HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOORES LANE THIS AG~EE~T, made the 2~th d ay of November, 1914, between ~,YDIA G. DUBOIS, of Mattituek, in the Town of S~thold, ~ounty of ~uffolk snd State of New YOrk, party of the~first part, and OEORQE H. FLEET, as Town ~uperintendent of Hlg~ays, of the Town of ,%uthold, aforesaid, party of the second part, ~ITNE~$ETH, FIRST: The said LYDIA O. DUBOIS, in consideration of the p~omlse of the ssld Oeorge H. Fleet, ~s ~own ~perinte of Highways aforesaid, hereinafter contained doth hereby promise and agree to and with the said O'IORGE H. FLEET, as Town Superintendent of Hig~ays, as aforesaid, that she will upon payment of the money as hereinafter Promised and ~eed upon by hi~, make and deliver to the Town of 2OUthOld, a good and sufficient release of all dameges awarded to her in s proceeding to lay out a certain highway in said which has been su~reyed and is described as follows: The Easterly line thereof to commence at a point on the SoUtherly side of the 01d Kin~ 's Highway, on the las~ of Stu~ E. Moore, diatan~ ~51.2 ~eet Westerly frcgo the next Easterly ROadstone on s~id King's Highway; add thence running South 1e West 2~5.? feet; thence SOUth 4° West 1~15.? fe~t; thence SOUth 1o East 5S1 feet; thence South 1~o 15' ~Test ,0256 feet thence South ~o Eas~ 271 feet to Nmv .~uffolk Avenue, wktch said Highway is to be of the width of 3 rods and passes through the several lands of Stuart H. Moore, Lydia O. DUBols, Fred~lck G. Mulford and ~kham ~ase and thr~ gh lands occupied under lease by the North Fork Company. SE~0ND: In consideration whereof the Said Oeorge H. ~'leet as Town Superintendent 'of Highways of the Town of ~OUthold, aforesaid, doth hereby Promise and ~ree to and with .he sald Lydia G. DuBols, that he Wlll on or be,~?ore the 1st ,~Y of February, 1915, pay to the Sald Lydla O. D~Bols, the mira of $~00.00 awarded to her by the Oom,?l:~sloners in the O · · · proceeding to o~en and lay out Said Hlghv~y. It is mtUally agreed and understood by and between the p~ties hereto that this agreement is made subject to the condition that no legal interposition of any kind occurs preventing the said Town Superin~endent of HighwaYs from f~lfilling the sense. IN WITNE2~ ~,FHEREOF,..the said Parties have hereunto' set their hanis and seals the d~y and yea~ first above written, two duplicates of this agreement of Which this is one.. ~.'vw.~ uz ~Oll~hOl~o tare f.'New Yo~, ) 88.~ ~o~nty of ~Affolk, ) ~d ' 'On this ay of Norther, 1914, ~efore me Pe~na~y came LYDIA G. D~OI~ a~ GEORGE H. PLE~T, ,Otb in t~ To~ of S~hold, County of ~U~olk and ~tate ,f NewY~k, Personally km~n to me and known to me to ~e he s~e PS,sons described in and who executed the foreEolng instant; a~ th~ d~y and ~ver~lly acknowledg~ to me ~hat they executed the s~. ' oounty Court - ~uffolk County, N.Y. In the Matter of the Application of GEORGE B. OOREY, to Lay out a Mighway at Cutchogue, in the Town of Eouthold, and the Assessment of Damages therefor. DECISION 0P :SlONERS IN FAVOR APPLiOATION. The undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Suf- folk County, dated the first day of August, 1914, on the App]~ cation of GEORGE B. COREY, having been appointed Cow~tesionerE to determine and certifF as to the necessity of