HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUPTON AVENUETown To the Town Superintendent ef Highways of thei of Southold: The ~mdersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes the Town of ~outhold, in the County of Suffolk and ~tete ef New York, hereby apply to you to etSe~ lay out and open a highway in said Town, at Mattltuck, to run from Suffolk Ave- nue te Peoonie ~ay, to be ef the width of ~1~/O reds, se that the same shall run as follows; The middle line of said proposed read te begin on the Southerly line of Fulfolk Avenue at a point 16 feet and 6 iPe~ ot.~.l., from a Granite Road Marker standing on the land of I~ Lupton, and runnin~ thence ~outh ~ 09~ ~ast Marker; and ~nnln~ tnenee South 1~ 12' .East 637.6 feet through the several lands of ~aid ~ Lupron and of the devisee~ o~ ~srles W. Wiokham, deceased;to s point 16 feet and 6 inches East of a Cement Reed Marker; and ~nning thence Sout~ y East 15h.~ feet through thc land of the devisees OBarles W. Wlekh~, deceased, to a point lying between ~we Oement~Nere Stone on the ge. st and a Cement ~oad Narke~ on ~v~t ~.~:~ 16 feet and 6 inches distsnt from each; and ~nning thence South 1~ ~4~ East 601.4 feet to a point lying between a Cement Mere Stone on the East and a Cement Road Marker West and 16 feet and 6 inches distant from each; the last two eo-rses ~nning through, the lanl ~f t:~s i~vi~ ~f ~.~1 W. Wiekh~, deceased, snd adJoininE the land of Frank i. Doyle O on the East; and ~nning thence South 11 10' East 1~19.~ feet through the lanU of the devisees of said Charles ~. W~ckh~, deceased to a point ~~th~z-ly ~ ............. ~-~~ ~ ~ .......... ~ent Mere Stone en t~e ~ast and a ~ement ~o~.~d n tho ~est and lg ~ee~ and g inches distant from eaoh,--and lng then0e ~outh ~e 07' East 10~.1 feet to a point l~lng efa ~ent ~oed ~a~er and lg feet and ~ inches distant fron ~hreugh tho la~ of the said devisees of said Obarlos ~. deceased, the said road during the last course Heinz over two reds in width and being described as follows, v"~$: the Easter- 1M line of said road on said course running from a ~ement Mere ~tone ~ feet distant from the ~orthwoaterly earner of the land e cf ~hsrles ~. wells South ~ O?'East 102.1 feet te the ~emenl ~oad Marker last above mentionedand the westerly line of said ~e~d on said course ~unning from the ~emont ~ead Marker opposite the ~e~innlng of said course and westerly thereof and l& feeti a~d ~ inches distant therefrom and ~nning ~.~ feet te the ~ortheasterly corner of land late o~ ~euden, and then running So~th 12 0~' ~ast until it aom~s to a point opposite te and 16 feet and & inches Westerly from the Sea, the' 1y Point of said course: and ~nnin~ thence .~outh 12 through a Oranlt® ~ead Marker to ~econ~o ~a¥, the last two courses being through the land of the devisees of tho said *harles W. ~iekham, deceased, and the last course runnln~ along the ~ast~rl¥ line ef the land Jfte of Louden, de- ceased, and the course ~efore ~he lest ~nnlng meetly along tho ~asterl~. line of the land late ef aa~d htghwa¥ when opened and laid out two rods throughout all ef l~O length Lop,den, deceased te be of the width ef except the oo~rao before the last on which it will slightly exceed that width, which proposed highway will pas through the improved lands of ~attie L~pten, nnie $. ~. yickham, ~a~nep W. wiokham, ~edric H. Wick. ~am, Helen Msrg,~erlto eeldsmith, Spencer S. wlckham, and ~arF elarlsaa stir,in, all of whom consent to the la~ing out of e;~eh h~ghwa~ and the opening of the same and have offered te ~gn and execute a dedication ef thorl lands for such purpose nd a ?elease ef all damages arising te them there,rem. Dated this l?th Petitioner. Lgn ' ! We, ! s t t i e L u p t · n , An n i · S · R. w i c k h a m ,~/.