HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTH CROSS ROADIn the Matter of the Laying Out of a Certain : Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County : of Suffolk and State of New York, to be Known : as "NORTH CROSS ROAD" : APPLICATION TO LAY OUT A TOWN HIGHWAY TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: The undersigned, an inhabita~t~ of the Town of Southold, liable to be a~essed for highway taxes therein, hereby applies to you to lay out a highway in said Town generally bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York, being the land in the bed of a heretofore private road known as "North Cross Road", more particularly described as follows: The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "North Cross Road" begins at a monument on the westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road 1040.13 feet southerly along said westerly line from Old Pasture Road and runs along land of G. H. Fleet Estate and along land of Trowbridge Kirkup, two courses as follows: (1) South 44 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West 324.96 feet; thence (2) South 86 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds West 294.12 feet to a monument on the easterly line of West Creek Avenue; thence along said easterly line of said West Creek Avenue, North 3 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds West 50.0 feet to a monument and the northerly line of said "North Cross Road". Said northerly line of "North Cross Road" runs along land of Arthur Fagan and along land of G. H. ~leet Estate two courses, as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds East 275.15 feet to a monument; thence (2) North 44 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds East 305.99 feet to a monument on said westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road; thence along said westerly line of Fleet's Neck Read, South 45 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East 50.0 feet to the point of beginning. The above described highway being 50.0 feet in width. Said proposed highway will' pass through the lands of the undersigned. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map entitled" Map of Proposed I~ighway to be Known as North Cross Road over Land of George H. Fleet Estate at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, N.Y., Surveyed May 21, 1959, Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors", which map shows the course of the said proposed highway. Dated: ThisSth day of June, 1959. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 5th day of June, Ap~plI~ant 1959, before me personally came LE ROY S. REEVE, the Executor of and Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of George H. Fleet, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as such Executor as afore- said for the purposes therein mentioned. Notar~ JOHN A. O'KE~FF~ NOTARy PUBLIC, State of Neet -2- In the Matter of the Laying Out of a : Certain Town Highway in the Town : of Southold, County of Suffolk and : State of New York, to be known as : "NORTH CROSS ROAD" : DEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGHWAY WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in Suffolk County, New York for the laying out of a certain Town highway to extend from the westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road, at the easterly boundary of the lands of the Estate of George H. ~leet through the lands of the said Estate of George H. Fleet to a point on the easterly line of West Neck Avenue, at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, NOW, THEREFORE, LeRoy S. Reeve, as Executor and Trustee of the Estate of George H. Fleet, the owner of the land to be included within the said highway, does hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the following lands, to wit: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York, being the land in the bed or a heretofore private road known as "North Cross Road", more particularly described as follows: The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "North Cross Road" begins at a monument on the westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road 1040.13 feet Southerly along said westerls, line from Old Pasture Road and runs along land of G. H. lI[lee~~ Estate and along land of Trowbridge Kirl~up, two courses as follows: (1) South 44 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West 324. 96 feet; thence (2) South 86 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds West 294. 12 feet to a monument on the easterly line of West Creek Avenue; thence along said easterly line of said West Creek Avenue, North 3 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds West 50.0 feet to a monument and the northerly line of said "North Cross Road"~ s4§44 Said northerly line of "North Cross Road" runs along land of Arthur Fagan and along land of G. H. Fleet Estate two courses, as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds East 275.15 feet to a monument; thence (2) North 44 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds East 305. 99 feet to a monument on said westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road; thence along said westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road, South 45 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East 50.0 feet to the point of beginning. The above described highway being 50.0 feet in width. The lands hereby dedicated, released and conveyed are specifically shown and delineated upon the certain map which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. AND I DO CERTIFY that the consideration paid to the undersigned for this dedication and conveyance, is the sum of One {$1.00) Dollar. IN WITNESS V~I-IEREOF, I have caused these presents to be executed and sealed this ~th day of June, 1959. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS:- On the 5th day of June, 1959, before me personally came LE ROY S. REEVE, the Executor of and Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of George H. Fleet, to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as such Executor as aforesaid for the purposes ~ A. O'KEEFFE NOTAI~y I~iBLIC, State of New ~ Caumy Ne. -2- In the Matter of the Laying Out of a Certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as "NORTH CROSS ROAD". CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD TO PROPOSED TOWN HIGHWAY UPON READING AND FILING the application of LeRoy S. Reeve, as Executor of and Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of George H. Fleet, dated and acknowledged the /~'f~day of June, 1959. and the dedica- tion and release of the said LeRoy S. Reeve, as Executor of and Trustee unde the Last Will and Testament of George H. Fleet, dated the /~'f~ day of June 1959, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands fo~ a proposed Town Highway to extend from the westerly line of Fleet~s Neck Road through the lands of the said Estate of George H. Fleet to the easterly line of West Creek Avenue, at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York. RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid Town Highway, the said Town Highway to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map thereto annexed, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forthwith cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk and, upon its return, to attach it hereto. Dated: June /~ 1959. The Town Board of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York Supervisor stice of~e Peace Justic~ o~ the Peace ~'ounci~m~n v,J~Suncilm~F f T o'~n Cl~t~k -2- · nineteen hundred and fifty-nine BETWEEN LE ROY S. REEVE, residing at Mattituck, New York, asexecutor of and tx-ustee under George