laying out opening a highway at Cutchogue, in the Town of southold, in the county of ~uffolk, to be three rods in width, and to exto te~d from the Southerly side of the Old King, s Highwaynear the Golf Club House, in Cutehogue, in said TOwn, and rmnning ix: a Southerly ~i~ectio~ to New Suffolk Avenue, near the residence of Stuart H. Moore, fOllowing the line of a private road, whl¢h proposed highway will pass thromgh the lands of Stuart the lands late of Rebecca J. F~nuing, deceased, now of Lydia G. Du Bols, Frederick G. Mulford and WickhSma Case, which has bean surveyed and is described , as follows: The Easterly line thereof to oommeaee at a point on the Southerly side of the 01d King's Highway on the laud of H. Moore, distant $51.~ feet Vesterly from the next Easterly i~oad stone on said King's Highway; and thance l~mning ~outh :1° West, 285.? feet; thence South 4° West, ~050.4 feet; thenc( South 1~ EaSt, 5~1 feet; thence South 18~ 1~' West, ~.58 feet" thence South $* East. ~?? feet to New-SuffOlk Avenue, the Wes~ erly line to be perallel thereto and three rods distant there- from, and to assess the damages~to be caused b~ reason of lay- ing out and opening such highway: Now, therefore, We, 'the said Oo~ssioners having give~ due ~otice of the time and place at,,whi~h we would meet, and all having met at the Hall of ~ldsmith & Tuthill, at Cutehogm~, in said town, on Wednesday, the 1~, daf of August, 1914, at 10 o' clock, in t~:o £oremoo~ of that d~y, pursuant to such no- tice, and having taken the constitutional oath of office, and ~n proof of the service and posting of the notice ~y the Appli ca~t, p~rsuant to § 195 of the Highwa~ Law, and having viewed /the proposed highway and the lands through which it is propo- sed to be laid out and opened ~ld having personally examined the D~lghway described in the application and having he.vd all the allegations and proofs of the Town ~uperintende~t of High- eays and of the ~mPe~visor of the Town of Southold, and of the Applicant and other parties interested in the application who appeared before us , and the evidence of all the witnesses pro- luced, do hereby and thereupon certif~ , that in o~r opinion, i~t is necessar~ and proper that the ~ighway be laid out and ~pened pursuant to the said Application of GEORGE B. ~OREY, dated the 7. day of JUly. 19!4, ~nd ~the consent of the Town ~oard of the Town of Eouthold. thereto subscribed, bearing date ~he same day, and we have assessed the damages required to be assessed by reason of laying out and opening such highwa~,~ fOl- LOws: The damages of Frederick R. ~ulford, at $ TbS damages of Lydia G. and we hereby further certify tha~ the probable costs of lay- ing out and completing the proposed highway, in o~r opinion based upon the evidence given before us on the hearings will At a Term of the OountM Court of ~uffol~ 0ounty, held at the County Court House, at the Village of Riverhead, in said Oounty, on the 14. day of September, Present: HON. ~0HN R. VUNK, County Judge. - X In the Matter of the Application of ~EORGE B. OOZY, Order Confirmir~ Decision of Commiss~ lay out_a hlgh~rJay at Cuteho~ue, in loners. he Town or Southold, and the Assess- : ment of the Damages therefor. X on reading aWd filing the Decision of JO~ERH M. BEL~oRD ROBERT ~. PENNEY and J. HARRY BROW~, Commissioners in the abc-ce entitled matter, dated the 31, day of August, 1914, S/id the Certificate of GEORG~ H. FLEET, Esq., Town ~Uperlntende~t of H~ghw~ys of the To~;rn of SOUthold~ b~aring date the 2, day of September, 1914, by which it appears that in their opinion it is necessary and Proper that the highway be laid out end opened PUrsuant to the Said ApPlioatlon of GEORGE B. CORNY, d~ted July ?