HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-05/19/1960 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert ~¢/. Gillispie, Jr., Chairm~n Robert Bergen Herbert Rosenberg Charles Gregonis, .Jr. Ser~¢ Doyen, Jr. Southold Town Board o£ 4ppeals SOUTHOLD, L. m., N. Y. Telephone SO 5-26~0 Southold Town Board of Appeals May 19, 1960 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held 7:30 P.M., Thursday, May 19t 1960 at. the Town .Clerk Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. There were present: Messrs. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman, Robert Bergen, Herbert Rosenberg, CharlesGrigonis, Jr., and. Serge Doyen, Jr. Also present: Mr. Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:30 P.M. , Appeal No. 273 - Upon appli- cation of Frank W. Abrams, Jr., for a special exception in accordance with the ZoningOrdinance, Article IV, Section 408, for permission to erect andmaintain two (2) additional advertising signs on the premises located on the south side Middle Road and west side Youngs Avenue, Southold, New York. Fee paid $15.00. .'I'Ve Chairman.opened the hearing by reading application for a special exception, legal notice of hearing and affidavit attest- ing to its publication in the official newspaper. Southold Town Board of Appeals -2- May 19, 1960 THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone presentwho wishes to speak for this application? MR. FRANKW. ABRAMS, Jr., a/c Southold Garden &.Service Center, Middle Road and YoungsAvenue, Southold, New York: .I don't know of anything further than what has been noted right in the application. I have a picture of what the sign will look like. It will be a panel sign. The ESSO sign advertising the gas station is there, but there is nothing that advertises the fact there are plants there other than the building itself. I thought that these two signs would serve the purpose~ one on each road and it would give people an idea of what. we have there to sell. THE CHAIRMAN: The signs on the side walls are very good. They indicate a garden a~d service center and also the fact the shrubs are there. But what you are indicating is plants, is that right~ MR. ABRAMS: Yes, this would advertise what is available at certain times, like fertilizer and shrubs, and the panels can be changed between seasons, THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak for this application? MR. TERRY: There are actually two businesses being conducted on those premises. THE CHAIRMAN: We can see that you can hardly use a standard ESSO sign to advertise plants. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to ask any further questions? I understand you are going to mount these signs on wooden posts, one on each side? MR. ABRAMS: Yes, and the panels are inter-changeable. SoUthold Town Boardof Appeals -3- May 19, 1960 Resolution was offered by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Bergen, and carried, WHEREAS application of Frank W. Abrams, Jr., having been considered at Public'Hearing No. 273 on May 19, .1960~ and the Board finding thatthe public convenience and welfare and justice will be'served and.the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property will .not be substantially or permanently injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed, therefore be it .RESOLVED that the application be granted.as applied, for, for the erection and maintenanceof two additional advertising signs on the premises of the Southold Garden andService Center, south sideMiddle Road and west side Youngs Avenue, Southold, New York. Signs to'be located no closer, than five feet from any property line and subject to revocation for cause. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. GillisPie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Grigonis, and Mr. Doyen. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:45'P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Appeal No. 274 - Upon application or'Charles Corniburt, a/c Island's End Golf and Country Club, Inc., for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, .Subsection 11, for permission to erect~and maintain an advertising sign on the premises on north side Main Road (Route 25), Greenport, New York, leased by applicant, bounded north by lands of.applicant, eastby Browns Cabins, south by Main Road, and west byW. Critchlow and applicant. Fee paid $15.00. The Chairman opened the hearingby reading application ~for a special exception, legal notice of hearing and affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper. The Board did not require a property owners letter of permission because the Golf and Country Club is the lessee of the premises. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present.who wishes to speak for this application? HE. ARTHUR LEVINE, Greenport, New York: I wish to speak for the application on behalf of Mr. Corniburt who is unable to attend tonight. $outhold Town Board of Appeals -4- May 19~ 1960 THE CHAIRMAN: Who is the owner of the property in question? MR. LEVINE: Floyd King. and Ernest~Wiggins, both ~of whom have taken up memberships and bought bonds. THE CHAIRMAN: This sign would actually'be located on the propertyof Ernest~Wiggins? MR. LEVINE: No, immediately to the west.of Brown's Cabins on the property of Floyd King which is the property on the road. I believe the propertywe leaSed from Wiggins does .not touch, the road. The reason we are so particularly anxious to put'up this sign is that the First National Bank of GreenPQrt'is underwriting the cost of the sign as being the only permissible way the bank can help us out. They cannot contribute or buy a bond but they can sponsor this sign with a credit line on it and have the bank- ing officials.approval. This is going to be more of a sign to point out the location of the course'and solicit the membership and once the membership is established the sign will be taken down and replaced by a smaller sign. MR. BERGEN; Is this going to be a private club? MR. LEVINE: Nominally this is to be a private club because this is the only way we can get the project,off the ground. But since it is a .private club we are anxious to get as many members as possible. There Will be associate members, also. T~E CHAIRMAN: I note in the prospectus the tax status item which says, "In the opinion of~our accountants, this Corporation will be exempt from Federal Income Taxes. (Weare in the process of obtaining a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service)." Would that be on the basis that this is to be a non-profit organization? MR. LEVINE: That'sRight. (The Chairman .discussed withMr. Levine the tax status question and the sale of bonds.) THE ~ CHAIRMAN: of the property? What arrangement do you have with the owner Southold Town Board ~of Appeals May 19, 1960 MR. LEVINE: We have a 25 year lease, plus 25 renewals, plus an option to buy if and when the owner is ready to sell. We have first refusal at the end of the lease. We have the right to buy the property at a fair market value. THE CHAIRMAN: How much land is involved? MR. T~VINE: 110 acres. We also have-an option or'spoken agreement for about 40 acres more. THE CHAIRMAN: How much land belongs to Wiggins? MR. LEVINE: Of the 100 or 110 acres'Wiggins owns about 30 andKing owns the remainder. THE CHAIRMAN: Mostof the land would be'north of the road, is that right? None would belong to Corniburt? MR. LEVlNE: Presentlynone belongs to Mr. Corniburt. THE CHAIRMAN: The purpose of this club is to provide recreational facilities for the area and for guests in the area? MR~ LEVINE: Yes, that is correct. Also property owners in the area and people who wish to buy homes in the area will probably be attracted by the club. THE CHAIRMAN: What are the real estate taxes on the property? MR. LEVINE: The first year.we are paying $500 to Mr. King. I don't know what the taxes are. After we get going we will pay a rental plus the taxes. THE CHAIRMAN: How many members are there .at the present time? MR. LEVINE: We have 51 bonds at this time but some of then are multiples. We actually have 40 bond holders. 100 bond hot,ers will start the ball rolling. That will make a pledge of~ $50,000. There will be 300 members when the club is underway. THE CHAIRMAN: Are you g~ing to~' build a club house? MR. LEVINE: -Originally we were going to have the old Fordham house, but it was sold, now~ are going to use the old Prince dwelling for club facilities, offices, etc. We are then going to $outhold Town BoardOf Appeals -6- May 18, 1960 build a snack bar and locker room. The barn in the back of the property will be for the equipment. (The Chairmanfurther discussed the Prospectus with Mr. Levine with reference to the expenses of the club. There was also discussion with reference to the operation'of the Gardiners Bay Country Club, Inc. at Shelter Island.and the North Fork-Country Club atCutchogue.) THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone else presentwho wishes to speak for this application? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRMAN: Is thereanyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) THE CHAIRMAN: Are there any questions members of the Board would like to ask? MR. ROSENBERG: Is this lease in force noW? MR, LEVINE: Yes. MR. ROSENBERG: Are you familiar .with the application of ~a corporation? What right that it gives you? Does it give you the right to have a bar? MR. LEVINE: All of the activities that wouid go with a club. MR. ROSENBERG: Private club or club? MR. LEVINE: What is the differences MR. ROSENBERG: A private club is not operated for a gain. MR. LEVINE: No, it will not be operated for a gain. not serve meals. MR. ROSENBERG: Will. it be open to the public? MR. LEVINE: No. We will Southold Town Board of Appeals -7- May 19, 1960 MR. ROSENBERG: Are the bond holders members or subscribers? MR. LEVINE: There are $500.00 bonds. At presentmost of the bond h~ders intend to become members. They are not members at this time. MR. ROSENBERG: Is the Planning Board familiar with this operation of yours? Is the Town Board familiar with it? MR. LEVINE: Yes, I think the Town Board is. about the Planning Board. I don't know MR. ROSENBERG: What do you mean when you say you think so~ MR. LEVINE: Well, there has been no request from us to them to do anything on that score, but there has been quite a bit of publicity about this. I believe they have heard of it. MR. ROSENBERG: You make the statement now that this is definitely a private club? MR. LEVEE: Yes, definitely. THE CHAIRMAN: like to ask? Are there any other questions anyone else would Mr. Levine, I am not sure you are familiar