HomeMy WebLinkAboutMECHANIC STREET Written application having been ~ade to se to~n supeeintendent of hl~wa~ for t~ T~ of S~thold~ ~folk Co~t~ ~ Y~k~ by Spence~ W. Petty, ~d others, p~ties l~able to ~ assess~ for hl~ ~xes l~ s~d T~n ~d the ~tten c~ent of the Town ~rd of ~ld ~wn ~v~ been g~ven as pres- cribed by law, ~d releases ~ da~es having been executed by the o~ems the land th~u~ ~lch the p~sed h~w~ ts ~ ~ l~d out, copies of are hereto ~exed, ~d nothl~ hav~ been ~d to ~y claimant for such d~ges, it is hereby O~D ~D D~I~D that · hX~w~. ~ell be ~ ~e sa~ Is hereby lald out In said To~ as follows:- Said highway to be kn~n ~ MEC~NIC SOUTH:- B~I~ING at a ~anlte mon~nt at the intersection of the ~esterly line ~of the north br~ of ~ch~lc Steer with the southerly l~ne of the east brach of said Me~lc Street, es now laid ~t; ~nnXng t~nce alo~ said southerly line of ~n~nic Street, N. ~e02~lO" E.-33.08 feet; then~ th~u~ l~d of S~ncer W. Pet~, land of Regl~ Stu~dorf, other l~d of s~d S~r W. Petty ~d land of Wilbur Petty, S. 28e ~ E.- 4~1.1~ feat to land of L. ~rron Hill; then~ along said l~d of L. ~rr~ Hlll~ S. ~" W. ~.18 feet to a ~nerete ~n~nt at ~hweaterly corner of land of said Wilbur Pet~; thence along t~ westerly line of l~d of s~d Wllb~ Petty, land of S~ncer W. Petty, land of sa~ Regl~ S~mdorf ~d other l~d of said S~ncer W. Petty, N, 28~ O0~ W.- 44~.03 feet to the ~lnt of beg~. ~g a strip of land 3~ feet Xn wXdth, ~ured at rl~t e~les ~ ~e side 1Xnes of ~Xd strip ~d extendl~ f~m said s~therly line of east brach of Mechanic Street to land of said L. ~o~ Hill~ which pro~sed lay~g out ~lll ~ss t~ou~ lan~ of Spencer W. Petty, Sr.; Regina St~dorf ~d Wllb~ S. Petty, only. ~ted th~s ~ / day of J~e, 1~0. ~e ~e~s~ed, l~ble ~o ~ ~.ed for h~w~ t~e~ In ~e T~n of Sout~Id, hereby apply to y~ to ~y ~t ~e hl~ at Southold~ ~ the Tom off ~outhold~ ~f~lk ~ty, ~ ~ork~ to be ~ as ~C~IC S~ SO~H as follo~:- ~G~I~ at a ~te ~n~nt at ~e ~nt~r~e~tlon of ~e ~sterly l~ne of the no~th b~ch off ~c~tc St~ e/th the ~u~e~ly 11~ of the east b~ of sa~ ~c~lc Street, ~ n~ laid o~t; r~l~ the~e alo~ said eoutherly l~e of ~tc Steer, R. ~10~ B.-33.05 fleet; then~ l~d of Spencer ~. ~etty, l~d of ~e~lna S~do~f, other l~d of sa~ Spencer R. Fet~ ~d l~d of Rll~ ~et~, S. 2~.~~ S~- 451.1~ feet to l~d HIII~ the~e~l~ said l~d of L. ~n ~11, S. ~o~t~e R.-~.18 fe~ to concrete ~nt at s~thw~terly corne~ of l~d of ~d ~llb~ alo~ t~ ~sterly line of l~d of ~d Rllb~ ~etW, l~d of S~cer R. Pet~, l~d of said Re~ 6~mdor~ ~d other l~d of s~d ~neer R. ~et~, O0~ R, - ~.