~ a y n o r ~A~.~ V I c k h a m , ~ · d r f i n , ef Westbury, ~assau ~eunty, ~ew Ye~k, re? and in oen- · lderatlen ef t~e s~m ef One Dollar, te us in hand paid ~M ~e · e r ~ e 1~. ~ 1 · e t , as ? e w n ~ u p · r 1 n t e n, d · n t ef ~ I ~ h w $ y $ ~f the ~ewn ef ~et~theld, in the ~e~nty ef ~ffelk and ~tate ef ~ew Ye~k, the receipt w~ereef is hereby duly acknowledged, ~ereby consent t~at a highway be laid out an~ opened acres· e~landa&md~x~isee~a~t ~ the al~lioatien of cE~LES I. ~2LL~, bearing date the l?th ~ay ef January, 19~1, and do hereby ~ELEA~E and DISOHAI~- 6'~ the said Town of 2outhold, of and from all claim and de- mand for damages by reason ef the laying ou~ an~ ~eGtn~ ~f the ~a~e, the same having been surveyed and described as fol-~ lowe: The middle line of said PrOposed read te begin en the southerly line ef Suffel~ Avenue, in said ?own ef seutheld, in the ~eunty 9f ~uffelk and State ef ~ew York, at a point l& feet and g inches ~asterly f~em a er·nits ~ead Marker standing en the land ef said Mettle Lupron, and running thence ~outh O g 09' ~aat ~9.~ feet tea point lg feet and & inches East efa cement ~ad Marker;through the land of said Mettle e Lupron; and running t~ence South 1~ 1~' ~ast &~?.~ feet t~rough the several lands ef said Hattie Lupron and ef the de~ elaees ef *harlea ~. ~lckham, deceased, above named, tea point lg feet and g inches last efa cement ~ad Marker; and wur~- o nlng thence South 7 ~aat 1~.8 feet through the land ef the said devisees ef said Charles ~. Wlokham, deceased, tea point lying between a ~ement Mere stone on the ~ast and a ~e,-, ment ~oad Marker en the west and l& feet and & inches distant! C frem each; ~nd running thence '$euth 18 ~' Fast &Ol,~ feet tea peint 1Ting between a oement Mere Stene en the East and a ~ement ~oad Marker en the west and l& feet and & lnchej dis- tant fram each; the last twe ceurses running threugh the land ef the said devisees ef ~harles W. Wlckham, deceased, and ad- Jeining the land ef ~rank A. Deyle en the ~ast; and running c 10~ ~ast thence Seuth 11 -10' ]~aat 11~.~ feet threugh the land ef the devisees ef said ~harles ~ ~lekham, deceased, tea Pelnt l~lng between a ~ement Mere stene en the ~ast and ~ement ~ead Marker en the West and lg feet and g inches distant each; and ~nnlng thence Seuth ~ 07' East 10~, 1 feet tea Pelnt lFlng West efa *~t ~ead Marker and lg feet and ~ inches dlst~t ~em it, thre~ the l~d ef the said devisees ef said ~arlea W. ~le~ham, d~eas~, the said read d~lng the a~ eeurae being ever twe reds In width and being desc~lb~ ,as fellewa vl~: the ~asterlF line ef said read en said eeurse r~nnlng ~em a *~t Mere Stene ~ feet distant ~em the werth e ~ ~est~l~ eern~ ef the land ef ~harles ~, ~ells Seuth ~ ?~ast 10~.1 feet te the ~t ~ead Marker last a~eve mentie~ ~aaid ceurse r~nning ~em the ~ent ~ead Marker epPesite the ~be~lng ef said ~ee ~d ~terlF thereef and 1~ feet and ~g inches dist~t t~ere~em and ~nnlng ~.