~ ~915, in the abo~e entitled P~oceedlng, a~d assessing the d~mages by reason of laying out and opening SUch hlgh,/~ay, as follows: The damsges of FRED;URIuE R. ~ULFORD, at $300.00, The damages of LYDIA O. DUEoI$, at $300.00, and certifying that the Probable costs of lsYing out and completing Proposed highway Will be $~50.00; and on Proof of due service of Notice of this Me,ion and copies of said Decision and Certificate on FREDERIOK R. WJLFORD and LYDIA G. DUBOI~, GEORGE H. FLEET and HENRY A. REEVES, and on motion Sf JESSE L. CASE, ESQ., Counsel for the Petitioner and on reading the oaths of said cor~Issloners and Proof o~' the l~Osting and aerviee of Notice of the Meeting of said ~om- missioners, ~d of the hearing before t~lem, it is hereby 0 R D E R E D that the said DeclsloIl[be and the same is hereby oollfirmed, with costs to the Petitioner allowed at $50.00 PZfty Doll~. Enter John R. V~nk County Judge. STATE OF NEW YORK, County of Suffolk, i ss: I, JAMES F. RICHARDSON, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court of Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the annexed copy 01::~) ~:~ O~ OOMMISSIO~m~S, RE application o~ GEORGE B. 00REY to lay out a highway &e,with originn.1 file~ Sept. and that it is a just and true copy of such O ~* ~.g~-]2~,~. ~ and of the whole thereof. ~n ~¢Btl~O~l~ ~9¢~0~ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Oeun%y leurt, Suffolk 0eunty, N.Y. In the Matter of the Applicatien of GEORGE B. 00REY, te Lay out a Highway a% Outche~ue, in the Town of Seutheld, and tho Assessment ef Damages therefor. : RELEASE 0P THE : NORTH.~0RK COMPANY. -X- THE NORTH PORK ~0MPANY, a demos%lc ce~peratie~ erg~nisedI and doing business umder the laws ef the State ef New Yerk, whese principal place ef b~sinesz is at Outchegue, in the Tew~ ef ~eutheld, 0eunty ef Suffolk and State ef New York, for a~d in consideration ef the sum ef ONE DOLLAR, %e it in ha~d paid by GEORGE H. SLEET, Tem~ Superintendamt ef Highways ef the Town ef Eeutheld, in the 0eunty ef ~uffelk and State ef New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , does hereby OONSENT that a highway be laid out and opened across lands eccupied by said corporation ~mder lease, at Outchegue, in the said Town' ef Eeutheld, which has been surveyed and is describ~,d as fellows: The E~sterly end thereof to co~ence at a point on the Southerly side of the Old King's Highway, e~ the land ef Stu- art H, Moore, distant z~l.