HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoundview Ave West'3, / ~..'~ TIII$INDIT. A~I1JRF.,, made the I~9 day of Sanuarv , nineteen hundred and sixty-seven BETWY.~ HENRY J, SMITH and STELLA 5, I. SMITH, his wife. both residing at Hobinson Lane, Peconic, New York, part)' of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having an office at 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, party of the second part, wrrNre,~k-rH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ~ that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the building~ and improvements thereon erected, situate, lyingand being ~ at Peconic, in the Town (4 Southold, Suffolk County, New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly tine of Mill Road, also known as Mill Lane, which point of beginning is the following two courses and distances along said southerly side of Mill Road from a monument set on said southerly side of Mill Road at the southeasterly boundary line of land now or formerly of Peter Sienk, to wit: (1) South 63 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East 52.50 feet; thence (2) South 77 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East 335.50 feet; from said point of beginning running thence along land now or formerly of Mrowka Estate South 8 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds West 10.02 feet to the northeasterly corner of lands conveyed or about to be conveyed by the Long Island Lighting Company to the T,,~'. ,f :;~,~,;h, dd. the part3 .)f the second par~ hereto; running thence along land last rnentioned South 65 degr~¢es 17 minutes' 10 seconds West 59;:~ feet; ~'unning thence through lands of the parties of the first part herein North 8 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds East 45. 78 feet to said southerly lithe of Mill Road; running thence along said southerly line of Mill Road South 77 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East 50. 11 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGI~-TtIER. with all right, title and iuterest, if an)', of the part',- of the first part in and t, any streets and roads ahutting the almve descrihed premises to the ceuter lines the'reof; T()t ;I'/I'HER wi~h the appurtenances and all the estate ami rights (,f the party ]'lOLl) the I re ui.vs herein granted unto the party of fl~e second part, the heirs or successm ~ and assigns of the party r~f the second part forever. AND tl,c i,arty of the first Ixtrt covenants that the party of the first part lms not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ' AND the party of the lirst part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien l.aw. c~wenants that the part)' of the lirst part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hoM the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fired to be applied first {or the purpose ~f paying the cost of the improvement and will avply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement be/ore using any part of the total of the ~ame for any other purpose. The w'ord Ixartv. ' shall be construed as if it read 'part'es' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. written.IN ~ Wl-lr:,l~OiV~ the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above IN PRESENCE OF: Stella M. Smith STATE OI~NIW ¥OItK' COUNT¥OI~ ~m q~lK~ ss, f STA~yO~,C~ On the ~) of January 19 67 . ~for,. tne~ On the ~y of 19 &fore me personally ~me ' ~ ~rsonally c~e ' HENRY J. SMITH and STELLA M. ~MI'FH to me known to be the individual described in and who [ to me known to & the ~lndlvidual de~ri~ in and w~ executed the fort'going instrun ent. a.,I ackno~dedged t~t~ extmuted the foregoing instrument, and ack~wledged t~ they executed the ~me. ex~t~ ~e ~me. Notary Public ST&TE O! NI~V YORK. COU~ITy O~ On the day of 19 , before meI On the day of personally came ! personally came 19 . before me to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing Instrument. with sa), that he resides