HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAIN STREET UPPER, GREENPORT The tmde~si~nedo ~eorge H. Fleet, Town ~per~ntenAe~t of ~lghways ef tho Town of ~eutheld, hav~ mot ~th the ~G~d of the TO~ of Sout~old on t~e 6, ~ of M~, 1916, ~Tln~ he~d the allosat~ons beth ~favor of ~d ~ op~esit~ cn to the l~in~ out. alter~n~ ~d ~d~f of the ~Zhwa~ per Ma~ Street, ~W, ~on the ~itt~ application ef ~1~ ~ee ~. ~les, a person liable te be assesse~ for Highway ~said te~, w~ch application Is he2eto ~exed, ~d the 2~ses of d~ages ~aving be~ executed ~ ~l~ce ~. ~i~ ~e~ber ~d ~l~ti~ ~s~, the only o~ers of the ~d t~eugh w~ch the proposed l~g out, alteration ~d~g ls to pas, ~ch ~e hereto ~exed, the considera- tion to ~y one claret for s-ach ~es net excee~ $1~ ~d the total ~a~es to all the clarets berg less th~ $50e.e$, ~d due deliDerati~ having be~ had there--, ~er~ SRDE~D ~d ~T~ED that the ~ortherly ~d cf Grew- pert Ls~e or ~per M~ Street, ~erth of the Village of port~ i~ t~$ said To~ of Southold, ~o~ty ef ~clk State ef ~ew york, be laid cut, altered ~d ~d~ed ~ c~ ~g the co,se of a p~t of a p~t af the s~e se t~t the ~asterly side of the s~e shall r~ as follO~:- ~o~o~g at a grmnite monist lately placed ~ the l~d ef ~l~Ce ~. ~leS, on the Souti~ side cf the ~1~ K~g's o ~, be~g North ~5 ~$' East ~ ~d ~$t~t 16.5 feet the old ~ite mcn~ent fo~erly st~g at a j~ction of tl Easterly line of the ~ortherly ~d cf ~e~port L~e er Ma~ Street ~t~ the Southerly line ef said ~ld K~g's Hlghw~, ~g th~ce t~o~ the l~ds of the said el~ee ~. ~le~ ~eut~ 25~ ~5' ~$' ~ast ~26.4 feet to a gr~lte men~t the l~d of e~isti~ j~s~; th~ee ~lng ~cuth ~1 ~ast ~ong the several l~ds of ~lstl~ J~s~ ~d J~es 176.9 feet ~o gr~lte monist ~d the ~rtherly line of Place; thence ~!ng South 24 O' 40u las% 559.85 foot to a granite monument on the line between the lands Of Jha~les g. ~ailoy and ~hsrlos W. Hartley, and running across the Westerly end of Kne, pp Place, %brough the land of ~aOherino Maec~ber iisi feet to a granite monument and along the land of Antes A. Stress- inet 268 feet to a granite mon~.~nt en the Northerly line ef !!ehamplin Place, then across the Westerly end of $hEm~plin Plac to to a granite monument on the Southerly line of ehamplin Place! and land of Charles G. Bailey and thende along the land of said ~iBailey 71 feet to a granite r.~ont~nent and the land of W. Hartley; t~ence running along the land of said Ohs.flee W. Hartley and land of ~letcher Ford~am South 29 $' 1S, East to a granite monument on t~e Nort~ side of Bridge Street lA0.1 feet; the Westerly line commencinE on the Southerly line of t~e Old King's Highway at a granite monument ca the Westerly line of said Greenport Lan8 or Main Etreet and x~nning thence o Semth 26 ~El' 20,~ast along the several lands of $~vistian Jenson, Hannah EllswOrth, Nellie Jetter, Annie Freeman and Christian ~nse~ to a granite monument set for a bo~d en the[ land of ~hristian Jensea 45S.$1 feet; thence ~-~nnt.ug south o 21 e5, 1S" ~aet alon~ the lands of ekristian Jenson and AutO~ A. S%rasener Z98.69 feet to a granite monument en the line ~ tween land of AntOne A. Etraeaner and land of ~rances W. Mc erax~; th~ce running south 2ae 5S' 5S. ~ast along t~e ef said ~rances W. Ec Sra_~y and of Cornelia ~. ~c Stair feet to a~ranlte tach,meat and land of l~s. Le Grand young, w~lch air,atica, widening and opening passes tkrough the lands of $1a~e~ce ~. Niles, Catherine ~acomber and ~hri~ti~nJ,~n Jenson only and varies at different places from ~ to 4 rods