~ fee~ Se the ;~st~l~ eerner ef land late ef ~.~, Leuden, deceased, and ~then r~lng 5euth 1~ O~~ East until it oemes tea Pelnt ~eppeslte te and 1~ fee~ a~ g inches ~esterly ~em the Seuthe~ ~pelnt ef said eeuree~ and ~mnnlng thence ~euth 12 O~~ Es'st ~g feet thr~gh a ~ranlte ~ead Marker a~_~a~_~$d .............. ~e~ decease, te Peeenle ~aF, the last twe eeurses beln~ tbreugh the land ~f the devisees ef the said ~arles ~, ~le~, decease, and the last ~eurse ~nnlng alo~ the ~asterlF line ef t~e land late ef ~. Leuden, d~eas~, ~and the eeurse befere the lsat running mestlF aleng the ~aste~ ~ ins ef the land late ef ~ld ~, Leuden, decease, said highway when e.~ened and laid o~,t te be ef the width ef twe reds threugheut all ef its length except the eeurse befere the last en whic it wll slightl}' ~exeeed that width. IN WIT~EB2 WHEMN0~, tbs s~id parties e~ tbs first part ve hereunte set their hands and seals this lSth daf ef ~ ~~, 1921. ' Witness: ,~ , ............. ~.~.~..~. ~.~. ) _ ! -- .:,,~.,..~_~~.~,~,.~.) / -'~ ....... / ........ ~~.s.~ 19~1, beret, me ~ersen,ll~ ~m 0 ~l~s~l~AM~ wife, ~ .... a~,LL'~, ef Mattltuok~ ~affelk ~euntM, N~ Yerk, serl~ In and wbe e~eeuted t~e feregeing lnst~ment; and th~ ~duly a~d seve~llF ackne~l~ te me that tb~ exeeut~ the a~m~ ~*eunty ~f ~n~olk. ) 0n this / ~ daf ef ~ ;ibefere ~ Persenall~ same ;~ f ~lverhead, ~ffelk ~eunt ~aenallv ~n--~ - ......... Y, N~ York, Pe~ , ,, ~ --,, -. m. u~ ~ewn ~e me te be the same Persena j!~ribed In ~d whe executed the feregelng lnat~ent; and ',dul7 and aeverall7 aoknewl~ te me that ~ exeeut~ the ,~tate of New York, ) ~M: ~aa county of Nassau. ) On this ~ y of ~~ 1 q 2 1, b~ore ~e p~senslly e~o M~ ~ ~ ~ a r ~ ~ ~ a O r i f f i n , ~f west~u~, Nassau ~ouniy, N~ 'York a~ York, personally known to me and known te me te be the same ed de~ribed in and who e~ecuted the within lnstl~ument; duly and severally acknowledged te me that ~ exeeu- the s~ State of New York,)ss: County of Nassau. On the 19th day of. February 1921, before and Annie S.B. Wickham personally came Helen Mar~erite 6oldsmit~of Floral Park, Nassau County, N. Y. personally known to ~ and ~own to me to Be the same person descr~d in and who executed the within instr~ent and she duly and severally acknowledged to me that she executed the same. Nasaau Court y, State of New Yetis, ~ I, Thmmm S. Che~hire, Clerk of the County of Nassau, and als0 Clerk of $$. the Supreme Court for the s~ld County, tho same being a Court of Record, DO County of Nassau, ) HEREBY ~ERTIFY that whose name i9 subscribed to the dei~i~ltl~/t or certificate of the proof or ae- ~-- ..... k~bwl~ment 5f ~1/~ annexed instrk~, and thereon written, was at the time of taking such deposition, or proof and acknowledgment, a NOTARY PUB- LIC in and for such County, duly Commissioned and sworn, and authorized by the laws of said State, to take depositions and to administer oaths to be used in any Court of said State and for general purposes; and also to ~ake aeknowledg~ ments and proofs of deeds, of conveyances for innds, tenements or hereditaments in said State of New York. And further, that I am well acquainted w~th the handwriting of such NotarY Public, and verily ~slleve that the signature to said deposition or certificate of proof or acknowledgment is genuine. lfi .