HomeMy WebLinkAboutINLET MILL ROAD, THE To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold, in the 0oUnty of Suffolk and State of New York: The Undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the said Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out and alter the lines of highway in said ~own of Southold, known as The Inlet Mill Road at Peoonio, in said Town of $outhold, by excluding therefrom a small piece of land known as the "Turn-around# near the site of the 01d Inl§t Nill, and botmded Northerly, Easterly and Southerly by land of Btu-tis B. Bailey, and Westerly by the said Inlet Mill Road, and by including within said highway known as The Inlet Mill Road the following described premises at Peconic, in said Town ce Southold, ad- Joining said Inlet Nill Road and described as follows[ Be- ginning at point on Easterly line of Peconio Inlet Road exmatly! opposite a point on its Westerly line which is 159.88 ft. Southerly from a granite monument at the deflection point in said Westerly line nearest the forme~, bridge across l~eoonio rnlet; running thence Easterly and at right angles to said ~asterly line of said Road, about ll~ Ft. to Westerly shore of ?eoonic Inlet, thence Southeasterly along said Westerly shore ol ?eoonio Inlet, about ?l ft., thence Westerly on line parallel ko first described boundary, about l§0 ft. to said Easterly lin~ )f Peconic Inlet Road, thence Northerly along said Easterly lim ~f said Road 60 ft. to point of beginning, as shown by survey if Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y., made ~anuary, 1926, and filed in the ~ffloe of the 01erk of the Town of Southold, N. Y., which proposed laying out and alteration icl said highway will pass through the lands of Burtis B.Bailey only. Dated this //'2~. day of March, 19~6. We, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, having met.at the office of the SUpervisor, at Greenport, in said Town on the day of 19~6, and considered the application of Burtis B. Bailey for the laying out and alteration of highway known as The Inlet Mill Road mt Peconio, in said Town of Southold, do hereby consent that such laying out and alteration be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition, &nd do release for the said Town of Southold any claim or right which the said Town m~y have in the real property first described in said Petition. Supervisor · Town Clerk. I~ BURTIS B. BAILEY, of Peconio, in the ToWn of Southold,! OoUnty of Suffolk and State of New York, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to me in hand paid by George H. Fleet, Town Superintendent of Highways, of said Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the ~aying out and alteration of the highway known&s The Inlet Mill Road at Peconio, in said Town of Southold by excluding therefrom a small piece of land known as the "Turn-mround" near the site of the 01d Inlet ~ill, and bounded Noz'therly, Easterly and Southerly by land of Burtis B. B~iley, ~nd Westerly by the said Inlet Mill Road, and by including within said highway known as The 'Inlet Mill Road the following described premises at Feoonic, in said Town of Southold, adjoining said Inlet Mill Road and described as follows: Beginning mt point on Easterly line of Peoonie Inlet Road exactly opposite a point on its Westerly line which is 159.68 ft. Southerly from a granite monument at the deflection point in said Westerly line nearest the former bridge across Peoonio Inlet; running thence Easterly and at right angles to said Easterly line of said Road, about ll2 ft. to Westerly shore of Peoonic Inlet, thence Southeasterly along said Westerly shore of Peconio Inlet, about 71 ft., thence Westerly on line parallel to first described boundary, about 150 ft. to said Easterly line of Peoonio Inlet Road, thence Northerly along said Easterly line of said Road 60 ft. to point of be- ginning, as shown by survey of Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed SUrveyor, Greenport, N. Y., made Jan~ry, 1928, and filed in the office of the Glerk of the Town of Southold, N.Y., which proposed laying out and alteration passes through the land of Burtis.B. Bailey only, and do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by me and included within the parcel last above desoribed~ and do hereby! release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out and alteration, of the ooumse of said highway as aforesaid. ~ated this //~ day of Mar~h, 1926. STATE OF NEW YORK, O0UNTY OF SUFFOLK. On this //~ day of Maroh, 1928, before me personally oame BURTIS B. BAILEY, of Peeonio, Suffolk County, New York, personally known to me and known to me to be the same person desoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing instrument; s~nd he duly aoknowledged to me that he exeouted the s~me. We, ~ILLIAM C. MALMON, of Peconic, Suffolk County, York and SAYUIL C. SW~EZNY, of Peconic, Su.,.