HomeMy WebLinkAboutLONGVIEW LANEIn the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the ~awn: of Southold· County of Suffolk and State of New: York, known as LONGVIEW LANE, RAMBLER: ROAD, PLEASANT PLACE and WATERSEDGE: WAY, : ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY ON RELEASE FROM OWNERS APPLICATION having been duly made for the laying out of a town highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at Bayview, and a dedication and release from the owner of and other persons interested in the lands through which the highways are proposed to be opened, having been given: NOW, THEREFORE, L the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York· do hereby determine and order that town highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows: All those certain lands at Bayview in the Town known and designated as Longview Lane, Rambler Road, Pleasant Way and Watersedge Way on a certain map entitled, Map of Terry Waters at Bayview, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 29, 1958, as Map No. 2901. Dated: · 1972. In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk add State of New York, known as LONGVLEW LANE, RAMBLER ROAD, PLEASANT PLACE and WATERSEDGE WAY. DEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGHWAY WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of certain town highways to extend from Main Bay View Road through the lands of the said Helen G. Cochran. NOW, THEREFORE, the said Helen G. Cochran of the Town aforesaid the owner or,ands to be included within the said highway, does hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the following lands, to wit: ALL those certain lands at Bayview, inithe Town of Southold, known and designated as Longview Lane, Rambler Road, Pleasant Place and Watersedge Way on a certain map entitled "Map of Terry Waters at Bayview Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 29, 1958, as Map No. 2901. The lands hereby dedicated, released and conveyed are specifically shown and delineated upon the certain map which is hereby annexed and made a part hereof. AND DO CERTIFY that the considerations paid to the undersigned for this dedication and conveyance, are the following, to wit: The sum of One Dollar. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed and sealed this day of (~A~ ~' ~JA~ , 1972. ! Helen G. Cochra~ STATE OF NEW YORK) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the .~ ~day of A~, 1972, before me personally e a~ae HELEN G. COCHRAN, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. © In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town : of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New : York, known as LONGVIEW LANE, RAMBLER : ROAD, PLEASANT PLACE and WATERSEDGE : WAY. : APPLICATION TO LAY OUT A TOWN lgIGHWAY TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: The undersigned, an inhabitant of the Town of Southold, liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby applies to you to lay out highways in said Town, at Bayview in the said Town and known and designated as LONGVIEW LANE, RAMBLER ROAD, PLEASANT WAY ~nd WATERSEDGE WAY on a certain map entitled "Map of Terry Waters at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 29, 1958, as Map No. 2901, which said highway passes through the lands of applicant. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map showing the course of the said proposed.highway. Dated: This ~ day of , 1972. S~F~ATE OF NEW YORK) SS. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the_/~'~daY_ of /~/, 1972. before me personally came HELEN G. COCHRAN, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSb .MENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIn INDEh'TLIRE, made the ~0 7'~ day of , nineteen hundred and seventy-two. B~'rWEF, N HEI'~EN G. COCHRAN, residing at Main Road (no number), Southold, New York, party of the first part. and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal place of b9siness at 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, party of the second part, ~ that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, A right of way 10 feet in width to lay pipes for highway drainage purposes and to maintain and operate, relay and remove said pipes on, over and through the land hereinafter described, to wit: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, 9ituate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the westerly line of which is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the southeasterly line of Rambler Road with the division line between lot~os. 14 and 15 all as shown and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of Terry Waters at Bayview, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York" which said map was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 28, 1958, as Map No. 2901. From said point of beginning running thence in a southerly direction along said division line between lot Nos. 14 and 15, a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to the "Boat Basin" as shown on said map. TO~ETHER with the right to discharge surface water for highway drainage purposes into the "Boat Basin" as shown on said map. THE easement granted herein is subject to the following conditions, to wit: (1) That any pipes placed in said easement area shall be placed underground to a depth of not less than (2) two feet and said easement area shall at all times be maintained in the same condition as it presently exists. ~l~I~I~i~l~l~I~Ifi~l~i~fl~il~~~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party o~ the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants thai the party of ,the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for ,the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be conslrued as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IH Wrrl~.,S5 ~, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above I [ Helen G. 'Coch~ STATE OF NEW__yORK, COU~[TY O~/ OLI~ =.~ On the ~0 ~y of ~ 1972 , ~fore me personally ~e HELEN G. COCHRAN to me ~own to be the indlvidu~ d~cHb~ in and who executed the [oregolng instrument, and a~nowledged t~t she executed the ~me. No~y ~bHe ~ RUDOLPII H. BRU~ ~ARY ~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY On the day of personally came to me known, wh°, being by say that he resides at No. 19 , before me me duly sworn, did depose and that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that. he knows the seal of said corporationl that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; .that it was so affixed by. order of the board of directors of said corpOra- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by l/kc order. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. ILIC, State of New Y~ 530 - S~o~ ~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who: being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he knows to be the individual :described .in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that .he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, ~id witness, at the Same time subscribed .h name as witness thereto. WITH COVENANT A~AINST GaANTOR'$ ACTS TITLE NO. ' HELEN G. COCHRAN SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THE TITLE GUARAJI/'TEE COMPA.NY Recorded t Request of The Title Guarantee Company Greenport, New York 11944 Zip No. ~OI~L~T YOUR LAWYER L JRE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--THiS INSTK ,ENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. ~ IND~ made the ~ ~y of l~ , nineteen hundred and seventy-two. BE~ HAZEL K. BOYD, residing at 105 Brmpton Road. Garden City, New York, party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its office and principal ptace of business at 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, party of the second part, ' WlTIq~ETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, A right of way 10 fee~ in width to lay pipes for highway drainage purposes and to maintain and operate, relay and remove said pipes on, over and through the land hereinafter described to wit: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York. being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the southerly line of which is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point formed by theiintersection of the westerly line of Longview Lane with the division line between lot Nos. 66 and 67 as shown and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of Terry Waters" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on December 29, 1958 as Map No. ~01. From said point of beginning running thence in a westerly direction along said division line between lot Nos. 66 and 67 a distance of 150 feet to land of~William Wells as shown on said ma~p. THE eamment Kmnted hereLn ts Sub~ec% to tbs fo~ov~g oo~lLtions, t~ vLt~ (1) That am~ l~l~e lala~l ~ ~ ee~t ax~a ,~1'1 be plaoed ,,,~e~'~md ~ a depth ef not lees than tvo (2) feet A,,~ sa.91 ~a~mat area shall at all ~m~s be mi~ed i~ ~ae same coadi~ion aR it ~'esen~l7 exiRts. ..~. ~ .,~I~.~. ~ ~KI~[~~~I~V~___' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors 'and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AN' the party ot the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party o~ ,the first part will receive the consideration for this contreyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. ~ The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN wrF~E.~ WHEREOF~ the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN pRESENCE OF: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY O1~ NAS~LO~U ss: On the 20~ day of Alar:L]. 19 72 , before me personally came HAZEL K. BOYD to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same, Notary Public, State of New NO, 30-5406125 QuEllfied In Nassau STATE 01~ NEW YORK, COUNTY OE ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. ; that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by. order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. STATE Ol~ NEW YORK, COUNTy OF ss: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OE ss: personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose amd say that he resides at No. that he knows ' to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ~gain anl~ ~al, ~et~ WITH COVENANT A~AINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLB NO. HAZEL K. BOYD TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAj~Y SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN ~o~dmld / RRTU ~RN BY MAIL TO: Roberf W. Tasker, Esq. 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 Zip No, SMITH, TAS~:E~ ~ ~INKELSTIglN August 4, 1972 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York 11971 Re: Terry Waters Dedication and Drainage Area Proceedings Dear Albert: With respect to the dedication of streets at Terry Waters I enclose herewith the following: (1) Application of Helen G. Cochran dated and acknowledged April 20, 1972. (2) Dedication and Release of Helen G. Cochran dated and acknowledged on April 20, 1972, and recorded in the Suffblk County Clerk's Office on July 20, 1972, in Liber 7201 of deeds at page 338. (3) Order of Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold laying out street at Terry Waters dated July 11, 1972. (4) Deed from Helen G. Cochran to the Town of Southold dated and acknowledged April 20, 1972, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 20, 1972, in Liber 7201 of deeds at page 349. This deed conveys a 10/~ot drainage easement between lot nos. 14 and 15. (5) Deed from Hazel K. Boyd to the Town of Southold dated and acknowledged April 20, 1972, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 20, 1972, in Liber 7201 of deeds at page 351. This deed conveys a 10 foot drainage easement between lot nos. 66 and 67. It is my understanding that you have the original Consent of the Town Board to the dedication of these streets and are having the same executed by the members of the Town Board whereupon you will file the same in your office. Hon. Albert W. Richmond -2- August 4. 1972 In order that we may have a record for our files, would you please acknowledge receipt of the above mentioned documents by signing and returning to this office the copy of my letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:bc E nclosur es In the Matter of the Laying ou~ of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Skate of New York, known as LONGVIEW LANE, RAMBLER ROAD, PLEASANT PLACE and WATERSEDGE WAY. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY ON RELEASE FROM OWNERS JUL ZU ~! ~'~' I~H '?~ ': ' ;I NFY In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town high~vays in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as LONGVIEW LANE, RAMBLER ROAD, PLEASANT PLACE and WATERSEDGE WAY. DEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LANDS FOR TOWN HIGHWAY RobertW. Tasker, Esq. 425 Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known as LONGVIEW LANE, RAMBLER ROAD, PLEASANT PLACE and WATERSEDGE WAY. APPLICATION TO LAY OUT A TOWN HIGHWAY