HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEETON DRIVE Y. M. L~E~TON-SMITH, residing et Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Candlewood Path, Dix Hills, being daly sworn, deposes and sc~y s, That he is the~~~~~#~~ President o$ LIDICO C0~ORATION. a co~oration o~enized ~d existi~ ~der ~d by ~ the L~s of the State of New York, ~ its princip~ office ~d place ~uslness at 80 ~l Street, New York ~, New York; ~at L~ICO ~~~~~ CO~ORATION is the ~er of ~in praises fronti~ on ~ Island ~und at Southold, in ~e ~wn of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, ~d more p~rticularly described in ceftin D~ICATION ~ R~SE to ~e TO~ 0F ~0~ conveyi~ pre~s. to be used as a hi,way known as ~TON DRIP, ~d in a certain deed ~nv~yiDg p~emise$ ~ be ~sed .a~.~ ~P~_~ gs ~N P~, ~'~ sa~ p~em~es ~Ve o~en ~ o~ ~~°r~eceding owners ~om w~ Ht~ ~ ~v~ for t~ pe~od of T~ ~E~RS ~t ~t ~nd ~Pw~r~ ~nd t~t ~ possessio~ t~r~f ~ been pe~eab~ a~d ~ndis~rbed and t~t t~ t~reto ~ never been d~p~Md or q~s~o~d ~ t~ know,rite of deponent ; ~ponent know ~ of notkin~ wkick might tend to b~ s~ Ht~ into q~es~n or by re~o~ of w~ick ~n~~~of s~ prem~es or to ~ny ~ndi~ed interest therein, ~verze to~-~ ~ be set ~p or ~; ~ s~ premises ~re ~nd c~r of ~y ~nd ~ll l~ns, encumbrances or c~ of eve~ n~m~, ~t~re or kind, citer recor~d or ~nrecorded, EXCEPT: ~e coven~ an~ contained in said deed of conveyance ~ the s~d T0~ OF S0~O~. Deponent ~r sa~ s t~t t~re is no j~ment, or~r or ~ree ~ponent or said .co~oration ~np~ or ~nsa~ of reco~; f~t no proceedings ~ b~nk~pfcE ~ve ever been insH~d bE or ~inst or ssi4 corporation nor~ ~ponent or ssi4 ever m~ a~y"~si~ment for t~ behest of crediWrs; T~t ~t tk~ ~ t~re are no ~np~id t~s or ~sess~nts, ordina~ or extr~ ordinal, now d~ or le~ed ~inst s~ prem~ or ~ny p~ t~reo~ EXCEPT: or ~anchise t~ T~t no payoff of ~ny FeStal or S~te Ineo~ T~ ever been denned of ~ponent or said corporation and s~tl re--ins T~t sa~ premises are not c~r~eable or encumbered by any ~ederal ~s~tes T~ or Col~ter~l In~t~nce or Transfer Tax or any ot~r Taw; ~t said corporation is not at this ~ Bo~m~p~ ~ng BO~D ~o~ ~ng person, fl~ or corpor~n; T~t ~corpo ra~[~w in possess~n of sa~d premises ~bove desc~bed,. ~t ~ponent i s a ciHze~ of the United S~tes of ~c~ and of a~e of twen~-one y~rs and ~pwar~; expl~~ to deponent That each and att of the foregoing statements and representations are in each and all respects frae and are made for the parpose of inducing the Town of Southold to accept a dedication of L~m. TON ~RX~E and to accept the conveyance of premises to be known as LEETON PARK, well knowing that said Town of Southo. ld will exercise control and ownership of ~aid premises and make xmprovements the~e~p~ ~ / ./~~ 8~bsoribed ~nd swo~ to before ~'Z/ ~,~/ the contents thereof had been f~ll!/ JO~BPH A. KRUFSKI RITARY PUBliC In THE STATE of NEW YORI( ~iding in Suffolk County ~ffolk F. ~. LEESTON-S~ITH TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STA~E OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. In the Matter of the Laying out of a eertain Town Highway in the.Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. DEDICATION AND RELEASE WHEREAs, application has been duly made to the Town Superintende~t of Highways of the Town of Southolds in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway to be known as LEETON DRIVE, and WHEBEA.