~olk County, New Ys~k, for and in consideration of the sum ,'of One .Dollar to us i~ h~ hand paid by GEORGE H. FLEET, Town Superintendent of Hlghway~ of the TOWN OF ~0UTHOLD, in the COUNTY OF'~U~F6LK and ~TAT~ of NE~ YORK, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do he ihereby .C 0'N S E N T that a highway be laid out and opened !across our premises, at Peconic ~nd Cutchogue, in the said !Town of ~outhold, County of ~u~folk and ~tate of New York, which has been surveyed and is described , as follows: The Easterly end of the Northerly' line there'of to con- mence at a point on the Vesterly side of the Inlet Nill Road, at Peconlc, 97.8 ft. Southerly from a monument on the 'v~ side of said road and to ~n thence S~th 61°'~' ~O,tWest, o 800 feet and again ~outh 59 15' West, 408 feet over the land of William B. ~odling to land of Willia~ C. ~almon; than~$~ o to ~un south 68 30' west, 1260 feet over the lands'of o C. Salmon and Floyd W. Vail; thence to ~n South 7Y 45' 40. West,'1865.1 feet over the lands of Floyd '~. Vail, Samuel C. Sweezey, John W. Casllear and Harrison C. Goldsmith; thdnce o to run South ~5 24' 50~ West, 1077.~ feet over the lands of Harrison C. Goldsmith' and Gordon Case; thence to run South o 75 06' 50"" west, ~$.~ feet over the land of John ~imon; .o thence to run South 72 34' 10, ~est, ~4.3 feet over the lands of James Burns; thence to run ~outh g3° 44' 50, ~est , 590- feet over the land of John L. ~rns; thence to ~n Scut1 O O o 80 52' 20" Vest , 583.0 feet over the land of John ~. nindsay; o thence to run ~outh 77 31' 30" West , ~75.8 feet over the land o of John J. Drum; thence to run South 85 01' 40" vest, 344.1 fe feet over the land of Joseph R. M c Kibben; thence to run o several ~outh ~4 50' 30" Vest, 92~ feet over theAlands of James ney, Joseph R. Mc Kibben and The ~nmbridge Relaty Company; o thence to run south 75 16' 40" ~rest, 182~.8 feet over the several lands of Charles J. Hannabury and John Lindsay; thence to run South o 85 21' 40" ~Vest, 1704. feet oVerothe several lands of John land of L inds%y ,& Geto~%~c~.t ~e~s%n~'?~g~l ~c4~i~%~t t%%e~and of A Francis B. Garvey, Katherine M. Garvey, Nellie R. G~rvey, Anna T. Garvey, Bernadette Garvey, Clarence Garvey, Edward Garvey, George Garvey, Robert Garvey, Charles A. Garvey, Ali( L~ Garvey and Elizabeth E. Garvey, and land of Lillie May Newbold, 8¢8 feet to ~ck Pond Road, which said highway is to be of the width of four rods. And we do hereby R E L E A ~ E the said TOWN OF $OUTHOLD from all damages by reason of the laying ou$ and opening of such highway through our respective premises. IN ~TITNEM9 ~HEREOF, ?e have hereunto set seals this 15th day of November, 1915. ~itness: our hands and State of New York, I Cctmty of 9uffolk. SS: On this 27th day of October, 1918, before me Personally came J~S$~ L. f~S~, with who~ ~ ~ per- sonally acquainte4, who being by me duly swoE, said , that he resided at Seuthold, Suffe~ Oo~ty, ~e~ York; that he was personally acqua~ted ~vith WILLIAM ~. SALMON ~d SA~EL ~. SWEEEMT, ef Peeenic, ~uffelk Oe~ty, Wow York, ~d ~ew to be the s~o porsons described in ~d who executed the fore. go~ Release; that he was present ~d saw th~ severally ~d execute the s~me; ~d that he theret,~on, in each instate set ~s n~ thereto as a subscrib~g ~itness, ~ the pres- once of each ef them. to t.h~ Cou~t~ Court of t.~e County of ~ffclk, in the Town of South' te about to m))ply ~on~c, ~utcho~ue and Ore.on near the :~d ~liff~. ia ~a{d To~ of ~ut~ld, and ~ a~e~e the damages by re. eon ther~f, now, therefore, we. ~he said W[~ C. :~Or~. Principal. ~d )~A:TO~iV ~ JO~ 8I~. of ~eo~n~o. in ~he .aid ':'o~ of ~ut~ld. his emretles, do kersey ~u~uan{ to ~t~o~ Jointly a~ ~ ~ever~ly ~ndert~ that if ~ppolnted dete~nine that the p~m~ highway ~e will pay to ~he ~al8 c~isei~ner~ their of ~ 9er day for each d,y nece~.rily ~)enl, and al-10o~ts an~ exnense~ ~ecee~rl'ty incurred in the P~fom=ance of their dutte . aot ~xceedi'ng an t~e a~rega~e~of ~ate this.40~ day ef June. 1916. ;omi L. ~t~)~ ~ 8. ~T ~JO~ ~ h~by app~e ef the wl~n ~de~n~ ~xacu%lon ~d the ourflOi~oy of the Dated, Oe~b~ I4, ;o~ R. ~ ~ ~ ~ =~ ~ ~ - .) '---:,~ hinse~f ~,ays, &~at he i~ ~ re:~id~lt ~:~d a freeholder '?lchin the worth tbs s~ of T~o hlndr~l ~ollc~:;.