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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 4 �a TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY u„ BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit #: 49044 Date: 3/21/2023 Permission is hereby granted to: Mattituck Fire District P.O.._BOX 666............. -----�------.....................------------ _______............. ....................................... Mattituck, NY �11952 ......e�.�__...... w_.w........_......_.........._ .....����......���....�.........._..��._���.._......������.._._��_ To: Install upgrades (Verizon) to an existing colocation wireless telecommunication tower to include the replacement of 3 existing antennas, 6 existing diplexers replaced by 3 new triplexers, cabinets and ground equipment as applied for per Planning approval. Additional certification will be required. At premises located at: 1000 Pike St, Mattituck SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 140.-3-11.1 Pursuant to application dated 1/19/2023 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 9/19/2024. Fees: WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS -MODIFICATIONS $500.00 CO-COMMERCIAL $50.00 Total: ............................$550.00 . ......_._.......... . �� Building Inspector 04 „p TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 �a Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 liter//www..soLitliold�^.< , Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT N For Office Use Only 0 W1 PERMIT N0. D Building Inspector:_ _ I JNiED Appllcatians and forms must be filled"out,in their entirety.Incomplete BUIIDIING©EPT. applications will not,be accepted.'Where the 4pplicant is not the owner,an TOWN OFSOIITHOL® Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNERS)OF`PROPERTY:, Name:Mattituck Fire District scTM# ioo0-140-3-11 .1 Project Address: 1000 Pike Street, Mattituck, NY 11952 Phone#:631-298-8837 1 Email:edrittberg@mattituckfd.com Mailing Address:1000 Pike Street, PO Box 136, Mattituck, NY 11952 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Amato Law Group PLLC Attn.: Craig Zonin MailingAddress:666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 , Garden City, NY 11530 Phone#:516-227-6363 Email:czonin@ ,matofirm.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:WFC Architects Mailing Address: 12-1 Technology Drive, Setauket, NY 11733 Phone#:631-689-8450 1 Email:Brandon.Streb@wfcaia.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION::, Name:S&S Tours LLC d/b/a LKR Technical Services Mailing Address:30-47 82nd Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370-1967 Phone#:718-433-7735 Email nadira@lkrtechnical.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition gAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other See attached Schedule A $25,000.00 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ONo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes *No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Fire District Use/Fire Department Existing use of property: public Wireless Communication Facility Intended use of property:NO Change lange Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to HB-Hamlet Business this property? ❑Yes WNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. I@ Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage"and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code.APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code`and regulations and.to admit authorized,inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary;inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A"misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Application Submitted By(print name)• By:Robert Czarniawski BAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: 45� Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless By Robert Czarniawski being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the Network Engineering-Real Estate (OMMMN,Agent, itk� idc�C Gcx Cx) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn beforerr)iTViA DECARMINE ZiNEW YORK S OTARY PU iI.STAT OF day of 4g 20 2Z, -.114 JAI Qualified in Suffolk County ZpLkj Nota Public My Commission Expires 05-20- 22 PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) on behald of the Mattituck Fire District residing at 1000 Pike Street, Mattituck, NY 11952 New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of S h d Building Department for approval as described herein, a— dJ Owner's Signa re Date s Print Owner's Name 2 pip =DATEDIYYYY), CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCEo22 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer ri hts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT HI StateFarm HILDA ORTEGA FAME 914-840-4600 " a..-auJ�. . .. _No914-840 4601 PHONE _... 491 NEW ROCHELLE RD E-MAIL HILDA.ORTEGA VAAHHY STATEFA COM oDREs _-_ BRONXVILLE,NY 10708 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVE AGE NAIC# INSURERA State Farm Fire and Casualty Company 25143 INSURED ��.. INSURER B: S&L TOURS DBA LKR TECHNICAL SERVICES INSURER C 30-47 82ND ST INSURER D ..... .... EAST ELMHURST,NY 113701967 INSURER..ITITmm�..mm^ .._. INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. EXCLUSIONSTM. .... ..._- .m. .. . INSR ........ .......A45_0L St-�-f,BFB POLICY EFF' POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR PE OF INSURANCE _ POLICY NUMBER IMMIDDfYYYY1 (MwRgffm� COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 Via' Tti IivTEl — 100 000 CLAIMS-MADE ® OCCUR PREI9F _MS pccurrence $ MED EXP(Any one erson) $-5,000 A " PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ �. '.000,000 X x 98-CU-Z538-1 10/13/2022 10/13/2023 .... �n^� _Jnuy 1 GE,NLAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: ENERALAGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY PRO. El LOC AGG $ 2,000,000 JECT PRODUCTS-COMPIOP,,,,,,,,, ...... $ OTHER' G�DM(39NEO SINGLE ILgIWpT $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY a eGCtden tom'.... .m-I)...,. ._...� ". ........ ...... IT�ANY AUTO BODILY INJURYon) $ BODILY INJURY(Per accident) OWNED SCHEDULED � BODILY INJURY dent) $ (Per person) AUTOS ONLY AUTOS - — HIRED NON-OWNED DAMAGE AUTOS ONLY i AUTOS ONLY �ecctden.tl, ,9,_ E OCCUR -A $ 10,000,000 UMBRELLA LIAB EACH OCCURRENCE ._..... m. .....,.,""�, A EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE X 98-CO-U723-7 10/13/2022 10/13/2023 AGGREGATE $.. 10,000,000 DED RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION YIN ER OTH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY PTAT)JTE ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE ❑ NIA ACCIDENT $ OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? E L.DISEASE.... .A.. .._ ..........r_— " (Mandatory In NH) $ �..,-....m,-ASE-EA EMPLOY.E.....-.....__.—.-.-.-.-.