with the fact the First National Bank of Greenport has been refused an application to advertise the bank. We regard them no differently than.any other advertiser. In theirapplication they said that they were going to put in the words "Welcome to Greenport"~fWe had granted that application it would mean every other bank in the Town of-Southold would be permitted a.sign at each end of the Town and there are two Main Roads. If this sigh you are requesting were permitted it would have to be a good deal smaller than requested for one thing, and I think that Sage Travel Service would be in the same category as the First National Bank and theywould have to be eliminated from the sign. The ex~ct circumstances of how the First National Bank came to have their name on the sign does not make any difference as far as the sign is concerned. MR. LEVINE: I feel that this is a special request for an unusual special occasion. I feel the names of Sage Travel Service Southold Town Board of Appeals -8- May 19, 1960 and the First National Bank are necessary. People might'be driving through and they will want to know where to take up membership and the Sage Travel Service address is very necessary. As far as the bank is concerned, I explained b.efore the reason their name is going to be on there. THE CHAIRMAN: The address and telephone number of Sage Travel Service will be permitted, but the name must be eliminated. '~The Chairman discussed with Mr. Levine further reasons the First National Bank would not be allowed to have their name on the sign.) MR. LEVINE: We feel this club will be a great benefit to the community. It.will bring in a desirable type of.transient'.business. We feel this will be an ecomomic uplift. We will bring people into the area and the living conditions will be improved to a great degree by the money they spend. It is an improvement to the area without~overcrowding. THECHAIRMAN: Now, in myopinion this sign would have to be much smaller to be permitted. It would have to have the words: "'Sage Travel Service and'Tirst National Bank" removed from it. If you make it much smaller your 'club may be able to afford it them- selves. We could notgrant the application as applied for. MR. TRVINE: When you say smaller it will be inadequate. You will note it. is to be set back 30 ft. from the highway. THE CHAIRMAN: The largest sign permitted in.a business area is 6 ft. 6 in. by 12 ft. 6 in. and it may be placed up to 5 ft. from the property line. MR. LEVINE: Also, this sign is a temporary one to point out to the public the tocatiDn of the club. As soon as it has served its purpose it will be taken down. It is not a commercial sign, it is a one-time exceptional sign. This is,not a commercial use, it is public service type of advertising. If we cannot have the sigh as it is applied for we will not be able to put it up.at.all. Resolution was offered by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Rosenberg, and carried, WHEREAS application ofCharles Corniburt, a/c Island's End Golf and Country-Club, Inc. having been considered. at Public Hearing No. 274 on May 19, 1960 and the Board finding that Southold Town Board of Appeals -9- May 19, 1960 the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property will not be substantially or permanently injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed, therefore be it RESOLVED that the application be granted for the construction and maintenance of a temporary sign for one (1) year by the Island's End Golf and Country Club, Inc., subject to renewal for one additional year, no larger than 6 ift. 6 in. by 1~ ft. 6 in. and no closer to any property line than five (5) feet-and four (4) feet from the ground. The wording on the sign is approved as applied for with the exception of the words.: "Sage Travel Service" and "This sign compliments .of. the First National Bank of Greenport," or. any. other commercial or business advertising. Vote of~the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Gillist~ Mr. Bergen, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Grigonis, and Mr. Doyen. PUBLIC HEARING: 8:30 P.M. (E.D,S.T.), Appeal.No. 275 - Upon application of Crabtree-O'Keefe Chevrolet, Inc. (tenant) and Fanning & Housner (owner)~ East-Main Street.and 209 Fishel Avenue, (respectively) Riverhead, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance~ Article IV, Secti0n 400, Subsection 9, for permission to use premises as a public garage. Location of property: North by now or formerly.of Gage~, east by now or formerlyof Gagen, south by Middle Road(~oute 27-A County), and west by-RailroadAvenue~ Southold, New York. Fee paid $15.00. The Chairman opened the hearingby reading application for a specialexception, legal notice of. hearing and affidavit attesting to its publication in the official newspaper. THE CHAIRMAN: I am sure you are all aware an application of a similar nature for the use of this property for a public garage was rejected in.May of 1959 and it.would be impossible, without changes in the Ordinance, for this Board to. grant,an application for a public garage unless there is some difference in circumstances which isn't apparent from the application. I am prefacing the application with those remarks because it.might.assistwhoever might speak for Crabtree and O'Keefe. South01d Town Board