HomeMy WebLinkAboutKNAPP PLACE EXTENSION ~ne undersigned, G l~ 0 R O ~. 1~ o ~ L E ~ ~ ~ ~own ~uPerinte~ent o~ ~lghwsy~ o~ the ~own o~ Southold~ ~n t~e ~ounty o~ ~ffol~ 8n~ State of ~ Yer~ having met the To~n ~oa~d o~ the ~ o~ ~outhold~ on the ~th day of ~eb- ~Y, 19~1, at t~e ~pervisor's Office, In the Village of Greenpo~, In said T~n of Southold, and having heard and eon- sldered the all~ations both In favor o~ and in opposltlo~ to the openl~ ~ la~Ing out of the highway In ~ald ~own, known~ as Bailey Argue and ~ extension of a ~lghwaF kno~ as Knapp~ Place, both In ~ld Town of Mouthold, North of the Village Greenpor~, N~, upon the written application of ~. B~LNY, a Person liable to be assessed for Hlghwa~ T~ee In Said To~, which application Is hereto ~nexed, and the written consent of the To~ Boa~ of said T~n, having been given given, as pres~rib~ by 1~, which ls hereto annex~, and th~ ~LEA~N from d~es having been execut~ by CH~E~ G. B~- LEY, ~NIE G. BR0~, ~IL G. KOLB, ~HARL~ N. BU~, and OTI POS~ hlghw~s are to Pass, ~lch ls hereto ?~exed, the cone: e~tlon paid to an~ one ela~ant for ~eh d~age being n0thin having been hsd thereon, it is hereby 0 R D E R r. DD and D E T E R M ! N ~ ~ that the highway known as BAILEY AVENUE and the extension of the highway known 1as XNAPP PLACE 1Ming NOrth of the Village of Gree~ort,. ~said Town of SOUthold, be open~ and laid out as follows.- ~ ~e center l~e of said B~LEY ~ follows :- Beginning on the section With the NortherlF end of Main Street, Greenpovt, ~d 1~6.~ feet East~lM from a Granite monument at the Northwest- erly ocher ~ the fa~ formerl~ o~ bM ~ekley and ~nnlng o thence throb said fa~ fo~erlM of ~okley, ~. 33 2~' E., 95~.09 feet to. the ~int in the Northerl~ line o~ ~h~mPlln / O Place , which point bears N. 75 25~ E., and is distant 26.15 feet from a Granite mou,&ment act to mark the intersection of the Northerly llne of said CAHMPLIN PLA~E with the '~Yesterly line of this ~AIL~Y AVENUE now laid out and opened. Said high- way is of a uniform width of Nifty (T0) feet. The bearings given are M~netie, 190g. A map of the above described Highway made January 12, 1921, by Halsey a Van T~yl, ~ivil Engineers, Hlverhead, N.Y. is filed herewith end made a pert of this order. The extension of XNAPP PLACE is described as follows-'~ The Northerly side thereof beginning at the Junotion of the Northerly line of XNAPP PLACE aa heretofore laid out and open,ed ?ith the Easterl~ end of XNAPP PLACE es heretofore laid out and ~opened and running thence Easterly on a line which a continu- ation of the Northerly llne of KNAPP PLA~E as heretofore laid O lout and opened on a course N. 7~ 2~' E., 159.07 feet to the .~ester]y side off BAILEY AVENUE as J~st hereinbefore laid out; thence rtmnlng Southerly by and with the lYesterly line of BAILEY e AVL~UN as Just hereinbefore laid out ~. 53 ~?' ~., until it inter'sects a line which is the continuation Easterly of the Southerly line of XNAPP PLACE as heretofore laid out and opened, O and r~nnlng thsnoe $. ?