-._-.,..».............................w If Yyes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space Is required) Town of Southold affiliates,and their respective managers,officers,directors,employees,agenls,successors and assigns is an additional Insured on the General Liabilily(including ongoing and completed operalions)and policy provided a waiver of subrogation on General Liability&Umbrella on primary/Non Contributory Basis,30 Days Notice of cancellation whn the insured cancels the policy for any reason CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Town of Southold ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 53095 Route 25 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Southold,New York 11971 / ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 1001486 132849.12 03-16-2016 DocuSign Envelope ID:A8849363-9447-4437-81B9-AFOBD2DC6C64 � R Workers' CERTIFICATE OF STATk Compensation Board NYS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE 9 ( � y) - .._ Business Telephone Number of Insured 1a.Legal Name&Address of Insured use street address only) 1b red S&L TOURS LLC (718)433-7735 3047 82nd St East Elmhurst, NY 11370-1967 Ins Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration Number of Insured Work Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to certain locations in New York State,i.e.,a Wrap-Up Policy) 1d, Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social NY Security Number 46-4824939 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) SiriusPoint America Insurance Company TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 ROUTE 25 3b,Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"1a" PO Box 1179 WC 9882200 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 3c.Policy effective period 05-18-2022 to 05-18-2023 3d.The Proprietor,Partners or Executive Officers are F1 included.(Only check box if all partners/officers included) all excluded or certain partners/officers excluded. P ..did p _ ( . s form,New York above in box"I a" or workers, . ........_......__ This certifies that the Insurance carrier Indicated above In box"3"insures the bush k compensation under the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. To use this under Item 3A on the INFORMATION PAGE of the workers compensation insurance policy). The Insurance Carrier or Its licensed agent will send this Certificate of Insurance to the entity listed above as the certificate holder in box"2". The insurance Carrier must notify the above certificate holder and,the Workers'Compensation'Board within 10 days IF a policy is canceled due to nonpayment of premiums or within 30 days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the'insured from the coverage Indicated on this Certfflcate.(These notices may be sent by regular mail.)Otherwise,this Certificate is valid for one year after this form is approved by the insurance carrier or its licensed agent,or until the policy expiration date listed in box"3c",whichever is earlier. This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder.This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed, nor doles it confer any rights or responsibilities beyond those contained in the referenced policy. This certificate may be used as evidence of a Workers'Compensation contract of insurance only while the underlying policy is in effect. Please Note:Upon cancellation of the workers"compensation policy indicated on this form,if the business continues to be named on a permit, license or contract issued by a certificate holder,the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certificate of Workers'Compensation Coverage or other authorized proof that the business Is complying with the mandatory coverage requirements of the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has the coverage as depicted on this form. Approved by: �P, l name authori zed representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier) 12/12/2022 Approved by: _. _._..... _ .'j . (si, aluare) (Date) Title; Telephone Number of authorized representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier: (855)-880-0204 Please Note:Only insurance carriers and their licensed agents are authorized to issue Form C-105.2.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue it. C-105.2(9-17) www,wcb.ny.gov �' w< workers' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE srA1 Con, nsation soard DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW ......... .._ PART 1.To be completed by Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Carrier or Licensed Insurance Agent of that Carrier 1a,Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured LKR TECHNICAL SERVICES 718-433-7735 3047 82ND ST EAST ELMHURST NY 11370 1c,Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security Number trk Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to ertain locations in New York State,i.e., Wrap-Up Policy) 464824939 2' Nana and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) HARTFORD LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 53095 ROUTE 25 3b. Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"l a" PO BOX 1179 LNY-835584 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 3c.Policy effective period 01/01/2022 to 12/3 1/2022 4.Policy provides the following benefits: ® A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. ❑ B.Disability benefits only. ❑ C.Paid family leave benefits only. 5.Policy covers: ® A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. ❑ B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. _--- �EwJw.... rr�_ Bf12/05/2022 ........ ..... _....._ ._ ......... (Signature of insurance carriers authortzad representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) p ( ) Statutory Services Telephone Number 212 553-8074 Name and Title:Elizabeth Tello—Assistant Director, IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked,and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE.Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B,4C or 5B is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220,Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law.It must be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board,Plans Acceptance Unit,PO Box 5200,Binghamton,NY 13902-5200. p y - P (....... PART 2.To be com leted b the NYS Workers' Com ensation Board Only if Box 4C or 5B of Part 1 has been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law with respect to all of his/her employees. .........-- ...... _..- (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title �._...... --------.._.... _...... Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. 11111111ItI1°' !�1 1��"'�!!a �17 "'VIII IH Building DepartmentApplication AUTHORIZATI (Where the Applicant is not the Owner) on behalf of the Mattituck Fire District c/o 1000 Pike Street, Mattituck, NY 11952 1, residing at. (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) do hereby authorize.........New York SMSA Limited P.artnership (Agent) d/b/a Verizon Wireless to apply on my behalf to the ........... .......... Southold Building Department. Mattituck Fire DistriJct"' , By: 1-10—d3 (Owner's Sigiiatv#) (Date) (Print Owner's Name) OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) F10 . Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-rmy.gov D IV/ MAk I on)3 o3 11G BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector From: Heather M. Lanza, AICP, Planning Director99 Date: March 16, 2023 Re Planning Department Report Equipment Upgrade for Verizon Wireless at Mattituck Fire District 1000 Pike Street, Mattituck SCTM#1000-140.-3-11.1 The Planning Department has conducted a review of the proposed modifications pursuant to §280-74 B(2), and has received a report from our Wireless Technical Consultant, Cityscape, Inc. (see attached report). The proposed Verizon equipment upgrade is in compliance with the General Requirements of§280-70. The proposed equipment upgrade will cause essentially no visible change to the exterior by removing and replacing antennas and elements of ground equipment, in addition all feedlines will be routed inside the shaft of the monopole. Therefore, we recommend a Building Permit be issued for this application as soon as possible to meet the Federal shot clock for approvals of wireless facilities. Laserfiche File: Planning Department/Applications/Site Plans (SP)/Pre- submission/1000-140.-3-11.1 Thank you for your cooperation. Town of Southold,, Now York CKyScape Telecommunications Site Review C ON S U L T A N T 5 , I N C . Modification Application licat 2423 S.Orange Ave �� on Orlando,FL 328062806 Tel:877.438.2851 Fax:877.220.4593 March 14, 2023 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Building 53095 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 PROVIDER/NAME/ID: Verizon/Riverhead 3 TOWER OWNER/NAME/ID: Tarpon Towers II,LLC ADDRESS: 1000 Pike Street, Mattituck,NY 11952 LATITUDE: 40°59' 34.4"N LONGITUDE: 72°31' 59.7"W SCTM#: 1000-140.-3-11.1 STRUCTURE: 120' Monopole Tower Dear Ms. Lanza, At your request, on behalf of the Town of Southold("Town"),CityScape Consultants,Inc. ("CityScape"), in its capacity as telecommunications consultant for the Town,has considered the merits of the above-referenced application submitted on behalf of Verizon Wireless("Applicant") to modify equipment on an existing one hundred and twenty (120) foot partially concealed monopole tower. The tower is located at 1000 Pike Street,Mattituck,New York,see Figure 1. Support Structure&I ui IIeIIt Per the submitted construction drawings (CDs)' the Applicant proposes to remove and replace three (3) antennas at the one hundred and fifteen(115) foot level of the tower,see Figure 2. At ground level in the existing leased area, the Applicant proposes to remove one (1) cabinet and six (6) combiners; remove and replace one (1) battery cabinet, six (6) radio remote heads (RRHs) and six (6) diplexers. It is shown teat all feedlines will be routed inside the shaft of the anono ole. Structural Analysis The Applicant submitted a Structural Analysis Report (SA) prepared by Michael F. Plahovinsak, Professional Engineer, dated December 1, 2022, based on ANSI/EIA/TIA-222=H, Risk Category III and Exposure Category C standards. The analysis indicates that, after the Applicant's proposed modifications, the tower would be at 42.2% of maximum usage capacity 1 CDs prepared by WFC Architects,No.2,dated 10/17/22 `Issued for Filing',signed and sealed by a New York registered Professional Engineer. n Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-140.-3-11.1 lit Verizon 1000 Pike Street Page C0N5ULT .AN Ts , INc (out of an allowable 105%). Thus, it was determined that the structure, with the proposed modifications,would be structurally compliant,see Figure 3. RF Exposure Safe The Applicant did not submit an RF exposure safety report with this application however per FCC regulations the facility must maintain all compliance. Summar -A roi al 'ec°tttr metided CityScape verified this application to be an eligible facilities request and meets the definition of a non-substantial change ("substantial change" being defined in 47 CFR §1.6100(b)(7) of the FCC Rules). Therefore, this application qualifies for streamlined processing at staff level under 47 CFR §1.6100(c) and CityScape recommends approval. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information included herein is accurate at the time of this report. CityScape only works for public entities and has unbiased opinions. All recommendations are based on technical merits without prejudice per prevailing laws and codes. CityScape verified that the proposed appurtenances shown by Applicant's construction drawings were listed in the structural report, but we did not independently verify the calculations, statements or the appropriateness of the analysis criteria contained therein. Town staff should verify compliance with applicable building and fire codes prior to issuance of a permit for this modification. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Herington-Smith Engineering Manager Cityscape Consultants, Inc. Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-140.-3-11.1 CKyScape Verizon 1000 Pike Street Page 3 C ON S U L T A N T 6 , T N C , Bd �. I � w f i� r � Figure 1 —Site Location Map Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-140.-3-11.1 j"6kjtyjS�MW%AMk Verizon 1000 Pike Street Up tjqw Page 4 C 0 N S U L T A N T S , I N C AGL 012T-0'k,AOL &ewLmm MK-(t)m-STING VEM70H WIREUSS ANTENNA TO SE REMOVED AN REPUCED WfTI,F(1)NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ARrMNA Kalffifflg&(t}WSTING WERIZON WIRRJESS ANTENNA 10 BE REIAOVM AND REPLACED WrH(1)NEW VMIZCN WIRU,FM AUTERNk (1)M'nKC VERIZON WINDED SS AMENNA TD BE RIMaVED AND REPULED WITH(1)NEW YERIZON WIRELESS ANTIDI MWEMW EAVTY• (a)`)aEDM`QIPLEXERG To BE REMOVED AND 11F.PtACED W.TM(3)NEW WJAU TRIPLEXERS CKIV",VMONMRELLIM, MAX Ck%ES ALN M EXISn1r.VMIZON WIRELESS GIS METER AND GA',PR"i (40 U(MUNG GFS UNITS TO R..N--, LCMW.,WRA204 WIRF4�SS E.QUIPM�STT N FNCLOSTAC, KL 2,/A-000?OR'90K VICLE"Es On U;T ArL'. *.H 0 f vmmo'LRIZON E71 WITLESS Eu.CTIRC E, mpp 13 j I L.J ——-------- 7— Figure 2—Elevation Drawing of Structure AWIL Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-140.-3-11.1 %,MyScape Verizon 1000 Pike Street Pages CONST. LTANTS INC . IXGENEMATOR TO!a4'MUh�a�t rIT+il7+X+'TW Mk�MDM4 DIMMUTION . ,f MSTING GPS UNIT TYP.OF(9)�......... •v, "'«., ,..' "" G45 GFNEFATOR k (9)UMNO RRM.TO Eli REMWFO ' AND REWA£EO WITH(4)NEW(MMM BANG RflPia sM _ DUSMNG 200A PP/ATS TO WV W -- Ir (t)&�XA��T D Fi4 CABINET Y6PWWM ., "�•. ...fib, EXLSTING TELCO QNMET T6 (B)E)IIsnNG Di Laos TO Bc R¢reurvaM AND REvtar.En txm+(a)NEW rar�a�w DlPExoas AND(a)NEW Dunn WA,Rax�ts--,, ry �....A' G!:4( L t CC Vit[ � MRAWN.I"A5 TO 'Tt4Ar.CIV¢rt ANG RMTM.MI;'T WITT Qi �ItN� (1)0A9Crwl MUD RW ONV TO BE M'rNVITO MAMA)RE'P1LtiC&D..%Tnq(9)NEW 9kEtl,TR aOM7--- -m �». (ERISDNGI DELTA BATTERY WINNETI TO4% .i-- (. FXVSnNG DELTA CAIANET TO RfiSti W— If { SCALE: EQUIPMENT PLAINNORTH Figure 3—Ground Equipment Configuration Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-140.-3-11.1 Aft %iftyrscamak Verizon 1000 Pike Street Page 6 CONSULTANTS I N C Structural Analysis 120-ft Monopole Prepared For: Tarpon Towers II, LLC 8916 77th Terrace East, Suite 103 Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 M&'P Project #94122-133 Site Location: NY1066 Mattituck Suffolk Co. , NY Lat/Long: 40059'34", -72031160" Analysis Type: TIA-222-H Structure Rating - 42.24 Passing December 1, 2022 W �a � •g�r~ Michw I r,Pl kr'ak,U. 183015tate Falte 161 W,plan City,OH 43064 614-398-6250-mike@mf Figure 4—Structural Analysis Summary SURVEY FOR MA TTIT UCK FIRE DISTRICT m AT MA TTIT UCK T F TOWN OF SO UTHOLD �� -_" � � � �- SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY S - 1000-140-03-11.1 SCALE- 1'=20' A y e c e JULY 5, 1994 AUG. 5, 1994 (ADDITIONS) r c - MAY 1, 7998 (FINAL) JAN. 16, 2004 JULY 1, 2014 w l , ' s a rt i F7RE HOUSE s 9812 sq. ft. BUILDING s 2769 sq. ft. _ e - OFFICE x 935 sq. ft GARAGE 5 648 sq !t c ' °' U77LITY ROOM 115 sq. 1f `. BRICK ENTRY= 82 sq Il�£ TOTAL s 14361 sq. ft. iL LOr COVERAGE 74361157052 sq. ft. = 25.29 eik z KLOY 1 o n ' � ,rAN A' _c� LANDSCAPE COVERACE z 7291 sq. ft. *' o/0/ 1R J- 0 W kF LANDSCAPE COVERAGE = 7291157052 sq. ft. = 12.8 ' . 46 PARKING SPACES m R �€ 4 aF' cot x f � � �hpY BERptNKP h/Orrt Colli t is .0 MYS LLC--N-a UrouE.q"R&'W LZOIRIC - fit#ALM WV 0?AX DOTO 1195 U�V't+A aA .'f, e •- ?Ita Ac +f a AUIPC.�Iti�!V st,=x3 o e CI(:&iT POST AREA � t C1 FV10 lik VFW YMW SI,A!€L`Ni=�.€�rV 1A. I`6,�1� 755-` G20 FAX(531) 765- 0 rdR AS M 3XI `MlZ'JW6,W Ad M VIN M.-N ALA,@1A.B COMPUTER UNk' €L€fi;�`C§':S ARE�- `� �TO N.C.V.d m,ASL 1A(.H.104 TMS MAP AND 'k`g�� f MONUAfFu3 tsAu 7 € R€ �t - --'X 12317 TPA MER STREET A WERANDS 50®'PLUS SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 71971 94— As scssops CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY. , s \ •: Aw" AM Ar IL \:. • .k .., .....„. Y 1000 PIKE STREET, MATTITUCK, NY 11952 A R C H I T E C T S VZW PROJECT ID : 1 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET, NY 11733 P. 631.689.8450 1 F. 631.689.8459 www.wfcaia.com WFC PROJECT NO : 22- 15255 LATEST ISSUANCE SITE INFORMATION PROJECT CONTACTS DRAWING INDEX INITIAL ISSUANCE REVISION NO. & DATE VERIZON WIRELESS SITE NAME: "RIVERHEAD 3" APPLICANT: NEW YORK SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (914) 714-7371 DWG. NO. DRAWING TITLE d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS 4 CENTEROCK ROAD ARCHITECTURAL WEST NYACK, NY 10994 SITE TYPE/DESCRIPTION: ON MONOPOLE: T-100.00 TITLE SHEET 10/05/22 2 10/17/22 CONSULTANT: (3) OF (3) EXISTING ANTENNAS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED PROPERTY OWNER: JAMESPORT FIRE DEPARTMENT (631) 722-3817 G-100.00 GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS 10/05/22 2 10/17/22 WITH (3) NEW ANTENNAS. (6) EXISTING DIPLEXERS TO BE P.O. BOX 54 REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (3) NEW TRIPLEXERS. JAMESPORT, NY 11947 A-100.00 SITE PLAN, SOUTH ELEVATION AND ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN 10/05/22 2 10/17/22 A-101.00 ANTENNA INFORMATION AND EQUIPMENT DETAILS 10/05/22 2 10/17/22 AT GRADE: A-102.00 ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 10/05/22 2 10/17/22 (1) EXISTING MOD CABINET TO BE REMOVED AND LEASING CONTACT: JIM KORWAN (516) 946-$920 REPLACED WITH (1) NEW DELTA CABINET. (1) EXISTING BATTERY CABINET TO BE REMOVED. (12) EXISTING RRHS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (9) NEW RRHs. (9) EXISTING COMBINERS TO BE REMOVED. (6) EXISTING DIPLEXERS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (3) NEW CONSTRUCTION CONTACT: PENDING - QUAD TRIPLXERS AND (3) NEW QUAD DIPLEXERS. NO. DATE SUBMISSION PROJECT LOCATION: 1000 PIKE STREET, .. —_ 0 10/05/22 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW MATTITUCK, NY 11952 A/E (ENGINEER) CONTACT: NEIL A. MacDONALD, AIA, LEED AP (631) 689-8450 EXT.115 1 10/14/22 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS VZW PROJECT ID: 16275608 2 10/17/22 ISSUED FOR FILING VZW LOCATION CODE: 267403 PSEG CONTACT: SUSAN BRUCE-FEINSOD (631) 348-6044 '---------- —----' '-- - -- - LATITUDE: N 40°59'34.4" (NAD 83) LONGITUDE: W 72°31'59.7" NAD 83 - ( ) NATIONAL GRID CONTACT: N/A ELEVATION: +/-8' AMSL (NGVD 29) BUILDING FIRE ALARM CONTACT: N/A ZONING JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NO. DATE REVISION SECTION: 140 KEY PLAN: BLOCK: 03 LOT(S): 11.1 ZONING DISTRICT: HB"HAMLT BUSINESS ZONE" 0 I MAwmh OR` E'ay'ff M A P L s AREA OF WORK A I 77777 z as. ... :Yip' ............ i .. .. .. m h"r r SeI - c > i r.: i r aM LO , �. , ATTITUCK RE T LSb UPGRADE „ zk "r :: VZW PROJECT ID 16275608 o , 1000 PIKE STREET Kph o,- MA _, m, TITLE. nu .. .., ............ as ." TITLE SHEET ; Y ,r 4. . . DATE: 10/04/22 PROJECT NO: 22-15255 DRAWN BY: TJ4.. CHECKED BY: BS ..: .a< e SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: SITE LOCATION — NORTH SITE LOCATION NORTH 15 k1k In 00000 . __ _. ._...- _ GENERAL NOTES FOR CONSTRUCTION SYMBOL LEGEND ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DRAWING LEGEND: SITE LEGEND: _ �. . . WARRANTIES: �;. .._ . 1. Information shown on these drawings is for design intent only. Verify existing conditions - AJC AIR CONDITIONING IG ISOLATED GROUND \\ � and dimensions in field. Coordinate discrepancies with the architect and/or engineer. Do not 1. The Contractor shall guarantee all labor and materials used In this project for a minimum __,_ _ AC ACOUSTICAL ID INSIDE DIAMETER p g New Wall Partition 24 Contour/Topo Line scale drawings to determine dimensions. period of one 1 year commencing from the date of final acceptance b the client. ACP ACOUSTICAL PANEL INFO INFORMATION \\ P O Y 9 p Y ACT ACOUSTICAL TILE INSUL INSULATION (D) (ION) \" 2. Establish lines grades and benchmarks necessary for proper work from given survey New Rated Partition -- Property Line ADJ ADJACENT ISP INTEGRATED SERVICE PANEL \ ' g ry 2. The Final date of acceptance is deemed as the date that all required state and federal data. work shall be erected and installed plumb, level, square and true and in proper . AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR "� � ,, ,• �� :} \ \ \ •�. approvals have been obtained including, but not limited to: AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ��� J s . _ �. `� . ,..•�, \:'� .: alignment. New Partial Ht. Partition Stockade Fence Line AGL ABOVE GROUND LEVEL JC JANITOR'S CLOSET w \`, v A. Final inspection ALT ALTERNATE `• 3. All work shall be done in strict accordance with provisions of local, state, federal, laws, B. Certificate of OccupancyWX Existing Partition -X-X-X- Chain Link Fence Line ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH K ordinances, OSHA standards and regulations wherever applicable. Contractor shall g ALUM ALUMINUM KW KILOWATT "'- ` �. - , .a ,•, coordinate and arrange all third party special inspections required under NYSBC chapter 17. 