HomeMy WebLinkAboutL'HOMMEDIEU LANE (EXTENSION) TO THE TOWN SUPERInTEnDENT OF RIOHWAYS OF THE TOM OF S0~H0~, ~ ~ CO~ OF SUFFOLK ~ STA~ OF ~W YO~ The undersi~ed~ liable to Be assessed for highway taxe~ in the To~ ~ Sout~old, hereby applies to you to la~ out a ne~ hi.way in the Village of Southol~, To~ of Southold~ S~folk Co~ty, New Yo~k~ to be ~o~ as Extension of L'H~e~eu L~e as sho~ on a certain ~ap m~e By Otto Van TUyl, ~ginee~ ~d Surveyor~ on ~ay 1~ 1931, ~d desc~b~ as follo~s:- ~he Nevtherly l~ne begins at the ~ntevse6tion of the novthePly line of L~eu Lane ~th the easterly of Old Sh~pya~ RO~ as Iai/ out ~/~, 19~ vu~ng thence in a ~reot contlnuati°noeaster~__ of ~he last course of said L'~edieu L~e~ N. 67 0~50~ E. along the norther1 l~e of land of s~d Fou~evs EStates~ Xnc.~ 340.59 Ceet~ move or less, to the ~stevly line of To~ Ha~or L~e. Said line is to Be the northerly line of p~oposed extension~ the southerly line berg p~alle1 thereto ~ at all points ~st~t 50 feet southerly the~efr~ which proposed la,nE out ~11 pass th~ou~ the 1~ of Founders Estates~ ~nc. only. Dated this 11th day off June, 1031. President. WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Boar~ of the Town of Southold, having met at the Town Clerk's Office~ at Southold, in said Town, on the 12th day of June, 1931~ and considere~ the application of Founders Estates, Inc. for the lay~n~ out off a new highway to be known as Extension of L~Honnued~eu Lane, do hereby consent that such layin~ out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition, Town C i6r . ) Superintendent of Highways. FOU~E~S ESTATES. ~NCo a domestic corporation having .~ its ln~ineipal office and place of business at Southold. Town ~F Southold. S~Folk County. New YoPk~ ~n of the s~ of 0~ DOLr.~ to it in hand paid by ~arold E. ~ice. To~ Supe~intendent of H~g~ys ~ff the To~ off Southold~ Peceipt of which is hepeby ac~owled~ed~ ~d ~n fu~theP consideration of the lay~ oUt of a new Highway in the ~illa~e of Southol~. Tw~ of Southold~ S~folk County~ New YoPk~ to be ~o~ as Extension of L~N~ed~eu L~e as sho~ on a ceftin Map m~e by Otto W- Van Tuyl~ En~ee~ an~ Su~eyor~ ~ Hay 1. 19~1. ~d descP~bed as follows~- ~he Northeply line be~s at the ~ntersect~on ~ the no~he~ly l~ne ~ L'H~ed~eu Lan~ ~e ~e~ly l~ne off 01d S~pya~ ~o~ as laid out 19~ ~u~n thence in a ~rect continuationea~sterly off the last course of said L~No~e~eu L~e~ N. ~7°06~50· E. along the no~therl line of land ~ said Founders Estates~ Ine.. 340.59 feet. more or less~ to the ~sterly line of T~n Hapbor Lane. line is to Be the northerly line of pPoposed extensim, the sou~erly line bein~ ~allel thereto ~d at all points dist~t 50 feet southePly which proposed lay[n~ out passes thpou~ the land of Fo~ders Estates. Inc. ~ly. does hereby deal,&ate ~d to the T~ of Southold~ all l~d heretofore o~ed By ~t and included within the premises above descP[bed~ ~d does hereby release said T~ of Southold fr~ all d~ages by reason of the la,rig out off the said new h~ghway. Dat~ June llth. 1931. FOU~DEES ESTATES, I~C o ~ · PPesident, STATE OF SS~- COU~qTY OF SUFFOLK° On the /~ ~ day of June~ 1931, before ~e came AT,BEET To ~TOEERSO~, to me ~o~ ~ho, being by me duly s~o~, did depose and say that he ~esides in the Village ~nd ~ of 8outhold, 8~folk County, ~e~ ~or~; that he Is the ~esident ESTATES ~C,~ the co~oPation descpibed in~ and ~hich executed the foregoing i~t~ent; that he ~o~s the seal of s~id co~o~tion; that the seal affixed to said instrum~t is such corporate seal; it was se affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, ~ha~ he si~ hia name ~here~o by like order. Notary Public, Suffolk 0RDE~ laying out a highway with the consent Town Board. Written application having been made to me, town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold~ Sufffolk County~ New York, by Founders Estates~ Tne., a corporation liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said ?own~ and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and releases from damages having Been executed by the o~ner of the land through which the proposed highway is to be laid out, copies of which are hereto annexed, and nothin~ having been paid to any cla~nant for such damages, it is hereby 0~DER~ and DETEP~NED that a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows:- The ~orthe~ly line beans at the intersection of the northerly~ line o~ L~H~,.,,.ed~eu Lane~r~th the e~sterly line thence in a direct continuation eastePl~oC the last course of s~d L'No~ed~eu L~e, N- ~7°08~e B, along the no~therl line o~ land of said FoYers Estates~ ~no., ~,59 feet~ more oP less~ to the westerly line of To~ ~apboP L~e,S~d line is to be the northerly line off p~oposed extensl~, the southerly line being parallel thereto an~ at all points dist~t 50 feet southerly therefP~. Dated this llth day of June, 1981o To~n Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold. S OTyr tTOT~ . In the ,;[atter of the Application -OF- FOUNDE~S ESTATES, INC · , for the layin~ out of a new highway to be known as Extension of L~on~edieu Lane, Village and Town of Southold, Suffolk County, l~ew York. APPLICATION, CONSENT OF T0~ BOARD, RELEASE OF DA~fA~ES, ORDER.