HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOVE LANECounty Court, Suffolk County. X In the Matter of the Application of CHARLES H. ALDRICH & PHILIP R. TUTHILL, to lay out a highway at Mattituck, in the Town of $outhold, and the assessment of damages therefor. DECISION OF CONDEMN, :ATION COMMISSIONERS IN FAVOR OF AR~LI- CA~ION. : The undersigned, by an order of the County Suffolk County, d~ted the 10th day of October, application of .CHARLES H. ALDRICH and PHILIP R. -X Court of 1910, on the TUTHILL, having been appointed Co~nissioners to determine and certify as to the necessity of laying out and opening a highway in the Town of Southold, in the County of ~uffolk to be three rods in width, and to extend from the Northerly line of the public highway, now E~nning by the house of ~.~s. ~innie Shalv in the Village of M~ttituck, Town of Southold, County of ~uffolk and ~tate of New Yor~, to Mattituck Creek; to run through tho improved lands of Mrs. ~innie Shalvey and over tho private road, known as Love Lane, lying between lands of Mrs. ~innie ~halvey, Eloise R. Robinson, Imogene Robinson and Anna S. Pugh or Ahlert 8tuhrman and the land of Ruhsmah H. Hazard, and also over land of the said Ruhamah H. Hazard, the Easterly line of the proposed highway to begin at a point on the Northerly side of the Public Highway above referred to and one rod Easterly from the Southwesterly corner of the ~land of said Winnie Ehalvey, thence to run on a ~raight line to,the Northwesterly corner of thc land of said ~innie'~halve and thence in a general Northerly direction by and with the lands of Eloise~R. Robinson ~nd Imogene Robinson and ~na S. Pugh or Ahlert ~tuhrman to Mattituck Creek, running through the improved lands of said ~lnnie Shalvey and along the ~asterly line of the private road kno~n as Love Lane, the ~esterly line thereof to be parallel to the Easterly line abov set forth and three rods distant therefrom, and to run through Y the lands of the said Ruhamah H. Hazard, which proposed hiEhw~ will pass through tho improved lands of ~lnnie Ehalvey, Ruha~' H. Hazard and over the private road known as Love Lane, which · s subject ~o the right of way of the adjoining owners, Ruhan~ H. Hazard, Winnie Sh~lvey, Eloise R. Robinson, Imogene R. Robinson and Anna S. Pugh or Ahlert Stuhrman and to aosess the d~Gages to be caused by reason of laying out such hi. ghway~ New, Therefore, ~e, the said Commissioners having given due Notice of the time and place at which we would meet, and all having met at Apollo Hall, at Mattituck, in said Town, on the 25th day of October, 19lO, at ll:30 A. ~., pursuant to such Notice, and having taken the constitutional oath of office, and on proof of the service and posting of the Notices by the applicants, pursuant to ~ection 195 of the Highway Law, havin viewed the proposed highway and the lands through which it is proposed to be laid out and opened and ~aving personally examined ~he highway described .in the application and having heard all the allegations and proofs of the Town Superintende~ and ~upervisor of the Town of ~outhold, and of the Applicants and other parties interested in the application who appeared before us, and the evidence of all the witnesses produced, do t~eroupon certify, that in our opinion, it is necessary an~ prop®~ that the highway be laid out and opened pursuant to the said Application of Charles H. Aldrich and Philip R. Tuth~ dated the 2~rd day of Ecptember, 1910; and we have assessed the d~nages required to bo assessed by reason of laying out and opening such highway as follows: The damages of ~innie ~halvey, at " " "Eloise R. Robinson and Imogene R. Robinson, at " " "Anna S. Pugh or Ah~ert ~tuhrman, at " " "Ruhamah H. Hazard, at LM Lh 1 And we hereby further certify that the probable costs of laying out and completing the proposed highway, in our opinion based upon the evidence given before us, on the hearings will be Dated t~is~ day of ~ 1910. · · ~ounty Court, ~uffol~ ~o~ty. In the Matter of the A~lication of CHARLE.