HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANHANSET AVENUE TO ALL TO WHOM THI~E pR~TS ~HAr.~. C0~, or may concern: ~R~TING: Enow Ye, That t~J~BERT FORDHA~ and I~EZ his wife, both residing at Greenport, in thc Town of Southold~ Suffolk County, New York, and MABELLE R. RA~NOR, residing at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, lawful money of the United States of America to them in hand paid by TO,tN ~F ~OUTHOLD, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and State of ~ew York, the receipt whereof is. hereby acknowledged, have remised, re- leased, and forever discharged, and by these presents do for our- selves, our heirs, executors, successors and assigns, remise, lease and forever discharge the said TOI~N OF SOU~HOLD, its successors and assigns, of and from all, and all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, accounts, reckoning, bondS, b$11s, specialties, covenants, con~ tracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, Judgments, extents, executions, claims and demands whatso- ever, in law or in equity, which against the said Town of Southcld we ever had, now have or which we, or ou~ heirs, executors, admini- strators, successors or assigns, hereafter can, shall or may have for, upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever fro~ the beg~nning of the world to the day of the date of these presents, and p~tt~ula~ly for shy damase that maly be occasioned to the under- signed because off the acceptance by said To~n off Southold of certain l~nds nea~ Greenport, ~n sa~d To~n off $outhold, for dedication as additions to the public highways or roads called "Hanhanset Avenuee andSBeaCh Road," I~ I~T~SS I~I~IE(~, tho pa~ties have hereunto set their hands and seals, this 17th day o£ June , lc)~o (In~ Fordha~) ~ (l~abelle R ~/R aynor ) , ,(L.S.) STATE OP hEW YO~K, ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On this l?th day of June , 1953, before me personally came B~aBERT FORDHAM and INEZ FORD~AM, to be personally known, and known to. me. to be two of the_individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and duly severaIly ack- no~l~dged that they executed the same. FRANK J. McMANN ~0TARY I'UBLIC, State of NewYork lqo. 52-~870900 Suffolk Countyt-~[ STATE OF NEW Y01~, ) 0F S 0L . } On this l?th day of ~une , 19~3, before me personally c~ae MABELLE R. RAYNOR, to me personally known, an~ ~own to me to be ~ne of the ~viduals ~scri~d ~ ~d w~ executed the f~ego~g instr~ent,~d duly ac~owle~ed that she executed the S~ee FRANK J. McMANN ~0TARY PUBllC, State of New York , lqo. ~2-'/870900 F, uffolk County, s, Upon reading and filing the dedication and Pelease of Herbert Fordh~m, et al., dated June 17th, 1953, duly acknowledged, dedicat- ing and releasing the necessary lands for the proposed additions for the purpose of widening the highways known as Man~anset Avenue and Beach Road, near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk a~d State of New York, and more particularly described in said deed of dedication and release, it is hereby RESOLVED that consent be, and the s~.me hereby is, given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid additions for the purpose of widening the aforesaid Town Highways to consist of the lands des- cribed in said deed of dedication and release, all in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated: November 30th, 1954. Supervisor ~ ~.~, Just of the ~ ~ ~stice of t~e Peace Justice of the Peace In the Matter of the Widenin~ of certain Town Highways in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New.York~ known as Manhanset Avenue a~d Beach Road~ near ~reenport. pursuant to Seotion 171 of the Highway Law, and upon the annexed consent of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York~ and the annexed deed of dedication and release from Herbert Fordham, et al, they being the owners of and persons interested in the lands through which said highways are proposed to be widened, NOW THERt~ORE, I, Harold D. price, as the Town Superintendent of Highways, of the Town of Southold, in the county of Suffolk and State of New York, do hereby detemulne and o~der that TOWn Highways known as Manhanset Avenue and Beach Road, near Greenport, in said Town, shall be, and the same hereby are, widened as particularly described in the annexed deed of dedication and release from Herbert Fordham, et al., dated ~ 1~' ~5~'~ ~~ Dated~ November 30th, 195~. ,Bupbrinten~.~t Town o~ou~o~d~ FRANK J. MeMANN ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELOR AT LAY/ ~REENPORT, NEY/YORK November 30th 1954 The Town Board of the Town of Southold I hereby certify that title of Herbert For&ham, Inez For&ham and Mabelle R. Raynor to the premise~ described in a Deed from Herbert For&ham, Inez For&ham and Mabelle R. Raynor to Town of Seuthold is ~rfect in fee simple and that the said premises are free and clear of encumbrance. RELEASE 'ii , ~