HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW SUFFOLK ROAD, cutchogue 1928 To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Soutbold, hereby applies to you to lay out and alter a portion of the Easterly line of a certain highway at Cutchogue, in said Town of Soutbold, known as New Suffol~ Road, at and near its intersection of the ~ain Road by excluding from said highway known as New Suffolk Road a strip of land described as follows:- Beginning at the southwesterly corner of land of The First National Bank of Cutchogue, N. Y., being on the easterly line of New Suffolk Road as described in order recorded in Town Clerk*s Office in Liber F at page 225; running thence (referring to meridian as used in said record) N-16°18'~.-72o25 feet to a point on said easterly line of said road; thence along said easterly line of said road, So 44°30'Eo-19.98 feet to a point of deflection in said line; thence still alon~ said line, S. 6°30'E°-55.46 feet to the point of beginning, And by including within said highway a strip of land described as follows:- Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of ~ain Road with the easterly line of New Suffolk Road as defined by order recorded in Town Clerk's Office in Liher F at page 225; running thence along said southerly line of Main Road, N. 42° 17'30e Eo (referring to meridian as used in said record) 16.90 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve to the left, the radius of which is 15 feet (said curve betn~ tangent to said southerly line of Main Road at its initial point) a distance of 15o34 feet; thence S. 16°15tEo-9.50 feet to the n~rtherly corner of land described above; thence along said easterly line of New Suffolk Road as described in above mentioned record, No 44°30tWo~15o34 feet to the point of beginning, All of which is shown on a certain map ~ade by Otto Wo Van ?uyl, kno~m as ~l~oposed Alteration in Easterly line of New Suffolk Rosd, at Cutcbogue, New York, surveyed. July 18, 192S, Otto W. Van Tuyl, licensed surveyor, 6reenport, No ~o~ and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Soutbold~ ~bicb proposed layin~ out and alteration will pass tbroug~ the lands of The First National Bank of Cutcbo~ue~ No ~, only. Dated this ~~_-~4~ day of July, 1928. BY ~ FTBST NATIONAL BA~X OF CUTCEO~UE..,NoY-, President. We, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met at tbe.~fice of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said Town on the l~ day of July, 192S, and considered the application of The First National Bank of Cutchogue, N. Yo, for the laytnF out and alteration of a portion of the Easterly line of a certain highway at Cutchogue, in said Town of Southold~ known as New Suffolk Road~ do hereby consent that such layin~ out and alteration he m~de in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Town Clerk. ~ of the ~upertntende~t of ~tghways'.-' T~E FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CUTCWOGUE, N.Yo, a domestic corporation having its principal office and place of business at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to it in hand paid by George Ho Fleet, Town Superintendent of Highways, of said Town of Soutbold, and in further consideration of the laying out and alteration of a portion of the Easterly line of a certain highway at Cutchogue, in said Town of Southold , known as New Suffolk goad, to be changed so that a strip of land shall be i! excluded from said highway as follows:- Beginning at the southwesterly corner cC land of The First National Bank of Cutchogue, No Yo, being on the easterly line of New Suffolk Road as described in order recorded in Town Cierk's Office in Liher F at pa~e 225; runninf thence (referrin~ to meridian as used in said record) N. 16018' W°-72.25 feet to a point on said easterly line of said road; thence alon~ said easterly line of said road~ So 44°30t E.-19.98 feet to a point of deflection in said line; thence still along said line, S. 6° 30* Eo-55,46 feet to the point of beginning, And by includin~ within said highway a strip of land described as follows:- Beginnin~ at the intersection of the southerly line of Main goad with the easterly line of New Suffolk goad as defined by order recorded in Town Clerk's Office in Liber F at page 225; o running thence along said southerly line o~ Main Road, N. 42 17,30~ E. (referrinF to meridian as used in said record) 16,90 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve to the left, the radius of which is 15 feet ( said curve being tangent to said southerly line of Main Eoad at its initial point) a distance of 15o34 feet; thence S. 16°18'E.-9.50 feet to the northerly corner of land i[ described above; thence along said easterly line of New Suffolk Road as described in above mentioned record, N. 44°30~ W.-15oS4 feet to the point of beginning. All of which is shown on a certain Map made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, known as 'Proposed Alteration in Easterl~ line of Kew' Suffolk Road, atCutchogue, New York, suvveyed July 18, 1928, Otto W. Van Tuyl, licensed surveyor, Greenport, N. Yo' and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Soutbold, which proposed laying out and alteration passes through the land of · he First National Bank of Cutcbogue, N. Y., only, does hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore o~ed by it lyin~ within said highway as described above and does hereby release said Town fr~ all damages By reason"~f the laying out and alteration of sa~ highway as afovesaid. ~atefl this ~ 6ay of July~ 1928. T~ F~ST NATIONAL B~K OF C~CHO~ N.Y.~ ~eside~ · STATE OF NFW YORK, SS:- COUNTY OF SUFp'0LK. On the ~ ~ day of July, 1928, before me came WILLIAM A. FLEET, to me known, whoa being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that be resides at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York; that be is the President of The First National Bank of Cutobogue, N. Y., the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoin~ instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instr~ent is such corporate seal; it was so afl/xed by order of the hoard of Directors of said corporation; and that he signed his na~e thereto By like order. ~ ~z~f~ Notary Puhlic, Suffolk Co. the Matter of the Application of FTP, ST NATTONAL BANK OF CUTC~OGUE, N · Y. for the layin~ out and alteration of a portion o~ the Easterly line of a certain highway at Cutcbo~ue, in sai~ Town, known as Mew Suffolk Road. APPIJICATION, CONSENT OF TOWN BOA~, RELEASE OF DAMAGES · 223' NEW SUFFOLK ROAD,CUTCHOGUE HIGHWAY LIBER "N" - Pages 223-232 It is agreed between the undersigned th.-'t the East line of the tlighway leading to New Suffolk ~':here it is or~posite the east line of the farn,1 formerly of tienry Landon deceased shall be a line comraencing at or near the south-west corner of the lot of Julius ~. Tuthill south of his house at the center of a locust tree as it nov:'stands a little outside of his enclosure, being the ~,~esterr, lost locust tree there, and running a straight line to the'centre of the most nor~ therly post as it now stands in the picket fence near the barn of Goldsmith & Tuthill as the surfnce of the ground-- thence continuing the same course until it strikes the outer side of the curb-stone on the west side of the store of Golds.mith & Tuthill & c'onti.uue on the outer side of the curb stone and on the sa~e course therewith to the main country road. The said highway shall be three rods ~':ide measuring at a right angle from said line the whole dis- tance thereof & shall be opened to theft width by an ap- propriate order & by reraoval of fences as soon as can con- veniently be done. The said Urn. ti. Case shall receive ?~i~. from the ud~ersigned owners of the land on the east side ~ at the rate of ($500) five hundred dollars per acre · ~ for all land within the enclosure ovrned or occupied by ~ him, and for all land belonging to hire. or his ~:ife north of his gate opposite his barn ~':hich may be taken to make said road three rods ~;'ide. The firm of Goldsmith & Tut- hill shall pay to the said 7~r,~.. ~i. Case the additional ~un or twenty-five dollars for the ch~n~e in the course of the road at their store as herein specified. The Owners of the land on the east side of the said high~ay shall releese to ~he.said Tn. H. Case all their interest in shy of the l~nd taken or now occupied for said highway lying west of the centre of said high~ay as herein agreed upon. None of the parties ~o this agreement undertake to bind themselves for Sylvester p. Tu~hill & his refusal to thro~ out his land shall not effect this agreement. Wm.~. ~ Case shall pay one half of the necessary survey under this agreemen~ and the o~ners on the east side, the other half. 0tin T. Goldsmith Dated December 16, 1871 Jeremiah, Austin B. Julius L. C. Tuthill Tuthi~l Tuthill Wm. Harrison Case J. ~. Ter~ J. O. ~orey )' Cor,,missioners of High~;,ays Recorded this 16 December, 1871 By J. W. ~luntting, Town Clerk. 225: At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk held in the said town at the intersection of the I.Tev~ Suffolk reed with the main road in the village of Cutchogue on the 14 day of October 18?l, all the said Com~aissioners being present, It was represented to the said Commissioners that the Highway known as the New Suffolk Read'had been laid out, but that the description where it adjoined the east line of the farm formerly occupied by Henry Landon deceased was imperfect and the boundaries and lines thereof c'ould not be easily ascertained and therefore the said Con- missioners directed a survey of that part of the said road to be =mdc by J. Wickham Case, Esq., Surveyor. And such survey having been made and the s~_id highway adjoining the land formerly of Henry Landon deceased having been Found to be less than three rods wide and being, of irreg- ular widths as the same was fenced, another neetin~ of the said Commissioners was held at the intersection of the said New Suffolk Road with the [[ain Road in Cutchogue in the said Town of Southold on the 16 day of December 18?l, for the purpose of designating & describing the west line of the said New Suffolk P, oad so far as it ad- Joins the east line of the farm formerly of Henry Landon d deceased, with a view to having the same described and entered of Record pursuant to the Statutes, and due notice of the said meeting having been previously given to the owners and occupants of the land of either side ad- joining that part of the said highv:ay, such Owners and OCcupants also attended before the said Co~m~issioners, and it a2opeared that the said Hichv,ay '.,vhen originally laid out was upon the land whci~y belongin~ to the occupant east of Lenr~ Landon, and that the east line of the farm then of ~ no part of the said Highway was laid out of land of the said tlenry Landon, and t~at while the line fence on tLe east line of lien~~ Landon decease~ stood substantially as it did when the said iIi~hway was laid out in 18~6 and it was cl[~imed that the fence on the east side of said ttighway was set upon .the line designated by the Coa~issioners who laid out the said !iighway, but that the said ~_gh~my was less than three rods wide. Therefore the owners and occupants of the land on either side of said tlighway agreed in writin~ that the East lin~ of the sai~ Highv~ay leadin~ to l~ew Suffclk, where it is opposite the east line of the farm formerly of t~enry Landon deceased shall be a line con~encing at or near the southwest ~ of the lot of Julius ~. Tuthili, south of the house, the centre of a Locust tree as it now stands, a little side of his enclosure, being the wester~ost locust tree there and running a straight line to the centre of t~e most northerly pos~ as i~ now stands in the picket fence near the barn of Goldsmith ~: Tuthill at the surface of ground, thence continuing the sa~e course until it ~he outside of ~he curbstone on the ~est side of ti~e of Goldsr~th ~: ~thill and continuing on the outer side the curb stone as they now are on the west side of said store and on ~he.s~e course therewith to the ~in ~ ..... road, and that ~he said Highway shall be three rods v:ide measuring ut a right angle from said line the whole di~-- tance thereof, and shall be opened to that width b~/ appropriate order, and by removal of fences as soot. as '~:- conveniently be done. And that Tm. TM Case shall - ~ .' froR~ ~he owners of 227 the land on the east side at the rate of Five hundred dollars per acre for all the land within the enclosure and occupied by him & for all land belonging to him or to Dis ~,3ife north of his gate opposite his farr.~ ~vhic.k may be taken to make said road three rods %Tide,- the firra of Coldsmith ~ Tuthill shall pay to the said ~75. Z. Case the additional sum of t%~enty five dollars for the change in the course of the road at their store as herein specified. The o~,-ners of ~he land on the east side of said High;':ay shall release to the said ~dilliam ~. Case all their interest in any of the land taken or now. occupied for said Highway as herein agreed upon. And the said Co~.c:~issioners believing tha~ the said alteration was necessary and proper and the. t the public convenience v:ould be ~h~reby pronoted, approved of the said agreement and directed~a survey of.the said High~ay as pro- posed to be altered to be made--and such survey havin~ been made and the said agreement having been cora,.plied ?:ith-- IT IS ORDERED, DETE?~.IIhrED & CERTIFIED that the said High~ay leading to ~ew Suffolk shall be and the same hereby is altered and laid out pursuant to the said agreement, ~Thereof a survey has been made in accordance w.ith said agreement and is as follows::::: Co~enc ing at in the said agreement, degrees %~est (N 6~ ~) the centre of the Locust tree mentioned thence ~un~.ing ~rth six nnd a half to the centre of the post mentioned 228 in the said agreeme~t and continuing the same course until it strikes the outer side of the curb-stone m~ntioned in said agreement at a locust post placed there; thence running North forty-four & a hall' degrees Test (I~ 44~- fifty links (50 L) to another stake placed on the south margin of the main road~ The westerly line of said highway leading to New Suffolk shall cor~uence at the southerly margin of the ~iain Road at a locust stake placed there--thence running South forty four and a half degrees East (S4~ E) twenty threa and a half links (~3~L} or fifteen and a half feet to~no ~ ~'~ne.' locust stake; thence running south six and a half degre£s East S 6~ E) thirty chains & eighty three links (~0 ch to another locust stake on the boundary line between tho ~..zz~ land occupied by Uilliam ~. Case and the land of Lustin Tuthill, known as the Tan Vat Lot, the said lines e×tendiz~z so as to make a proper angle with the next course of said highway leading to New Suffolk.. The lines herein me~- tioned being parallel and the said highway being three rods. wide between the same, and the lines of the said survey to be the margins of the rais highway., the compass course~: .g~.'