HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAIN STREET, NEW SUFFOLKA°PL~qATION OF L~JRA J. ROACME to alter a part of the highway known as RAIN STRMKT TO THE TOWN 8IIPERINTEND~?T of HIGT~AYS of the TOFN of in the COUNTY of SIIFFOI,K, NEW ¥OR~f, ~E UNDERSIGNED, liable to be assessed for highway labor in the Town ~f Sou~hold, hereby appli?s to you to alter a part of the southerly line of the highway in said Town known as I~iAIN STREET, the said southerly line as applied to be altered being monumented and described as follows, to wit:- BEGINNING at a stone monument set at or near the no~-~hwestorly corner of land of the applicant, and running thence south 85009'00'' east 201.05 feet to another stone monu- ment set at or near the northeasterly corner of land of said applicant, which proposed alteration of said southerly line will pass through the lands of the applicant, who consent to such altoration of said highway. Dated, 26th day of NovemberlglO. RELEASE of DANAGES for alteration of a part of MAIN STREET KNOW ALL HEN BY T~ES'~ PRESENTS: That, I, LAURA J. RO^CME, o~ the Town of $outhold, in the County of Suffolk, Now York, for and in consideration of tho sum of One (~1) Dollar, hereby consent that the Southerly linc of the highway known as ~{AIN STREET be altered through my prem- ises in tho Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, Now York, pur- suant to my~applica~ion datod the day of 1910, and rctoaso said town from all d~unagOs by roason of altoring said line of such highway ~hrough my pron%isos. I. have sst my hand hot,nrc IN WITNESS WWEREOF, day of 1910. the prosenco of on this $iE~od in COUNTY of KINGS STATE of NEW YO~M) hundro d and to ms known ~nd who exe'cutod tho ss: On thio l~day of~'~ in the yoar nineteen ten, before ms porsonally appearod, LAURA J. ROACME and known to ~o ~o be the individual doscribod in foro5oing agroemont .and acknowledSod to me that she executed the same. CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD to alter a part of highway know~ as ~,AI N STREET THE IE~DERSIGNED, the TOWN ~OARD of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, hereby consent that the Town Superintendent of ~Iighways of said Town, make an order altering the highway described in the application of LAURA J. ROACHE, pursuant to Section 191 of the P'..ighway Law. IN WITNESS W~?EEEOc, we have he~'~unto set our hands on this S6 day of Novemb~r,1910. ORDER Altering a part of the highway known as MAIN STREET ~URSUAN T to a part of the in said Town, in said Town, the application of LAURA J. ROACME to altez southerly line of the highway known as I.~AIN sTREET a person liable to be assessed for highway labor, and upon the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, as prescribed by law, and the release for damages having been executed by the owners of ihs ~lhn~Wthzough which the proposed alteration of said highway runs, I, the UNDERSIGNED, TOWN SU?ERINTENBENT of HIGH- WAYSm of said Town, hereby order that the said southerly line of said highway shall be and the same is hereby altered so as ~o run as follows, to wit:- ~EGI~E~NG at a stone monument sst at or near the north- westerly corner of land of LAURA J. ROACWE and running thence south 85009'00'' 201.05 feet to another stone monumen,t set at or near the northeasterly c2rn~r_ of land of LAURA J.. ROACHE. ~ ~,[ The ~aboVe described line b~ing particularly shown aud sst forth on a certain map entitled "Map showing lines of a part of highways known as Fifth Avenue, Fourth Avenue, :~ain ~t. and Jackson St., as established by the Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold, Suff. Co. N. ¥.," which map duly approved by me is filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town. Dated this ~,.~day of~,lgl~. ALIERATI0~, 0F A PART OF HIG~AY KI~gWN AS ]lAIN S ~EET