in width as described, on a mad made b~ Ralsey and Van Tyle, ~gineers and SurveyOrs, of Greenport, N.Y., ~ay 5, ~kl¢~ ie h~reto annexed and made a Dart of tkis order. Dated tkis 5th day of OctOber, 1916. Town ~uperin%en ent o~ Eighwa~s Of t~e Town ~. ~mmm e. ·e · ~ T~ the Town guperintendent ef Highways ef the Town ef ~eutheld, in the Oeunty of 9uffelk and ~tate ef New York: The undersigned, liable te be assessed for highway taxe~ in tho said Town ef ~eutheld, hereby applies to yen te lay ~A~ ~ho Easterly side. a~ter and widen a l~ighway in said Town ef ~euthe£~,AC~mmencl~ at a gamnl%ememunent lately placed en the land ef 01~veneo Niles en the South side ef the 01d King's Highway, bearing North 75 20' East frem ~nd distant l~.5 feet from the eld granite me~nnent forr~erly standing at the junction ef the Easl erly line ef the Northerly end of Gr~onpert La~le or Naln etr~~ with the ~eutherl{f line ef said 01d King's Highway, and ~nni~ thence through the lands ef the e 24 ~4' ~ast 326.4 feet tea granite mem~on~ and e ~hristain Jenson; thecne ~nning $'euth 21 51 ' 20, the said Clarence C. Miles ~euth th~ land East along several lands ef 0hristian Jenson and Jmmes Kay 17~.90 feet te ~ granite men~nnent and the Northerly llne ef Knapp Pi e thence running 9euth 2~ 00' ~O, Eas~ 559.~5 feet t. a granit, menttment en the lin~ between the land~ ef ~harles G. ~ailey a~ Oharles '7. Hartley, and running across the Westerly end of KnaDp Place, through tho land ef C~tharine Mace]~sber 118 fee% along tea granite ~en~m~ent and $.~W-the land ef Antene A. errs nor ~ feet tea granlte m~ent en the Northerly line ef Oh~plin Placs, then across the ~esterly end ef Ch~plin Plac tea granite ~e~ent en the ~eutherly line ef Ch~plin Pl~e aloi~ and land ef Oharles G. ~ailey and thence ~h the lan4 ef said Bailey 71 feet to a ~anite rs~n~ent and land ef ~h~l~s along ~. Hartley; thence runnung %~ tt~e land ef said Charles and land ef F~tCher F~rdh~ W. Hartley A~euth ~ 00' 10" East tea ~anite merriment en tb North side ef Bridge ~tree% l~O.1 fee%, the Westerly line ce~ mencing en the $eutherly line ef the 01d King's Highwa7 a% a granite men~ent en the ~esterly line of said Greenport Lane er ]~{ain 9treet and ~nniBg thence geuth 25 25' 20" East along ,t ~g ,ce; ~SS- ee ·e · tea gran!te ~on~tment set for a bound on tha land of i ~/~ ~50.~1 feet; thence running ~outh 21 05' 10"~ ~ast ~.ug~-~ aleng the lands ,f ~ ~~ 39~.~9 feet to a granite ~se~msent en tho line between land ef Antene A~ 2transsn~r and lan~ ef Francis "~. Mc Czary; thence ~n~lng South 2~ ~0' ~0" East alonJ the land ef said Francis ~r. Mc era~ and ef Cernelia F. Mc crary $2~.$ fe~t to ~ granite ~en,~ent ~n~ land of ~'~~ ~hlch pr,pesed alteratien, ~idening and openinE will pas~ through the lands ef Olarence' O. ~lles, Oatharine Naoe~ber, and Ohristian Jensen only and varies ~t dif'~rout pl~o~ ~re~ three to feur rods__in width. Dated tbls ~O~ay Of May, 19!6. ee ee · Wre~ being a majority ~f the Town Board ef the Town of south. ~ld, in the ~unty *f ~uffolk and ~t~te of New York, do hsroby appr~v~ of and c~nsent t~ the laying out , ~ltoring and lng ®f the Highway applied f~r in tho annexed Petition of Town ~lerk. Justioo ef tho Peaco. ~onstituting the Town Board of the Town of ~outhol · · · · · · I, CLARh~NCE C. NILEq, of Greenpor~, in the Town of gouthold, County of gu_~folk and qtate of New Yo_~k~ in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARg ($100.00), to ]ne in h~nd p~id by George H. Fleet, To%~n guperintendent of Hig~.,~'ays, of said Term of ~outhold, and in further consideration of the laying out, altering and widening of a highway in said to~.~n of ~outhold~ by changing the course of a part of the same so that the Easterly side of the same shall run as follows: Commencing at a granite monument lately placed on the land of ~larence C. Niles, on the ~outh side of the old King's Highway, b,~a_~no north 75° 20 East from and distant 16.5 feet frown the ol~ granite monument formerly standing at the Junction of the Easterly line of the Northerly end of Greenport L~Ue or Nain qtreet ~;ith the ~cutherly line of said Old King ts Hig~ay, and ~nning thence through the l~nds of the said clarence C. Niles ~outh Rso ~5' 20" East feet 526.~ feet to a granite monument and the land of Ohristian Jensen; thence running ~outh ~l° 51' 90, East along the several l~n~s of ~hristl~n Jensen and j~me~ Kay 17~.9 feet to a granite monument ~n~ the Northerly line of KnapD Place; thence u~nninE ~outh ~o 0' 40" East 559.85 fee to a ~rqnite monument on the line bet%~een the lands of Charles G. Bailey ~nd Charles ~. Hartley, and ~nning ~eross ~,he ~"~esterly end of Knapp Place, throush the land of catherine Naeomber ll8.feet to a granite ~onument and %long the 18nd of Antone A. Strassner 268 feet to a granite monument on the Northerly line of Champlin PlaCe, then across the U~esterly end of Champlin place to a granite merriment on the qoutherl¥ line of champlln place and land of eherles G. M~iley ~nd thence ~long the l~nd of said Bail 71 feet to a granite monument and the land of Charles T. H~rtley; thence running along the land of said Charles W. o Hartley and land of Fletcher Fordham ~outh 29 0 ' 10" East to a granite mo~ment on the North side of Bridge gtreet 140.1 feet; the ~e~erl~? line cormu~encing on the ~outherly line of the Old King's Highway at a granite monument on the ~?esterly line of s~id Greenport Lane or Nain q~ eet and running thence ~outh R~ o ~l' R0,, - - - East along the several lands of christian Jenson, Hannah Ell~worth, Nellie Jotter, Annie Mreeman and ~hristian Jensen to ~ granite monument set for a b~und on the land of ~bristi~.~n Jenson 450.31 feet~ thence running ~outh ~l° 5' 10. ~ast along the lands of ~.brlstian Jenson and Antone A. gtrassner 39~.69 feet to a granite mor~ment on the line between land of ~utone A. ~trassner and land of ~rancee ~V. NcCrary; thence running ~outh ~o 50, 50. East along the land of s~id ~rances~ ~. ~.,{cCrary and of Cornelia ~. }~c0rary 49~.41 feet to a granite monument and land of Mrs. Legrand Young, ~,Jhich l~roposed alteration, widening ~nd opening passes through the lands of Clarence C. Miles, Catharine Macomber and Christi~u Jensen only and varies at differ~ut places from ~ to 4 rods in '~idth as described on a map made by Halsey and VanTyle, Engineers ~nd ~urveyors, o~ G~eenport, N.Y. Nay 5, 191~, do hereby'dedicate and release to the To~wn of 2outhold, all land heretofore owne4 by me lying ~esterly of the Easterly line above described and do hereby release said T~vn from' all damages by reason of the l~ylng out, alteration ~nd ~hanging of the co~rse of said Highway as aforesaid. Dated ~eptsmber 22, 1916. state of New York, ) 881 ~ C~nty of ~uffolk, ) On this ~ day of~Dt~r, 19~ before me personal~y came ~LARNN~E G. MIL~S, of Greenpe~, ~uffolk ~ounty, New York, personally known to me and kzown to me to be the same person described in and who execu%ed the foregoing instrttment~ ~u~d~ duly acknowledged to me · · · · · I, CATEARINE NACONBER9 of Greenport~ in the Town of 9outhold, County of quffolk and 9tare of New York9 in consideration of the sum' of ONE DOLLARS ($1.00), to me in hand paid by George H. Fleet, To~wn ~perint~ndent of Highways, of the s~id Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laming out, altering and widening of a highway in said To~;m of ~outhold, by changing the course of a Dart of the s~,~,e so that the Easterly ~ide of the s~e shall ~n as follov~s: Oom~_~encing at a granite mor~ument lately placed on land of Clarence ~,. Niles, on the South side of the old King's High~ray, bearing Nerth 75° 20 ' East from ~d distant 16.5 feet fro~ the old granite mo'ntunent fornerly standing at a junction of the Easterly line of the Northerly end of Greenport Lane or ~ain Street ~,~ith the Southerly line of said 01d King's Highway, and ~nning thence thro~gh the lands of the sai~ Clarence C. Niles ~outh 250 25' 20. 3~6.4 feet to a granite monument and the land of 0hristian Jansen; thence running Mop,th ~1° 5l' 20 , East aloz'g several lands of C~isti~n Jansen ~nd games Kay 176.9 feet to a granite mornment and the Northerly line of Knapp Place; thence running South R~° O' 40, East 559.85 fe~ to a granite moth,merit on the line between the lands of Charles G. ~ailey and Charles ~?. Hartley, and r~znning across the ~resterly end of Knap~v Place~ through the land of Catharine Naeomber ll8 feet to a granite mor~ent ancl along the land of Antone A. strassner ~68 feet to a granite moth,merit on the Northerly line of ehamplin Place, then acr.0ss the -'esterly end of Ohamplin Place to a granite h 1"~ mor~ment on the q~t % ~. line of ~hsmplln Place ar~i land of Charle~ G. Bailey an~ thence along the land of said B~il~ 71 feet to a granite mor~ument and the land of Charles W. Hartley; thence runnirg alone the land of said 0harles Hartley and land of Fletcher Fordham South R9° 0' 10,, East to a granite mon~nment on the North side of Bridge gtreet 140.1 feet; the ?'esterly line commencing on the Southerly line of the 01d King's Highway at a granite mor~ument on ~he westerly line of said Greenport Lane or ~ain ~t~eet an~ ~nning thence 2outh 26° 31' ~0,, .... East along the several l~4s of ~h~istian J~sen, Hannah ~llsworth, Nellie Jetter, Annie Mre~san and Christian Jansen to a ~r~ite mo~.~ment set for a ~d on the lan~ of Ohristian J~sen $50.31 feet; thence E~nning South ~l° 5' 10, East along the l~ds of Christian Jansen and ~tone A. 2tras~er ~98.~9 feet to a granite mo~ent on the line between l~d of ~tone A. 2tra~sner and land of Frances W. MCCray; thence ruling ~outh 2~ 50' 50" East alo~ the l~d of said Frances "~. MoCrary ~d of Cornelia F. Mcgra~ 4~.41 feet to a granite mo~ent and land of Mrs. LeGr~]d Y~ng, which ~roposed alterat~n, wideni~ and opening passes through the lends of ~larence O. Miles gathar~e Maoomb~ and Christi~ Jansen o~y, and varies at different places fr~ 3 to 4 rods in width as described on a mpa m~e by Halsey ~d Van Tyle, Engineers ~d ~rv~ors, of Greenport, N. Y., M~ 5, i916~ do herSy dedicate a nd releas~ to the Town of ~out ~old, all land heretofore Ov~e4 by me lying ~esterly of the Easterly line above 4esorib~ and do hereby release said Town ~rom all d~s~es by reason of the laying out, alteration .and changing of the c~rse of said High~'~y as ~ores~d. ~ D~te~ ~ept~ber ~, 1916. ~ ~ 0n ~hls d~ day of ~r, 1916~ ~ before me ~ersonally ca~se ~A~HARINE MAeO~ER, of Greenoor%, Faffolk Co~ty~ No?