HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARY'S ROADTOWN OF SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY In the Matter of Ascertaining, Describing and Recording "IVIARY~S ROAD" as a To~wn Highway in the Town of Southotd, County of Suffolk and State of New York~ a Highway used by the Public for more than Fifteen Years. ORDER ESTABLISHING TOWN HIGHWAY BY WHEREAS, the public for a period of more than ten years has used the lands hereinafter described as a public highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, and WHEREAS, it is in ail respects proper that such highway shall be duly ascertained, described and entered on rec6~d as a town highway of the said Town of Southold, and taken over by such Town and worked and kepi in repair by such Town, NOW~ THEREFORE, Ia RAYMOND ~, DEAN, the Town Superinten- dent of Highways of the said Town of SouthoId, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby ascertain, describe and enter on record as a town highway the following, to wit: All that certain tract~ piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southoid~ County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Pike Street~ 612.98 feet easterly along said northerly line from Wickham Avenue; from said point of beginning running along the several lands of Berkoski, Phillips, Steizer and Wilcenski, North 14 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds West 521. 88 feet to the southerly line of Hill Street; thence across the easterly end of said Hill Street, North 15 degrees 00 minutes West 37.44 feet; thence along land of Mattituck Masonry Supply Company, North 14 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds ~/-est 132.58 feet to land of Long Island Railroad; thence along said land of Long Island Railroad, North 46 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds East 56.91 feet to land of Union Free School District No. 9; thence along said land of Union Free School District No. 9, South 14 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds East 718. 67 feet to said northerly line of Pike Street; thence along said northerly line, South 74 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West 49.51 feet to the point of beginning. The above described highway being 49.50 feet in width from Pike Street to Dill Street, and 49.75 feet in width from Dill Street to the Long Island Railroad. Annexed hereto and made a part hereof is a certain map prepared by Van Tuyi & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, dated February 27: 1968, entitled ~'Map of Proposed Highway to be known as Mary:s Road at Mattituck, Town of Southold, N.Y. "which said map shows the course of said highway. Dated: March / 1968. ~/~///~ ~× Raymond~[ Dean ~uperintendent of Highways of the Town of SoUthoId, SuffoLk County, New York. The '~o~-~ liable to be assessed for higher, ay ta~es in way at ~ttituok~ Town of Southold~ Suffolk O~dnty~ New Iork; ~A~Y'$ ROf~D: Center llne d~essrib~, as follows: Begir~ing at a point ~n the southerly line of }~i~le Road~ ~ o~ ~ne division ~ ~ ~t~l on east and Gus~av Ba~er on the west~ am~ ~u~i~e t~enoe ~lomg ~ ~*vision zinc Se ......... - lO~Te~9 feet to leal ~ Br~nt S. C~:l~ on the west~ thence ~long ~mvmsmon lane Between i~nd ce BP ant S. 0~clin ~ eest and land ~ Fred H. Pike ~ the east~ S. 14°54~00~ E~-9~.88 fe~t to northerly llne of right of way of Lor, ff Ista~4 Rai~-oad- Width to be 50 feet~ 2~ feet on east to be taken From Ns~t Se Tuth!lt s~l Fred H. ~e~ 2~ feet on w~s~ fr~ Gustav Bayer and whzon proposed ~ ~ - lay_ng out will nasa through the lands of G,-~+~ B ~ ~ ~ S. Tuthil ~ Fred H. P~ke~ urP~arried and Bryant S, ~ ~ ~ Dated this O -day of A~i!~ lO2q~ ~ the u~iersigned~ a nmjority of~ the T.~n_. Bos~rd of the T~v~ oF Southold~ havin~ ~et at the ~ioe of the Sn~rvisor~ at oonsi~ere~ the ~pplto~ti~ o~ G~stav B~yer and other~ for the iayin~ out ~ s~ new highway t~ be ~own as P~T~S ~0~ ~ at ~attituok~ T~n oF Southoid.~ St~olk 0o~ty~ New Y~rk~ ~o hereby consent that ~uch laying out be ~5~e ~ ~.ooor~noe with the ~aye~ of the within ~tition~ Clerk~ ~tice~ oF th~ ounty~ Ne~ York~ ~nt~d~ Fteet~ Tow~ Superinten~_ent of Highways of tho To~_ of $o~thold~ ~u fu~-thor ee£~slde~ atzon of the !ay~ug out of a new highway ~au~xt~uE~ T~n of So~thold~ ~ART:S ROAD~'~ ~enter l~ue desorf, oed as foil,s: BegiD~%g at the Yes% and rum~Ing thenoe %tong said divisi~n llne E.~IO~T~9 f~et to lend ~ Hryant S. Conk!in on the west~ thence along ~ivision line between IgC. of Bryant S, Oo~iin on west to northerly t~e of right ~ w~y of Lo~ Isl~ ~oad, ~o be o~ feet~ ~5 feet on e~s~ to be taken from Nat S, and Fred ~. ~ke~ 25 feet' on ~est fmom Gustav Bayer and Br~ant~ O on~i in ~ and Bryant S. Oonkl~ and w~e.~ only~ do hereby dedicate and release to the To~ of Southo!d~ al! land heretofore ~ned 5y us ~nd mne~dea within tb~ premises abc~e do~ermo~e_~ ~n~ do hereby release said Town from =~!~ d~ages by reason of the %Ay~t,b~ Dated April ~ ~ !929,, SUFFOLK° ~_ this day of ii~i!~ !9~9~ before me the ~ ~ o~ ege~g i~tr~ent ~ot~ry STATE OF ~W S~Ffolk County~ New York~ ~rso~tiy ~ to ~ and ~n to ~e to be two ~f~he persona ~esor!be,_ ~ aad ' ~ ~ +~a the fore~ going ~strument a~_ they severa~iy~a,o~owle~to me that t~e~ STATE ~ ~Eb,' ~ -~ a that he exeout~ Notar~ ~!ic~ STATE OF ~f YOR¥_~ to mo that they exeo~o~ tho sane- ~otary ~i%o~ S~f- Oe~ TO~:~ OF SOUT!{ OLD In t!~e .%latter ol' the Application - o~- GUSTAV BAYER & ORS° ~ for the la,yin~ out of a new Highway to he gOAD, ~ ~,[attituok, in the Town of Southolcl, Suffolk County, New Ar'PLIC AT I0 N, COMSEh~T 0F · w, RELEgAtE OF D;F,~GES · TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY In the Matter of Ascertaining, Describing and Recording "MARY'S ROAD" as a Town Highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, a Highway used by the Public for more than Ten Years. ORDER ESTABLISHING TOWN HIGHWAY BY USER f