at No. I whmn I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly that he is the ; ! sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. of ' that he knows · the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument: that he to be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed I described in and who executed the foregoing instrument: to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so i that he, said suhscrib[n~ wimess, was present and saw , affixed by. order of the board of directors of ~aid corpora- ! execute the same: and that he: -aid w~tncss, tion, and that he sig~ed h name thereto by like order ! -~t the same time subscribed h name a~ w:tne,~s thereto. HENRY J. :';MITH 'S'F E LLZk ' M. SMfTH lO 'I'()WN OF .'~{)l TH()I.I) 'lite 'iI'ILE GUAR,4.X'IEE Robert %. Taske. r,.Esq. 425 Main Street (;reenpot t, New Yc)t-k COf4SULT YO4/R LAWYER Sll~EI SiCleNG TMIS INSTIS/MINT--TNSS INSTSUM~4T SHO4/LD BI USB) g V' ~.d~V/YERS GNLY. / 'THIS I]~ made the ~' d~y o~ ~ hu~dre4 and S! x ' RKTWEE~ LONG ISLAND LIGHTTN~ COMPANY. having its principal place of business at 250 01d Country M~r, eola. Nassau County, New York, ii pa~y of the 6tat pert. ami TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corpora~ '~ ~ n orqanized !{unUer the laws of the State of New Yo~k and having its pr~n~[ al p". ~ of bus,ness a~ 16 Sou~ Street. Gr~enDort. Suffolk C~, ~ty New Yor' ~ party ot the second pm% ',! WITNF.~SEFHs that .the party of the fir.s~ .p~n, in couslderatio~ oi ten dollars paid by the party ot the second ~ p~rt, does hereby remtse, rele~s~ and qmtcta,m onto the party of the seco~l p~rt, the heirs or ,ucces~or~ ~nd i ~sslgns of the party of the ~cond p~rX forever, r! ~ Al~ that cermln pkU, ~e~e o, ~rcel of land. ' ' :]l~lmll~]Mq~g]E~ situate. :t lyingand beingl~Ol~ at Fe. ~q~ ', Town or' $outhold, Oounty of' Sufio x~. F~atc iof N~,~ ': ,~k, boundeo an Jescmibed as follows: iBegirm.:,. ~ monumeng set on the southerly side of' Mill Road (Lane) :where salG southerly side of Mill Road (Lane) lB intersected by the Sou%neasCer.i'v [~o,]ndal'~ of land now or fo~erly of :thence: South ~: ~egrees ~ minutes ~ 8eco~8 ~st, along said southerly sld~: Mill Road (Lane), a distance of 52.50 feet to a "poln:; runnlr~ thence Sou~h 77 Oe~ees 5~lnu~es ~, seconds ~s~, ~s~ll alo~ saiO southerly side of M~I] Road ~e), a ]lstanoe of 335.~ feet ~o a pain%; runni~ ~hence Sou~h 20 seconds West, a distance of 10.O2 fee~ ~o a po~nt, which poln~ RUNNING THreE South 8 degrees 14 minutes 20 of 59.59 fe~e~to~a_j~Olr~t~_ ._ . --_~ _ seconds West, a distance RUNNING T~CE South 65 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds West; a distance of 554.08 feet to a point; RUNNINOTHENCE North ~2 degrees 12 minutes ~0 seconds West, of 52.43 feet to a poin~; 'RU~ING THENCE North 65 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds East, of 602.25 feet to the POI]~T OR PLACE 0R BEGINNING. a distance a dtsta~e This conveyance iS not a sale of all or substantially all of t~ co~orate assets and is made in the regular course of the business 'actuallyconducged by the party of =he first ~art. TOGETH~ ~ ~ ~G4K. ~ iud ima~st, ~ ~y, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~K ~ in ~ m ~y ~ ~ ~d~~. It bel~ the indention of the ~a~ty of t~ first part to co~ve~ &ll l~lnd for highway purposes and all the estate ther~,$n t.~at it. ma~ ~... ~a~m~~ ~ m ~of ~ ~ ~ of t~ ~ ~ ~ ~y t~ ~ fl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~v~m ~f~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ m~ of ~ m for any o~ ~ ~e woM "~' ~1 ~ ~ u ~ it r~ "~i~" ~ t~ ~ o{ t~ ind~tm M ~i~. w~ (sea ) Attest~ : LONG ISLAND LIGHTINO OOI~ANY 'm mm, i~ lO III .~e ~ described in and who ami admowledled that I executed the fotegoJag il~trumeat, end admowiedl~d tilm elllelle~'~"~a~ '~, delctJbed in ami who i to .ne knoym to be the individ, l] ~o i tl~t dir/~ors of s~d corpora- nan~ ,~ter~o by 1~ order, at t~ ~e time su~ h ~ ~s ~m~ t~to, RECORDED '