HomeMy WebLinkAboutNAUGLES DRIVE~w~w LAYING OUT A ,B'¥c.w~¥ ~LTH THE CONSENT OF Th~ TOE BOkF,.D.. Written. ~oplication having been made to me ~ow~ superintendent of highways for the Tewn of $outh~ld, Suffolk County, New Yor~, by Stanley Naugies a person 1 isbla to he assessed for highw~ay taxes in said Town and the written cor~ent of the Toan Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law~ a~d release from damages having been executed by the owner of the lmud through which the proposed highway is to be ;aid out, copy of which is hereto ~unexed, and nothing having been paid to auy claimant for such damagee~ it is hereby ORDERED A~D DETERMINED than a highway shall be a~d the same le hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- S~id hlghw~y is to be known as ~uo] e~ The northerly a~d easterly {or right hand) line of the proposed highway begins at a locumt pest set on the easterly line of Luther's Road at the south- westerly corner of l~nd formerly ~f J. QoA. ~mrd Estate and runs thence eas~ fly along the southerly line of last Geseribed land on a curve to the ~eft ~nose ~radius is 1179~2£ fe~t, a distance of 307.38 feet to a locust pos~, thence still along last described land on a curve to the left whose radius is 918~86 feet: a distance of 363.?~ feet ~o a locus~ poet a~ the southeasterly corner of last des- crihed laud; ~hence through land of Stanley Naugtes~ N. ?0~ 09~ I0~ E~ 239oO9 feet; thence on a curve To the righ~ whose radius is 349.5 ~eet~ a distauce of 28~o1~ feet; thence S. 8~o §~ 40~ E. 85.74 feet~ thence on a curve to the left whose radius is 100 feet~ a distance of ?$.95 Feet; thence N. 71~ i9~ 50~ E. 407.3~ fee~; -thence on a curve to the righ~ whose radius is 149.5 feet~ a distmuce of 240.05 feet; thence S. 18o t4~ 10~ E. ~8.13 feet; thence on a curve to the right whose radius is 178.87 feet, a distance of ~E.39 feet to a point 49.5 Feet easterly ik~cm a concrete monument set a~ acorneP on ~he easterly line of land of Alonzo F. Robinson; thence on a line parallel to and au all points ilstant 49.5 feet easterly from said line of la~.d of Alonzo F. RobLuson, S. 13~ t8~ 505~ W~ 738o17 feet to a point !00 feet northerly from the northerly line of Old Mill Road, measured on the extension of t~ last described co~rse,th ncc ~4~ 47~ lO~ Eo 91.9~ feet to a concrete monument at the southeasterly corner land of Stanley Nau~lee adjoining land of George $. Naugtss. Aud the southerly and westerly (or right hand) line of ~r~aid proposed highway ~a to be a~ all points 49.5 feet from the herein described northerly and easterly line,--measured at right angles thereto, excepting opposite the last course of sai~lina, where said westerly line is the line between land of StanleyNaugles and said l~nd of Alonzo F. Robinson ~nd runs S. 13o 18~50~ ~. ~to a ¢~rete monument on sa~d northerly line of Old Mill Road at ap oint ~135.39 feet westerly from the terminus of the easterly line of proposed highway, which proposed laying ou~ will pass tbn~ough l~ds of Stanley Naugles only. Dated this ~-/ day of January, 1943. ~own Si~perintend~ent of Highways. TO THE DOWN S~P~INTENDENT OF HIGH'VA-fa OF WE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF E~EW YORK:~ The ~udersigned, liable To he assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southo!d~ hereby applies to you To lay out a new highway au ~attituck, in the Town of Southold, Smffolk Oounty~ New York~ to be known as ~a~g~ ~ S D~w~e The northerly and easterly (or right hand) llne of the proposed highway begins a~ e locust post sst on the easterly.line of Luther's Road at the south~ westerly corner of ~and formerly of J,Q.A~ ~a~d Estate ~ud runs thence easterl~ along the southerly line of last described land on a curve to the left whose radius is 1179.22 feet~ a distance of ~07o$~ feet To ~ locust post; thence stitll along last~described land on a curve to the left ~nose radius is 915.88 feet, distance o~ ~8~.?S feet to a locust post at the southeasterly corner of last described !and~ thence ~h~ough land of Stanley Naugles, N. ?0~ 09~ 10m E. R39.09 fee~; thence on a curve ~o the ~lght whose ~adins is S49.5 feet~ a dis- tancs of E68.!~ feet~ thence $. 85e 55~ 40~ E. ~5.~4 feet; thence on a curve ~o the left whose radius is t00 feet~ ~ distanc~ of ?~.95 feet; thence N. ?i~ tg~ 50~ E. 40~oSB feet; ~hence on a curve ~o the right whose radius is 149.5 feet~ a distance of ~40.0§ feet; thence ~ !8- 14~ lO~ E. S28.1S feet; thence on a curve to the right ~nose radius is 178.87 feet~ a distance of 9Eo39 feet zo a point 49.