HomeMy WebLinkAboutKOUROS ROADSTATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, T0'~ OF S0~HOLD In the Matter of the Application : of Olympia Koures for the laying out ef new highways in New Suffolk, ~_u the : Term ef Seutheld, ¢o~nty of Suffolk and State ef New York, to be known as Ke~ros : Road and Bunny Lane. 0BDER LAYING OUT HIGH~AYS WITH T~ CONSW~NT 0F T~ TOWN BO~3D. Written application having been duly made to me the Town Superintendent of Eighways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk Co-~t~, New York, for the layiag out ef two Town Highways in the said Town! of Seuthold, ~y G!ympia Keuros, liable to De assessed for highway taxes in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and a dedication s~ud release from d~mages having been executed, acknowledged and de~- livered by the owners of and other persons interested Lu the lmudsI through~nich the two proposed highways are proposed to be laid cup, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Town Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ORDER that two to~n~ highways shall be: Superintendent of Highways of thel New York, DO ~REBY DETER~TNEA~~ and the same are hereby l~i~ out at New Suffolk, in said Town, as follows, and are to be known as 1. Kouros Road and 2. Bunny Lane, respectively each of which shall be fifty feet in width: The northerly line of the proposed highway to be known as Kouros Road begins at a concrete monument set on the easter~ly line of Grathwohl Road, 558.50 feet northerly along said easterly line from its intersection ~ith the northerly line of New Suffolk _&venue; and runs over land of Olympia Kouros, S. $1° 2i~ 30~ E. -757.37 feet to a concrete monument and l~d of H. G. Tuthill Estate; thence along said l~nd of E. Go Tuthitl Estate, S. 84° I?~ lO~ E. -135.12 feet to a concrete mon-~ment; bei~g the lnorbherly terminus of the easterly line ef a proposed highway to be known as ~nny Lane, herein- below described. The so~mtherly line of the proposed highway te be know as Kouros Read is parallel with and 50.0 feet southerly from the above described northerly lime, measured mt right a~g!es thereto. The easterly line of the proposed highway to be known as Bunny Lane beginsat a concrete mon~ment set on the northerly line of New Suffolk Avenue, 853.30 feet easterly along said nerthsrly line from its inter- section with the easterly line of Grathwohl Road,being the southwesterly cormer of land of Fanning; and runs along said land of Fanaing, and over land of Olympia Kouros, N. 6° %9~ 00, E. -60~.!7 feet to a concrete monument and l~Jud of H. G. TuthilI Estate; being the easterly terminms of the northerly lire of a proposed highway to be known as Kouros Road, hereimabove des- cribed. The westerly line of the proposed highway to be known as Bunny Lane is parallel with and 50.0 feet westerly from the above describe~ easterly line, meas- ured at right angles thereto. Dated~ the day of ~4~ ~ 1952 Harold D. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways, To~a of Southold, Suffolk Co~&uty, New York. TOV~ OF S0'JTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the Natter-of the ApPlication of Olympia Kouros for the laying out of new highways in New S-~ffolk, in the Town of Southold, Celerity of Suffolk and State of New York, 2o. be k~own as Kemros Road and Bun_uy Lane. CONSF~T Ne, the udersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the Co~ty of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a regular meeting of said Town Beard, at the office of the Supervisor at Greenport, ~u said Town, on the ~ day of~ , 1952, and having duly considered the application of Olympia Kouros, dated the 28 day of Nay, 1952, for the laying out of new highways at New Suffolk, in said Tom~, mad t~ be known as ~ouros Road and Bunny Laue~ do hereby consent that suc~ laying out be made ~u accordance with said petition. s ervisor ustice o. the Peace Superintendent of H~g~ays TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEN YORK In the Matter of the Application of Olympia Kouros for the laying out of new highways im New Suffolk, in the T~m of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, te be k~own as Kouros Road amd B~ny Lane. RELEASE I, Olympia Kouros, being the owner of certain land in New Suffolk, in the Towm of Southold, CoUnty of Suffolk and State of New York, over which lands certain proposed highways, known as Kouros Road and Bunny Lane-and described in the applicatio$ in thel above entitled matter, dated ~ay 28, 1952, will pass, Now, in consideration of One ($1) Dollar to me in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways of said Southotd Town, and in further consideration of the laying out of the new D~ghways, know~ as Kouros Road and Bunny Lane, do hereby release amd dedicate to the Town of Southold, all the land heretofore owned by me and through which said proposed highways will pass, and des-i cribed as follows: The northerly line of the proposed highway to be known as Kouros Road begins at a conorete monument set on the easterly line of Grathwehl Road, 558.50 feet northerly along said easterly line from its intersection with the northerly line of New