to me and known to me to be the same psrson described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; sams. and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the Notary Public. In the Hatter o~ the Application of GEORGE H. RILEY, for the Straightening, Alteration and Laying Out of High~ays. ~.~ ~ms North Ro~d ;an~ R~ilro~d avenue, at ~attituek, in said APPLICATION, Consent of Town Board, Release of Damages.