3. Any deficiencies that come evident during this one (1) year period shall be corrected by ANSI AMERICAN NATIONAL 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for quantities of work. furnish labor, materials and the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Existing Door to Remain ops Gas Piping Line STANDARDS INSTITUTE L Nr ANT ANTENNA LAM LAMINATE (D) equipment required t0 Complete Work. --- ___Y, t__- APPV'D APPROVED LAN LOCAL AREA NETWORK A R C H I T E C T S Door/Wall To Remove e Electrical Conduit ARCH ARCHITECT(URAL) LB (LBS) POUNDS(S) 5. Provide proof of workman's compensation insurance and disability insurance coverage QUALITY ASSURANCE AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE LL LIVE LOAD 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET,NY 11733 required b governing state law prior to start of work. 000 AWS ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICES LP LOW POINT P. 631.689.8450 i F. 631.689.8459 i www.wfcaiaxom q Y g g p A. Workmanshipshall be of the highest quality and done b employees skilled in the New Door T Telco Conduit g q Y YLTE LONG TERM EVOLUTION 6. Each contractor shall be held to have visited the site and to have verified all existing practice of their trade. P conditions prior to submission of bid. Notify the architect immediate) and prior to progress Detail Number TA Electrical/Telco B M m' � t*� :E,> �:_, p Y Y P p 9 ' B. All work which fails to meet the standard as herein described, shall be replaced b the of work if unusual field conditions arise. p Y Conduits BBU BASE BAND UNIT MAX MAXIMUM Contractor, at the Contractors sole expense, including the work of others damaged by the A-1 Section Marker BD BOARD MATL MATERIAL 7. The Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all field dimensions and job conditions, initial failure or the corrective repairs. c Ground Wire Conduit BLDG BUILDING MBD/MBDs MAIN DISTRIBUTION BOXES) ^. f Drawing Page Number BLK BLOCK MECH MECHANICAL and shall notify the architect of any discrepancies, conflicts and/or omissions which would C. All items of work identified on the drawings b name note, or material designation are B.O. BOTTOM OF MFR(D) MANUFACTURE(R) (D) interfere with the satisfactory completion of the work. Should the Contractor fail to follow this g Y g �+ Overhead Wire BSMT BASEMENT MFR/MANUF(S)MANUFACTURER (S) procedure and continue with the work, the Contractor shall assume all responsibility and new, unless otherwise noted. liability arising therefrom. 1 BTS BASE TRANSCEIVER STATION Misc MISCELLANEOUS SP-101 Elevation View Catch Basin/Drywell BUR BUILT UP ROOFING SAFETY & HEALTH PROVISIONS N CONSULTANT: 8. Where pipes, conduits or low tension wiring penetrate fire rated or sound rated C NIC NOT IN CONTRACT enclosures such as wall or slab, the spaces around such penetrations shall not exceed 1/2". A. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety 0000 Door Number - Light Pole CL/CL CENTER LINE No NUMBER pack spaces solid with mineral wool or approved equal on both sides of the rated enclosure precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Contract. The CAB CABINET NOM NOMINAL to ensure full fire/sound rating in compliance with the local building code. Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for the safety of, and shall provide reasonable ,_ �. CB CATCH BASIN NTS NOT TO SCALE Elevation Benchmark �� Utility Pole CDMA CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to employees executing the work and other O 9. In all cases, drawings shall not be scaled for information. Dimensions and conditions persons who may be affected thereby. The Contractor shall give notices and comply with CEM CEMENT must be verified in the field. applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of public authorities Q-- Partition Type Tag Fire Hydrant CLR CLEAR (ANCE) CA OVERALL bearing on the safety of all persons and / or their protection from injury. The Contractor shall CLG CEILING OC (O.C.) ON CENTER 10. All new materials and installations shall be in accordance with the manufacturers latest erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and performance of the Contract, I COAX COAXIAL CABLE OD(O.D.) OUTSIDE DIAMETER Tinted specifications, and with all applicable code requirements 2 x 2 Ceiling Grid C� Sign CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT OH OVERHEAD p p Pp q reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including erecting temporary barriers, I CNTR COUNTER OPNG OPENING posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations COL COLUMN OPP OPPOSITE NO. DATE SUBMISSION tradeAll work shall be performed in accordance With best standard trade practices. Each and notifying owners and users of adjacent sites, spaces, and utilities. a Revision Number ELECTRICAL& MECHANICAL LEGEND: CONC CONCRETE 0 10/05/22 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW trade shall cooperate with other trades to facilitate job scheduling and completion. CONST CONSTRUCTION 1 10/14/22 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS B. All necessary precautions shall be taken by the Contractor, throughout the course of the Revision Cloud /Tree Q Smoke Detector CONTR CONTRACT(OR) P 2 10/17/22 ISSUED FOR FILING 12. Proprietary names identifying items of work are used to designate the standard of project, to ensure that: CPT CARPET PCs PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES construction. Items of equal quality may be submitted for the architects review. Line CT CERAMIC TILE PL PLATE 1. Safe and proper ingress and egress from the building and all project areas will be 0 Sprinkler Head CTR CENTER PL LAM PLASTIC LAMINATE 13. Each contractor shall be responsible for any damage to adjoining remaining areas as a maintained. CORR CORRIDOR PNL PANEL result of his work, and shall repair damaged surfaces to their pre-existing conditions or as PP POWER PANEL Field Weld Hung Exit Sign may be required to complete the entire scope of the work. 2. Fire protection and life safety components within the building will be properly D PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH maintained. Weld All Around DB(S)/(dB) DECIBEL(S) PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 14. Alterations to existing work shall be patched and finished, as necessary, to match Wall Mounted Exit Sign DEMO DEMOLITION existing contiguous surfaces or new finishes shown. 3. Structural integrity of the building will be maintained. Construction materials shall be 1/4 �� Welding Designation DEPT DEPARTMENT R spread out if placed on framed ceiling or roof members. Loads shall not exceed the Fillet Weld DIA(0) DIAMETER RAD RADIUS 15. At the completion of each workday, each trade shall be responsible for cleaning up their desi n live load per s ware foot. Provide adequate uate shoring and or bracin where `L Weld Size Duplex Receptacle DIAG DIAGONAL RD ROOF DRAIN work. Rubbish removal shall be done in a dust inhibitive fashion, and the job site shall be g p q q g g DIM DIMENSION REF REFERENCE NO. DATE REVISION j structure has not attained design strength. QL DEAD LOAD REINF REINFORCED free of all debris and broom clean upon completion. Quad Receptacle DN DOWN REQ'D REQUIRED KEY PLAN: 4. There will be no creation of noise outside the hours of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM unless DP DAMP PROOFING RF RADIO FREQUENCY 16. Where applicable, Clean all floors, walls, doors mise, glass, etc. leaving job free of dust agreed to in advance, in writing, with the property owner. =t4 Light Switch DR DOOR RFCC RF CONCEALMENT POLE and debris, prior to project completion. DTL DETAIL RFG ROOFING 5. Building security shall be maintained in order to prevent unauthorized entry to the MATERIAL LEGEND: DWG DRAWING RIP RETIRE IN PLACE 17. Existing equipment and materials to be removed, which are not required to be relocatedpremises and / or secured portions thereof. 4t:p Emergency Light (Existing) DWR DRAWER RRH/RRHs REMOTE RADIO HEAD(S) or retained by the owner, shall become the property of the contractor and removed from the RM ROOM Q premises. 6. Water Gas Electricit and other utilities as a licable shall not be interru ted durin �� '' '�� ' ' Ro ROUGH OPENING Y, applicable, �' '�' Emergency Light (New) EA EACH p g �:.