~.~OC.cc~;' ove~ ~ above elusive of proper~y eXeal)~ by la~ ~ ,..,o:J le~v arid ~ale Under ~ ~eoUtion. SeVerally nworn loth d.~y of July, before me thim IOI6. Joela.h O. Case L, S . No tary l'ubl i c. F, Biohard. won, Ole~k. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) County of Suffolk,t ss: I, JAMES F. RICHARDSON, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court of Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY that hlSh~m,y &o. v~th the o~*t~Jjw, l rilE~ lf~T, XO, lOlV l and that it i. a~.~.t a.d t~e ~opy o~ such ezX$i]al and of the whole thereof. !~ g¢~tlmow~ ~be~¢O[ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said ~ounty Court, Suffolk County. IN :TP~' MATT ER ~. T~E APPLIOA~, TION O~ ' : WILLIAm~ C. ~. ~ l~y out a h~ghWay f~m t~ Inl et ~lll ~ad to "~ck ~ond ~ad at ~ econic ~d' ' "~ ~ as, es~ent of D~ag~e ~ · ~e f~r. .r .~-~, .-, ~.~Tw~, wLOYD ~V. VAIL, JOHN q. LINDqAY, .............. , ....... ~ ........'~', .... ~ffolk CmlnW. N~*~; York, ~HARL~ J. H~NNABJRH, JOHN LIND A , J .... .,, ~cBRIDE, p~,~ ~[O%RiD~, KA~H~HIN~ ~¥I. ~ARVEY, ~IOE L. GARV~Y, NELLIB R. ~ARVEY, , A~IA T. GARV~, ELIZAB~H ~. GARV~, eLAR~eE of ~utohofjue, q~.folk ~ounty, N~:~ ~or~,~ LILLI~ MAY NE'~BOLD~ of ~outhold, ~uf;~olk ~un]ty, N2w York,~.,.~,~ for' ~ni in consiler~tion of tbs mm of One ~11~ to us in hand p,~ld by George H. ~leet, ~own $uperlntendcnt of Hlghw%~ of the ~own of ~o~thold, in tho ~,o~lllty of ~ffolk an~ gta%~ ~own oF gouthold, ~ounW of guffolk and ~t~.of~5 Ne~'~.York, .~h oh ha~ o3en ~urveTod and is 43~cribed, as llo::fs. · he Easterly end of the N~rth~lY line tho:.~eof to ~omlenoo '~t q point on the 'Vesto~ly ~i~8 of the Inlet Mill ~esto-~ly si~e o'C s%i~-ro~d and to m.u] thence qouth 61° 50' o 20" west 800 feet and again ~outh 59 15' West 406 feet ova the land of ~Vil!iO~ ~. Codling to land of ~illiam ~,. qal]-0on thence to run South 68° 30' West 1260 feet over the lands of Wlllimm C. ~almon and ~loyd W. Vail; thence to run South 77° 45' ~0, West 166~.1 feet over the lands of Floyd W. Vail, samuel ~. Sweezey, John W. 0as~laar and Harrison ~. Goldsmith; thence to run Sou-th 85° 24' 50' west 1077.6 feet over the lands of Harrison ~. Goldsmith and .Gordon ~ase; thence to ruu South 75° 6' 50' west 808.4 feet over the land i of Ichn simon; thence to !~n South 72° 34' 10, west 834.3 feet ove. r the laud of J~mes Burns thence to ~un South 8~° 44' 50" West 590 fees over the land of John L. Burns; thence 'to run Sca'th 80° 52' 20' %vest 583. feet over the land of John S. Llndsay; thence to run South 77° 31' ~0. west 675.8 feet over the land of John J. Drum thence to run south 85° l~" ~0~#'~g~ 3~.1 feet over the laud of Joseph R. McKibben; thence to run ~outh ~4° $0' 30' west 926 feet over the several lands of J~es YahoneF, Josevh R. YeKlbben and The Tumbridge Realty Oompany thence to run South 75° 16' 40, west 1826.8 feet over the several lands of JOHN MOLLER ~,harles J. Hannabury and John LindsaY; thence to tull South 85° 21' 40" West 1704 feet over the lands of John Lindsay and George H. Remsem; thence to mn Sout,h &go 15' 20" west 868 feet over the several lands of NA~G^~T ~c ~TDw ANNA T. GARVEY, BERN~DETT31 GARRY, ~LARENCN GARVEY, EDWARD GAEVEY, GEORGE GAR~Y, ROBERT G~EvEY, CHAFLES 3~. GARRY, ALICE L. G.~!~Y, ~d ELIZ~BET~ E. GARVEY ' ' ~' and Llllie May Newbold to the Duck Pond road, which said highwa~ is to be of the width of four rods. And we do hereby R~L~A,~E the said Town of $outhold~ frbm all d~mages by reason of the laying out and opening of such highway through our respective premises. S. S. IN WITNE~ WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hani-s an~. 'seals this 15th day of November, 191~. Withe ss: State of Now York, )S.~: County of Suffolk.) On this 27th day of October, 1916, before me personally came J.wSSN L. CAEN, with whom t am per- sonally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, said, he resi- ded at ~outhold, Suffolk ~eunty, New York; that he was person- ally acquail~ted with yLOYD W. VAIL, HARR[SON: C. GOLDSMITH, JOHN S~MON, JOHN L. BURNS,and JOHN S. LtNDSAY, ef Poconie, Suffolk C~unty, New York, ~HARLNS J. HANNABUR~, KATHAR~NN M. GAR~gEY, N~LLt] R. GARV~, MARGABW. T Mc. BRXDN, JOHN LtNDSA~, and J. NDW, ARD GARVEY, of Cutchegue,~ Suffolk Cetult~, NSw and L!LLIN MAT ~VEOLD, of'Eeutheld, Suffolk Co~ty, New Serk ~d ~ew th~ to be the s~e persons described in tho fer~ gong Release ~d wh~ executed the s~e; ~hat he :was p~os~ ~d saw th~ ~everall~ si~ ~d execute the 8~0 ~d that he thereupon, ~ each ins~ee, sot ~ n~e there~ am a s~ib~g ~tness, ~in the pres~ee ef each of th~. State of New York, ~ 88: Oe~ty of Suffolk. ~ thi, ~/~daF ef ~~ ,191~ before me personally o~e ~LLI~ ~. GAR~, ~th whem ~ personally acqua~to~, who being by me dul~ swo~, s~s, that she resides at Outche~e, ~ffelk Oe~t~, New York; ~d t~t she was pers~nally acquainted ~th ~ICE L. GAR~, N. GARRY, INNA T. GARRY ~d ~LA~NON ~. GARRY, ~f Suffolk Oe~tM, New York, ~d ~ew th~ te be the s~e Aes~ibed in ~d whc executed the fere~e~g Release; that ~he was Preset ~d saw th~ severall~ si~ ~d execute the ~d that she thereupon, In each instate, set her n~e thereto as a subscrib~g ~tness, ~ the pres~ce ef each ef th~. O 0 ' ' WILLIAM to lay out ~ .hi~l:w.P~ Inlet Mill r~ad t~ thc ~'ol~ ?end r~a~ : ef ~eu%hol~, an~ tho Asmem~ of : ere in ~aver ef : %lee. The Under~izmed, '.~, am oxde~ ~ounty. dated th~ l~%h d~.y ~f det~e ~d ~rti~y a~ to width, th~ ~mteriy en~i ~ff the side ef said ~ead, ~d te 45~ 40, Wemt 2665.1 feet ~ver th~ 2:mds ef .~tgyd W, Vail, thence %e ~ S~uth 85° 24' OS' 50" West 808.4 feet ~vo~' ~honee to ~ South 7So.S4' 10, ~odt ~ tho l~d of Jm~es ~u~e; three to ~ ~Out~ ~S~ 44e 05* ~ost 590 feet ~v~ the foe% $v~ th~ l~ of 70~ S. ;~ind~.; ~l;~n?~ to r~ ~ut3 th~ te ~ SOUth 81° O1e 4~' ~oet ~44.1 feet ev~ the 1~ A Me Kibben, and The Tm~bri~e Jo~ Mallet, ~harle~ J. sov~ ~ ~euth OBe ~l' 40. ~e~t ~704 foe~ ~e~ %he l~e of Je~ A L~ds~ ~d ~est ~e~ the l~d ef e~en ~ ~a~eis Oa~v~, ~na T. v~;, AliCe 5. ~v~, ~d Eliza~e%~ ~. ~, ~d ~Re 1~ ef Lillie ef said ~ighw~ m~Ue n,~ice ~f ~h~ ti~e a~d ~lace all h~vin~ met a~ Peconic Hall, ~he firmt d~y *f Norther, 1918, a~ eme e,eleck, P.M., an~ %e such no,ice, ~nd havln~ %ak~ ef effiee, ~d ~ preef ef the se~i~e ~eug2~ rhich it im D~,po~od t~. be l~id haying pere~ally ex~iHed the Di~hwey deseribec cati*~ ~d hav~g ~amr ell ~h'~ slle~t~ees amd p~eo~ ef Te~ ~per~t~d~% of Highwey~ ~d ef %he ~pe~is~ of Te~ ef ~euth~ld, and ef the ~ppll~nt evi~em~ ef ~ll th~ ~nemses~Preduced, de ee~, %~t ~ o~ epinie~ it is t~e ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~e~ 0 0 The da~agem ef William ~. Oedllng, at The ~ages ef Willi~ The d~es ef Floyd W. Vail. at The d~ma~e~ ef ~m~uel ~he d~ma~em of ,r~ ~. ~azil~ar, at Th~ d~a~e~ ~f K~rrisen ~. Gold~iih, The d~aZe~ mf Je~ L. ~s, ~t The d~es of The d~es The d~e5 of The damage~ ef ,~es~h ~. ~e ~lbb~, ~e d~agee ef The ~b~i~ ~eal%7 ~he d~ages of ~harle~ Th~ d~ag~s ef The d~ages ef ea~a~e M. Oarvoy, at The d~a~om of Nellie Tho ~age~ of ~e~ade~ ~arv~, at ?hs d~ages .f A!i~e L. amd w~ ~%~er cor~i~ that the Pre, able costs and cxpemses ef layin~ in~e will b~ ~ ~ Dated thi~ ~ d~"~ of ~. 1917. ~ut and ~Onpleting the Pr~pe~ed STA~ oF WF, W YOBK, ~ounty ~6urt, Suffolk County. In t~ ~att er of t~ ap~lication of WILL lAM C. ~N, for t~ laying out of a highway in t~ Town of ~ut~ld f~m t~ Nnl et Mill ~ad at P econiC to t~ Duck Pond ~ad at Outc~g~. Oath. State of New 'Yo~k,: :SS: I, Archibald Hall e tt,of RiP erh cad, County of Suffolk, : Commission er duly ~sPpoint ed in tbs abo~ entttl ed matt er by an 0rd er of the County Court of Suffolk 0ounty, New York,b ear ing date the I4th day of Octob er,IgI6,do ~olemnly sw ear that I will support the Constitution of theUn~ ed Stal~s and the O~netttutton of the State of 1~ ew York, and that I will faith- fully discharge the duti · $ of the office of d et ermine the nec esstty of laying out the in the abo~e entitl ed proC eeding, and the damag ee th er efor, according ~o Commission er to propo s e d highway, a~ · ssm e nt of the b est of my ability · Archibald Hall e tt Sworn ~e, b efo~ me this day of Octob e r,I9~6. Clinton T. Vocrh ee Notary Public. 3C th County ~urt, Suffolk County. In %~ ~att ~r of t~ apOlication of : ~ILLIA~; C. ~L~N, : for t~ ~aying out of a highway in t~ Town of ~ut~ld f~m t~ ~nl et Nlll : ~d at P e~nic ~ t~ Duck Pond ~ad : ~t Cutc~ g~ · : Co~r~mf'~,ion er~ Oath. Stere of ]{ ew York,: :SS: County of Suffolk, : IE dward H. Commie~ion · r duly appoint ed in the Alb ertl=on, of Riv erh earl, sbo~e entitI ed matter bY an Ord er of the County Court of Suffolk County, lng dat~ the I4th day of Octob er,IgI6,do ~olemnly ~w ear that I.will ~upoort the Conetitution of theUn~Z ed stal~ and the Conetitution of t~ .~tate of Ii ew York, and that I will faith- fully di.char/~e the duti · ~ of the office of Commie~ion er to d et ermine the nec e.=~ity of laying out the orooo~ ed highway,. in the abo~ entitl ed ,~roc eeding, and the abe ee~m ent of damage, th er efor, accordiug ~o t~ b e~t of my ability 5worn ~e b efoxe me thle 28th day of octeber,IgT6. Clinton T. Voorh eeo Notary Pul~lic. C~u~lty C6urt. ~uffolk County. In t~e liatt er of t}e apt~lication of : ~ILSIA~? C. ~I~L~aU, f~r ~he 19~vttt~ ~,1~; 0~, ' ~l~hWay In t~ ~i ~Com~f..~on ~e ~'~ Oath. ~ ~ Yo rk,b e~ a~ Ord e~f~,t~ ~ty C~rt a~ 3uffolk Co~'ty..N aw ~'12g da~ t~ ~4th~ day of ff~tob ~,I916,~ ~mnly e-ear that I will eu~rt t~ %n~tttution of t~Unt~ed ~ta~ and t~ ~n.titutton of t~ '~ts~ of Ii ew Yo~k, and that I will faith- fully di~cha~ t~ dut~ e~ of t~ offfi~ of Commission er ~ del e~i~ t~ n eoe~ity of lay~g out t~ p~ e~ highway, in t~ abo~ enti%l ed .roe ee~tn~, and t~ ~ ee~r-~ ent of d.mag e. th er efor, according ~ t}~ b est of my a~iltty ,~worn ~ % efo~e ~e this day of Octo'~ er,19i6. Olinton T. Vc, orh:ee~ Notary Pu%lic. 2?th STATE OF NEW YORK County of Suffolk, I ss: I, JAMES F. RICHARDSON, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court of Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the annexed copy e~.~.~.~.~.* ~tter o~ tho applioati6n o~ W~ C, ~A~! to lay out a hi~y ~, with the origi~l file~ ~o 10, 1917 O 9 A, and that it is a just and true copy of such and of the whole thereof. ~n ~¢~t[llloll~ ~1}¢~¢0r I h/~ve hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this.......1.~/__ day of_..J~i~.Oh......,,,~_..., 191.~.6 County Court,Suffolk County, In t.be Matt er of t~e alOplica- tion of WILLIA'.~ C, SAL~I).N, _ to lay out a highway from t~e Inl et Nill Road to t~ Duck.. · ~on~ !~-ad at'~ econ~ an& chogU e , in old, and t~e o f Damage s t.}~.. Town of 8outh- ~S e ~ m e th e r eof. ~C0~IS$IONELRG OATHS. © the Ma~e~. of 'the APl~lioation ef UILLIA~ ~. and ~toh~neo ~n t~ ~ut~ld, a~ the P~I?I ~q, as follows= ?o the .~own ~upe~Antonde~t of H~wa~s of the T ~ of ~out~l~ ~n the ,~nty of The un~e~e~, ~oUthold~ ' a~ liable ~e a~ld TO~ of S~%~t Be~'ebY a h~w~ ~ sa~d t~ to be ~ the ~dtB off ~ ~,~ easte~l~ ~ of t~ no~h~ly l~ne %h~f %o ~mmeme at Pec~Xot 97.6 feet ~the~17 fr~ a ~m,mont on the Westerly aide of s~d ~oa~ end to ~n t~oe ~outh 61° ~0~ 20' we~ 800 feet ~nd over th~ la~ of ~lll~ ~a~ thence to ~ gou~ 6~ ~0 e W~t 1260 fe~ o~ the gouth ~o ~' ~e ~t ~g~,l feet over the la~a of Hav~J. son lo77.6 f~et o~e~ tl~e l~ds of H~n ~. ~l~ml~h ~ ~n the l~d Fe~ l~d of Jo~ ~ Sou~ 8~ 1 * ~e ~ ~.1 feet ov~ the ~n~ of 9~ feet ove~ t~ seva~ l~ds of J~es ~eKlbben end t~ ~b~e N~lt~ ~a~J thence to ~n ~outh Jo~ ~1~, c~a~les J, ~~ ar~ John L~ thee to of Jo~ L~8~ and the l~d ~ G~r~e ~, ~nL ~e~e to mn ~out~ ~ ~' ~' ~ e6S feet ove~ t~ ~ of M~et O~e G~V~, RObert O~t ~s A. O~V~t ~OO L, ~V~ Hewbo~ to ~ ~ Road. ou~ ~es~ect:Lve prepert?eo ~.~ a hell be t~en t~e~efor. Dated this ~th:~'-~-'~pte~$~, 1916. (~d} W, c. ~n. ~out~de ~n th~ ~e~tY of ~k ~d do h~ a~ve of '~nd ~ee~ tO tho ~ ~t of the hl~wa~p~led ~e ~n the ~nexe ~d,~ePt~r, ~6t~ 19~6. [ ~i~ned) ( ~l~ned ) Justice of the Peaee, ~lce or the .~lce of the ~aee, Justice of the Oonstltu~ing the Town B~al'd off the Town of ~outhmZd. e0 · Oe Tha~ tho ~own 9~lntmdaut of ~ghw~F8 his no~ Xa~d out ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ of ~ ~ La~ ~II~%,L%JUi (h, 8AtM~.. o~' Peoonio, tho ~mtte~. which rce~atim ~t~ belie~, gad as ~ ~ matte~. ~,~ belleyea tbs Notary Public. ~ount¥ ~ol~t~ ~uffolk ~.ount¥~ New Yo~l~, In t~e N~tter of the A!q~lioatlon of '~LLIAN O, ~ALMON~ to LaY OUt a HighWa~ ~unnlnE ~ the Inlet N~ll Roa~ to the ~ok Pond ~adt t at ~onlo and ~toho~e, la the To~ of ~out~old~ and the A~s~ent of D~ t ~e~ th~fO~. NOTI~E of NOTION. To Gg0RGE N. ~LEET, Esq, I To~n .~lll~e~Xntelldelqt of ~f the T~n of ~thold, ~n the ~o~tn%~ of ~ffo~ and of N~ PLEA~ T~E NOTI~E~ ~ u~n the ~e~&~ h~e~ a ~titlon a~ Undert~ t~e oodles of ~lsh ~e h~ annexed~ the Petit~one~ above n~d will a~l~ to the Oou~t of ~olk ~ounty t ~r~n$ %o s~t~on 19~ of the' wa~ Law, for the appoin~oent of t~ ~lsslone~s ~ ml~e u~n the neoesslt~ of the Highway ~o~s~ to ~ l~d out ~auant to ~14 Petltlon ~d %he~eln ~ese~lb~ and assems the ~ages by ~eason of l~yl~ ~t ~eh Hlgh~y~ ~ ~peolal Te~ of aald Co~t, a~;!~olnted to ~ held at the ~udge's ~h~s, in the Village of ~ateho~e, in ~he ~ounty of ~ffglk, on the ~th day of Oetobe~ 191~ ~t o 'el~k ~ the fore.on 9f that day ~ 0~' as soon ~e~e~ as ~ounsel oan be Dat~ 0oto~ 9th 1916e . Atto~ fo~ II at ~ in ~ld ~ of,~tho~d~ on the 9th , '~' ~mlly~ at ~ ,t~e~ ~lsoe~ tme' ~e8 theOl.' Deponent further eaye he ie personally 'aoqueinted with the person so served oy him ns aforesaid, and knows him to oe the some person described in and to whom said Notice of Motio~ was dbre~:ted. Sworn before me .thio 9th day of 0ctober,IgI6 ~h&rl. ee R. Lyon Roes &., Lyon Ho tary_ ~ubl lc At a s~eo~al ?e~ ef the ge~nt¥ gout% of Suffolk ,,ounty, ~eld in alld for laid ~ounty, at the ~'~dge % ~h,~be~e, in tho Village of Patehogue~ on the l~th d~ of 0etcher, 191~: P~esentl Hen, JOHN R~ VUNX, ~ounty ~dge~. In the Matte~ of the A~pllostion of ~ to Lay out a ~wa~ ~unnl~g f~om the Inle$ ~11 ~ad to the ~e~ at P~onlo a~ ~t~ho~e~ In ~he ~o~ of $outholdt and the A~es~ent Of ages O~er On 2eadlng ar~ fillhg th'? Petition of V~LLIAM C~ ~ALNO~ Of the Tow~ of 5outhold, in said (~ounty~ vel~lfle4 the 25th day of September, 1916~ P~a¥1nE fo~ tkl. ee commissioners to appointed pursuant to section 19t~ of the' fllghwe~ Law, terrains and ee~tlf~ as to the necessity of laying out opening a highwa~y in the Town of $outhold, to b~ ~'~ ~ode in width, the ~asterly end of the Northerly line thereof to commence at a point on the ?~ste~ly aide of the Inlet Mill Road, at Peeonlo, 97.6 feet ~uthe~Xy F~om a mom~ment on the o westerly side of said ?oad~ ~d to ~n thonoe ~outh 61 ~0 ~ 20. West gOO feet a~ ~aln 9~th ~m i~' west ~ feet ov~ the land of William thenoe tO ~n ~outh 6~-~ Wes% 1~0 ff~e$ ow~ ~he l~ds of O Ullllm~ O, ~5' ~" Ue~t 1~65.1 feet over the l~s Of Floyd U. Vall~ ual ~. ~Weesey~ ~Oh~ U. ~asllear a~ Ha~ieo~ ~. Goldsmith; thene~, to ~n ~euth ~5924' 50' we~ 1O~.~ feet ow~ the Of He,risen ,. ~dmnlth an~ ~on ga~$ the~e to ~n ~$h ~7~° 6' 50' Uest ~0~.~ f~t over the la~ of ~ohm $~om; ~e~e O to ~n ~%h 7~ ~ I0, ~est ~ ~t ov~ the land of Bul'ne; the~e to ~un ~uth ~90 feet feet ove~ tho la~ John ~. ~1~; the~e to ~ ~th ,77°~1 ~0, ~est ~.g f~t ~ the 1~ of ~ohn ~, ~I thenoe to 0 ~n ~outh ~ 1 ~ ~' West ~1 fegt ove~ the la~ of ~oseph R~ ~o Klbben~ the~e %o mn ~outh 6~ ~0' ~0, ~t 9~ feet o~ the seve~l lands of J~es ~ahone~ JoSh R, ~c K~bben and 0 O' ~'~ -- ~ t~ la~ o~ In ~on by ~a~s g, O~v~ Cath~ne ~, ~harles A. ~v~ f L~ O~v~ ~ ~l~zabeth ~v~ a~ the lan~ of Llllle Ma~ Wm~ol~ to ~ek Pond Ro~e and to the damages by reason of laying out suoh hlahwaye On met~o~ of ~ha~lee R. ~o~ ~. ~ A$~O~ flor Z% ~s hero~ ORD~R~ that of the TOwn of ~ of the Town of ~ in said County ee ~ffelk,. be a~d the~ ere hereby a~ointed ~oh oommlss$one~s~ STATE OF NEW YORK, County of Suffolk, I, JAMES F. RICHARDSON, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court o~ Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the annexed copy l:~l'~Z0][ a~ 0~. ~ t~e ~tter She o~ig~llfile~ ~. and that it is a just and true copy of such and of the whole thereof. ltl I~¢ZItlII011~ ~IltlCt¢O{ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this.....1. _~...]~_Z/~ day of.......~..~..~..h.. ................ 191.._~..?. ..... .~. ~l~ $0 She ~o~ ~er~t~d~t of ~hw~s of t~e ~o~ of Seutheld, ~ the Ce~ty of ~ffe~ ~d ~tat~ eft ~ew Yor~, for the la~f out efa ~ghwa~ in ~aid ~e~, the Ea~terl~ ~d the ~ortherlr l~e ~hereof to c~ee at a Po~t on the O~l~ Sid~ of th~ inlet ~11 ~oad at Peocnlc, 9~.~ feet ly ~ a mo~t on the Wes$~ly side ef Said road ~d te thence South 61~ 50, 20, ~est 800 feet ~d ag~ S~uth ~9~ 18, ·est ~08 feet over the l~d ef ~illi~ B. O~i~g t~ l~d ef · illi~ ~. Sa~on; thence to ~ E~uth 68~ SO, ~es$ 1~60 fee~ ever the serial l~ds ef ~illi~ O. Ea~ ~d ~l~d ~. ~ail; ~h~ce to ~ South ~e 48, 40. ~es~ 1665.1 feet ever the s~- ~al 1~ ~f ~le~d W. Vail, S~uel ~. Eweez~, Je~ F. Gasl- le~ ~d E~r~en ~. Gel~lth; thence to ~ South 8~0 ~4' · es~ 1077.6 feet ev~ the several 1~ ~f E~ise~ ~, ~1~ ~ith ~d ~rde~ Case; thence t9 ~ S~uth ?se 6' ~0, 808.4 feet ~ve~ ths l~d Sf Je~ S~en; throe t~ r~ South ~20 S4, 10. West 8S4.S feet eVe~ the l~d ef J~es B~ns; three t~ ~ South 8se 44, ~0, ~est 690 f~et over the l~d J9~ L. S~s; throe te r~ SOuth 80e 5~, 20, ~est ~8~ feet ever the l~d ef Jo~ E. Lindsay; thence te r~ EeUth 77e Si' SO, ~est 676.8 feet ever the l~d ef Je~ ~. ~; ~h~ee ~e ~ geuth S6e 15 40. West $44.1 feet ~we~ the l~d ~f J~seph R. Mc Kibb~; three te ~ S~uth 64~ ~0, SO, Wes$ 926 feet ~er the several 1~ ef J~es Mahen~, Joseph R. Mc Kibb~ ~d The r~Dri~e Realty Oe~; three to r~ SOUth 78e 16' 40, ~est 18~6.8 feet over tbs ~everal l~ds ef Je~ Meller, ~harles j. ~ab~ ~d Jo~ L~dsay; throe te r~ South · 1, 40, ~est 1704 feet ever the several l~ds ef Jo~ ~d ~erSe ~. R~s~; Sh~ce t9 ~ South 8~e 15, 20, ~est feet ewer the l~d ef ~g~et Mc Bride, l~d ef ~r~cis ~ ~v~, Eath~e N. G~v~, Nellie R. ~v~ ~a ~, Be~a~ette ~v~, Old, ce ~ve~, ~dW~d G~, a~eth X. ~ve~ Wad la~d of Lillie Nay New, eld to Duak P~nd ~ead, Road, which highway in to be cf the width of four reds, and b~ .;an erde~ of the County Oot~rt of Suffolk ooun%¥, dated the l~t '~ay ef October, 1916, George W. Hildreth, Archibald Hallet$ and 'xdwa~d H. Albertson, ef the Town of Riverhead, in said County Suffolk, were appointed C~=/lssion®~s ~0 certifF as te the [ !necessi*~ .f said propooed highway;and to ass®ss the d~ma~es b~ !~eason ~f la~ out ~d op~ such ~lhwa~; ~d tha~ 8ai~ ~ ~i~si~n~rs ~ll all meo~ at Peconic Hall, ag ~conic, ~ bet, 1916, at ~ ~'clo~. ~. t~ ~xm~e the proposed ~hw~ ~d he~ the T~ ~er~tend~t ~f Highways, She Eup~ wi~or ~f ~aid To~ of 8outhold ~md all othe~ ~ere~ed ~here~ ~d ~o as~e~ the d~es , if such ~[hw~ be dege~ed te ~i Dated g~s ~~F 'f Oc*oB~, 1916. William C. Salmon, Applicant, County Court,suffolk County. In the Matt er of the Appli- cation of WILL IAL~ C~ to lay out a highway running Duck Pond ~ad at P~ conic and Cutc~g~ ,in t~ Town of ~uth- old, and t~ Ass essm ent of Notic e of M~tion and Oral er. At~n ey for P ~t~t2o~r~ Gr ee nport, Suffolk Co. STATE OF NB"I ~O~K,: :ss: CouJ2~ cf Suffslk,: Charles R. Lyon, being duly s~, s~s thst ~e served notices ~n writing, ef which the ann~ iea copy, ~n ~vl~ Tu~ill, Supervisor of the Te~'~f ~u~ld ~d on G~e B.Fleet S~~f H~ways of the Te~ of ~u~ld, e~ the ~n the 2~rd day ~f Oc~ber,IOI6 en ~e per~ne ~ b~ew,by closed in seou~Y closed pest paid~ra~ers, addressed to said parties at the Addressee eet apposite their names. WilliSm B. Codling, Esq. Nerthport, b~affolk CO. ,N.Y. John W. Casilear,~ 9 Prospect Park West,Brooklyn,E/nee Co.,N.Y. G~rdon oase,~416 Vander%~llt AVe~ue,~roeklyn,Kings C4. ,N.Y. Joseph I!. Mo KibBe~,~2CC Fifth Ava~ue,llew Ysrk City,N.Y. Captain William Tumbridge,l~s tel St. Oeorge,]~r~oklyn,Kings Ca. ,N.Y, Jehn l~ollsr,Grand St. ,Ifaspeth,Queens Ce. G~rge lt. lqe~se~,~IOI Shelton AveBue, Jamaloa,Que~ls Charles A. 9arvey,St.Johne Csllege,~ ?§ LeWis Aveilus,Breoklyn, Kings Oo. ,N.Y. Francis ~. (}arvey,New Hyde Park, ~aesau County,N.Y. Sworn to before me, this : : ~ay of~ 1916: State of New York,: O~unty of guffolk, : J e~eet'L.Ca~ ,being duly ~worn,.ay~ he r e~id e ~ at ~%uthold,$uffclk County,N ev York, and i~ of full aS: that on t~be 24th day of 0ctob er ,IgI~$,he deposit ed in the Po~t Office ,at ~qouthold,~uffolk County,N ew York,thr ee coni e s of the ann ex ed Notic · of Meeting of Commission ers in t~e within entitl ed proc ceding,each contain ed in a ~ e- cur ely clo~ ed fully po~t paid wrapo er ,and dir ect ed r e~ - p ectiv ely,a~ follow~:- On e to (EORGE P. MOLLER,at /~ I~6 Brooklyn Av enu~ ,Brook- lyn,King~ County,N ew York; One to GEORGE A. CARVEY ,at Holy Cres~ College ,l~ore est t er,Wore e~te r County,Ma.~achu. e ~t~: and One to F~A~U~ ~. BARKER ~q.,at Nattituck,quffolk County, New York. That on the ~aid 24th day of October,IgI6, he ~erved t~ ann ex ed Notice of Mee ting of Commiesion er? in t~be within entitl ed proceeding on tbefollowing name d n er~on~ therein named,at the olace~ hereinafter ~et forth,via:- On GEOR~E H. RE~'SEN,2~.,and on (EOR(E H. RENSEN,Jr.,his t chant and occupant, On FRANK BLO~$IOK,t~ Tenant and occupant of the land of John No 1[ e r,and on B ERNA~ ETT E GARVEY,th er ein n~m ed,at Cutchogu ~guffolk Oounty,N ew York, and On Robe rt Gary eyothe r ~n n~,ed;at ~attituck,Suffolk CouSty, New York,and on John Y. Drum, Jam e~ Mahon ey,~nd .'ram e~ Burn,,the rein named,and on CLYDE H. BAILEY,the ten ant and occuBant of theland of William B. Codling,th er ein nam ed at Peconic,~uffolk County,New York,by delivering to and 1 caving witheach of them ~ ersonally at ~aid tinm and amid plac e~,a ~rue copy th er of. D epon ent furth er gays }~ was n ersonally acquaint ed with the parti e s .o . ~ve d by him ,~ afoze ~aid,and kmw t~ C EOR~ H.REMSEN,SR.,BE~ADE~E ~ARVEY,~BERT CARVEY.JO~ J,DR~ J~EE ~A~NEY, J~ES BURNS,to ~ t~ s~p erson, nam ed and de ~orib ed in t~ ~aid Noticeof Meeting of Commi.sion ers,in ~nd of ~'Mo 1 a-r ~m ~d 1)n ~ai$"n~;ti~ ;and ~a~- t~-~aid t~ within mnti&l eedi~-~o~c~t~ an~ ex ed notic e i. a tr~ Copy,in thr eeof t~ ~uthold,v~z :- , One at t~ Po.t Office ,and Or~ st the Town C1 erk's Offtc · ,in the Villa~ and Town of Sou+~bold,~uff°lk Oo. unty,N ew 'York,and On e at t~bs Post OffiC eat P econic,in .aid