HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARRATOOKA LANE Telephone 9-J M&ttitU,ck · otel ~51enwooO, 3. I~. ~¢nsluz, I~cop~etor. value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in salt] county, a strip of land ~eross my premises in ~ for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ~ In presence of STATE OF }NIEW YORK 'I SS. SUFFOLK COUNTY Thonsaud Niue Hundred and ~ before me personally came ~~ ~~ , to me known and known to me to be the same person_ described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and f~ acknowledged that., he. executed the same. pr~i or acknowl~ent, a ~OTARY ~u~Ie of ~he S~te of Hew York, in and for ~id County of Na~u, dwe~ing in ~id County, ~mmi~on~ and sworn and duly autho~z~ to take the ~m~ A=d, further, that I am well ~uaint~ ~th the ha~dw~ting of su~ Homry, ~d v~ily ~i~e t~ signatu~ to the ~id Ce~ifieate is genuine, ~d that the ~id inarumeut ~ ex~Ut~ ~d acknowl~ a~rdin~ to ~e laws of ~ S~te of Hew York. my hand and affix~ the~ of s~d County and ~un ~e~ttmon~ ~be,e~ ~v%her~nto ~t ~~ . OUTHO ~ of Highways IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF in the Town of ~ , County of Suffolk and State of New York, for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across '~'~v~cremises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed and is described as follows Andt~also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. I~ Wx'mqSss Wn~:R~or,/4~f_have hereunto set ~hand3and seal3this dayof ~' , I9O~. STATE OF NEW ¥ORK~ss. SUFFOLK COUNTY On this '~'~7~ *~" day of '~~ One Thousaud Nine Huudred and ~ ~ before me personally came to me to be the same person4 described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that ~he)executed the same. IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF