HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIPCO ROADll~ltten application having been ~ade to ~e town superintendent of hl~.hwa~s for the To~n of So~h?ld, Suffolk County, New York, by Long Island Produce & Fertlllzer Company,. Inc~, party liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said To~n end the written consent of the To~n Board of said town having been given as. prescribed by law, end releases from damages having been executed by the o~ners of the land through which the proposed hig~h~ey la to be laid o~t and opened, copies of whlch are hereto annexed, end nothin~ having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby and D~T~IN]~D that a ~t~h~ey shall be and the same is hereby laid out end opened in said Town as follows:- ~GI~NI~G at a monument set on the northerly line of North Road, which monument forms the ~outheest corner of lend of ~rs. George Riley and the Southwest corner of the parcel herein described; runnin~ thence North 12 de~. O0 min. 30 aec. West along lend of said yrs. ~eorge Riley 383.39 feet to e concrete monua~nt set on the southerly side of Middle ltoad ~xtenslon, known as County Road No. 27A; thence easterly along the southerly line of aeld Middle Road Rxtenslon on a curve to the left with a radius of 1949.~6 feet a d~stance of ~ feet to a point, the chord of said curve running North 69 deg. ~0 m~n. ~eet ~O.b~ feet, to other land of Long Island Produce & Fertilizer Co., Inc.; thence ~outh 12 deg. O0 min. 30 sec. ~est along other land of Long Island Produce & Fertilizer Co.,Inc. 389.30 feet to the northerly . line of North Road; thence South 76 deg. 33 min. West along the northerly line of ~ol-th Hoed ~0.0~ feet to the point or place of beginnings which proposed laying out and opening of said high, ay will pass through lands of Long Island Produce & Fertilizer Co.,Inc., only. Dated th~s ~ de~ of ~erch, 1948. TO~n Superintendent of Ht~hwa~a. The undersigned, LONG ISLAND PRODUCE &FERTILIZER INC., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, having its principal place of busi- ness at Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York, for value re- ceived, hereby dedicates to the Town of Southold, a strip of land across its premises at Mattituck, in said Town of for the purpose of a highway, described as follows: "BEGINNING at a monumentset on the northerly line of North Road, which monument forms the Southeast corner of land of Mrs. George Riley and the Southwest corner of the parcel herein described; running thence North 12 deg. O0 min. 30 sec. West along land of said Mrs. George Riley 383.39 feet to a concrete monument set on the southerly side of Middle Road Extension, known as County Road No. 27A; thence easterly along the southerly line of said Middle Road Extension on a curve to the left with a radius of 1949.85 feet a dis- tance of %0.5~ feet to a point, the chord o~ said curve running North 69 deg. %O min. East %0.52 feet, to other land of Long Island Produce & Fertilizer Co., Inc.; thence South 12 deg. OO min. 30 sec. East along other land of Long Island Produce & Fertilizer Co., Inc. 389.30 feet to the northerly line of North Road; thence South 76 deg. 33 min. West along the northerly line of North Road 50.02 feet to the point or place of beginning." And the undersigned, also hereby releases said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening of said highway. INI WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused its cor- porate seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by its duly ~authorized officer on the ~day of ~ , 1946o LONG ISLAND PRODUCE & FERTIL!ZE~R COMPANY, INC. -1- STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the ~Z~ day of ~, 1956, before me came GEORGE CUSHMAN, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York; that he is the Treasurer of Long Island Produce & Fertilizer Company, Inc., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said in- strument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. -2- the und~al~nod, a naJorl~y of the Town Board of the Toen of Southold; havln~ mot~ at the 0££1ce ,of the Supervisor, at (~reenport, in aald Toun, on the. ~ ~) d~ of Hal. eh, 1946, end considered the tppllcatlon of Lon~ ISland l~odace & Fer~ll~zel' C~., inc., for the laying ou~ and opening a hls;hu~y at Mattlt~k, Toen of ~outhold, ~u~f'olk coUnty, New York, do herel:,y consent that such laying out end openlr~ bo made In acco~dsnee w~th the p~yer the within pett210n. the Super~n~nden~: of Hl~huay8. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION -OF- LONG ISLAND PRODUCE & FERTILIZER CO.. INC. for the laying out and opening o£ a highway at Mattltuck, Suffolk County, New York. DEDICATION, CONSENT and ORDER. .~s~o No~TH