~ York, personally known to me ~d k~ to me to be the sg~e person described in and who exerted the foregoing inst~ent; and~ duly ackno~le4~d to me that ~he ex~nuted the ,s~ ~ ~~ I, CHRISTIAN JEN~EN, of GreenDort, in the Town of ~outhold, County of ~uffolk and ~tate of New York, in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00), to me in hand 10aid by George H. Mleet, Town Superintendent of Hlgh~rays, of said Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out, altering and widening of a highway in said Totem of ~outhold, by changing the course of a part of the s~me so that the Easterly side of the ss~0e shall run as follo~'~s: Commencing ~t a granite monument lately placed on the land of Clarene~e C. Miles, on the South side of the 01d King's Hig~,~ay, b~aring North ~5° ~0' East from and distant 16.5 fe~t fro~ the old granite monument formerly standing at the Junction of the Easterly line of the Northerly end of G~eenport Lane or Nain Street with the Southerly line of said 01d King's High'.?ay, and running thence throUgh the lands of the said Clarence C. Niles South 0_5o ~5' 0-0. ERst feet 526.4 feet to ,a granite mon~n~nt and the land of Christio~u Jensen; thence running South 21° 51' 20. East along the seven-al l~nds of Christian ~ensen and James Kay 116.9 feet to a granite monument and the Northerly line of Knapp Place; thence running ~outh 0-~o 0' ~0' East 559.~5 feet to a granite monnment on the line between the lands of Charles G. Bailey and Charles ~. Hartl~y, and _~unning across the ,Vesterly end of Knapp Place, through the land of Catharine Nacmmber llg feet to a granite mon~ment and along the l~nd of Antone A. ~t~assner 76~ feet to a granite merriment on the Northerly line of Champlin Place, then across the ~esterly end of Cham~lln Place to a granite mon~ment on the Southerly line of Champlin Place and land of Charles G. Bailey and thence along the land of said Bailey ll feet to a granite monument and the land of Charles ~. H~rtley; thence E~nning along the 18nd of said Charles w. Hartley and land of Mletcher ~ordham South 2~° 0' lC, Eas~ to a granite monument on the North side cf Bridge ~gtreet 140.1 feet; the Westerly line commencing on the 9outherly ~ine of the 01d K~ngs High,,ray at a gr~_uite monument on the ~resterly line of said GreenDort Lane or ~ain 9~r eot and running thence qouth 26° ~l' 20, ..... East ~long the several lauds of Christian Jenson, Hannah Nlls~vorth, Ne±lle Jotter, Annie .Wre~an and Christian Jenson to a granite monument set for a bound on the land of ~hristiau Jenson 450.31 feet; thence running ~outh 21° 5' 10" East along the lauds of Chri'stian jenson and Antone A. 9trassner 39g.69 feet to a grauite monument on the line between laud of Antone A. ~trassner and land of ~rances ~. NeCrary; thence runnlng ~outh 2~o 50' 50~ East along the land of said ~r~nees ~. NcCrary ~nd of ~ornelia ~. NoCrary 42~.41 feet to a granite ~onument and laud of N~. Legrsnd Young, which proposed a~eratien, widening and opening passes through the lands of Clarence C. ~iles, Catharlne Nao~ber and Christian Jenson only and varies qt different places frc~ ~ to ~ rods in width a~ de~cribed on a map made by Halsey and VanTyle, Engineers and ~urveyors, of Greenport, N. Y. , ~ay 5, 19~, do hereby dedicate and release to the To~,~n of qouthold, all l~nd heretofore o~d by me lying Easterly of the ~?esterly line above described ~nd do hereby release said Town from all dsmages by reason of the l~ying out, alteration and changing of the course of said Highway as aforesaid. Dated ~eptember 22, 1916. Q~~~ County of ~uffolk, On this day of , ~ . 