~, LIDI00 CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of New York, with its prin- cipal office and place of business at 80 Wall Street, New York §, New York, is the ovmer of the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided, and is the only person, firm or corporation having any interest in the lands through v~ich the highway is proposed to be opened, NOW, THEREFORE, the said LIDIC0 CORPORATION, in consideration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOT.T.A~ to it in hand paid, by wAROLD PRICE, Town Super- intendent of Highways of the To~ of Southold, the receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged, and in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as T.~RTON DRIVE, DOES ITEREBY DEDICATE, RET.EASE AND CONVEY TO THE SAID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, for highway purposes, the following land, to wit:- AT.T, that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:- The point of beginning is ascertained as follows: BEGINNING at a con- crete monument, marking the corner formed by the intersection of the north- erly side of North Sea Drive with the easterly side of Kenney's Road, as shown on a certain survey made February 23, 1950, by William L. Miller, Licensed surveyor, Wading River, New York, and guaranteed to the Inter- County Title Guaranty and Mortgage Company as of the s,me date; thence run- ning South 39 degrees, 24 minutes, 00 seconds West 50.22 feet to the westerly side of Kenmey's Road; thence running North 40 degrees, 53 minutes, 00 seconds West 143.29 feet along the westerly side of Kenney's Road to the point o~ place of beginning of the premises hereby described, being the same point where the southerly side of the proposed Leetbn Drive intersects said westerly side of Kenney's Road. BEGINNING at said last-mentioned point of beginning; thence running along said southerly side of the, proposed Leeton Drive South 45 degrees, 35 minutes, 30 seconds West 2.151.32 feet; thence running North 38 degrees, 32 minutes, 40 seconds West 50.26 feet to the northerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive; thence running along said northerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive, North 45 degrees, 35 minutes, 30 seconds East 2,149.26 feet to the w~sterly side of Kenney's Road; thence r,m~ing South 40 degrees, 53 minutes, 00 seconds East 50.09 feet to the point or place of beginning; containing 2.468 acres of land. Being the same pr~lses as descr~ed~ Par~lNumher Thr~ in a certa~ deed o£ ~ldico Corporation to the To~ of So~hold of even date. AND the said LIDIC0 CORPORATION does hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said above described new highway. IN WITNESS ER~OF, the said LIDIC0 CORPORATION has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed end these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer this o~'fday of ~, 1950. LIDIC~ CORPORATION tF~ M~ L~sto~th,~ Pre,id en~t~. STArffE OF NEW YORK, ) On the ~S ~ay of F, M. T.I~I~TON-SMITH, 1950, before me came to me knower, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he that he is the President of LIDIC0 CORPORATION, the corporationsdescribed in' and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said oorporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. JOSEPH A. J~RUPSK! I~TARY PUBLIC in TH~ STAT~ of NEW · e.