••,. •.:•: °r•�: Concrete construction, unless agreed to in advance, in writing, with the property owner. 18. All concrete used for on-site construction shall be air entrained, minimum 4,000 psi at 28 EIFs EXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEM S I + I 0 o • ` ' ! � � ' r f � � �% days, air entrained from 4% to 5/o. 7. There will be no accumulation of dirt and dust. The contractor shall leave the area of Steel Section p Pendant Flood Light ELEC ELECTRIC (AL) work broom clean at the end of each day. ELEv ELEVATION s SOUTH 19. Elevation 0'-0" is a reference of the existing grade height. Notation to heights will be EMDED EMBEDDED SCHD/SCH SCHEDULE Undisturbed Earth/Soil Smoke Detector EMERG EMERGENCY SD STORM DRAIN �- - - from this elevation, unless otherwise noted. i \�\�\� ENCL ENCLOSE (ENCLOSURE) SECT SECTION 20. Verizon Wireless will remove hazardous materials, including asbestos containing Q a Stone/Gravel Existin Fire Extin uisher EQ EQUAL SF SQUARE FOOT Ib g g ETC ETCETERA SIM SIMILAR AREA OF WORK material(s) encountered throughout. If existing asbestos containing material Is encountered Exc EXCAVATE SPEC SPECIFICATION during the work, report this immediately to the Verizon Wireless construction manager for _ Galv. Steel Grating New Fire Extinguisher EXH EXHAUST SPR SPRINKLER remediation. EXIST/(E) EXISTING SQ SQUARE Ss(s/s) STAINLESS STEEL 21. Large scale drawings take precedent over small scale drawings. Detail drawings take x x . . x x X x Galv.Steel Diamond Plate o New 4 Pendant Light F STD STANDARD precedent over large and small scale drawings. x x x . x x x . FCC FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS STL STEEL Brick Facade Supply COMMISSION STOR STORAGE - ; 22. The Contractor shall be responsible for documenting existing conditions prior to start of ® pp Y FD FLOOR DRAIN SUSP SUSPENDED �r work. Documentation shall be in the form of electronic photographs and written description FDN FOUNDATION T of existing damaged items, not specifically noted on construction drawings. Provide copies Return FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER of this documentation to the architect & Verizon Wireless Construction Manager at start of Z FIN FINISH (ED) T TREAD work. Damaged items, not specifically noted or visually observed in photographs, shallY NOTES A P FIXT FIXTURE TEL TELEPHONE become the responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall remove, repair and/or replace 1E CODES FLR FLOOR (ING) THK THICK(NESS) at their own expense. FP FIREPROOF TIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION P FPSC FIREPROOF SELF-CLOSING T.O. TOP OF MATTITUCK RELO 1. NEW features labeled as such; all else existing or future by others. ALL CONTRACTORS WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CODES FT FEET T.O.S. T.O.S. (TOP OF STEEL) LS6 UPGRADE 23. In the event of a discrepancy between drawings and specifications or between drawings AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ) FOR THE LOCATION. THE EDITION FTG FOOTING TYP TYPICAL bring the discrepancy to the architect's attention immediately, in writing, for clarification. 2. The EXISTING public utility wireless communications facility will be unmanned and will be OF THE AHJ ADOPTEC CODES AND STANDARDS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF CONTRACT AWARD SHALL VZW PROJECT ID: 16275608 visited approximately once a month for maintenance purposes; therefore it is not anticipated to GOVERN THE DESIGN THE FOLLOWING CODES ARE NOTED: G U 24. The Contractor shall take no advantage of any apparent error or omission in the generate additional traffic. GA GAGE, GAUGE UL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES contract documents. in the event the contractor discovers such an error, or omission in the ■ BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE K S GALV GALVANIZED UMTS contract documents, the contractor shall immediately notify the architect. The architect will 3. No additional parking Is required for the EXISTING use, as this is an unmanned site. ■ EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GC GENERAL CONTRACT(OR) LION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 1000 PKE STREET, then make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for fulfilling p g q ■ MECHANICAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 ■ PLUMBING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPT UPS UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY MATTITUCK, NY 11952 the intent of the contract documents. GHz GIGAHERTZ 4. No solid or liquid waste will be produced by the EXISTING use, as this is an unmanned site. ■ FUEL AND GAS CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GL GLASS, GLAZING V TITLE: 25. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required inspections. ■ FIRE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 ■ ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2020 GND GROUND VCT VINYL COMPOSITE TILE 5. No water or sewage facilities are required for the EXISTING use. ■ NFPA 70, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) 2020 GPS GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM VIF(V.I.F.) VERIFY IN FIELD GENERAL NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS 26. The Contractor shall forward final close-out photos documenting all installed equipment, ■ NFPA 58, LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS CODE 2020 GSM GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE VzWWr VERIZON WIRELESS mounts, connections, etc. of the completed installation at the antenna level including model 6. There will be no commercial or retail signs, nor special lighting for the EXISTING site. TELECOMMUNICATIONS numbers, down tilts, etc. to the Architect upon completion CONTRACTORS WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: GWB GYPSUM BOARD WALL W �[ W WEST DATE: 10/04/22 H 27. The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for dunnage and canopy steel fabrication. ■ AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACI) 318, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL W/ WITH PROJECT NO: 22-15255 CONCRETE. HC HOLLOW CORE WD WOOD �� ■ AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC), MANUAL OF STEEL HDR HEADER WFC WFC ARCHITECTS DRAWN BY: TJ 28. Prior to the final inspection, the Contractor shall provide the following to the Architect: 1. Maintain legal exit access for spaces being interrupted by construction. Provide 60 main p p g CONSTRUCTION, ASD, 15TH EDITION. HDW HARDWARE WM WIRE MESH CHECKED BY: BS ,. aisles and a min. of 44" secondary aisles for employees to exit space in case of an HT/HGT HEIGHT WJO WITHOUT - Final redlined As-Built drawings ■ 2017 ICC A117.1 STANDARD FOR ACCESSIBILITY AND USABLE BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES. SCALE: AS NOTED emergency when working within buildings. Maintain aisles free and clear from obstruction. HM HOLLOW METAL WWM WELDED WIRE MESH - All third party inspections results Provide temporary exit diagrams, mounted in conspicuous locations for all to see. ■ TIA/EIA 222-F (REV'G' WHERE APPLICABLE MUNICIPALITIES REQUIRE), STRUCTURAL STANDARDS DRAWING NO: - clear digital