$ H. ALDRICH, & PHILLIP R. TUTHILL, to lay out a highway at Nattituck, in the To~wn of ~m~thold, and the assessment of damages therefor. X : DE~ISION 0F CONDEM~- ATION COMHI~$IONERg IN F~VOR 0F APPLI- : ~ATION. The undersigned, by an order of tt~e Co~zuty Court of Suffolk County, dated t~ ~'~ day of~ 19~ , on t~ application of CHARLE~ H. ALDRICH and PHILLIP R. TUTHILL, having been appointed commissioners to determine and certify as to t~ necessity of laying out a~:d opening a highv~ay in the Town of ~ouhhold, in the County of ~uffolk to be three rods in width, and to extend from the NOrtherly line of the l~ublie highway, no~v running by the house of L~-,?s. Uinnie Shal~ in the Village of Mattituok, Town of ~outhold, County of Suffolk and ~tato of N~v York, to Nattituek Creek; to rtun through the iL~provod lands of i~s. Uinnie Shatvey and over the private road, k~ov~ as Love Lane, lying between lands of Mrs. Winnie ~halvey, ~loise R. Robinson, Imo~ene Robinson and Anna S. Pugh or Ahlert 2tuhrman and tho land of Ruhamah H. Hazard, and also over the land of the said Ruhamah H. Hazard the Easterly line of tl~e proposed highway to begin at a point ~n the Northerly side of the Public Highway aboMe referred to and one rod Easterly from the S~thwestorly corner of th'e land of said ~Yin~ie ~halvey, thence to run on a straight line to the Northwesterly corner of the land of said Winnie Shalve and thence in a general North:~rly direction by and v~ith the lands of Eloise R. Robinson and Imogene Robinson and Ahna ~. 'Pugh or Ahlert StuhEnan to Nattituck Creek, running through the improved lands of said ¥innie 2halvey and along the Easterly line of the private road knc~n as Love Lane, the Uesterly line thereof to be parallel to tho Easterly line above set forth and t~?ee rods distant therefrom, and to run through the lands of tho said Ruhamah H. Hazard, which propos, © highway ?rill pa~as through the iz,~.Droved lands of .,rinnie 9halvey Ruhamah H. Hazard and over tho private road kno~,,~n as Love Lane which is subject to thc ri:?:ht of :~'ay of thc adjoining owners Ruh~nah H. Hazard, ~f.~[nnie 2halvey, Eloise R. Robinson, Imoge~.e R. Robinson mud ~nna ~. Pugh or Ahlert 9tuhrman and to asses: the damages to be caused by reason of laying out such Now, therefore, We, tho said co~.~.~issioners having given Notice of tho time and place at which we wo~ld meet, and all having met at the H'.ll of Gilderaleeve Brothers, at Nattltuck in said To'..,m, on the 15th day of August, 1911, 'at 9:30 A.N., pursuant to such Notice, and having taken tho ennstitutional oath of office and on proof of the :~ervice a~d posting of th~ Notices by the ap!.~lic~muts, pursuant to 9ection 195 of the Highway Law, having viewed the proposed Highway and the lands through which it is proposed to be laid out ~d opened and having pcr~,onally exs~ined the highway described in the application and h~.,ing heard all the allegations and proofs of the To~wn 9uperlntendcnt and ~pervisor of the Town of 9outhold, and of the Applicants and other parties interested in the alplieation who appeared bezo_e~ ~ us, and the evidence of ail thc witnesses produced, do thereupon certify, that in our opinion, it is necessar~y and proper that tI~e highway be lald out and opened purm~ant to the said APplication of Charles H. Aldrich and Phillip R. ~uthill, dated the 23rd day of 9epte~nbor, 191~; and we have assessed the dm~ages required to be assessed by reason of laying out and opening such highway as follows: The d~aages of '.~.~innie ~halvey, at //6~~, ~/ " " ', Eloise R. Robinson and Imogene R. Robinson, at ~/~/ " " "Anna S. P~gh or Ahlert Btuhrman, at ~/, a/ " " "~uhamah H. Hazard, at /~ ,~ · · And ~e hereby further cortify that tho probable costs of laying out and comploting tho proposed high~ay, in our on the opinion based upon the evidonce given ~b%for~ us, hearings ~?ill be Datod this day of September, 1911. Co~nty Cou?t, ~u££olk ~,ol~aty. In the ].,iattor of the ApDlication of~ CHARLES H. PHILLI P R. ALDRIOH & TUTHILL ~ to lay out a hi,£;hwa~r at }~[attituck~ in tho '~own of 2m~thold, and the asse3si~oi~t o.;. rt~:lagos t la. olo... DECIEION O? ~0~DENNATION C0~fi[I~qION~ ER2 IN ~AVOR 0F APPLICATION. .-.-.--.--.-.--.--:--: , . : :_._,_. * ; Attorney for Petitioners, Southold, 2uzfol.. Cmmt¥~ Now Yor]~:. ~HARLES H. ALDRICH ~: PHILIP R. mU~!i!LL, itO lay-out a highway at Matti%uc~, in~ the Town of 2outhold, and the assess- pent of d~nages therefor. DE0~IOH 07 ~r¥ n ~ ~,R'~ IN FAVOR 0F AP~PLIOA:~I0!i.