~ feet Westerly frem the next Eas~-! erly road .stone on said King's Highway; and thence running ~euth 1° West, 285.? feet; thence South 4o West, 20~0.4 fee~; %he, ce South 1° Eas%, 551 fee%; thence South 18° 1§' West, ~ feet; thence South 8° East. ~?? feet to New Euffelk Ave~ hue, which said highway is to be of the width of three reds and will pass through the several lands of Stuart H. Moore, Lydia G. Du Beis, Frederick Mulford, and Wickham ease, and through lards occupied under lease by %he ~aid North Fork A~d the said NORTH ~ORK OO~AN~ does hereby RELEASE the !said Town ef Southeld from all damages by reason of %he layin= 'out aud opening ef such highway %hreeugh and ever the premises i and lands occupied by the NORTH PORK OOMPANY under lease as ageresaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc said NORTH FORK O0~,~ANY has caused its cerperatc seal ~e bo hereunto to bo signed by its ~%~ ,1914. affixed, a~d this BELEASE President this ~ day ef THE NORTH FORK 00MPANY, L, S. ) President. State ef Now York,! ~o~%y ef Suffolk.~E$: ~ ~ ~ . On this ~ day ef ~Y~, 19/14, gue, in the Ceun~y of Suffelk and State ef New Yerk, personally knewn t, mc , whe bping ~¥ ~e~duly swern, did depese aRd say that he resided at ~~uff~l~~ Oe~uu~y, New Yerk; tha~ he was President of th~ NSRTH FOE~ COMPANY, th~ csrpe- ! ratiem described in amd which executed the abeve Lnstr~e~; that he k~ew the cerperate meal ef said NORTH FORK O0~ANY; that the seal affixed te the abev3 instrume~% is such cerpe- rate seal ~nd was se affixed by erder ef %he beard of Direc%- ers ef said NORTH FORK ~0MPANY and that he signed h~s mame therete, as --~ Presiden% ef said NORTH PORK COM~ANY by like erder. ~ % ~~ ~ 0eunty 0curt - ~uffelk 0e~uuty, N.Y. In the Mattel- ef th~ ^pplicatien ef GEORGE B. ~O~EY, %e Lay eu~ a Highway a~ Outchegue, ~ the Te~ ef Eeutheld, ~d the Asses~em~ ef D~ages therefer. eld, RELEAEE ef ~TUART H. MOORE. I, ~TUART H~ MOORE, ef Outch~ue, in the Tewm ef Seuth- Oe~u~ty ef Eu£felk ~ud Etate ef New Yerk, fer and in cern-! sideratie~ ef the sum ef ONE DOLLAR, te me lm ha~d paid by GEORGE H. FLEET, Tewn ~uperintendent ef Highways ef the Tew~ ef Eeutheld, in the Ceumty ef Suf~elk and ~ta~e ef New Yerk, the receipt whereef is hereby acknewledged, De hereby ~ONSENT ~hat a highway De laid eut and epened acress my premises a~ Outchegue, in the said Tew~ ef ~eutheld, which has Deem s~-~- veyed and is described as fel!ews-' The Easterly line thereof te cemmence at a pei~t em the Eeutherly sid~ ef the Old KinE' ~ H~ghway em my land diet~n~ $~1~ feet Westerly frem the next Easterly read s%e~e en said King' s Highway; a~d thence l~ntni~g Seuth 1o West, ~8~.? feet; thence Seuth ~o West, ~O~O.A feet; thence ~euth 1° East, ~$1 feet; thence ~euth 18o W~, l~'Ves%, 2~8 feet; thence Eeuth ~ East, ~?? feet te New ~uffelk Avenue, which said highwa~ is ~e be ef the width ef three reds amd will pass th~eugh the several lands ef ~tuart H. Meets, Lydia G. Du Beis, ~rederiekl Mulferd, a~d WIckham Oase and threugh lands eccupied unde~ lease by the Nerth Ferk Oempa~y, And I de hereby RELEAEE the said Tewa ef ~eutheld f~em all damages by rease~ ef the laying eut ~ud epeninE ef such highway threugh my premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunte set my h~d and seal this 12, day Etate of Now Yerk, I ~ ~.unty of Euff~lk. S9: On this ~k~day of Augus%, 1914, before me personally came ETUART H. MOORE, of Cutchegue, ~f- folk ~tu%ty, New York, persenally knowm ~e me amd known to me to be the same person n~med and described in the f~rsEoinE instrument and who executed the same; and he duly acknowled- ged te me ~hat he ex°outed %he same'~F ~,~~ Oeu~ty Court - ~uffelk Oeunt7, N.Y.. In the