Town of ~outhold, in t~ O~unty of Suffolk ~nd Stale of 1t ew Youth, by affixing the same in a firm and substantial mann e r . J eeeie,,L. Ca. e Sworn ~o b ef0'r e rmthfs 2? th day of Octob er,I916. Wm.A. Oochran T"S ' No tary Publ i c. STATE OF NEW YORK, County of Suffolk, I ss: I, JAMES F. RICHARDSON, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court of Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the annexed copy ~r~j[VX A~D POS~X~ ~O~Cw. OF ~T~. ~ She ~tter of She Application o~ W~,~ C. ~ON to ~y out and that it is a just and true copy of such and of the whole thereof. irt l~¢OtlillOll~ ~lbct¢oI I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court thls.....~.0_~[..~ day of .......... Ceunty Ce~rt,County of Euffelk. 0 o f~A~rle! 1~. l~'ono, ~oq., For the petitioner. Frank e. BM*ko~, Eoq., for 9rope~y o~o in favor of eonfirmtion. ~o~l~on, l~erbe~ L. Yor~, Emq., for o~er proper~ o~ora ~n op~a~tton to oonft~tion. Thio ia an apgl~oation on behalf of the appellant, Will,em C. Salmon, to oonfirm a re~Ft of O0mioolonero ty off a p~epooe~ h1~ ~d to ~eoeog ~e ~e8 If suoh on behalf of the property o~er! eertain teohnioal obJeetionm ave made te the oonfl~tion Of the report, &e veil ae the goners1 obJeotion that the teetimony offered on behs1f of the appellant elm not eufffioient to eetablioh publ le neoeemity, a. The ob~eet~nto oontend that the petition preeented to the County Cou~t for the appointment of Cou- the s~lSoation to ~e CO~LOsionoFs Of 2~s of tho The ob~eotLon la na4e that the Cese~inotonero ~o ob~ee~Lea ~o a proper o~ and ~re ~en~ed ~d ~a~ ~e repor~ of the ~o p~ooe oF ~ a nov ~po~, speel~- e. The further obJeot~on ia nu~de th&t eertain ~nfant 1sod owAero were oolwe4 with a notion off the prooeo4B Lnf, But th&t the petitioner f8ile4 to nt&ke ipplle&tLon to tho Court to h&Ve & GuaT4L&n A4 Litoui &ppointe4 to protest their interests. ~his obJeotion Ir a proper one and were it Lo not for the ult~Aate deoiaton ~lved st, the ~,ou~t would nosed hi~ ~d ac ~ ~e asoeo~t of ~eo to the stonero, ~ ~e ip~lt~, ~s p?ovided in the t~i~ Law, Itttutlo~ oath off office. ~80b~eet/o~ L8 o~ed and the Court holdB that the ~n~eots off ~e pet~tioner or t~ ~rope~ o~ro ~n~ed or the To~ off Sou~old, ~ sufficient to t~ u~o~ ~e Co~asionoFo ~ proceed ~d h~r ~e ~tter ee~a~n l~d ~o, that ~e eeedin~ to h~ ~d dete~tfle ~e ~tteFo ~ttted to flor the reign ~at tho &~Xl~nt ~ FaLl~ to ~ notXol to oe~n mOfl~eOO off l~do, th~u~ ~ioh the ~ropo~ hi~ ext~dod. ~uoh obJeet~ ~o~t hold~ t~t ~ ~e fltatu~ &t new Iff fo~e, ~ nco tioe to nor~ee8 io no~ toques4, ~ F. It Xo ~T~her eontende4 en behilf Of o4~r&ain K. It lb further conte?ded by oA1 thooo attondl~ in op~oeition to ~e a~pllKtion ~o confL~n t~ ~epo~t of th. ouffLole~t ~ ~ow ~r~t ~re ~e 9~oeodinfo ~d before t~ oo~lsoloner8 ~d the test~M~ o~ered. ~e Oeurt ~islikes to disturb the f~nd~ of a o~le~o~o e~eo~ly ~ Oueh cO. SO,on ~s oom~sed Of oLtiseno a~ointed ability ~d ~u~nt ~e Co~t has t~lieit oo~Xdenoe, how- OYeF I ~ ~tiofied had the ~ouition to ~e opon~ of thio hl~y Been fforee and ener~ ~at the matter i8 presented to ~e Coun~ Oou~t, ~e ao~tOsio~ would have arrived at the o~ o~- eluelon au tho ~o~ Tho r~ ~y be a oonventonee to oome few pea- evidence howe~r deeo not dioolo~ 8u~ nOcesS~tF ex~ote~ ss re2u~Te~ the To~ of Ye~ cono2derable e~enoe oeO~toned ~ tho Apl2arently before tho oommLosion no determined _._not to be eonoLde~ed in ar~y Fee~ee~ a ro~Aeot.~n ~en ~he ' should not lend ~e~ The ~p~oatAon to seal,Tm ~o re,oft of the tiaa of the re,aTt, FLied Oot, In the Ma,%er ef the Applicatlo~ef WILLIAM O. SALMON, ~e lam eut a highway running frmn !mle~ Mill Read ~ the Duck Pend at Pecemic and ~utch~gue, in the '~f Eeuthold, and thc Assessment Qf Dm.uages thereN~. DEOISION 0F O0]A~IESIONERS in Faver of Application. ~harles R. Lyen, Esq., Attorney fer Applicant, Gveenp®rt, Su£folk ~ In the l~atter of t!~e Applic~%ion of WILLIAM 0 $ALUON & Others. for the laying o~t of a hlghws~ fro; the Inlet M~ll Road to Dusk Pond . Road, in the Town of $outl~.ld. ..I ~ Town of $outhold, NO~ York. In the Natter of the Application ,~ of VILLI~ O. ~ALNON, ;. 8nd other~ for the laying out of a :Highway in the Town of $outhold, ~ghe Inlet Nlll Road It Peoonic :*~he ~ek Pond Road at ~ E L E A $ E TOWN OF SOUT~OLD . In the ~atter of the Applioation of BURTIS B. BAILEY, for the ~mying out and mlteration of the Highway known as The Inlet Mill Road at Peoonio, in ,said Town. APPLICATION~ CONSENT OF TOV~ BOARD, RELEASE OF DAMAGES.