$~ herein recited and descriptive of the bouncary~- lines of the said highwaybeing the true ~.ledidian Courses of the said lines....~nd it is also further ordered that so much of that part of the old roed or highway leadinf to New Suffolk as is opposite the said land formerly of Henry London deceased and is not embraced in the new roi as altered, laid out and established by this order shall 229 cease to be a p~rt of s~id tlighway. In witness whereof the said Cor, mlissioners of Highways have hereunto subscribed their names this thirteenth day of January 1872. B. F. Wiggins ) Cor.~issioners J. B. Terry ) of -John 0. Corey Jr. ) Highways For diagram of this. road see ps, ge 230 (next page) Recorded this 15 January 1872. by J. "f. Huntting, To~'.m Clerk. ?!e, Wm. Harrison Case & Nancy Y. Case of the town of Soutkold in the County of Suffolk do hereby release to the Town of Southold all claim to damages by reason of the laying out, altering aud opening of a highway kno%:m as the ~ew Suffolk Road by ~.-,hich a portion of our lands adjoining said highway has been taken for said highway by order of the Co.m_mission- ers of High',vays of said town of Southold, Dated the 29th day of January 1872. Sealed and delivered in the Vfm. Harrison Case (LS) presence of Wickham Case Hancy F. Case (LS) U:~ereas ~he Co~_'~,issioners of tiighways of the Tow'n of Southold have altered the '.,~ew Suffolk }{cad adjoinin~ my lot on sa id road so as to take a narrow strip of land off the frcnt of my said lot ~= whereas ~Tn~. l~arri~;on Case L [,~ancy ?. Case have consented that the same ~uantity of land shall be taken from their land in rear of my lot as was taken frora my lot for said Hi~,way,.No,.~ Therefore in cons'iderati:,n of the premises & one dollar to zae paid, I do hereby release to the town of douthold all claim to dsm~age~; by reason of the laying out and ~tering the said l~igh~ay over the front of my said lot by order of the Co~s~issioners of l~igh'~ays of s:id tor~n. bated the 15 dsy of January l~?l. In witness ~?hereof ! have ~ereunto set my hand ~ sepal this ~9 d~y of January 1~72. Zealed ~. delivered in presence of Si:~dey Rice Silve~ter ~. Tuthill (LG) H~cOrded this 15 ~,e¢?' 1872 by - "' ~ ~ ' - ....... . .... ~un~tlM~, rov'n 31erh. 230 :~hereas a road used as e highway in the to%:uu of Southold in the ~ounty of Suffolk leading from the Old King's Highway, or North Road, to the village of Greenport, be- tween the dwelling houses of ~Iaria BooDh and the family of Thos. Davis Goldsmith (lateddeceased) was laid out by the Commissioners of ~lighways of said to%'~ on the ~°Rnd day of December 1872 but not sufficiently described. Now therefore the undersigned Co~m~.issioners of Highways of the said town, all the Com~.~issioners having been notified to meet at the house of Benjamin F. "~'iggins in said to%~n for the purpose of causing said road to be described, ascer- tained and entered of record in the town clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the said ro~d to be made by Albert- son Case, DO ORDER that the said road by and the same is hereby ascertained & deucribed according to the said survey, as to those parts of said road not heretofore suffic.iently end well described, beginnir~, at a post at the north-v~est corner of the lot of John Cha~iin on said road leading to Oreenport, and distant from ~he north east corner of said Greenport road and the ~ings highway 7 ch 67L and runnin~ Shence alo.ng and upon the land of said John Champlin and o~hers on a course south 34 east 8 ch 43 L to the north east corner of the land late of ~. ,~.'. C. Smith deeessed. ?~en beginning at a point three rods westerly from the lest named corner and by the house of ~onstant Booth and running north ~8 degrees 7~ along the line of said Booth 3 ch 46 L ~o his upper or north-east corner; thence N ~0~- ~,? 5 ch O5 L :o a point opposite the post before mentioned in the north- ~e~,t corner of John Champlin's lot~, said road as now hereby ~-~ertained and described being thr6e rods ~':ide at the said corner of John Ch~nplin's lot, three rods at the point or corner of,~. ~." C. Smith and four rods ?~'ide at the upper or north-east corner of Constant Booth. See diagram & survey below. Dated Southold 27 ~.ay, 1871 B. ~.. .,lgC~ln J. B. Terry ) John 0 Corey Jr.) Recorded this 20 ~'farch, 1872 by Y. U~. Huntting, To~'.u/ Clerk. ) Co~is s io~ers of }ii ghway s