Suffolk Avenue; and r~ns over land of Olympia Kouros, S. 81° 21~ 30~ E. -757.37 feet to a concrete monument and land of H. G. Tuthi!l Estate; thencealong said land of H. GA Tuthill Estate, S. 84o 17~ lO~E. -134.12 feet to a concrete monument; being the northerly terminus of the easterly line of a proposed highway to be known as Bunny I~ne, hereinbelow described. The southerly line of the proposed highway to be known as~Kouros Road is parallel with amd 50.0 feet southerly from the above described northerly line, measured at right angles thereto. The easterly line of the proposed highway to be known as Bunny Lane begins at a concrete monument set on the morther~y line of New Suffolk Avenue, 853.30 feet easterly ~long said northerly line from its inter- section with t~ easterly li~e of GrathwohI~Road,~ beimg the southwesterly corset ~F land of F~ing; ~d r~s along said l~ ef F~img, ~d ever l~d ef O!~pia Keyes, NJ 6® $9~ GO"' E, -605.I~ feet ts a concrete mon~ent ~d l~d ef H. G& Tut~ll Estate; ~g the easterly te~inus ef the nerther~ l~e of a proposed ~ghway to be ~e~ as Ko,es Road, ~reinabove ~es- cribe~. The westerly l~e of the proposed ~ghway to be ~ as ~y ~e is para,el with ~ 5G.$ feet westerly from t~ a~ve ~escribed easterly line, meas- ured at right ~gles thereto. And I do release the said Town of Seuthold from all damages ~y reason of the laying out of said highways. Olym~a ~ouros STATE O~ NEW : COIPNTY OF SUFFOLK: On this 28th day of Nay, 1952, before m~e, the subscriber, personally appeared OLY~PI~ KOUROS, to me personally kno~ and ~lknown to me to he the s~ime person described in ~ud who executed the within Instrument and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. TOV~N OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NE~ YORK In the Natter of the Application : of~ Olympia Kouros for the tayi~g out of new highways in New Suffolk, in the : Town of Southold, County of ~folk and State ef New York, to be known as Komros : Road and Bm~uy Lane!, APPLICATION To the Tow~ Superimtendent of Highways of the Town of Southol~, in the Co~ty of Suffolk and State of New York: The mndersigaed petitioner, Olympia Koures, residing at Mattitmck, Suffolk County, New York, liable to be assessed for h~gh~ay taxes in the Town of Southold, heret:~' aDpl~ to the Town Superintendent of Highways to iay out new highways at New Suffolk~ in the Town of Somthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,~ to be known as Kouros Road and Bunny Lane, and more fully described as folt~ws: The northerly line of the proposed highway to be known as Kouros Road begins at a concrete monument set on the easterly line of GrathwohI Road, 558.50 feet northerly along said easterly line from its inter- section with the northerly line of New Suffolk Avenue; ~nd ruus over land of Olympia Kouros, S. 81° 21~ 30~ E. -757.37 feet t~ a concrete monument and land of H. G. TuthiI1 Estate; thence along said-land of H. G. Tuthi!l Estate, S. 84° 17~ i0~ E. -134.12 feet to a concrete monument; being the northerly terminus of the easterly line of a proposed highway to be known as Bunny Lane, hereinbelow described. The southerly line of the pro- posed highway to be known as Kouros Road is parallel with and 50.0 feet southerly from the above described northerly 1LRe, measured at right angles thereto. The easterly line of the proposed highway to be known as Bunny Lane begins at a concrete monument set on the northerly line of New Suffolk Avenue, 853.30 feet easterly 'along said northerly line from its inter- section with the easterly line of Grathwohl Road, being the southwesterly corner of laud of Fanning; and runs along said lamd of Fanning, and over land of Olympia Kouros, N. 6° 49~ O0. E. -60~.I7 feet to a concrete monument and land of H. G. Tuthill Estate; being the easterly terminus of the northerly line of a proposed highway to be knov~ as Konros Road, hereinabove des- cribed. The westerly line of the proposed highway to be known as B~uy Lane is parallel with and 50.0 feet westerly from the above described easterly line, meas- ured at right angles thereto. A Map of said proposed highways has been made by Otto Van Tuyl, Licensed Surveyor, Greenport, N. Y. and is aomexed here- ~o and part of this application. Annexed hereto and made a part of th~s application is a release and dedication to the Town of Southo!d by the petitioner herein, over whose property STATE OF NEW YOFZ4: COUNTY OF S~YFFOLK: OLI~PIA KGUROS, being duly is the petitioner s~_d highways are to 01~pi~' Kouros sworn, deposes and says that she ae_e~n, that she has read the foregoing petition' and known the contemds thereof, mud that the same is true to her own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon inferma~ion and belief and as !ieves it to be true. Sworn to before me tb~s to those matters she bey 28th day oD.~ay, 1952. ORDER, CONSENT, SUFFOLK COUNTY: SOUTHOLD T0%%~ In the Matter of the Applica- tion of Olympia Kouro$ for the laying out of new high- ways in New Suffolk, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York to be known as Kouros Road and Bunny Lane Dsted, May 28th, 1952 Wickham & Smith Counselors at Law Mattituck, New York N ~ 0 0 I I