~¢e£imon~ ~beteof, I have hereunto se~ my hand ~nd affixed the seal of the said Court and County, the Clerk. State of New York, County of Nassau, $$o the Supreme Court for the said County, the same being a Court of Recc. HEREBy CERTIFy that ~s subscr£bed to th p n or certificate of the proof or ac- knowledgraent of the annexed instrument, and thereon written, was at the time of taking such deposition, or proof and acknowledgment, a NOTARY PUB- LIC In and for such County, duly commissioned and sworn, and authorized by the laws of said State, to take depositions and to administer oaths to ,be used in any Court of said State and for general purposes; and also to take acknowledg. merits and proofs of deeds, of conveyances for lands, tenements or hereditaments in said State of New York, And further, that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such Notary Public, and verily believe that the signature to said deposi[lon or certificate of proof or acknowledgment is genuine. ~n g¢~tfm0n~ ~lllber¢0f, I have hereunto set my hand and~ounty' t'he The undersigned, GESRGE N. FLrET, Tewn S~perinte~dent ef Highways ef the Te~ ef Seuth~la, hav~g met ~th %he Be~d ef the Te~ ef Seutheld, en %he e, ~ of ~ril, a~ ~e~p~%, in said Te~ ~T S~uth~ld, ~d hav~g he~d censidered the allegations beth ~ laver ~f ~ ~ ~pesi%i~ %e ~he ,p~g aha laying ~ut ef the ~ghw~ ~ said Te~ ~u~ as Lup~en Argue, Seu~f M~t%i~uok, New, ~en ~l~en applica%len ef ~HA~ES I. ~LLS, ~d ethers, persens ~lable te be a~es~ed far hlgh~ Taxe~ ~ said Te~ ef Seut~ eld, w~ch appllca%len ls here%e ~nexed, ~d the ~itt~ c~n- ~sent ef ~e Te~ B~d ef said Te~, hav~g be~ giv~ , as ~c~lbe~ ~ law~ ~hich is he2e~e a~nexed, ~d a ~L~A~ ~ a~ages having been execu*~ ~'HA~$· ~ON. ~XE ~LD~TH, SPENCER~ ~.~KHAM, ~d ~ CLARIBBA GRIFFIN, enly e~ers ef the l~ds %~e~h ~ioh the p=epesed ~gh~ ~e pass, w~oh is here%e ~nexe~, %he oensiderati~ paid ene ola~% far such d~ages berg net~g ~d te ~1 the claimants being netb~ug, thereen, it is heret~y $ R D E B E D and and due deiiberatien having bee~ had D E T E R M I N E D that the highwa~ knewn as Lupten AvAnus seuth ef the village ,f Mattitusk, in said TeWn ef South~ld, be epened and laid cut as felleWS:- The middle line of said LUPTON AVENUE begins on the South- erly line of ~uffolk Avenue, in the said TOWn of Southold, i~ the Oounty of ~uffolk and State of New york, at a point 16 feet and 6 inches Easterly fr~ a Granite Road Marker st~nd- in~ on the land of Na~e~ O. Lupron, and r~ns thence ~out~ $ 09' East 429.2 feet to a point 16 feet and 6 inches East of a cement Road Marker through the land Of Harriet O. o LUpton; ~nd runs thence South 14 12 ' East 6 $ ?. 6 feet through the several lands of Harriet O. Lupton and of ~unle S, R. ~ickh~, W. RaTher .Wickham, ~ed~ic N. Wickham, Helan Margu$- rite Oold~mith, Si)encer S. ~icklu{~ and Mary Olarissa Oriff~l to a point 16 feet s~d 6 inches East of a e~e~t Road Ma~ke~; and o runs thence South ? East X 5 4 . 8 feet t~o~h the l~d of the s~d ~ie S. R. ~ckh~, U. Rayno~ Wickh~, Oe~ie H. ~ekh~, Hel~ M~erite ~ld~ith, ~eer ~. ~ck~ ~d M~l~issa ~if~ to a point l~g betwe~ a o~t Mere stone ~ the East ~d a ~t Road ~ke~ ~ the west ~d 1 6 feet ~d 6 ~ches ~st~t ~ each; ~d ~s three South 18° ~4' East 6 0 1 . 4 feet to a po~t ly~g b~ twe~ a o~t Mere StYe ~ the East ~d a C~t ROad M~ker on the West ~d 1 ~ feet ~d ~ ~ches ~st~t m~ each; the last t~ eot~ses r~n~g t~o~h the l~d of the s~d ~- hams and adjoining the land Of Frank A. Doyle on the East; and o :runs thence South ll 10' East 1 i 8 5 · $ feet through the land of the said V~lckhams to a point lying between a Ce~aent Mere stone on the East and a Cement Road Marker on the lest a~d 1 6 feet and 6 inches distant from each; and runs thence o South 4 07' East 1 0 2 . 1 feet to a point lyin~ west of a Cement Road Marker and 1 6 feet and 6 inches distant therefrc~ t~he~and c~.the said wickhsmS, the said highwsy during the last cottrse being over two rods in width and being described as follOws,viz: the Easterly line of said highway on said. course runs from a Cement Mere stone ~ $ feet distant from the Northwesterly corner of the land of Gh~les I. o Wells South A 07' East 1 0 ~ . 1 feet to the Oement Road Marker last above mentioned and the westerly line of said high- wa7 on said course runs fr~a the Cement Road Marker opposite the beginning of said cOurSe and 1 6 feet and 6 inches distant westerly therefrc~a and runs $ Z . $ ~ feet to the Northeasterly corner Of land late of J. M. LOuden, deceased; o and the runs South 12 02 ' opposite to and 1 6 feet and 6 the Southerly point of ssid cOu2se; East until it cremes to a point inches Westerly frc~ the 0 and runs thence mouth 12 East 5 9 6 feet through a Granite Road Marker to PecOn, Ba~, the last two courses ~eing ~ough the land of the said Wickhams,and the course before the last running mostly along the Easterly line of the land late of J. M. ~,ouden, deceased and the last course running entirely along the Easterly line of the land late of J. M. Louden, deceased, .aid highway being ~Oli~ opened and laid out of the width of two rods throughout its I ~,.,tL length, except on the course before the last where it slightly , exceeds that width, as laid dow~ on a map filed herewith and made a part of this order. Dated this 9,, day of APril, 1921. TOVm m~rintendent of Highways of the Town of ~outhOld. we, the t~der~igned, being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the county of EuffOlk and State of New YOrk, having Previously viewed the proposed highw~ descri- bed in the snnexed Petition of Charles I. ~ells, dated the 17, day of J~nu~wy, 1921, fl~ld having met at the Supervisor's Offie$ in the l~llage of Greenport, in said Town of Eouthold, n~e~y approve of and consent to the laying out of the highway as de- scribed and pzayed for in the foregoing Petition. Wit~%ess our hands tltis 9. day of APril, 19~°1. ,.. ...... , .......... ., : ~ Bo~d of the TO~ of · . · --; ...... ~ ..... '' ~ 0 U T H 0 L D . : ?~ ~ ~atte~ of Laying out ~:~nr.10pon~lg L U P ~ 0 N A V E N U E , at Mattituck, in tho Town of ~outhold, ~harles I. Wells, ApDlicah~. consen~ & 0 R D ~ R. !~ttie Luptor~, · ~ D'~i,~at, lon an,l Reles~e of :; ; Damages for ~l~3wav the Matter ef th~ ~pplieatl, ef 'fsv the la~,~ng eut and ~pening sf ef$ bigbway at M~ttltuek frem ~f- felk ~ve~e ~e P~cenie ~ ever lands ef Nattie Lupten ~ ef the ~devisees ef ~b~?les w. P et it len ~o ~.A~O~ oF LUpToN, -FRANK, ,~' D°YLE - - -~ ...... ...... , ,37,~- - - ----- - $1~'~ .... - ~- ' ---- -- -- 0 ~AP o~ FRopo~ED ~ ~'~ ROAD G.R.H., GRANITE ROA~ .~oN. gMENT, GHAS, 'vV. v'VICKHAI~ -$11°IO'E E STATE, C .w.w', EST. V~EILL$.