19 before me personally came~ CHRISTIAN JENgEN, of Greenport, 9uffolk County, New York, personally known to me ~d known t me to be the s~me person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; and he duly acknowledged to me that he e xe~ted the s~~ ~?~ ~~ ~' The ~eo~ge ~o Hl~hw~e the Town of SoutAold to the o~t, alte~n~ ~( said ~o~ as the per Main ~t~e ~, ~W, ~ ~ce ~. ~les, pe~s~ llab~ releases of havin~ th~ l:n~ through widening is to tlon to any one ~ %~% total ~a~, ~500.00, ~d duo Town ~pe~intealde~t of having met with the Town the 6e day of May, 1916, and the allegations bo' h ~mfavo~ of and ~n ~denin~ of the ~iKhway ~d of ~o~P~t L~e ~tt~ ~pllcation off to bo assessed for Highway .on i~ hereto ~n~xed, ~d the e~ oxooutod ~ Ol~co O. stl~ ~, tho only o~o~ of proposed 1~ out, alteratl~ ~e hereto ~nexod, t~e considOr~ for such ~ages not exeee~g a~ the ela~t~ be~ loss havin{z be~ Lad there, s It ORDE~D aha pO-<-t L~no or upper that th~ Mo~therly ~nd Of O~ean- ~treet, Forth of the Village of Gre~t- port, in the said o~Eouthold, ~ot~lty of ~ul'fOlk ~tate of ~e~ Yor~, laiI out, altere~ ~'m.i v~d~led by ~f~ the co~so of P~t ~ a P~t of the m~o so t~t the , ~astorl~ ~ldo of,~ ho ~e ~hali r m a~ folio~:- eor~c~ at/a ~rmnlte~mon~t lately Pl~ced ~ the l~d Of ~l~co ~. ~es, on thd So' Side Of th.~; old K~s v~, be~g NOr~ h 75° ~Ot 5t ~ s~ ~l~t~t ~,5 feet tho Old ~lte ~ ~t fo~ly st~ at a jmctlm of the ~aster!Y line of the 'orth~l~ i of ~eTport ~e or ~treet ~th the ontherly ll~e said Old K~g~s~'~z~.~nw~,' ~n~ thenoe ~ ~h the l~ds ~f the said el~ee ~. Miles 0 ~5~ ~g ~as~ ~96,4 fo~ ~outh 25 ~ tO a ~ito mon~ ~d th~ l~d of ~ tl~ J~s~; th< ~ ~'~ing ~outh o ~et alerts the s~ al lands of iii J~s~ ~d ~o ~f~on~t ~ th~N~t~e~ly line of ~p Pl~eo e~d of feet to a ail] land Of thelloe ,r~lnlng South m~nume~n~ on the lin~ Place, t. ugh to ~ ~ranlte 45' ~ast 559,85 feet to a ~two~,l tho lands el' ~ha~les G, and running a~oee the Westerly l~d of ~atBer~e M~o~be~ ~8 al~ tho l~C of ~t~ A. s~as~ tile Westerly ~d of ~h~pl~ Place t~ on Southerly line of ~h~npl~n Place G. B .1~ ,n th~ndm slong th® land of s~d Bailc~y 71 fool W. Her tloY; Hartioy and lab a grauit o feet; t!~e ,to mon~en% and the land o£ ~harle~ l~g slong til~ lan~ Of o~lid (]hal~le.~ ~. 0 ~teher l~ordha~l So,:th ~9 O~ 10. ~ast %e the North side of Bridge Street 145.1 line oommeneing on the ~outhorly line Of tho Old MinE~s HJ at a f~ranlte mont~ent on thq ..Wosterl7 ~ llna of said o SOUth ~o6 Shristiz~u to lend of 0 t alert! t Lane or Main street and x-~ming thence ~iong the several lands of ~h~istlan ~eliie Jotter, ~nte ~re~ ~d ~gr~ite monist set for a bo~d on ~he 4~0,~1 feet; thence ~g South ~he 1~ of ei~isti~n J~s~ ~d ~t~ Anions A. W. Me ti~n, widenin and varies at deserlbed on a d ,~u~v~zors, of ~ 5th day of Oct S~erintendent of to a granite monument on the line be- Or and larld of Franee~ ~8/~50t 50, East along the land and of ~O?nelia F. Mc ~ra~y 4~o8.41 land of L~ra. Lo Grand Young, opening pas~es through the ~acoi~ber and plqoes fr~ M to 4 ~ods by ~taleeM and Van ~enport. N.Y., ~aM 5,~1916~ a P~t of tills l~lG. Town e Town of Southold. ! ~f~ To'm of ~m~tbold, Ommty of ~ffolk_ ~ In t:~.e H~t-ter of the AD.~licatlon of CLARENCE O. ,~.[ILE~, :Jot the ls..jing out, altering and ~fi4eni~g of the uI~!.er e~d of ~reez~Dort Lane or Upper ),~ain ~treet Morth o:~' the Viil~[e of Greenport, ~n the To~711 of 1 ~eloases, l~ap a.~d 0 r d o ~.