of Appeals -10- May 19, 1960 Is there anyone present who wishes to speak for this appli- cation? · THOMAS M, STARK, ESQ., 175 Griffing Avenue, Riverhead, New York: I appear as attorney for boththe applicant, Crabtree- O'Keefe andFanning & Housner who are, respectively, the proposed · tenant and owner.of these premises. I don't believe it is necessary for me to go into a detailed description. I know the Board is quite familiar.with the property in'.connection with the previous application thathas been mentioned. Of ~course, the Board is quite cognizant-of the application of a year ago which was denied by this Board .and are interested in the differences. I have hadan oppor- tunity to examine the Action that is on file. Itis my understanding that the application was to use the premises as a sort of combined business activity. The applicant, wanted to erect gas pumps, do ma3or repairwork inside the premises, body wrecking, auto painting and also wanted to use the premises for the storage of junk and wrecked cars. Th-e Board, I believe, verY properly pointed out that the premises are not suited at-all for a gasoline service station type operation. The particular location of the main building that runs at a slight-angle precludes a gasoline type operation. I would also lik.e to point,out that the contemplated plans of;CrabtreelO'Keefe as tenants.~of this property is to utilize the property solely as.a .sales and service for automobiles and trucks. No contemplated use for gasoline sales and service, nor has permission been requested to put in gasoline-pumps or storage or anything of a similar nature. They have no intention of utilizing these premises for any junk or-wrecked car yard. They plan to do normal automobile servicing in the building of the special exception is granted. They .do not plan to do any body work in the building. All. of that will still be done on their existing premisesat Riverhead. There is no .contemplated use of the build- ing for painting, etc., that goes with a painting 'operation. The area to theeast~of the building which is shown as vacant area will be used for the display of vehicles and trucks, new and/or used, and also the temporary storage of any customer's vehicles being brought down for repair in the shop. 'Crabtree and O'Keefe, my client, is a long established sales .andservice business in RiverheadTown-and known throughout the Town-of Southold. They have felt.and do feel that.in deference to their-customers and general public in the Town of S0uthold which use their facilities in Riverhead, they would like an opportunity to operate a limited agency in Southold. We believe Southold Town Board of Appeals -11- May 19, 1960 this is of.entirely, different circumstances than the application before the Board previously. There were wrecked cars to be stored, general body work inside and outside and painting~ and more importantthey actually contemplated .a regu~r gasoline service station.on the outside of the building. The Board point.out that within one-half or one mile of the premises there were a number of legally established gas stations in use, and this additional one more would be againSt the general welfare of the Town. You also p~inted out in your previous decision that the use of the premises as the previous applicant.asked for would possibly interfere with the widening of the. State or County road. I would also like to point out that the use contemplated by my client would not encroach on the boundaryof the highway. The use would be in.the inside, and outside for display and.storage of customer's vehicles. T~E CHAIRMAN: I understand that the gas station catty-corner had an unusually deep setback because of the possible widening. MR. STARK: Yes. I merely mentioned that~because in your previous decision that.was one of~the facts that affected your decision last'year. THE CHAIRMAN: That was because at that time we had a number of gas station applications within a few weeks. MR. STARK: ! would like to point out that my client is in sympathy and accordwith the Building-.Zone Ordinance, that there should be authority to limit garage and gas stations. We have a situation here and have had for many years, in this particular neighborhood.and on this corner. When it~was being operated by Fanning and Housner there was quite a similar use as is applied for now. There was machinery displayed on the outside and work done on the inside. I do not believe there was any problem there or any objection from the neighborhood, which would guide the Board in this decision. With reference to the gas station across t~e street, there again to emphasize my point, my client does not.wish to do any gas station work, he intends to go into some workingarrangement with Mr. Abrams for oil and gas and I believe he would have the full cooperation of Mr. Abrams in this enterprise. THE CHAIRMAN: If you are not contemplating any of these uses why do you request permission for the operation of a public garage? $outhold Town Board.of Appeals -12- May 19, 1960 MR. STARK: Because any building used for the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.cannot'be operated in the business District. Under Article I, Section 100, Subsection 11 of.the Ordinance the definition of public garage is very.clear. THE'CHAI~: agency? Mr. O'Keefe~ you intend to have ~ervice MR. O'KEEFE: A retail sales outlet. MR. ROSENBERG: With normal repairs? MR.. O'FRRFE: We have quite a few customers down here. You people have seen our business in Riverhead.and this building will be clean and neat. MR. ROSENBERG: How long a lease do you have? MR. STARK: They have a lease with renewal option s in it for up to five years. MR. ROSENBERG: He may terminate at.what time before the five years? MR. STARK: The tenant has first ~option to renew it for a period of four years after the first year. One of the purposes of drawing it that ~way is 'Crabtree and O'Keefe Chevrolet .is naturally cautious in entering'this operation and wants to start-out small in the beginning. THE CHAIRMAN: You used the word automobile lot, would many of your vehicles be stored outdoors, Mr. O'Keefe? MR. O'KEEFE: Yes, they would. THE CHAIRMAN: How many? MR. O ' KEEFE: might be 10. There might be 25, there might be 30, there THE CHAIRMAN: Is there enough room? MR. O'KEEFE: .I would say that depends on the number of cars. (The Board discussed the map appearing in the file with Mr. O'Keefe and Mr. Stark.) Southold Town Board of Appeals -13- May 19~ 1960 THE CHAIRMAN: Are there any other, questions members of the Board~would like to ask? Are there any other remarks you would like to make~ Mr. O'Keefe? Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak for this application? MR. WILLIAM H. HOUSNER, 209'Fishel Avenue, Riverhead, New York: As the owner of the property I can only add a few remarks to what has been a~eady mentioned. I first want to rent to a responsible party thatwill have a clean respectable establishment. I 'am familiar with the operation of the business andshowroom of Crabtree and O'Keefe ~at EastMain.Street, Riverhead, and feel it would be an asset t0 have them here, rather than have the building stay the way it is with broken.windows and so forth. THE CHAIRMAN: This is the entire lot, there will be no additional plans to rent additional land to the east? MR. O'.KEEFE: None that I know of. THE~CHAIRMAN? Mr. Housner, was there anyobjection to the operation of the property by the neighbors or anyone else at the time the John Deere people were there? MR. HOUSNER: None at all. MR. ROSENBERG: Do you recall the date of the last occupancy? MR. HOUSENER: Four to fiveyears. I don't think over five. THE CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone else present,who wishes to speak for this application? Mr. Roland Timm, Pine Neck Road, Southold, Mr. Robert ~Witherspoon, Beixedon.Estates, Southold, Mr. CharlesS. Witherspoon, Hortons Point, Southold, Mr. Alfred Mahler, Cedar Beach, Southold, residents and business associates spoke of the sterling-qualities of the proposed lessees and their capacity to conduct an orderly and efficient businesx. THE'CHAIRMAN: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? (There was no response.) Southold TownBoard of Appeals -14- May 19~ 1960 THE CHAIRMAN: Mr. O'Keefe, would you be in the business of trading used cars at all in this operation? Would you run a used carlot? MR. O'KEEFE: Definitely. MR. ROSENBERG: You put the cars into "O.K." condition before you sell them, is that right? MR. O'KEEFE: That is right. I would.say we sell two used cars to every new car. Ail according to the time of the year. THE CHAIRMAN: One ofthe things that has disturbed this Board is used~car'lots. YOU are in business and you probably enjoy seeing a row of cars, but not everyone does, for a used car lot tends to deteriorate a neighborhood. Anotherthing is wrecks. MR. O'KEEFE: There are /different types of~used car lots. We keep wrecks only as long as it is necessary for the insurance people to make ad~~ustments- THE CHAIRMAN: You.have presented quite .a different proposal from the one that was presented.to us a year ago and I think that our usual procedure here is to make a resolution and vote on it the same night it is presented to us. In this case I think.we ,will want some additional time. We'll perhaps do it later this evening but I am going to suggest we reserve decision on this until we have discussed it more thoroughly. We have a big obligation to be consistent in our decisions and thatis one of the things I am concerned.with. I think you people have presented the proposal very well and clearly and thank you all for coming. Resolution was offered by Mr. Bergen, seconded by Mro Grigonis, and carried, WHE~ applicMtion-of~Crabtree-O'Keefe Chevrolet, Inc. and ,Fanning& Housner having been ~onsidered at Public Hearing No. 275 and the Board of'~ppeals finds the following: From the statements made by the applicants at the public hearing .and from visits to the premises by members of the Board of Appeals, we find the following facts: Southold Town Board of Appeals -15- May 19, 1960 The Board is of the opinion that this application for a special exception differs in three important respects from · ~Appeal No. 169 because: 1. The present action of the Board does not grant.a special exception for the operation of a gasoline service station, nor was one applied for. 2. Appeal No. 169 emphasized the importance cf general garage Work, engine repair, automobile washing, bodyand fender work, automobile spray painting and similar work, and that wrecked.automobiles would be brought upon the premises and remain for some time, thus involving a tendancy to create a junk yard. The present.application byCrabtree-O'Keefe and Fanning & Housner does not contemplate automobile spray painting, major repair work in the open, or the storage of wrecks. 3. The present application is from a..n~uthmrized dealerand contemplates use of' the premises as a sales and serv0ce of automobiles and trucks. The following conditions are imposed upon this application: 1. No major repair work shall be performed in the open. e Ail fuel, oil or similar substances shall be stored at .least fifteen (15) feet distant from all street or lot lines. 3. Automobile parts, dismantledor damagedvehicles, or · similar articles shall hot be stored in the open. Signs to be in accordance with Article IV, Section 408, of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of S0uthold. No vehicles shall be parked, closer than 25 ft. from the south property line. e No vehicles shall be parked closer than 100 ft. from the west property line, where the existing residence is located. Premises shall not be used for gasoline service station purposes° Southold Town Board .of 'Appeals -16- May 19, 1960 It is the determination of the Board of Appeals that: (1) ~The proPOsed use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use~of permitted.or legally established uses in the district.wherein the proPOsed use is to be located and will not prevent the legally established use in the residential use district adjacent thereto: (2) The proposed use will not prevent the orderly, and reasonable use of adjacent properties and of properties in the adjacent usd district. ! (3) The safety, health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience 'or order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. (4) The use will be in harmony.with andpromote the general purposes and intent of the Ordinance. Accordinglythis application is granted as applied for with the aforementi0nedconditions. VOte of the Board: Ayes:~ Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Grigonis, and Mr. Doyen. The minutes of the meeting.of May 12, 1960, on motion of Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, and carried, were approved as submitted. Vote cf the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Grigonis, and Mr. Doyen. The next meeting-of the 8outhold Town Board of Appeals will be held 7:30 P.M,, Thursday, May 26, 1960 at the Town Clerk~Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. Resolution was offered by Mr. Doyen, seconded by .Mr. Rosenberg, and carried, setting 7:30 'P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, June 2, 1960, Town Clerk Office, Main Road, Southold, New York as time and place for hearing upon ,application of Mattituck Merchants Associatiun,. Love Lane, Mattituck, New York, for a Southold Town Board of Appeals -17- May 19, 1960 special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect and main- tain a directional sign on the property of Mrs. Hull Chew, South- east side of Main Road, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Board: .Ayes:- Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Grigonis, andMr. Doyen. Upon motion ofMr. Grigonis, seconded by Mr. Bergen, and carried 7:35'P.M; (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, June 2, 1960, Town Clerk-Office, Main Road, Southold, New York was set as time and place for hearingupon application of.Mattituck Merchants .Association, Love Lane, Mattituck, New York, for a special exception in accordance with. the Zoning.Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to erect and maintain a directional sign on the property of M~ss Caroline Bell, South side HamiltonAvenue (County Rt. 27A)~ Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Rosenberg~ Mr. Grigonis, and Mr. Doyen. It was further RESOLVED that legal notice of hearings be published in the official newspaper~.under date of May 26, 1960. Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Mr. Gillispie, Mr. Bergen, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Grigonis, and Mr. Doyen. The April 25, 1960 minutes of the joint meeting of the Town Board, Planning Board and Board of Appeals were received, and it should be noted for the record that while this Board agreed that great,consideration should ~8_given to relocation of non-conforming signs removed on account of/location of roadand similar circum- ~ances~ the loss of permission to use a sign site would not be considered in'the same light.. The Board next received the application of John J. Klein, Jr., Main Road and Bay Avenue, Mattituck, New York, forpermission to erect and advertising sign on the property of John H. Husing, Mattituck. It. was the Board'Js decision that.Mr. Bergen would speak to Mr. Klein.advising him that an application of this type has never been granted~since it is not felt to be in the interest of the traveling public, such as a place of lodging or restaurant. However, should Mr. Klein still desire a public hearing the Board would be glad to schedule one. Southold Town Board.ofAppeals -18- May 19, 1960 Mr. Terry informed the Board of Appeals that Mr. Clifford Benjamin, Front~Street, Greenport has stated that he has signed a contract with Steve Doroski to put in a planting of privet around his property. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ecretary