~ feet to the poZut oF beg~nlns. ~ a str!p oF l~d 33 feet tn wtdth~ ~a~ed at P~t ~gles to ~e side lines of said ~rlp ~ ex- tend~ f~ ~Xd s~therly 1X~ of ~h bran~ of ~Xc ~t~et ~ l~d of ~d L. ~m H~ll~ S. Resl~ 5~dorf ~ Wllb~ Petty, only. W~, the undersigned, s ~aJorlty of the To~n Board of the To~ of Southold, having met at the o££1ce o£ the Supervisor, at Oreenport, In ~ald ?o~n~ on the ---~_/ day o£ June, 1940, and cons1dered ~h® application o£ Spencer W. Petty, /~ro and others for the laying out o£ a new h~ghway at $outhold~ To~ o£ $outhold, -~u~folk County, 'New ¥or~, to be known es i~HA)/IC 8. T.E~ SOUTh_, do hereby consent that such layin/~ out be rode in a¢cordenee with the preyer of the within petition. Superintendent ~£ Hlghw~rs. Wig, SPENCER W. PI~TT~ and IJt}tIl~ PETTY, bls wife; ~G!~ S~; WI~ PET~ ~d ~ B. ~, ~s ~lfe, of ~t~ld, S~olk ~ty, ~w Yo~, In ~ald~a~lon of the s~ of ~E D~, to ~ In ~d ~ld by ~0~ D. ~ICE, T~n ~nte~ent of ~waya, of ~e ~ of ~u~old, a~ ~ ~rther eo~ldemtXon of the lay~ ~t of a new hi.way at S~old, In the To~ of S~thold, Su~k ~ty, Mew Yo~, as fo!lowa~- ~0 at a ~te ~m,~nt at the Interaction of ~e ~ste~ly line of the nOr~ bm~h of ~o~te St~ with t~ ~therly line of the e~t brach of said ~lc Street, ~ n~ laid outl r~nlng thence ~ong southerly l~e of ~c~nlo Street, M. ~10" ~-- 33.~ feet; thence l~d of Sp~c~ W. Petty, land of Re~na St~ff, oth~ l~d of s~d W- Pet~ ~d l~d. of ~llb~ Pet~ys S. 28. ~ E.- 4~1.17 feet to l~d of L. ~n ~!11; thence al~ said l~d of L. ~r~ Hills S. T~" W.~.18 feet to a concrete ~nu~ut at the s~westerly ~rner of l~d of ~ald Pe~; thence ~long ~e w~terly line of lind of ~ld Wll~ ~t~, 1~ Spencer W. Pettys l~d of said ~gl~ ~f ~ oth~ll~d of eaid Spencer W. Petty, ~. ~8o O0~ [.- ~4.~ fe~ ~ ~e point of beg~. ~ a of land 33 fe~ ~ wide, ~a~ured at r~ht ~1~ ~ ~e sl~ linee of said - strip ~d exten~ng f~a ~d a~erly line of ~st ~a~h of Me~lo Steer to l~d of eaid L. B~n HIll, whl~ proposed new ~y will ~ ~o~ aa ~.~ S_~ ~TH ~d p~s thm~ t~ l~da of Spenc~ W. Pet~, Regina St~rff ~d ~11~ Petty only do h~eby dedicate ~ ~l~e ~ ~e To~ of Southold~ a~ l~d he~etofo~ o~ed by ~ ~d Included wlth~ ~e p~aea a~ve deaorl~d, and do here~ release s~d To~ f~a ~1 d~ea by ~ of ~e lay~ ~t of the new ~w~. $$:- day of June, 1940, before me personally M. came SPI/I/¢~R W. P~d ~P~, his P~ ~d ~AMC~ B, P~, hia wife, all of S~old, ~folk ~, York, personally lmewn to me and known to ~e to be the persons described , in and who executed the foregoing lzetr~ent and they aeve~al~¥ aekn~ledged to ~ that they executed the mme. ~otary Public, Suffff, ~o.