HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAND UNDER WATER SW CORNER MATTITUCK CREEK THIS INDENTURE, :~ade in duplicate the 31st day of Nay, 191Y., between the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and stateof New York, by a majority of its duly elected Truste~ and by virtue of Chapter 61~ of the Laws of ~v Yo~_k, passed in 1~93, and pursuant to a written resolution ~dopted by a majority of the ~rd of Trustees of said Town ~f ~ou~old, at a meeting held pursuant to Notice duly given Fo all the members th~?eof, on the 31st day of Nay, 1917~ )ar~y of the fir~ part, and GEORGE H. MLEET, as To~n ~uperintenden't of. Hig~ways of said Town of Southold, party ~f the ~cord psrt, WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for divers good cs~'~ses and considerations, and in considerati¢ of the sum of' ONE DOLLAR, in hand paid, t~e r~eip% v,~hereof, is here,by a~knowledged, has released and does hereb~ grant and release unto the said party of the second pest, and his suc~es~or~s in office, all waters and land under water, and right~ or othez" interests therein, such as the Town of So~thold acquired mud no, holds by virtue of any ~olonial ~tent or (harte~ in the Southwesterly carnet of Nattituck ~reek, at Natti~ek, in the said Town of Southold, 0ounty of' ~uffolk a~d SSate of N~ York, mud bounded and described ~z follow s: Bounded ~¥esterly by line Beginnlrg at a granite mo, nument on land now of lber~ H. Sllkworth, formerly of r,i~-z~eR. Grant, and running ~hence North ~o 19~ W. ~1.~ feet across the ~reak where the h~ghw~/ and bridge now are to a granite mo.n,~ment 'on land Fo~'merly of Beul~ Duryea, and Easterly by a line parallel theret.~,-ar~ three rod distant therefrom, and extending across the '~eek f~om Hlghwater mark on one side to Highwater mark on the other side, as the Highws~ was laid out over the same by 0_~der dated June 2~rd, 1900, made by Luther B. Oo~ George H. Fleet and 0smund ~;. Young, 0ommissioners of Highway~ and r?.eorded in Southold Town Records, Liber I, at psges $1~ and ~-1%, July 5th, 1900, bM ~illiam Y. Pithian, Town 01er~ the purpose of the location erection and maintenanc~ of a public h~lg~hway bridge with b~lkheads and the necessary approeches and appurtenanees~er and upon the said granted premlse~s, s~bJeet to the public right of navigation over said water~ and to s~tch restrictions as to the hat,ire of the Bridg~ to be e. rect~ thereon, as may be imposed b~; the ~ar Departmen? of' the Unit~d ~tat~s of America. And ~ubJ~c~ to such Res~va~ions ani Limitations, to have and to hold the said easement of way to the said party of~ the ~ec~d p~t, and his successors in of~ce forever. IN ~ZTNE~9 w}{ERE0~F~ the said party of the first part has by a vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town, caused its Co~rporate s~al to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of said Board of Truste~s, the ~ay~and year first above writ~n. The Town of Southold. a majority of th~ Board of Trust~es of the Town of Southold. St ate of N~w Yo~rk, ) 99: Gounty o~ 9uffo. lk, ) On the 31st day of May, 191y, befo, r~ me p~r~onatly ca~ CHA~E9 J. NcNULTY, of Natt~tuck, ~ILLI~ N. ~EBE, of Cutoho~, ~NRY ~. PRINCE, of 9out~old, ~ D. 9~BURG, of Gre~npo~, and ~RER T~ER, of 0riel, per~n~Iy kn~n to me, who bei~ by m~ duly s~verall swo~, oath for himself ~id depose and ~y that he resid~ In the T~n of ~uthold, in the cowry of ~uffolk and State of New ~.~k, that ha was one of the T~stees of said Town of Southold, the ~rporatAon deserib~ in and whioh exeeut~ the feregoing i~t~t; that he knew the ~al of said Town ~f ~uthold~ that the s~al a~lxed to said instant ~as suc~ 3o~orate a~l; ~hat it was so a~i~md by o~er of the Bo~d ~f T~st~s o~f ~id To~wn ef 9outhol~, and that he signed his ~e th~ as a m~er of Like o~er. said Board of Trustees by the THIS INDENTURE, ~,~.ade in duplicate the 31st dam of ~a¥, 1917,' between the T~wn of Southold, in the ~folk and s~e of New York, by a maJorlt~ of i~s dul~ ~i~tod T~te~ ~d by virtue of ~hapt~r 61~ Of the Law8 of ~ Y~k, ~ed In lee}, and ~r~ant to a writ*,en resolutlo~ ~dopt~ by a ~Jorlty of the Boa~ of T~teem of ~ald T~n )f 8ou~old, at a meeting held ~rsuant to Notie~ duly giv.~n ~o all tb~ ~embers th,~eof, on the }lst 4ay of Nay~ 1917~ Tow~ pa~y of the flr~ pa~, a~ GEORGE U. ~LEET, as ~perintend~ ~ ~ghways of said Town of 8ou~hold, party ~f the ~ P~, · IT~TH, that the said party of the first part, for diwers go~ e~ses and eonsid~tlons, and in considerati~ of the ~m of O~ DOLLAR, in hand paid, the r~lpt whereof, Is h~ebM ac~wledg~d, has released and does hereby and r~e~e ~ the ~aid party of the ~cond p~t, and his su~ss~rs In office, all w~ers and land u~er water, and righ~ or other Interests therein, such aa the Town of S~old a~ulr~ and nom~holds bM virtue of ~ Colonial ~tent or ~arter In the ~outhwester~ corner of ~attltuek ~r~, at Mattituek, in the ~aid T~n of Sou~hold~ of ~olk md State of N~ Yor~, and bounded and describ~ as follow s: Bound~ west?rlM b~ a line Beginnlrg at a granite .monument on land now of Albe~rt H. Bilkworth, formerly Gl' Llzzi*R. Grant, and running thence North ~8o 19' W. ~1.2 feet across the Greek where the h~ghw s~ and bridge now are to a granite monument on land formerly ef Beulsh Dur¥~a, and Easterly by a line parallel ther~o, and three rod~i~tant therefrom, and extending across the oreck f"om Highwater m~rk on one side to Highwate~ marx on the other wide, as the .Uighwe~ wa~ laid out over the same by Order dated .~une 23rd, 1900, made by Luther R. Go~, Oeorge H. l~laet and Oamun~ ,V. Ymln~, ~ommlssiona~s of Highways, and ~oo~ed in ~o,~hold Town Reo~s, Libe~ l, at %1~ and hl~, &~Iy 5th, 1gO0, by ~illl~ Y. Flthl~, T~n ~or the put.se Of the l~ation e~otion and maint~oe Of a. ~blio h~ bridge with bul~eads a~ the appr~eh~ a~ appurtenances ove~ a~ u~on th~ said grant~ pr~s, ~bJ~ot to the ~blic right of navigation over ~aid watev~ ~ to such restrictions as to th~ nature off the to be e ~et~ thereon, ~ may be i~,:,~ed by th~ War Dopartm~nl off the Unit~ S~t~ of ~erlca. And ~bJ~ot to such Res~rvations an~ Limitations,' to have and to hold the said easement of way to the said party of the ~ee, a~d part, and his succ,~ssors in ofFlee fo~e~er. IN W~TNE~$ ~EREOF, the ~aid party of the Flrut part has by a vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees of said Town, caused it~ Corporate seal to be here~mto affixed, and the~e pr~ents to be subscribed by a majority of ~ald Board of Tru~te-~, the day and y,~ar first above written. ~it ne as: The Town of ,~o~lthold. a maJori'ty of"the Board of the Town of .~outhold, St ate of New YOrl~, ) ~S: ~onnty of Sufffo. l~, ) On th~ ~lst dam off MaM, 1911, b~o~ m~ p~o~llM ca~ ~HA~LE2 J. MoN~TM, Of ~NE D. S~U~BU~G, of Gr~npo~, and ~RED T.~ER, of swo~, ,ach for himself did d~pos~ and mM that h~ ~;~n the T~n of ~uthold, in the ~o~tM of ~uffol~ and Stat~ ~f N~ ~ ~at h~ was on~ of the T~st~s of ~Id Town off So~hold, th~ ~rporat~on d~e~lb~ In and whioh ex~cut~ the fore~oln~ imtEmt; that ho kn~ th~ ~al of ~ld Town ~f ~uthold~ that th~ s~al a~ix~d to ~aid instant was so~orat~ ~I; that ~t was so affi~ bM o~r of th~ Bo~d )f T~st~s of ~id To~n of ~outhold, and that h~ sl~n~d his ~e ~ ~to a8 a m~e~ of ~ld ~oa~d off T~stees by the Like O~d er. REL=AS~, OF LAND UNDER ?OWN OF ~OUTHOLD to TO!~fN SU'PERINT}]ND~NT 07 HIGH,rAYS ,,_ ._ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_,,_._,,_ ,,_ ,_ ._,,_._ ._ ._ ,,_ ,,_.,