HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTH BAYVIEW ROAD, portion of 1908 TO THE COL~ISSIONER OF HIGHS?.AYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, in the County of Suffolk, N. Y. The undersigned, liable to bs assessed for highway labor in the said Town of southold, hersby apply to you to lay out a highway iR said town, to run from Pine Neck to Bay View, the Easterly side thereof commencing at a point on the Southerly side of the Pine Neck Road and disSamt Three Hundre( and fo~'ty nine and five tenths feet Easterly from the nearest bound stone on said Road and running thence South Six degrees and fifty five minutes East One *~_ousand four Hundred and sixty two feet, thence South Sixty nine degrees East Three Hundred and ninety feet, thence south Sightly one degrees and fifteen minutes East Four Hundred and Sixty four f~et, thence crossing to the southerly line of the proposed hig~hway and running thereon South Eighty four degrees and ten minutes East Two Hundred and forty feet, then on a d~fleetion Right Sixty eight degrees and ten minutes, Five Hundred and ninety six feet, then Sguth Sixty three degrees East One hundred and seventy one feet, then South Sixty four degrees and thirty minutes East Four Hundred and Seventy four feet, then South Twenty degrees West One thousand three hundred and ninety four feet, then South Twenty five degrees and forty five minutes East Three Hundred and sixty five feet, then crossing to the Easterly line of the proposed highway and running thereon sou~h Two degrees West Seven Hundred and eighteen feet to the Northerly side of the North Road, so called, whic proposed highway is to be of the width of three rods and will pass through the lands of Christopher Leich%, Jesse H. Terry, Max~y L. Dayton, Silas A. H. Dayton, Nary M. H. Dayton~ And at the same time the undersigned further apply to you to discon~inue the old "Drift road or way twenty feet wide beginning at a certainWhite Oak Tree et~uding by the road above laid out' (meaning the present Pine NsckRoad)" marked on two sides with two notches and t~hence running to Goose Creek distance eighteen chains" and which is recorded in Book D. of the Town Records at page 246, on ~he ground that if the proposed highway above described shall be opened, then the said drlf% way will not be necessary for public travel. Dated, this~/ day of ~~ 1908. I I I II IIII II III II IIIIIii Iii111111111111i11111111111111111 IIII IIII I 0 ~ The undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of $outhold, in the County of Suf- lk, hereby consent that the CommisSioner of Highways of said Town, make an order . ~ ~ the proposed highway, described in the sualat to Section 8o of the Highway Law. Town Clerk. -- Justices of the Peace 0 TOWN OF r SOUTHOLD ~ommissioner of Highw~,s in the Town of S~ , County of Suffolk and State of New York, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed and is described as follows: TO ~ frolll iPine N~ak to ~r View, tile ;+:.l~asterly ~lde +~ereof oomenotng at a p~tnt on ~e ~u~- i erlM side of ~e P~e Neck ~a~ ~d ~lst~t ~ree H~dred ~d forty nine ~d five t~s feet ~sterlyf~m ~e near- east bound stone on said ~ad ~d ~ning ~oe ~u~ Six ' de~ees~d ftfty nine minutes ~st ~e ~ou~ fo~ H~- dred ~d ~ixty t~ feet, thence ~u~ Sixty nine degrees ~st ~ree Hundred ~d ninety fSet, thence ~u~ kitty one degrees ~d fifteen minutes ~st Fou~ H~dred ~d Sixty four feet, ~ence crossing to th~ ~u~erly line of the proposed hi~y ~d r~ning ~ereon ~u~ ~l~ty four degrees ~d ~en minutes ~st ~ H~dred ~d forty .~e~t, ~en.on a_. ~lao~lon,Rl~t.~y ~l~t ~egre~s ~a_~e~ m~nu~es~ ~xve ~re~ ~a nxne~y sxx ~ee~, ~en ~u~ ~xx~y ~ree aegrees ~st ~e.h~dred. ~d. seventy one feet, ~en ~u~ Six~ four degrees ~d ~trty ~nutes-~st ~ur H~dred ~d Se~nt7 f~ur f~et, ~en ~¢~ .~ent~ degrees Uest ~e ~enty five degrees ~d forty five mlnu~es ~t ~ree h~d~ red ~d sixty five feet, then crossing to ~e ~sterly line of the pmpo~ed li~ '~d~nAng ~ereon ~uth ~o degrees West ~ven...H~dred .~d ei~te~ f,et to ~e ~r~ly side of ~e ~r~ ~ad~-~-.eatt~,-~hteh prepaid hi~ Is to be of ~e wid~ of ~ree ~ds ~d will pass ~ou~ the l~ds of Chr~s~pher ~eioht, ~e~Se H..Ter~, ~ry L. ~ton, Stlas A.H. ~yton, ~l.H.~ton, Willl~ Austin H~es. And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. IN Wx'r~ESS WHEREOV, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this STATE OF NEW YORK)ss. SUFFOLK COUNTY Thousand Nine Hundred and ~ On this ~..[L~...- ''~-' day of ~~ , One b e fo r e m e personally came , to me known and known to me to be the same person desCribed in and who executed the foregoing instru,ment and ~ he ~ acknowledged that. he, executed the same. TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF /~ DEDICATION OF in the Town , County of Suffolk and State of New ;fork, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Tdwn of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed and is described as follows: TO ~ from Pins Nook to ~B&y View, the Easterly side thereof conmsnoing at a point on the Southerly side of the Pine Neck Road and distant Three Hunired and forty nine and five tenths feet Easterly from the nearest bound stone on said Road and rum!ins thence South S~x degrees and fifty five minutes East One thou&and four hundred and sixty twO feet, thenoe South Sixty nine degrees East Three Hundred and ninety feet, thence South EiF. hty one de,roes and fifteen minutes East, Four Hundred and Sixty four feet, ~henos crossing to the Southerly line of the proposed highway and running ther~ on South Eighty four degrees and ten minutes East Two Hundred md forty feet, then on a defleotion Right Six~ eight degrees and ten minutes, Five Hundred and ninety six feet, then South g/xty three degrees East One Hundred and seventy one feet, them ~outh E/xty four degrees and thirty minutes ~st Four Hundred and Seventy four feet, then South Twenty de,roes West One thousand three hundred and ninety foul' feet, then south Twenty five de,roes and forty five~amAnutes East Three Hundred and sixty five feet, then crossing to the Easterly line of the proposed highway and l~um~ng thereon ~)~th TWo degrees Nest Seven Hundred and eighteen feet to the Northly side of the North Road, so called, which proposed higTm~y is to be of the width of three rods U4' will pgbl ~t~gh the lull of, Ohrimtopher Leieht, ~esse II. Terry, l~y~L.D~n~, Silae H. Dayton, Vllliam Austin ~aynes. A. H. Dayton, lgary M. And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. IN WXTNF. SS WH~R~O~', I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of ~'~"~ , xgo ~ STATE OF NEW YORK)ss. SUFFOLK COUNTY On this ,~ ~. ~-' day of One- Thousand Nine Hundred and ~ before me personally came to me to be the,s_a.m~ persofi d~seribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he ~ acknowledged that~*he.~exeeuted the same. ~) TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Commissioner of Highways IN THE MATTER OF ~ DEDICATION OF , out a N~w High"Vay from Pine Neck to B~y View and SI~A8 A. H. DAYTON, 170 Bro ad:~ay. NEW YORK.