HomeMy WebLinkAboutKING STREET© TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY In the Matter of Ascertaining, Describing : and Recording "KING STREET" and "BAY : AVENUE" as Town Highways at Orient, in : the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and : State of New York, Highways used by the : Public for more than Fifteen Years. : : ORDER ESTABLISHING TOWN HIGHWAY BY USER WHEREAS, the public for a period of more than ten years has used the lands hereinafter described as a public highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and WHEREA'S, it is in all respects proper that such highway shall be duly ascertained, described and entered on record as a town highway of the said Town of Southold, and taken over by such Town and worked and kept in repair by such Town, NOW, THEREFORE, Ie RAYMOND C. DEAN, the Town Superinten- dent of'Highways of the said Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York, do hereby ascertain, describe and enter on record as a town highway the following, to wit: Ail that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument set at the southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of E. Kenneth Tabor and the southeasterly corner of premises now or formerly of Tuthill; from said point of beginning running thence across said King Street South 9 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds West 49. 50 feet to land now or formerly of Percy Douglass; thence along land last mentioned North 77 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds West 140.16 feet; thence' South 85 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds West 59.69 feet to land now or formerly of James Douglass; thence along land last mentioned South 86 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West 117.81 feet to land now or formerly of Brown; thence along land Iast mentioned and along land now or formerly of Carl King and James Douglass South 86 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds West 226.90 feet to land now or formerly of Davis; thence along land last mentioned North 8 degrees 00 minutes West 4.73 feet; thence South 85 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds West 120.85 feet to land now or formerly of George Douglass° Jr.; thence along land last mentioned South 86 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds West 180.15 feet to the westerly line of Bay Avenue; thence along said westerly line of Bay Avenue North 10 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West 239.98 feet; thence across said Bay Avenue North 74 degrees 29 minutes East 50.12 feet to the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Bredemeyer; thence along land last mentioned South 8 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds East 135.49 feet to land of Harris; thence along land last mentioned South 6 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds East 74.90 feet to the northerly line of King Street; thence along said northerly line of King Street (being the southerly line of said land of Harris) North 86 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 115.73 feet to land now or formerly of Ingham; thence along land last mentioned North 85 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds East 61.50 feet to land now or formerly of Nolan; thence along land last mentioned North 82 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds East 115.50 feet to land now or formerly of Carl King; thence along land last mentioned North 84 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds East 112.19 feet to land now or formerly of Frost; thence along land last mentioned North 89 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East 65.67 feet to a concrete monument and land now or formerly of Floyd King; thence along land last mentioned North 87 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds East 92.03 feet to a concrete monument and land now or formerly of Tieman; thence along land last mentioned North 86 degrees 07 minutes 10 seconds East 106.60 feet to land now or formerly of TuthilI; thence along land last mentioned South 82 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds East 151.54 feet to a concrete monument and the point or place of beginning. Annexed hereto and made a part hereof is a certain map prepared by Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land Surveyors, dated entitled "Map of a Portion of King Street and Bay Avenue situate at Orient, Town of Southold, N.Y. "which said map shows the course of said highway. ~per~tendent of H~gh~ys of the To~ of Southold, Suffo~ County, New York. -2- whereas application has been made to the CoN, missioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of suffolk to lay out a highway in said town, Beginning at the easterly termination of Orchard Street in the "wlllage of Orient and running about south east through · t~e land of Thomas Vincent Young about 8 rods, thence ~orth-easter y through the lands of the said Thomas i~'Vl~cent Youngs about 40 rods, and then through the ~everal lands of Brazilla Young, Thomas V. Young, iwilliam J. Young, Samuel B. Taber, M~rcus B. Brown and ~S~0_,rge.W. Hallock, to the Bay, which proposed highway ~.w~l. 1 pass through our several lots of enclosed land, ~0,W. THEREFORE, in consideration of the laying out of ~t~ said highway, we do hereby severally release all to damages by reason thereof. Dated and sealed with our seals the 9th day i December, 1873. Smith R. Jones (LS) Samuel B. Taber (LS1 B~rzillai Young (LS) Filed and recorded by me this second February ~874, at 5 P. ~t., Albertson Case, Town Clerk At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Tomu of Southold in the County of Suffolk, at the Town Clerk's Office in said town on the fourth day of December, 1873, all the Comnissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order upon the application of John A. Rackett, a resident in said town, and liable to be assessed to work on the highway therein, for the laying out of the highway hereafter to be described and on the certificate of twenty-two reputable freeholders of said town convened and duly sworn as required by the Statutes, certifying that Such highway is necessary and proper, and notice in writin~ of at least three days having been given in due form of law to Thomas V. Young, Barzillai Young, William j. :Young, samuel B. Taber, ~areus B. Brown, George ~','. Hallock, Edward King and Richard King, occupants of the land through which such highway is to run, that the undersigned Commissioners would neet at this time and place to decide on the application aforesaid. And we having heard all reasons offered for and against laying out such highway, it is ORDERED, Determined and Certified that a public highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application, whereof a surve~ has been made and is as follows, to wit: Beginning ag the south-westerly corner of the present southerly termination of Orchard Street and running thence south 392~ degrees east, said course being the same as that of Orchard Street at its said ~ermlnation, one chain and sixty links ~hrough land of Edward King and Richard King, and then 2 chains and ~links through land of Thomas B. Young to a stake ~et up, thence north 7021 degrees east, ll chains '~hreugh enclosed land of Thomas V. Young to a stake ~et up, thence north 84 degrees east, 8 chains and $§ links through the several enclosed meadow lands of ~rzlllai Young, Thomas V. Young, Smith R. Jones Sa-,,el B. Tabor, Marcus B. Brown and George ~?. Hallock t~a stake set up, on the line of high water makk of ~e~t Bay, and the line of said survey is to be on ~first aforesaid course the westerly line of said and then its southerly line of said highway is to be three rods in width and a diagram of is hereto annexed. said Witness our hands this fourth day of December :~" J.B. Terry ) CorL~issioners ~ M.A. Latham ) of , ii~I J.W. Terry ) Highways ~W. Terry ) High~ys SMITH, T-ASKER, FINKELSTI~IN A-ND LUlq'DBI~RO September 5, 1968 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York Re: King Street and Bay Avenue, Orient Dear Albert: Enclosed herewith is order signed by the Town Superintende~lt of Highways establishing King Street and Bay Avenue in Orient as town highways by user. The order should be filed in your office. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER Enclosure TOWN OF SOUT OLD: SUFFOLK COUNTY In the Matter of Ascertaining, Describing and Recording "KING STREET" and '~BAY AVENUE" as Town Highways at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, Highways used by the Public for more than Fifteen Years. ~RDER ESTABLISHING TOWN HIGHWAY BY USER ~10 L,A,i.J. , ~ F~o~T M~P' OF A POI2TI OLt ............... . ........ ........ ITU,AT.r- AT OlZI~M,T TO\VLI 0'~- GOUT,HOLD, .N