Matter ef the Appliceation ef G~.ORGE B. COREY, to Lay eut a Highway at Cutchegue, in %he Tew~ of Seutheld, and the Asses~ent of Damages therefor. REI.EAEE OF WI CKHA~,[ CASE. I, WICKHA~{ CASE, ef Cutchegue, i~ the Tewm of Seutheld, County ef Suffolk ~nd State ef New Yerk, for a~din censider- atie~ ef the sum ef 01~ DOLLAR, ge me im hand paid by GEORGE H. FLEET, Town ~uper~tendent ef Highways ef the Town ef South- eld, i~ the County ~f Suffolk and State ef New York, the re- ceipt whereef is hereby acknowledged, de hereby CONSENT tha$ a highwa~ be laid out and opened across my premises at cheEu®, im the s~id Town ~f Seutheld, which has been s~trveyed and is described, as fellows: The Easterly line thereof tecemmence at a point on the Southerly side ef the Old King's Highway, en the land ef ~tu- art H. Moore, distant $51.~ feet Westerly f~em She mext East- erly road stene en said King,s Highway; a~d thence running South 1o Nas~, ~85.? feet; thence S~uth 4° West, 2050.4 feet; · thence Seuth 1o East, 5~1 feet; thence S~uth 18° 15' West, ~256 feet; thence S~uth 8° East, 277 feet te New ~uffelk Ave- ~ue, which said highway is te be ef the width ef three reds and will pass tlureugh the several la~ds of Stuart H. Moore, Lydia G. Du B,is, Frederick Mulford, and Wickham Case, and through lands occupied ~der lease by the North Perk Oenrpany. ~.~d I de hereby RELEASE the said Town ef Seutheld from all damages by reason ef the laying out and ~penin~ ~f such high?ay tl~ugh my premises. IN WITNESS V~EPEOF, have hereun%e set ::~ hand and seal t this 12. day ef August, 1914. ~%ate ef New Y~rE,I Oeunty ®f Su£felk. On this day e£ August, 19141, befere me persenally c~me WIOKHAH C~S~, ef Outchegue, l!Oeunty, Ne~ Y~r~, persenally ~nev~n t~ me and ~ne~n te me te thc same persen decribed in and whe ~xecuted the feregeing ira- i strument; and he duly acknewledged te m~ that he executed the tho Matte~ of ~h~ Appiioat2o~o~ GEORGE B. COREY, ;o lay out a Highway ~t ~,utchogn~e, .n the Town of 90uthold, and the '.-----.~.- ~--~--, . · . --'--,_._, ., AGREEMENT FOR RELEASE BY LYDIA G. DU BOI~. ~:-'-:-:-'-'-'-:-:-:' . , ..... : : : : .'-:-:--.. Release ef Damages b~ Wiekham Case. Jesse L. Oase, Esq., Attorney fer Applicant, Seu%held, Suffelk Oe., N.Y. In the Mat~er ef She Applima%ien ei ~EORGE B. COREY, Lay eU% a Highway a% Outchegue, %he Tewn ef ~eu~held, and the Asssssmen~ ef Damages %herefer. Release ef Damages by Nerth Fete Cempany. Jesse L. ~as$, Esq., Atter~ey fer Applicant, ~eutheld, Euffelk Ce., N.Y. ~unty ~urt- Suffolk O~unty, In tho 1,{~tter ef tho Application GEORGE B. COREM, te Lay eut a HiEhwa¥ at Outchegue, in the Tev~ ef Ssuth~ld, a~d the Ass~smuent ef Da~mg~s th~rof~r. Reieasm ef DmnaEes by Josse L. Cas~, Esq., Attsrney fsr Applicant, Seuth$1d, Sufz~L~ N.Y. In ~;he },latter of t~_. AI0t. lieation o~ GEORGE B. COREY, to lay out a hishway at Cutchogn~e, in the T~vn of ~outhold, and the Assessment of D~ages Jesse L. ORes, Esq., Attorney for Petitione~, ~out ~L1, ~ff olk / ¥/,.-/ Oo'un%¥ Oot~t - ~uffo]k Ooun%¥, ~,¥,. In the Matter of the Application of'i GE 0,RGE B. to Lay out a Highway at Cutchogue, i~ ,~.the Town 9f Eouthold, and the Asses?, DECI~ION OF 00MMIEEIONERE IN FAVOR OF APPLICATION. Jesse L. Case, Esq. At~or~e~ fo~ Applice//t, 8outhold, Su££olk