photos on disk or via email p ry g P FOR STEEL ANTENNA TOWER AND ANTENNA SUPPORTING STRUCTURES: HP HIGH POINT WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC AM 00000 - Generator start up report (When generators are installed) ■ TIA 607, COMMERCIAL BUILDING GROUNDING AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS FOR HTG HEATING 2. Maintain exit and emergency lighting for adjacent occupied or tenant spaces during the TELECOMMUNICATIONS. HVAC HEATING VENTILATION - Certificate of Electricians Certificate and grounding test verification course of construction. Should any of these systems require shutdown, notify the Verizon ■ ANSI T1.311, FOR TELECOM - DC POWER SYSTEMS-TELECOM, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION &AIR CONDITIONING Wireless project manager, in writing, with 72 hour notice. , EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS GAS METER — ,w A , b EXISTING ROOF ACCESS HATCH ®, A R C H I T E C T S 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET, NY 11733 P. 631.689.8450 1 F. 631.689.8459 ( www.wfcaia.com GAS ROOFTOP ACCESS POINT 1 4� AN 132'-6"± AGL - tl EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT IN ENCLOSURE. SEE 2/A-100 FOR .-.. - -.--- m_......- ..- -..- . -- -.. ......... g_. ___... _. TOP OF WHIP ANTENNAS Y OTHERS) : MORE INFORMATION ry` EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ELECTRIC METER p I 3 I I I / A. EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS CABLE - BRIDGE WITH (12) 7/8" COAX CABLES L,, '� , ANTENNA NOTE: u;� 120'-O"± AGL -� ,- TOP OF COMCEALMENT POLE �a -- ALPHA POSITION: (1) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS IS CONSULTANT: ANTENNA TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH gETA22 �4(py (1) NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA. NO # ANTENNA NOTE: BETA POSITION: (1) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS I R ANTENNA TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITHALPHA POSITION: (1) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS �. 115'-O"± AGL ` ANTENNA TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH 1 NEW (1) NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA. < ( ) r ; VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA. GAMMA POSITION: (1) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ' ANTENNA TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH o 0 0 ;\{ f ' T BETA POSITION: (1) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA (1) NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA. i ;•r ::., I TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (1) NEW VERIZON EQUIPMENT: (6) EXISTING DIPLEXERS TO BE ! I / WIRELESS ANTENNA. REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (3) NEW QUAD 110'-0"f AGL I GAMMA POSITION: (1) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS TRIPLEXERS BOTTOM OF EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (1) NEW EXISTING MESASPAN CABINET (TELCO) ANTENNA CAVITY VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA. BY OTHERS I EQUIPMENT: (6) EXISTING DIPLEXERS TO BE REMOVED NO. DATE SUBMISSION < AND REPLACED WITH (3) NEW QUAD TRIPLEXERS EXISTING TRANSFORMER # s # I 0 10/05/22 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW t I 1 10/14/22 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS I I I # (12) EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS 7/8"0 COAX CABLES i 2 10/17/22 ISSUED FOR FILING WITHIN EXISTING CONCEALMENT POLE < EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS GAS METER AND GAS PIPING ARCHITECTURAL SIT L D' 20' 40' I 1 SCALE: 1 "=20' 1 = 20f NORTH (4) EXISTING GPS UNITS TO REMAIN ` NO. DATE REVISION -- ( - KEY PLAN: EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT IN ENCLOSURE. 1� SEE 2/A-100 FOR MORE INFORMATION n GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS G — —2"± AGL - -' TOP OF EXISTING VERIZON WIRELESS GPS UNITS a I EXISTING 50KW NATURAL GAS GENERATOR TO REMAIN I -`" (3) EXISTING MAIN DISTRIBUTION BOXES TO REMAIN , _.-....... ........: — H. .:.;..:.;, z AREA OF WORK 31'-2"± AGL .:...:.:w.... ..:....::..3...�_ ' EXISTING T G 50KW NATURAL TOP OF VERIZON WIRELESS _. ...:.. .:::... ..: ... ..;:.:..:„:...:::... ..;.:.'.,.<.,.:..;' K: EXISTING GPS UNIT TYP. OF (4) EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE GAS GENERATOR , _� I =. ' \ • i ® < .,wi :,;,:,.s,: ::.`..!. ' ?. '.`x^fi.S..`.Y 5�” M,`.V?i, i> o- (9) EXISTING RRHs TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (6) NEW DUAL .. .:....:..: d [ BAND RRHs (STACKED) 22 -3"f AGL I - 0 \ XV TOP OF EXISTING - PARAPET N" EXISTING 200A PP/ATS TO REMAIN— ` :.� ;. -J °: t`_.. ....... f....................... .................. ..... ....... (1) EXISTING BATTERY CABINET TO - EXISTING VERIZON BE REMOVEDWIRELESS ELECTRIC mm € i EXISTING TELCO CABINET TO REMAIN ;`•: :. 1! ' METER MATTITUCK RELO (6) EXISTING DIPLEXERS TO BE REMOVED ' " ''I� '``' `' '��' � III .I ...:. �y I i AND REPLACED LS6 UPGRADE WITH (3) NEW QUAD •;... DIPLEXERS AND (3) NEW QUAD TRIPLEXERS _ VZW PROJECT ID: 16275608 NEW „ r �V 9 ; DELTAXIF STINGXIE STING ........................ ........... ...... ........... NVGRADE (E f I CABINET DELTA PELTA (3) EXISTING RRHs AND (3) EXISTING € =I't E ":.:. .<.::: ... f I COMBINERS TO BE REMOVED AND €' I BATTERY CABINET REPLACED WITH (3) NEW RRHs '. .,.,.,=,i'I ------------ I E E E E E F _' , I , 1000 PIKE STREET, m MATTITUCK, W 11952 Z, (1) EXISTING MOD CABINET TO BE m TITLE: SITE PLAN, REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH 1 NEW DELTA CABINET SOUTH ELEVATION AND (6) EXISTING COMBINERS TO BE REMOVED O 3 ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN EXISTING DELTA BATTERY CABINET TO REMAIN DATE: 10/04/22 EXISTING DELTA CABINET TO REMAIN PROJECT NO: 22-15255 DRAWN BY: TJ CHECKED BY: BS SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: ENLARGEDI PL 4' 8' SOUTHELEVATION I 0' 32' Pik AM 00000A 1 2 SCALE: 1/4"=11-071 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH SCA-E: 1 "=10' 1" = 10' - t NEW ANTENNA (TYP. ANTENNA MANUFACTURER: JMA WIRELESS ADHERE TO MANUFACTURE'S MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS AND RECOMMENDATIONS MODEL NO.: MXI4FIT465-01 �\ 1 FOR ANTENNA CABLE INSTALLATION (TYPICAL FOR ALL ANTENNA CABLES) WEIGHT: 52.2 LBS. NEW RRH (TYP. OF 3) xz MANUFACTURER: SAMSUNG 8.1" 2• PATCH, REPAIR AND RESTORE ANY AREA WHICH IS AFFECTED BY INSTALLATION 14.2" 8.5 MODEL NUMBER: B5/B13 RRH GRAN (RF4440d-13A) OF ANY ITEMS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF WORK WITH NEW MATERIALS TO MATCH, EW P1000 UNISTRUT �`---. ALIGN AND BE CONTIGUOUS WITH EXISTING SURROUNDING SURFACES �I € WEIGHT: $2.0 LBS SECURED TO EXISTING A PIPE MAST _ 3. ALL CABLE LENGTHS MUST BE V.I.F. TAG BOTH ENDS OF ALL TRANSMISSION 15.0 MINI ' XISTING PIPE MASTLINES WITH BRASS TAGS DENOTING COLOR CODE AND SECTOR. 15.0 �`p pllpppp EXISTING P1000 ` \ ON:Jlffli °0 C Cp pup �p�p°pu�ouu� UNISTRUT SECURED TO "\ 111 0 ` . pCpp�Cppp��ppC�pp�Cppp���p - �pu,p� pppp,;0 EXISTING PIPE MASTlit «' op"Gpppppppppp;;Gpppp;IGpupOpp p�U,p GpppLp d p��OG.