~ feet easterly f~om a concrete monument se~ a~ a corner on the east- erly line of land of.Alonzo Fo Pobinson; thence on a line parallel ~o and a~ all points distant 4~.5 feet easnerly from said line of land of Alonzo F. Robinson, ~. iS~ t8~ 80~ N. 738.17 feet To a point 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Old Rill Road, measured on the extension of the last describe~ course; ~hence S. S4~ 47~ tOE E. 91.9E feet To s concne~e monumen~ at the south~ easnsrly corner of land of Stanley Neuglas adjoining land of eeorEe J. Naugles. And the southerly and westerly (or right h~ud) line of said proposed highway ia To be a~ all points 49.5 feet from the herein described northerly and east~2iy line~ measured a~ right angles thereto, excepting opposite the last course of said line: ~nere said westerly llne is the line ~bstween land of Stanley ~Naugles. smd said land ef Alonzo F. Robinson .and runs S. i~$ 18~ 50~ W. to a concrete monumen~ on said aortherly line of Old Nill Road at a point 1S§.S9 feet westerly from the terminus of ~he easterly line of proposed highway, which proposed l~ying out wi!I pass tbJough the land of Stanley Naugles, only Dated this ~/ day of January~ 1943. the tu~dersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the To~n of Southold~ having met at the office of the Supervlsor~ at Greenport, in said Town, on the ~ ~ ~ day of Janu~ry~ t94J~ ~nd considered the application of ~t~ley Naugles for the laying out of a new highway at ~attituck~ To~n of Southold~ SnffO!k EOunty~ New York~ to be know~ as _ N~]? e,s~ s Driv~ ~ .: ,,, , do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Superintendsnt of High~ays~ I~ STAB~RY_ NAUGLES, of Nattituck, Suffolk County, New York, in considerati~n of the s,um of ONE DOL~R, to m~ in hand paid by M~OLD D. PRiCE~ TOWN Sb'P~RIN. TEND~%T OF HiGF~A_VB, of thc Tow~ of £outhold~ and in i~rther consideration of t~e laying out of a new highway a~ Eattituck, Town of Southold. Suffolk ~ounty, New York, as follows:- HIGHWAY TO BE KNON~ AS ,~T~ ~ .... ~ ~ Driv8 The northerly and easterly (or right hand) linc of thc proposed highway begins at a locus~ post se~ on the easterly line Of Luther's Eoad at ~he south- westerly corner of l~d formerly of J.Q.A. Wa~ ~tate ~d ru~ thence easterly alo~ ~h~ ~mtherty lin~ of last described l~d on a curve to the left ~ose radius is ltTR.E~ feet, m distance of ~7.~5 feet ~o a locust posts ~hence stil~ alo~ last described l~d on a ~rve ~o the left whose radi~ is 915.86 feet, dish.ce of ~GG.~ feet to a loc~ pos~ at ~he southeasterly corner of described land; :hence thro~ l~d of St~lay Naples, N. ?0~ 09~ iO~E. feets ~hence ~n a ~rve ~o the righ~ whose r~dius i~ ~49.5 feet, a die.ce of B88.16 fse~; ~hence S. 65~ ~5~ ~0~ E~ 85.?4 fee~; thence o~a c~ve ~o the le~ ~ose ra~us is l~ feet, m diet. ce of ?~.95 feets thence N. ?lo 19~50 ~07.~E feet~ th~c~ ~ a curve to th~ right wh~e ra~ is !49.5 feet, dist~ce of B~05 feet; t~nce S. 1Sc !4~ lO~ E. SES.I~ feet; ~hence on ~ c~ve ~o the righ~ whoa~ radius is 1~8.87 feet~ a diet.ce of ~.~ f~et to a point 49.5 feet eas~rly f~m a ~ncrs~e monu~nt se~ at a co.er on the e~terly lin~ of l~d of AIonzo F. Robinson; t~nce on a 1Lue parallel to and an all points dist~t 49.5 feet easterly from ~aid line of l~d of Alonzo F. Robinson~ 18~ ~ N. ?~8.17 feet to a point lO0 feet northerly f~m the northerly line of ~Old ~ill Road~ m~ured on the extension of tP~ l~ descried ~se~ thence S. ~ 4~~ i0~ E. g!.gE fee~ to a concrete mon~n~ at ~he southe~terly corner of l~d of St~ley ~auglas adjoining l~d of George J. Nauglas, And ~he somberly ~d westerly (or rl~ h~d) line of amid p~pcsed hi.way ia to be a~ ~l points 49~fi fee~ from :he herein described northerly ~d easterly l~e, m~asured at ri~ ~gle~ ~hara~o, ~cep~ing opposite the l~t co.se of said line~ where said westerly line Is ~he line between ~and of Stanl~ Naugles and said land of Alonzo F~ Robinson ~d r~ S~ 1~* 18 to a concrete moo~nt on s~d northerly l~e of Old ~ill R~d a~ a point 13~39 feet west~rly f~m ~h~ retinue of t~ easter~ line of p~posed hi~y~ which pl~opomed new highway will be known as and will pass ~h~ough the lands of Stanley Nauglcs only, do herc~y dedicate and release ~o ~he To~m of Southotd~ ~11 land heretofore owned by me and included :~within the premises above dszcribcd~ and do .hereby release amid Town from all ~amages by reason of the laying out of the new highway. STATE OF NE~ YOtVK. COUNTY~ OF SUF~LK.SS:, On the ~ ~ ~day of J~u~y~ 194~ befor~ me person~ c~e ST~ ~;~AUGL~ of Eattituck, New York, person~ly ~o~ to me ~d kno~ to ~ to be th~ ~person described ~ ~d-who executed the foregoing i~t~ent and he duly ack- nowledged to me t~t IN ~HE iL¢?TER OF TtI~ ~*~ , ~I~* *ON -OF- STANLEY NAu~rRS~ fo~ ~**= I $.ns ou= of a ne~ high.as at ~att~tuck, New Yonk, to be known as Nen¢lee ~ s Dxive