~fng Ju Suffolk Comity ~f/oik Comity Clerk'~o. 1136 In the I/etter of the Laylng out of a certain Tomb Ht~h~ey in the Tow of ~outhold, ~ounty of Suffolk e~d State of New York. WON I~I/AD~NQ ~D FILI~Q the dedication end release of LI~)ICO CO]~ONATION dated lands for a cer~ln proposed ~wn highway to be ~o~ as ~SOL~D, that cons~t be ~d the s~e ~reby Is ~lven t~t the T~ Superind~dent of Highways of the T~ of Southold, make ~ order laying o~ the aforesaid ~ Hlg~ay to consist of the lan~ d~crlbed ~ the s~d d~l~tion ~d rele~e and to extend ~ dell~ated upon the ~p ~exed to said application, al! in,acco~d~ce ~th the provis1~s of Section 171 of the ~y ~w of the State of N~w Yo~k; ~t~, at the office of the S~erlvlsor of the To.n of Southo~d, at Gre~port, COUNTY OF SUFFOLk, T~WN OF In the Matter of the Layln~ out of certain To~n H~hwsy in the Town of Southold, Cowry of ~lk ~ State of New Y~k. WITH TH~ CON,T~T OF T~, ~0~ BOA~. ORAL &PPLI~TION having been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of Highways f~ the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of a certain Town Wlg~ey, In the said Tom of Southold, by I~[DICO COI~POI~TION, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town hewing been given es prescribed by law, and a dedication end release from d,m,~es hevin~ been executed, acknow- ledged end delivered by the owner of the lends through which the proposed highway Is proposed to be laid out, e copy of whtch Is hereto annexed, and nothing hewing been paid to any claimant for suCh d~na~es, NOW, TH~F~N, I, the To~n Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO H~I~y D.~T~I~ A~ 0~ t~t a to~ hl~hway ~11 be, ~d the ~e Is hereby laid out ~ said To~ es follows, ~d Is to be ~o~ e8 ~-~TON DR.~V~ which shall be fifty feet ~ wldth:- ~tLL that certain piece or parcel of lend situate, lyln~ and being in the Town of Southold, Cowry of Suffolk aud State of New Yo~k, bounded end described as follows:- The point of beginning Is e~certeined es follows:- BBGIHNI~G et a concrete monument, ~rking the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of ~orth Sea Drive with the e~sterly side of Kenney~s Hoed, ss shown on s certain survey mede February,3, 1950 by Nllliam L. Miller, L~censed Surweyor, Wadin~ Rlver~ New York, end gtmranteed to the Inter-County Title Guaranty end Mortgage Com~ny es of the s~e date; thence l~mning South ~ degrees, ~4 m~nutes, O0 seconds Nest 50.~H feet to the easterly side of Kenney~a l~osd; thence running North 40 degrees, 83 minutes, O0 seconds West 143.~9 feet along the westerly side of Keaney~s Road to the point or place of be~lnnln~ of the premises hereby descrlbed, being the same point where the southerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive intersects said westerly side of ~enney~a Road. B~NNING et said lsat-mentioned point of beg~nn~, thence runnln~ along said southerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive South 45 de,tees, ~5 minutes, ~0 seconds West 2,151.32 feet; thence running ~orth 38 degrees~ 3~ minutes, 40 seconds West 50.26 feet to the north- erly side of the proposed Leeton Drlve; thence running alon~ said northerly side of the proposed Leeton Drive North 45 ds~rees, 35 minutes, ~0 seconds ~ast 2~149.~6 feet to the westerly aide of Kenney~s Road; thence running South 40 de, tees, 53 minutes, O0 seconds Nest 50.09 feet to the point or place of beginning; CONTAINING ~.468 acres of land. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. LIDiCO to - --- ~ 46TM 3S' = 2.-'f682 ~¢ra,s ISL A ND / 70/, S 0 U/VD ~.Appr~x~ N 4S°35'3~9"£ 4£0. o0' DR~VI -~ ,~ 4~-°,9,~'~0"W ~50. oo' L/~e proposeo~ Per,~ NORTH $£A DRIV£ AR£A GREAT POND ~o Int~er-Coon?y Trtle 6~r~nly A4orlcggge Oompo'o~l. Febru,~ry 23rd. l$~qO. MAP OF PROPERTY SCALE SOUTHOLD-TOWN OF SOIJTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY-NEW YORK I"=lO0' COURSES MAGNETIC LIDI C 0 CORPORATION WADING RIVER,N.Y. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER-LAND SURVEYOR NEW YORK STATE LICF_,NSE NO. 788S MAP NO. 8¢7