�p�pCC da- NEW RRH WITH SOLAR COLO CODING: n D�uuu�Cluuuu0��upp(Iuupuu0 ° C [ oauOUC 4p pPC� SHIELD TO BE SECURED TO SEMS COLORS FREQUENCY b/ ',CHNOLQGY COLDS pup°°o C,°oo�0 00 pJ pp pC.uuuu uliuu EXISTING GALV. 2-7/8"0 M ALPHA WHITE 700 LTE ' ',:, w , o o STEEL MOUNTING PIPE WITH BETA AWS LTE \YELLOW MANUFACTURER'S HARDWARE A R C H I T E C T S GAMMA ` " PCS LTE L1(PHT:.,B!_UE FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW RRH MOUNTING DETAILS 1.2-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET, NY 11733 DELTA WHITE WHITE 850 LTE IP P. 631.689.8450 1 F. 631.689.8459 1 www.wfcaia.com EPSILON ` 850 1 X GRA` ' 14.2" ZETA F: PCs 1x NEW RRH (TYP. OF 3) °� `�D°alp :F., 0 GPS ` ,�•,,,... „ : d° +-SE7Er; _ MANUFACTURER: SAMSUNG 10.0 C �,� , r; , Lq MODEL NUMBER: B2/B66A RRH ORAN (RF4439d-25A) + NOTES: ad NEW P1000 UNISTRUT WEIGHT: 97.5 LBS 1. 1 ST COLOR IS SECTOR COLOR, DOUBLE BANDS FOR DELTA, EPSILON AND ZETAIF- SECURED TO EXISTING ,!e b c: i7 SECTORS. G p: PIPE MAST 2. LINE NUMBER IS IDENTIFIED BY THE NUMBER OF BANDS OF THE FREQUENCY15.0" 10.0" 15.0" Cp�Cppp�`.p��Cp tis `€ a BAND/TECHNOLOGY COLOR. o ° EXISTING PIPE MAST r 3. BROWN COLOR IS RESERVED FOR GPS. NUMBER OF BROWN FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW fpp�Cl]p `p`,p�pG,' ol�iu�011�� ;,': ;.': �1oop,pipp�pCpp EXISTING P1000UNISTRUT pl��ppppppppJ�IC�'; °0 EXISTING PIPE URMAST TO '` �•.; C°:C110��CC r- ��ppC',pf��n�p�p0�lp�ppp';° o°�pCG�pQpp�p�0��p���pp°o p��pppp`I`I)p�Cl' _ 999Ou1AuouuC7uuuCuuuuuC"Cu CONSULTANT: EXISTING ANTENNA TE � N ANTENNA NOTES GS� Ilpflpf `Ipppp pppp[llpppp," Jp°Gpp011ug a C�O�,000OC��Fl� NEW RRH WITH SOLAR uoor�uoua�0000mouao�CC1DCo�uaoC1 "O���JJ1COC1SHIELD TO BE SECURED TO �quool� pppppCCpppuC;7uuCCUCuuulGu EXISTING P1000 UNISTRUT " CABLE: SECTORS - 7/8" DIA. CABLE (UP TO 100') STEEL MOUNTING PIPE WITH CABLE: SECTORS -- 7/8 DIA. CABLE (UP TO 100 ) SECTORS -- 1 1/4" DIA. CABLE (UP TO 200') .63 LBS/FT. SECTORS - 1 1/4" DIA. CABLE (UP TO 200') .63 LBS/FT. MANUFACTURER'S HARDWARE SECTORS -- 1 5/8" DIA. CABLE (201' OR GREATER) .70 LBS/FT. SECTORS - 1 5/8" DIA. CABLE (201' OR GREATER) .70 LBS/FT. FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW RRH MOUNTING DETAILS MECH MECH DOWN ANTENNA DOWN ANTENNA TYPE No. TYPE WEIGHT AZIMUTH TILT CABLES TYPE No. TYPE WEIGHT AZIMUTH TILT CABLES ALPHA SECTOR Al CWWX063X25G00-T04-850 41.7 LBS. 70' 0' (4) 7/8„ ALPHA SECTOR Al MX14FIT465-01 52.2 LBS. 70' 0' (4) 7/8„ NEW RRH GYP. OF 3) MANUFACTURER: SAMSUNG MODEL NUMBER: RT8808-77A C-BAND RRH 6.8 r NO. DATE SUBMISSION WEIGHT: 59.2 LBS NEW P1000 UNISTRUT SECURED TO EXISTING 0 10/05/22 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 15.0" PIPE MAST 1 10/14/22 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS 6.8" BETA SECTOR Ell CWWX063X25G00-TO6-750 41.7 LBS. 222' 0' (4) 7/8„ BETA SECTOR B1 MX14FIT465-01 52.2 LBS. 222' 0' (4) 7/8" � o EXISTING PIPE MAST 2 10/17/22 ISSUED FOR FILING ® EXISTING P1000 15.0" lopUNISTRUT SECURED TO �,._ I EXISTING PIPE MAST 0 0 L6 NEW RRH WITH SOLAR �il r __� SHIELD TO BE SECURED TO GAMMA SECTORS G1 CWWX063X25G00-TO6-750 41.7 LBS. 315' 0' (4) 7/8„ GAMMA SECTORS G1 MX14FIT465-01 52.2 LBS. 315' 0' (4) 7/8" 1o ( - EXISTING P1000 UNISTRUT STEEL MOUNTING PIPE WITH MANUFACTURER'S HARDWARE FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW RRH MOUNTING DETAILS GPS GPS-1 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER (4) 1/2" GPS GPS-1 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER (4) 1/2" NO. DATE REVISION UNITS: GPS-2 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER UNITS: GPS-2 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER GPS-3 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER GPS-3 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER KEY PLAN: GPS-4 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER GPS-4 EXISTING TO REMAIN 0.6 LBS. SHELTER DETAILS. DETAILS SCALE: 3/4"=1 '-0" SCALE: 3/4"=V-0" '-0" t € 33.7" 27.3" NEW DIPLEXER MT. OF 3) NEW TRIPLEXER (TYP. 6) `, QUADPLEXER MANUFACTURER: COMMSCOPE QUADPLEXER MANUFACTURER: COMMSCOPE 0.6"0 TYP. (4) MODEL: SDX1926Q-43 QUAD DIPLEXER MODEL: STX61742Q-43 QUAD TRIPLEXER MOUNTING HOLE WEIGHT: 6.2 LBS. WEIGHT: 10.692 LBS. d SIZE AREA OF WORK DELTA 00 Ln °' DELTA 0 6 9„ 2.9" 9 0„ 3.3" CABINET env N CABINET B.9" 9.0" C 11 Nlk N 11�,� Cj \ N �� o 071 i e € ' LIFTING TABS TOP VIEW (TYP. OF 4) MOUNTING HOLE LAYOUT FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW € J MATTITUCK RELO 33.7" 45.5" 2'91 EXISTING PIPE MAST 3'3„ EXISTING PIPE MAST LSb UPGRADE VZW PROJECT ID: 1627,%083 KNOCK OUT EXISTING P1000 UNISTRUT EXISTING P1000 UNISTRUT ,~~~ ED TO EXISTING PIPE SECURED TO EXISTING PIPE ~ _ 04 � MAST SECUR � o MAST `€3 1000 PIKE STREET, ON I NEW DIPLEXER TO BE NEW TRIPLEXER TO BE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 1.25 KNOCK SECURED TO EXISTING GALV. SECURED TO EXISTING GALV. I � OUT TYP. (7) 2-7/8"0 STEEL MOUNTING 2-7/8"0 STEEL MOUNTING 02" KNOCK OUT . PIPE WITH MANUFACTURER'S PIPE WITH MANUFACTURER'S TITLE: (TYP. OF 2) ° HARDWARE HARDWARE ANTENNA INFORMATION I o_....._...-... DIPLEXER MOUNTING DETAILS TRIPLEXER MOUNTING DETAILS AND EQUIPMENT DETAILS 00 `--= ---°--- +' • DATE: 10/04/22 .-N PROJECT NO: 22-15255 � I 1 DRAWN BY: TJ 1'" € z CHECKED BY: BS '` SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: PA If T C/`� I T I CONTRACTOR TO A MAEN'T DETAILS A 2"=1 '-0" CONFIRM CABINET WIDTH 4 EOUIP" 10 . 00- SCALE: 1/2"=V-0" SCALE: 1"=V-0"'-0" 3'-0„ 120'-0"f AGL ,. T.O. VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA CAVITY o 0 0 0 0 ,\' � e\\ \ Aw • 2A 2A —i0 —10 %70, `4 Nve A R C H I T E C T S 1 17'-3"± AGL T.O. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS 121 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SETAUKET, NY 11733 P. 631.689.8450 1 F. 631.689.8459 1 www.wfcaia.com Li ( ) 3 NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS AND MOUNTING BRACKETS, TYP. SEE PAGE 1/-A-101 FOR MORE INFORMATION wrC 1 15'—O"± AGLL OF NEW VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS z O CONSULTANT: N olf Ld EXISTING CONCEALMENT POLE RF COMPATIBLE > COVER 3: w z 0 I (6) EXISTING DIPLEXERS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (3) NEW TRIPLEXERS WITHIN 0 EXISTING CONCEALMENT POLE, TYP. ACTUAL MOUNTING LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED IN THE FIELD. SEE PAGE 4/A-101 FOR MORE NO. DATE SUBMISSION INFORMATION 0 10/05/22 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 1 10/14/22 REVISED PER ATTORNEY COMMENTS ,,611 0'-0"f AGL o 0 0 0 0 2 10/17/22 ISSUED FOR FILING 8.0. VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA CAVITY ELEVATION '1 A' NO. DATE REVISION KEY PLAN: ° ® 0 D ° (3) NEW MX14FIT465-01 ANTENNAS -----.ice.! ---�- ol 3'-0" r AREA OF WORK \ EXISTING RF CONCEALMENT PANELS s 1 I qtp sEoro � i R EXISTING MAST PIPE MATTITUCK RELO PLAN '2A' LS6 UPGRADE VZW PROJECT ID: 16275608 1A —10 1000 PIKE STREET, MATTITUCK, NY 11952 ALL BRACKETS & MOUNTING HARDWARE SHOWN TITLE: FOR COORDINATION PURPOSES ONLY. ALL BRACKETS & MOUNTING HARDWARE, ETC., ARE TO BE CONFIRMED IN FlELD BY OTHERS. ANY ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS DISCREPANCIES SHALL IMMEDIATELY BE BROUGHT TO THE ARCHIITECTS' ATTENTION. DATE: 10/04/22 PROJECT NO: 22-15255 DRAWN BY: TJ CHECKED BY: BS SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: 02eOO A � ETArLsT OU T SCALE = 1 "=V-0" - - .a 1