H. Fleet Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York party of the first part, and the last will and testament of , late of , deceased, THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a Municipal Corporation, being a subdivision of the County of Suffolk and State of New York, party of the s~ond part. WITNF_.S~ETH, that the party ~ the first part, by virtue of the power and authoriW ~ven in and by s~d last will and t~tame~, and in consideration of One and O0/lO0 ................. a~i~n .... doll.s, i lawful money ~ the Un~ed S~s, and other valuable consider/Pa~d by the party of the secomd part, do~ hereby g~nt and release unto the party of the second part, the h~ or successors and ~signs of the party of the second pa~ forever, ii ALL thatcertain plot, pi~e or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situ~e, illylngandbeingin the Town of Southold, at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York, being the land in the bed of a heretofore private road known as "North Cross Road", more particularly described as follows: The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "North Cross Road" begins at a monument on the westerly line of ~Fleet's Neck Road 1040.13 feet southerly along said westerly line from Old Pasture Road and runs along land of G. H. Fleet Estate and along land of Trowbridge Kirkup, two courses as follows: (1) South ~4° 31' 00" West 32~.96 feet; thence (2) South 86° 03' 40n West 294.12 feet to a monument on the easterly line of West Creek Avenue; thence along said easterly line of said West Creek Avenue, North 3° 56' 20" West 50.0 feet to a monument and the northerly line of said "North 0ross Road". Said northerly line of "North Cross Road" runs along land of Arthu~ Fagan and along land of G. H. Fleet Estate two co~rses, as follows: (1) North 86° 03' 40" East 275.15 feet to a monument; thence (2) North 44° 31' 00" East 305.99 feet to a monument'on said westerly line of Fleet's Neck Hoad; thence along said westerly' line of Fleet's Neck Head, South 45° 29' 00" East 50.0 feet to the point of beginning. The above described highway being 50.0 feet inwidth. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any.streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUV~OLK AND the party 0f, fbi:first part covenants that the parry'of the first part has no[ done or suffered anything whereby be in umbe ed in my AND the party Of the first part; hi compl, i~ce with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of:the first part will receive the consideration for this COnveyance aM will hold the right to receive such consideration as a tr~st fund to be applied first for the purpose of paYing the co~t of the improvement and will al?ply the ~e first to the tmS~mt of the cost of the improvement before using auy pm~ of the total of ~ same for any othee tmrpose. The"word ,'parLe' sliall be construed as if it read i~4[~e~'' WheneVer the sense' ~f thi~ indentui'e so requires. IN WI'j:NE'S5 WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above Geo~Ee H. Fleet, deceased. On the ~ day of Ma~, 1959, before me came LeRoy S. Reeve to me known to be the individual ~described in and who ~xecuted,the foregoing instrument, and acknowT dged hat he ~cu~ the s e. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ~: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who .e~-,~,_ ;ted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW ~ORK, COUNTY OF SS: Onthe . da~)f~ · i .- 19 , before me personally came to me known, '~vlho, 'being ~Y me ~luly ~worn, did depose and say that he ~sides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporat described in and which ex~lted the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal al~fixed to said iastrument is ~such corporat~ seal; that it xv~s: ~o att~xed by order of the board of directors Of said corpora- tion, and that ~ signed h ~ han~ thereto by llke Order. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that -executed ~he same. - STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: On the day of 19 ' , befOre me personally came ,t~e iubscr~ing witness to 'the foregoing instrument, with whmn I am personally acquaintecl,: who, being byme duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; tha~ he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that ~ he; said subscribing witness, wes present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, a[ the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. In the Matter of the Laying Out of a Certain Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as "NORTH CROSS ROAD". ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY Application having been duly made for the laying out of a t~wn highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, extending from the westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road through the lands of the Estate of George H. Fleet to the easterly line of West Creek Avenue, at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York, and a dedication and release from the owner of the lands ~nrough which the highway is proposed to be opened, having been given; NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby determine and order that a town highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York, being the land in the bed of a heretofore private road known as "North Cross Road", more particularly described as follows: The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as "North Cross Road" begins at a monument on the westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road 1040.13 feet southerly along said westerly line from Old Pasture Road and runs along land of G. H. Fleet Estate and along land of Trowbridge Kir~ap, two courses as follows: (1) South 44 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West 324.96 feet; thence (2) South 86 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds West 294.12 feet to a monument on the easterly line of West Creek Avenue; thence along said easterly line of said West Creek Avenue, North 3 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds West 50.0 feet to a monument and the northerly line of said "North Cross Road". Said northerly line of "North Cross Road" runs along land of Arthur Fagan and along land of G. H. Fleet Estate two courses, as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds East 275.15 feet to a monument; thence (2) North 44 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds East 305.99 feet to a monument on said westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road; thence along said westerly line of Fleet's Neck Road, South 45 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East 50.0 feet to the point of beginning. The above described highway being 50.0 feet in width. D~ted: This ~day of June, 1959. -2- GRIFFING, SIKITH, TASEER AND LUNDBERG June 29, 1959 Hon. Ralph P. Booth Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York Re: North Cross Road Dear Ralph: I enclose herewith the following: Deed from LeRoy S. Reeve as executor and trustee under the Last Will and Testament of George L. Fleet to the Town of Southot~l, which deed is recorded in Liber 4644 of deeds at page 178. Dedication and release of lands for Town highway, which release is recorded in Liber 4644 of deeds at page 174. The application, consent of the Town Board and order of the Highway Superintendent were left with you at the last Town Board meeting. Yours very truly, Robert W. Tasker RWT:MY Enclosures DEDICATION AND REL~AS~ OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGHWAY CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD TO PROPOSED TOWN HIGHWAY ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY APPLICATION TO LAY OUT A TOWN I~IWAY