HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEGION AVENUETOWN OF SOUTHOLD, S~FO~ COUNt, NEW YORK. In the Matter of the Application of : HARRY D~E~IS, : [0 ~&y out a new highway t~ough ~s premises : in the village of ~attituok. : To George H. Fleet, Superintendent of the Highways, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: The undersigned, HARRY DEPETRIS, who resides in Mattituck, Town,of Southold, Suffolk Oounty, New York, owns property in, and is assessable for highway taxes in the said Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to lay out a new highway in said to~wn, in the village of 2gattituok, as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of Pacific Street at a point 114.71 feet northerly from a certain angle point in s~id westerly line of Pacific Street as defined in record bearing even date herewith; running thence along land of George Tyler, S.57°3~'20"N.-2B$.82 feet to a concrete monument; thence along land of Harry DePetris, S.58°29'§0"W.-354.88 feet to a concrete monument; thence along land of said Harry DePetris, S.JSOSl'E.-4SS.2~ feet to the hortherly line of Main Road; thence along said northerly line of Main Road, S.49°02~40"W.-50.25 feet to a concrete monument at the southeasterly corner of New Bethany O~metery; thence along said New Bethany Cemetery, N.35°~l'W.- ~9~.~5 feet to a concrete monument; thence along land of said Harry DePetris N.55°Sl'40"E.-~84.03 Feet to a concrete monument; thence along land of A. Smith, N.58oo4'20"E.-245.41 feet to a concrete monumont on above described westerly line of Pacific Street; thence along said westerly line of Pacific Street, S.14o50'BO"E.- 50.0 feet to the point of beginning. Above described bearings are from the Magnetic Heridian of 192~ by survey of Otto W. Van T uyl, Licensed Surveyor, of Greenport, N.y., a map of which survey dated July 12, 1923 is filed herewith and made a part of this record. Said highway will pass entirely through the land of the under-i signed, who consents to the laying out of said highway and dedicate~ all of the land for that purpose. Said application is made in good faith. Dated July We, the undersigned, a majority oF the Town Board oF the Town of Southold, hmving met at the office oF the Supervisor, at Greonport, in said Town on the ~ ~-~ day. of August, 192~, and coosidered the Application of Harry DePetris for the laying out of a new highway to be known as Legion Road, at Nattituck, in said Town, do hereby consent that such l~yiog out be made in accordance with ths prayer of the within petition. Super of Highways. I, HARRY DePETRIS, of ~attituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, to me in hand paid by George H. Fleet, Town Superintendent of Highways, of said Tov~ of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway to be known as Legion Road, at Mattituek, described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of Pacific Street at a point 114.71 feet northerly from a certain angle point in said westerly line of Pacific Street as defined in record bearing even date herewith; running thence along land of George Tyler, S.57o33'20"W.-2~6.82 feet to a concrete monume~t; thence along land of Harry DePetris, S.58°29'50"W.-534.68 feet to a concrete monument; thence along land of said Harry DePetris, S.S5°51'E.-435.23 feet to the northerly line of Main Road; thence along said northerly line of Main Road, S.49°02'40"W.-50.23 feet to a concrete monument at the southeasterly corner of New Bethany Cemetery; thence along said New Bethany Oemetery, N.zsO31'W.-49~.65 feet to a condrete monument; thence along land of said Harry DePetris N.58°31'40"E.-584.05 feet to a concrete monument; thence along land of A. Smith, N.55oo4~20"E.-245.41 feet to a concrete monument on above d~scribed westerly line of Pacific Street; thence along said westerly line of Pacific ~Street, S.14o50'20"E._50.0 feet to the point of begirming. Above described bearings are from hhe Magnetic Meridian of 1923 by survey of Otto W. Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor, of Greez~ort, N.Y., a map of which survey dated ~uly 12, 1923 is filed herewith and made a part of this record, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by me and described above, and do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of as aforesaid. Dated this said new highway daM of~~23. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS: OF On this 7 day of~ f ~ 192~, before me personally came HARRY DePETRIS, s.) of Mattituok, Stt~folk Ootumty, New York, personally known tb me and known to me to be the same ps~son described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public. In the Matter of the Application of HARRY DE PETRIS~ to lay out a new highway through his premises in the Village of Mattituok. APP L I 0 AT I ON, Consent of Town Board, Release of Damages.