~ 25' W., 15~.9~ feet on the line last mentioned to t~e Easterly end of XNAPP ~LACE as it was hereto- fore lai~ out and opened~ and running N. 33 21' ~., 52.25 feet along the Easterl~ end of KNAPP PLAOE as it was heretofore laid out end opened to the point or place of beginning, beingi fifty feet in width throughout its entire length, and passingI entirely through the land of said CHARLES ~. ~AILEY, as laid down on a map filed hereWith and made a Part of this order.. Dated thlsT~_~aday of PebruarF, 1921. Town ~uperintendent of Highways of the Town of $outhold. The undersigned, liable to be assessed for~g.hway~a~ in the said Town of_~ Southold, hereby applies, to you to lay,.ou..t~ighwayain said town,Acommencing'~__~ _ which proposed highwa~y~will pass through the lands of ~ ~ Dated, this day of I :as 'B AIL~.Y )ll~ation, Oo~sent ;: :Release ::and Order.: ~-~ In th,; i,[~t~-,~.. o.,.' tho ~'q~plic,~tion of ?, ,~L~L-, G. ~AIL~ tho l'!n~ X .... ~1~ .............. rte, CH3~E~ O. BAILEY, JCl21 ~QLB~ i~TIE BR0~, ~HA~E~ BURT {n~ "~ILLI~[ 0TI~ PA~E, of G~oonpo?t, in J'" ~outhold, ooun%l~ o: ~folk qi:~l o~te,~ ~ of ".~4- York, and incon :iao q~lon of' th~ :~3J~ of One Doll'~ '~o ~s by .... a,~o~c~ H. wlaot, ..... Esq.~ To~n~ ~u~tcrln%on~ent of Highway, of tho T~:n o:~' ,o~,~o15, in th~ CO~l~ty O''~ q~'.Uoik of .Nov York, the renai!t ,,~eroof i,-, hereby do l%oreby 00Ng~T that t~7o hi~¥'rays be laid out and opened ao~oss our p~iSes qt Greon~o:~, 1~3 tho said Town of q~ho_d, which have' be~n ~rvey~ a~ :~e do~:cribod follov~s: Tho Fi:~st k~,wn as _Bailey Ave~e beginni~ on the qo~th ~ide off the 01d King's Highrf~ no~h 6f the Vlllqge of ?~'~ '~ .... Greonport, at a point' 160 feet.~distant frUn the North~esterly ..... · d 0harles G. Bailey N. 75° 19' East OOl~er Of the l~d of ""' - therefrom and n~nn~ng thence ~outh ~Bt' ~7 - ~8.9B foot along the westerly .:ida thereof tl~ro~ the several lands of ~hid chiles G. Bailey, John Kolb, Annie Btm'm, Chiles ~urt ~5 "'illi~a Otis Payne to the ~orthor!~ side of ~h~a~plin Place, t~ence ~!nnlng Eac~teTl~ by and ~,~th thc n,~z~0~erlTM .side of Chmnplin Pl~oe N. ~z~ of 25 ' Ea.:~t S2.2g feet; to the ~astorly '~' o proposed Bailey Aven~le and tml:,noe ~%nning N. ~S' ~7' ~ "- e E%~torly line Of .said ~est 95~. ~6 ~eOt, bY r~nd with ~h _ .: ............. ~.,.,.~.~.~).~.~ ~ lqndg of said ~l~le~ DvOPOSed nail~ kvol~te til~)"~:,~tl t~ o - - ~h~ ~o~l~hcTl~' ol~,~ o~. tho Old King~ Bail~ Zo + ~ " and thence 9. 7~° 1~' "rest ~leng tho ~o%l'~herly :,14o of the lou~h. ~ .~,~ be~i:ln:kng at the /~TO~OS~, tho ~ ~?t~%al'i? ,i .-, u %., no?~ilO~l? 111%8 of Kn~D~ Pi'~.O~ qn~l junction off "~ ~ ' ""J E~t~??~ line o.~ Kn~?p Pl~o~ ~:~ it now is~.% line of Knapp Placog~nn:ug N-13'Z$'~gst 159, o~ feet to tho .:ldo of B~tlley Avon,.To ju:]t above menti,:ned, thence ~mnin.oj qcuthm31~ b? ':n~i ~-:[th the e.~e..1., lira of ~.il~y A~enuo j~lst -tb,~vc :[~o:rtl :no~ un'0il tho s'~:ie %ntoTs~ot'~ line ~,,::i&<l lsa ~ontin,~%tion ~qsta?~l? of tho llne nf Knap. Plqoe '~s l: :lo-v is, q:¥l :muin: 9curb N$"~' %Ve~t- ;$8.$~ :Coot on .s~aid l~st n~ntlone~l line Knapp Pl~.ec~:< !t now i~to the point or place cog beginni~; being 50 foot iu width throughout its enti~e length~d pa.~:n~," ~ enti.' ~ol~y through the t~:~ of s~id.Ch~les G. Baile and :?e 4o indivi~ lly and sever:ll~ RELEA9~ the :9~d To~ of $mlthold '~:'" all dmn~gos by ~eason of the ~:lng o~. a~4 opening of m%ch n.,.,k, ~s tln~ou~% tho sov..~.,1 prouz~e~ bc~on.~' "L.ng to us ~rl f.o h:uv'~by ~lo~ioa~8 ~loh ~D~tlo~s of o~ to !~:b!ic u~o as hl._,5, .;~ o~. b::<: mou~ of IN ":[TNE2.q ':~{ERE0?, we have hor:.~into seals this 2find ,'la!, t ~out_.ol ~. s~:t o1~ 11811~.s ar~: _ ., .Ylo uT1 ~ tO 120 ....~,~ k.,(.J..t o I:m to be tile s~ae ~e~oi~s (tcs:o~b~ in Btate of N~v York, ) On 'this -~' of Groen!-o:~, ~-:~-f?-bl-~i county, Now York, p~:':on~l~ kno'vn to :.~c~ly ~c~.,~vie~ed %o ~e th~ execute(! tho